Demons Beside You
Demons Beside You - Chapter 9: Guesses About Demonic Crystals

“Thank you for your visit. That will be twenty-three dollars.”

After making the payment, Phil took his food to go. He was about to return to his car when he suddenly felt something bite his leg.

After taking two steps, he felt somewhat dizzy. He barely managed to force himself to walk for two more steps.

However, on his next step, he finally lost his balance.

Phil gritted his teeth. He already noticed the woman who had been sitting in the corner stand up. From her action, she was clearly taking out her gun.

Phil had been frequently dealing with the police and had ended up in jail four times. He had already recognized the woman as police.

His strong willpower allowed him to draw his gun. Suddenly, however, a black thing pounced towards him and bit his wrist.


Phil’s gun dropped onto the ground. Before he could pick it up, Gerlyn had already approached him and kicked the gun away.


“Gerlyn, he can’t move already, but I need to perform first aid on him… Waiter, you don’t need to be afraid. This lady is a policewoman, and this man is a wanted criminal. We’ve already called the police, so you don’t have to worry about it.”

Raymond was a demon, but he was also a venomous snake carrying neurotoxin.

Luckily, his venom was not too strong, or at least considerably weaker than that of a viper. Moreover, the purpose of his venom was not to kill but rather to cause hallucinations.

Gerlyn realized that although Phil was poisoned and unconscious, his lower body was actually raised high.

“Bastard!” Without mercy, Gerlyn kicked Phil’s crotch.

In fact, Gerlyn was mistaken about this criminal Phil who had been bitten by Raymond.

Raymond was a subordinate demon of the King of Lust. His venom was hallucinatory and even aphrodisiac. Therefore, the unconscious Phil was probably having some erotic dreams at the moment.

Fortunately, the entire process was extremely smooth, so smooth that Gerlyn could hardly believe it.

A repeat criminal who had killed three people was actually taken down in such an effortless way.

It was all thanks to Raymond and Beelzebub, especially the former.

Gerlyn had seen very well-trained police dogs whose performance was no weaker than Beelzebub. The only difference would be their sizes.

However, she had never seen such a clever pet snake.

The snake could actually execute a complicated order. It really bit the person whom Chen Zhao asked it to.

When Chen Zhao first proposed the plan, Gerlyn almost thought that he was insane.

How could a snake understand such a complex command?

However, the reality proved that Raymond could really carry it out, and moreover to perfection.

It actually understood what Chen Zhao was trying to say.

Chen Zhao released some of Phil’s blood, so that he would at least not die of the venom.

Although Raymond’s venom was not too powerful, it might still cause death in the absence of timely treatment.

Gerlyn had already handcuffed the unconscious Phil. Then, they waited for the arrival of the police and ambulance.

“Chen, I’m sorry for ruining the dinner.”

“You did nothing wrong. You don’t have to apologize.”

“And thank you, Raymond, little demon… Chen, do they understand me? Or do I have to do some kind of special gestures?”

“Nope. They’re smart.”

Fortunately, there was no surveillance system in the restaurant. In fact, Chen Zhao had realized that not as many areas were under surveillance as he had expected.

Because they had just caught Phil, both the dinner and the subsequent event were canceled. Gerlyn needed to return to the station herself to file a report on the process.

However, she did not tell anyone the real parties involved. She only conjectured that Phil had already been bitten by a poisonous snake before entering the restaurant. Later, he tried to fight back with his gun, but Beelzebub managed to bite his wrist. Raymond was nowhere mentioned.

After all, if she said that Phil was actually taken down by a man who could control a venomous snake, everyone would either dismiss her as being crazy or send Raymond into a laboratory.

When Chen Zhao returned home, he discovered that a huge demonic crystal had appeared in the metallic box.

Chen Zhao gasped in surprise. This new demonic crystal was bigger than all the previous ones combined.

The previous demonic crystals were all like beads, while the new one was almost half as big as a normal adult fist.

Chen Zhao must have obtained it by capturing that criminal, but he was shocked at the size of the newly attained crystal. Was it true that capturing bad guys for the police had more value than saving people as a doctor?

No, this shouldn’t be the case. It must be that the criminal would probably bring greater harm if he was not captured. Hence I received such a large piece.

Just then, Gerlyn called. “Chen, thank you so much today.”

“Err… Gerlyn, with us, you don’t have to say that.”

“No, I have to. You have no idea! That bastard has killed way more than three people. We also managed to save three girls from the temporary hideaway he confessed to us. Luckily we found them in time. Otherwise, I can’t imagine how they might end up.”

“It’s really nothing.”

Chen Zhao guessed that it was like a token of merits and virtues.

However, this was known by the demons as demonic crystals. Chen Zhao took out the small demonic crystal he had obtained earlier.

“You two, come here.”

“Human, what’s up?”

“This is what you demons call the demonic crystal right?”


“Do you also have this in hell?”

“Yup, but they’re very rare.”

“How do you normally obtain demonic crystals in hell?”

“Ordinary demons can forget about getting them. Even large demons need to pay a huge price for them.”

“So how do large demons get them?”

“Likely from mining. Demon mines contain a small number of demonic crystals.”

“How do demon mines come about?”

“After human souls are reduced to hell, most of them will suffer and be tortured because of the sins they have committed while alive. After tens or hundreds of years, they will be shattered into fragments. The large demon lords will bury these fragments in special regions. When they have accumulated to a certain amount, and after another hundreds of years, demon mines will be formed. Demonic crystal is the mineral that forms in demon mines.”

If the whole demonic crystal thing is really like a token of merits and virtues, Chen Zhao thought, then can we deduce that only sinners fall into hell? But even sinners must have done something good while alive, so they have also accumulated some kind of virtues. After they have suffered enough and turned into soul fragments, their merits and virtues would still be contained in these fragments. After a long time, they would turn into demon mines, and their virtues also condense into demonic crystals.

“Can this thing only be used by demons?”

“Of course!” Beelzebub and Raymond answered simultaneously.

“I’ll give this piece to the one who tells me that humans can use demonic crystals.”

The two demons stared at each other but neither of them spoke.

Chen Zhao glanced at the two demons. It seemed that they were determined about not telling him more.

Demons Beside You - Chapter 9: Guesses About Demonic Crystals
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