The Lady’s Sickly Husband
The Lady’s Sickly Husband - Chapter 8: Into the City

 Chapter 8 – Into the City

In the afternoon, Mo Qian Xue stayed in her kitchen to grind fish and dried shrimp into fine powder. This was her own recipe for monosodium glutamate, which will be used to spice fresh dishes. If she plans to earn gold in the city, this spice would prove essential.

After she finished grinding, she dipped her finger into the mixture and tasted. Her eyes brightened up and she smiled with satisfaction. Mo Qian Xue was able to make natural msg without additives or synthetics ingredients–it was quite delicious!

After tidying up, Sister Zhang came by to remind Mo Qian Xue that tomorrow was the day Tie Zhu and his father would head to the city for business. She could join them for their trip tomorrow morning.

Ning Shaoqing, who had been quietly listening through the door, suddenly heard clattering sounds along with his wife’s nearing footsteps. When she entered the room, he was seated quietly by the table with his eyes closed, wearing an cold and distant expression.

“Xiansheng** may I borrow your inkstone and paper?” Mo Qian Xue asked cautiously.

She wanted to make a list for herself before heading out to the marketplace. It wasn’t easy to travel to the city, so she needed to make sure that she buys all that she needs.

Ning Shaoqing frowned and replied, “The inkstone and paper are on the table. You may use it yourself.”

Although he agreed, he did not stand aside to give her space. Instead, he removed the chair beside him so she could have room to stand by him.

This irritable, narrow-minded man!

Mo Qian was annoyed yet amused by his temper so early in the morning. The corner of her lips raised while she gave him a measuring gaze. She ambled leisurely to his side and began to grind the ink in a casual and unceremonious manner. Mo Qian Xue spread the paper then took a brush dipped with ink using one hand. Finally she reached out in a smooth movement as she adeptly swept her brush across the canvas.

Ning Xiaoqing sat quietly on the side to observe. Initially he waited to see her make mistakes before he could have her redo her writing. He was planning to give her pointers and guidance, and perhaps even gain a compliment from her.

However, when he saw Mo Qian Xue’s calligraphy, his eyes lit up with surprise.

Her plum blossom script bloomed on paper like a flower petal. It was as if its fragrance spread attractively on the sheet.

An impressive calligraphy!

Feeling as if his pride was overcome by her plum blossom script, Ning Shaoqing stood up. “Where did you learn to write like this?”

“I may have been a maid in the past who worked in the kitchens. This small plum blossom script is convenient to use when listing dishes and their ingredients. Who knows? Perhaps I worked in a well known restaurant in the city,” Mo Qian Xue responded while continuing to write.

Seeing her thoughtfully add to the list, Ning Shaoqing’s gaze became conflicted. In the past he never cared about how much food he ate or wasted daily, but now his wife could only add vegetables to their list.

Mo Qian Xue did not notice the change in his expression. She continued to appreciate her small plum blossom script. It had been many years since she last used this style of writing. Such a skill was a treasure that finally had a use! She proudly picked up her finished list and blew on the paper. Mo Qian Xue laughed and turned to her husband. “Xiansheng, is there anything you want to add? I can buy it for you.”

Ning Shaoqing shook his head. He walked out of the house and stood quietly by the old willow tree in the courtyard. His gaze began to blur as memories flashed through his mind.

It was his crowning ceremony that day.

His father and the family elder were to announce that he would become the next clan head. As the Ning family’s heir, this was to be his most glorious day.

The next time such a ceremony would be held will be when his future wife gives birth to an heir.

The Ning Family was one of the three grand noble families in the kingdom; naturally the crowning ceremony for a grand family would be extraordinary.

Because the whole nation paid attention to such celebration, the ritual was accompanied with tight security. Ning Shaoqing made sure to remain cautious in word and deed, even though he had to drink oft.

After retreating from the crowd, his loving mother served him sobering soup while his honorable brother carried him to bed so he could rest.

Everything should have been harmonious that day!

If his honorable younger brother had been more ruthless, and pierced his heart rather than his belly.

If the poison in the bowl of sobering soup was stronger.

If he had not received the detoxifying elixir from the merciful abbot of Xian Guo Temple.

If his internal strength was not honed by his years of martial arts.…

That night, eight guards died to protect him.

That night, blood and rain intermingled.

And that night, his heart was torn by pain and grief.

Ning Shaoqing’s trembling hand pressed against his abdomen, where a scar could no longer be seen. However, he could still feel a piercing pain.

Not on his abdomen, but in his heart.

Forget it. He’ll just give up if that’s what they want.

For now he was saved, but he knew that his life would not last long. The only thing left for him was life in the mountains.

However, when Ning Shaoqing’s thoughts turned to the diligent woman in his home, a tinge of regret lingered in his heart, leaving him a faint desire to survive.


The sky was hazy and the fog in the field had not yet lifted. A carriage continued to roll along a winding country road.

Tanxiang City was far from the capital, but it was still very prosperous. It was also very close to Wang Village, about forty to fifty li away.

This was the first time Mo Qian Xue saw a bustling city in ancient times.

The city was enclosed with thirty feet high walls while the guard towers were innumerable. Occasionally soldiers would patrol the walls while some stood by the cannons. Such security ensured a flourishing atmosphere within its boundaries.

The inner city was also very lively; the limestone paved roads, red walls, and green tiled shops were crowded with civilians, carriages and horses.

All these sights caused Mo Qian Xue to tremble with excitement. She was filled with a deep determination to succeed.

She held Sister Fang’s hand and led her down the street as she searched left and right.

While Mo Qian Xue navigated through the city like a fish in water, Sister Fang was cautious by comparison. Although she had entered the city several times, it was only limited to visiting poor relatives, a couple of markets, and other places where they exchanged goods.

After wandering for a while, Mo Qian Xue soon found the largest and busiest street.

She took hold of Fang Fangzi’s hand and headed towards the building with the most stylish architecture. This building housed the best restaurant in the city–Ying Ke Xuan.

It was just before noon and the door of the restaurant had recently opened. Few customers arrived this early, so it was a good opportunity to seek business.

As soon as the pair appeared before Ying Ke Xuan’s doorstep, Lady Fang stiffly took Mo Qian Xue’s arms and pulled her aside. In a low and nervous voice, she said “We’re not good enough to mingle here. Sister Ning, it’s better if we leave this place.” Feeling embarrassed by Mo Qian Xue’s burning stare, she added “I-I’m just afraid that if we spoil their food and the restaurant’s atmosphere, we may not have enough money to compensate.”

Understanding her plight, Mo Qian Xue smiled and said in comfort, “We’ll be fine as long as Sister Fang follows my lead. Alright?”

After smoothing out their clothing to appear proper, they were greeted at the entrance by Xiao Er. Mo Qian saluted politely and explained their purpose in coming to the restaurant.

When Xiao’er learned that the pair came for business rather than for a meal, he looked at them up and down with a scrutinizing stare.

The women wore rough coats without any ornaments. They had wooden hairpins and simple chopsticks to pin up their hair buns. Seeing the pair dressed up in a villager’s style, Xiao Er’s face twisted in disdain and he proceeded to drive them out.

Between the shoving and pushing, a person suddenly entered the room.

The man wore a long coat. He appeared smart and sharp, but his face frowned in displeasure.

“What’s the matter?” His tone of speech revealed that he had some authority.

Before Mo Qian Xue could explain, Xiao Er blocked her way and immediately responded.

“Liao Guanshi, these two swindlers say that they want to discuss business with the shopkeeper. Although I wouldn’t let them pass, they still refused to comply and insist on making trouble.”

Liao Guanshi did not bother to look at the two women. Instead, he continued to speak with Xiao Er.

“Do you need me to tell you what to do? Just send them away! Give them some stew so they can stop delaying our business.” Li Guanshi ordered in irritation.

Before they could complain, Mo Qian Xue and Fang Fangzi were pushed outside of the restaurant along with food for compensation. Fang Fangzi lowered her head in embarrassment while Lady Ning glared back in defiance.

Giving them two steamed buns to appease them? Since when was she a beggar?

In her disgust, Mo Qian Xue spat in their direction. Seeing how prideful and unaccommodating they were, they’ll surely regret it in the future.

As she gazed around the vicinity, Mo Qian Xue spotted another building just across the reputed restaurant that turned them away. An elegant sign hung on its entrance–Bai Yunju. The size of the restaurant was just as spacious as Ying Ke Xuan, although its style was more simple and elegant.

Although Bai Yunju’s architecture was classic, the restaurant actually didn’t garner as many customers. Originally, Mo Qian Xue didn’t consider doing business with them.

However after being stirred into anger by Ying Ke Xuan’s prideful treatment, she decided to go make negotiations with the restaurant right across their street.

This time Mo Qian Xue was not polite. Once she entered Bai Yunju, her chin was raised haughtily and she stood there imposingly before the receptionist. With a commanding voice, she asked to meet with the shopkeeper. Mo Qian Xue was one who showed respect to those who treated her with respect. But seeing that people in this era were not willing to give her courtesy, she changed her tactics and released an air of oppression in order to demand respect.

With her strong momentum, even a soldier would be swayed!

This was also a tactic used in business.

When the waiter saw her person, although her clothes appeared worn down and lacked fashion, the woman’s temperament was extraordinary and her speech was quite arrogant. Even if she didn’t appear affluent, the waiter was afraid to mistakenly offend the wrong person, in case her identity was actually more mysterious than her appearance.

Noticing the man’s indecisiveness, Mo Qian Xue glared at the waiter and said in a chilly voice, “If you delay our business, can you afford to suffer the consequences?” The poor man’s heart jumped in fright as he heard her threat.

Sister Fang blinked in surprise. Contrary to her expectations, instead of responding angrily, the waiter actually lowered his head in guilt.

The server regarded the situation before him and proceeded cautiously.

If the restaurant encounters any harm from offending the maiden’s family, he certainly could not afford to handle the responsibility. The waiter smiled at his guests and politely offered, “I’ll show you the way, you ladies may follow my lead.”

The Lady’s Sickly Husband - Chapter 8: Into the City
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