Legend of Concubine’s Daughter Minglan
Legend of Concubine’s Daughter Minglan - Chapter 4

The Legend of the Concubine’s Daughter Minglan Chapter 4 Part 1

NOVEMBER 7, 2016


Quite a few servants in the Sheng household are bought locally, those servants who cannot bear to part with hometown, friends and families have been released by the Sheng household and still gave out some dismissal money. Everyone has been praising His Excellency Sheng as one that is kindhearted and love for the people.

Sheng Hong picked an ecliptic propitious day suitable for travelling, early in the morning, brought the whole household, big and small to set off. Sheng household has several tens of people in addition to the luggages and wagons filled up no less than seven eight ships. Sheng Hong is overly worried, then dispatch trustworthy stewards to escort several of the luggage on the ship that advanced towards north, at the same time, prepare the residence.

Yao Yiyi followed Wang shi to stay at the right side of the ship, the maids by her side has changed a few new faces, she is also lazy to remember them. As before, everyday is just eating and sleeping then eat again, unable to eat much and oversleep. Except for being seasick in the first few days, the little Young Lady Sheng Rulan that is together with her is very interested in watching the sceneries on water. On one hand watching, on the other bouncing around, speaking with this ‘dumb and foolish’ Sixth Younger Sister.

Little Young Lady Rulan is reckoned to not have left the house much, even if it is just big crow taking flight she can also be interested for a long time. Waving her fat fingers around and making a fuss over nothing the whole journey. When Wang shi could not bear it any longer then she chided her with a few words. Little Rulan is gloomy, dare not to always climb onto the ship’s windows, as long as she comes to talk with Yao Yiyi, every time she chatters continuously for a long time. Yao Yiyi would then weakly and without strength sound out an ‘en’1 or nod.

“Mother, I see that Sixth Younger Sister is really foolish, even not being able to speak.” The six years old little Rulan express dissatisfaction regarding the new companion.

“Fifth Younger Sister, do not talk nonsense. Minglan is sick, I heard her speak yesterday. She is younger than you by more than year and also just lost Concubine Wei, you certainly am not allowed to bully her.” The twelve years old Sheng Changbai seated by the window reading, tall and straight appearance with delicate features.

“Yesterday she only said four words — ‘I need the toilet’, Big Sister you also heard it.” Little Rulan pulled the braid of Yao Yiyi. On the soft couch, Yao Yiyi did not move a single jot, seems like she fell asleep again.

“Enough, Rulan.” The thirteen and half Miss Sheng Hualan is exactly slender and beautiful. Maturing like a flower just blossoming into a white orchid, the same loveliness and prettiness. She sat at the soft table browsing through embroidery patterns “What noise are you making for nothing, listening to you chatter continuously the whole journey, not of bit well-behaved like that of an established family. If you make noise again, take care that I go to father, ask father to punish you by copying books. See if you still have the leisure mood to care about others, play by yourself.”

Little Rulan pouted, apparently a little afraid of the eldest sister, unwillingly jumped down from Yao Yiyi’s soft couch to one side to play Cat’s Cradle2. When she walked behind Sheng Hualan, still pulled a wry face towards her.

Not too long later, the first class maid by Hualan’s side entered. Hualan put down the pattern in her hands and asked “How are things?”

That maid pursed her lips into a smile, replied “It is indeed not out of Miss’ expectations, it is bustling over there. Because we are on the ship, the trouble is not out of hand, this moment tears are being plastered. I originally wanted to ask around more, Aunty Liu kicked me out.”

Hualan smiled, happy internally. Changbai put down the scroll, frowning “You went to inquire again, father already instructed not to ask anymore. Why do you always not listen, scouting all the day long, how is this fitting of a young miss from an established family.”

Hualan rolled her eyes at her younger brother, “What are you being long-winded about, my affairs you need not bother, read your books.” and continued to softly talk to herself “…… if she really offended father, for what reason can it be? Must ask mother tonight……serve you right!”

Yao Yiyi narrowed her eyes pretending to be asleep, being the sole person who knows the whole situation in the room, she feels that the sceneries in the ship is more marvelous than the outside these few days. Just sailed off for ten days, Sheng Hong fired two three stewards at the dock, please take note, all surnamed Lin.

They were originally the poverty-stricken clan mates who came to seek shelter from Concubine Lin. These few years they became Concubine Lin’s left and right arm, managing the farmhouse and shops outside, undertaking purchasing errands inside, the person before and after are all impressive from all eight angles. This time Sheng Hong wants to expel people, they are naturally unwilling, pleading before Concubine Lin and she receive a huge shock. Her thoughts careful and smart, knows that something is amiss. Immediately going pleading for leniency before Sheng Hong but this time no matter how she reason with him, Sheng Hong is still cold, ignoring her. Unfortunately, they are on the ship, masters and servants mutually hears things from head and tail. It is not good for her to play string instruments, play the flute or beautifully shed tears3, that entire set of skills. She could only helpless watch herself get pushed off the arm.

Wang shi is happy till flowers bloom but dare not to reveal that on her face. Having no choice but to control her cheeks, daring not to publicly express her happiness, supporting till she was extremely exhausted. Her mood is cheerful, actions became more magnanimous. Treating Yao Yiyi with increasing intimacy, food and clothing all purchased according like that of her own daughter. The moment the ship stops close to shore, she invited a physician to diagnose Yao Yiyi, see if it is really foolish. What a pity, Yao Yiyi is not cooperating, as before still looking sickly, not eating more than a few mouth of food and always in a deep daze from sleeping all day.

Sheng Hong comes to see Yao Yiyi often, every time he see, he gets more worried. Every time he carries her to estimate her weight, his brows wrinkle tighter. Then hasten the boatman to hurry, wishing to quickly reach Deng Prefecture and properly examine his daughter after they settled down.

Early summer south wind is just strong, from the south very smooth navigating the boat that is heading north. At last reached the Jingjin zone, Sheng Hong brought along few of his aides and advisors and got off the ship by themselves, walking on the route to the capital to handle promotion procedures. Still have to kowtow to thank the kindness of the emperor as well as salute the seniors and colleagues.The rest of the relatives following the lead of the eldest son head north, going to Shandong first.

Once Sheng Hong left, Concubine Lin became all the more honest, simply not even showing her face and only educating the children within her hold of the ship. All the servants on the boat, boatmen and other family boats sailing by often could hear the clear reading voice of Concubine Lin from the inner cabin. One after another highly praised the Sheng household as generations of scholars, indeed homeschooling is the origin. Wang shi was furious, forcing Changbai to read out some books letting others hear. Older Brother Changbai’s character is aloof and earnest, listening to this request of his mother, immediately his pretty face rose to be a big eggplant that is ready to be reaped.

Yao Yiyi said, eggplants even more do not study.

Yao Yiyi slept till she is dizzy, completely do not know how long has past. In any case, by the time little Young Lady Rulan hated sitting in the ship, Older Brother Changbai finish reading three rolls of books, First Young Miss Hualan finished embroidering four pieces of handkerchief, finally the ship reached the shore. At the dock, there was already a steward bring all those involved servants waiting to receive them. The people ashore are covered in dirt and the dizzy and lightheaded people on boat all do not have any pleasantries to say. Immediately they changed into the carriage, then shaky and bumpy for a couple of days, fortunately Deng Prefecture is a place near the waters. They finally reached before Old Madame Sheng ran out of air.

Yao Yiyi is a southerner, not very seasick but fiercely dizzy in the carriage, and she vomited yellow liquid for a good couple of days practically vomiting out her bile. This time is not pretending to be sick, rather it is really dizzy to death in the bosom of a strong old maid and was carried into the house. Basically do not know how the new house in Deng Prefecture looks like, waited until her breath returns, she is already on the heatable brick bed. Each time she opens her eyes, she could see one physician by the side shaking his head4. The first was an uncle around forty years old, the second was a white-haired grandpa and the third was old man with all white hair and beard. According to traditional chinese medicine, it is the scientific law that the physician’s age and his medicinal expertise are directly proportionate. The physician must be wiser and wiser each time.

Continuously inviting three physicians, all of them said the worrying condition of the Sheng household’s young girl is not because of poor medication but the problem lies on Yao Yiyi. She completely does not have the will to live on. Wang shi looked at the skinny little girl, to the point of skin and bones, her heart started to feel anxious. Recently her relationship with Sheng Hong has become moderate, Sheng Minglan is also personally carried by Sheng Hong to her place to be raised, if Sheng Hong returns to see that his little daughter died of illness then Wang shi need not take merit but replenish the walls.

Sheng Hong returns to see his daughter to be this weak, his anger increased towards Concubine Lin. After handling his official matters in the day, returning to the household and fired the servants. Sheng household first came to Deng Prefecture, no matter buying or selling servants, the outsiders do not know the inside story. Only treating it as taking up a new post, the household servants also need more adjustments. Sheng Hong has anger in the heart, avoided Concubine Lin continuously for two days, sending out or selling a few of her capable maids and still resting at Wang shi’s place every night. Wang shi was happy to the point where flowers are blooming, taking out the ginseng meant to repair Yao Yiyi’s body is getting bigger, one ginseng stuffed up like a radish only made Yao Yiyi scared looking at it.

This side the lovely spring sunshine but over there is the mourning wind and bewailing rain. Several times Concubine Lin wants to see Sheng Hong but was stopped outside however she is after all not an ordinary person. This day after dinner, Sheng Hong and Wang shi are discussing Sheng Minglan’s condition, the children have all returned to their rooms, only the deeply dazed Yao Yiyi is still lying on the heatable brick bed by the window. The couple on each side of the bed talking about the topic detoured to talking about buying properties in Deng Prefecture. Suddenly a burst of racket outside, the sounds of maids berating and blocking flowed in, Wang shi sent Housekeeper Liu Kun to take a look. Suddenly with the movement of the wind, the lake blue soft silk curtain was lifted, entered a person. If it was not that Concubine Lin, who could it be?

Seeing that she was completely without adornments, oily hair bound up in a bun, unexpectedly without pearls and jades, face without cosmetics. She was originally born with an outstandingly suave voice, dressed in a dark blue raw silk furthermore reflects her unfair excellent snow-white skin. A pair of crescent curved eyebrows knitted in distress, the full waist, once held seems like a lot of weight has been lost. Really pitiful in all aspect.

The sounds of maids jostling and pinching came from outside, obvious that Concubine Lin brought an army of maids to crash the barricades. Sheng Hong turned his head away from her, Wang shi, unable to control her anger, slapped the bed “This ghostly appearance of yours, who are you showing to! Ask you to properly stay in your rom, you dash in here to do what? Making so much noise till the whole house knows, you think that others are equally as shameless as you! All of you quickly drag5 her outside!”

With that said, a few of the maids came to drive her out.

1. 嗯 (En): Sound of approval or agreement

2. It is a popular string game where two or more would try to form figures, the Chinese calls it 花绳 (Hua Sheng) which literally means fancy-patterned rope

3. 西施垂泪 (Xi Shi Chui Lei): Interestingly enough it means Xi Shi shedding tears, Xi Shi is one of the Four Great Beauties of Ancient China, apparently she was beautiful enough that fishes would stop swimming and sink

4. 摇头晃脑 (Yao Tou Huang Nao): Literally means shaking head shaking brains, it is an idiom meaning looking pleased with oneself but in this context I would think the literal translation makes more sense

5. 叉 (Cha): Pick; pitchfork; cross; intersect, it has the imagery that two servants would cross their arms over each arm of Concubine Lin to drag her outside

The Legend of the Concubine’s Daughter Minglan Chapter 4 Part 2

NOVEMBER 10, 2016


“Not allowed to touch me!”

Concubine Lin spared no effort in struggling to get free, immediately fell down before Sheng Hong. Her voice is as if iron bumping into the knife, her face resolute “Master, Madame, today I came with one mind, if I am not allowed to speak, I will just bump1 my head and die here, better than suffering scraps!”

Sheng Hong coldly echoed “You also do not need to attempt death seeking life. I reckon usually I have treated you with unkindness that you have learnt from those married woman at the marketplace. Acting out a terrible scene for who to watch!”

Concubine Lin’s tears rushing forth, sadly said “These few days, my heart is stuffy, like boiling oil. I want to say a few words but Master avoided me, not willing to see. My heart has already died a few times, but Master, you are the official of the common people, usually if you need to settle a small thief you still have to be tolerant and discuss. What more I who have after all served Master all these years, still raised a pair of son and daughter. Today even if you want me to die, also have to make me an understanding ghost!”

Sheng Hong recalled the state when Concubine Wei died, lighted with fire, smashed a teacup on the floor “The good thing you have done!”

Concubine Lin’s beads of tears rolled on, choked with emotion “……Darling Hong2!” Her voice in distress.

Wang shi got very angry, jumped up from the bed at once, roaring at the maids “All of you have no breath and are dead, still do not want to drag her out!”

Concubine Lin raised her head “Madame, this way of not tolerating my words, could it be that you are afraid I will say something out!”

“What foam are you spraying with your whole mouth, do not invent crazy nonsense! What do I have to be afraid of.”

“If you are fearless then readily spittle a hole and put down clear words. Right and wrong, Master will discern.”

Wang shi was angry till drumming her chest, Concubine Lin is still shedding tears, there was no words in the room for a moment. Sheng Hong after all is an official, understood that it would be better to say everything clearly today then called the maid to look for Steward Laifu. Housekeeper Liu Kun was extremely lively and sent out all the maids. After a while, Laifu entered, Sheng Hong ordered in a soft voice, Laifu accepted the order. He then returned bringing a few coarse-work maids in and separated all servants and maids involved into the legitimate courtyard.

Only Sheng Hong, Wang shi, Concubine Lin, Housekeeper Liu Kun and Laifu, altogether five remained in the house. Oh, there is also the drowsy Classmate Yao Yiyi sleeping on the couch, it is presumed that at this time, everyone all forgot about her. Yao Yiyi swore to the landslide again, she did not wish to remain here to listen to this trial in a three judge panel at all but …… it is best that she continues to lose consciousness.

Concubine Lin lightly wiped her tears, sorrowfully narrated “These days, I do not know where I have erred. Master completely ignores me and still dealing with the people around me one after another. First are my two clans mate who came to seek shelter, after that is also my two maids, also the wet nurse who served me since childhood also has to be chased out! How Master handle things, I dare not have an opinion but have to say the rights and wrongs of a matter!”

Sheng Hong coldly opened his mouth “Good! Today I shall say the rights and wrongs of a matter, I shall ask you, exactly how did Concubine Wei die?”

Apparently Concubine Lin is not shocked at all, instead sorrowfully smiled “Since that day Younger Sister Wei passed on, I just know this day will come. When we were at Quan Prefecture, the household’s maids all softly discussed, saying that I had harmed Concubine Wei. I originally thought it was merely just the ignorant gossips of the servants and because Master’s promotion was at hand, I dare not trouble Master with such trifle matters and quietly endured. Always thought to clear my innocence, after not long that rumours will disappear but did not expect…not expect, Master actually also doubted me!”

While speaking then beads like tears rolled, also unable to resist and cried.

Sheng Hong was furious “Do not tell me I have wronged you. That day where Concubine Wei was in labour, why did you were delaying to invite the midwife? Why did her courtyard not have anyone to order around? Why did several of old maids who know how to deliver are not in the house? That day Madame and I all went to the Wang family, only you remained at home, if it was not you then who?”

Concubine Lin’s jade white like fingers wiped across her cheeks, sorrowfully and mournfully said “Master, do you still remember a few years ago, when Third Young Lady died prematurely, the words Madame said, Madame asked me to care less about the affairs of the concubines, just caring about myself will do. That day after Master and Madame left the house, knowing my place, I just stayed within my courtyard. Master, your discerning judgement, the two masters of the house all have left, the servants in the household still are thinking of relaxing and resting. The old maids who goofed off to their homes are plenty, not limited to those few who knows how to delver?! I entered the house merely a few years, those old maids are the families’ old-timers of ten over years, how can I make them move?!”

Sheng Hong coldly humphed, not saying a word. Wang shi turned her hand to look at Housekeeper Liu Kun, her eyes slightly revealing anxiousness.

Concubine Lin continued to say “After that the servants came to report saying that Concubine Wei’s stomach hurts, about to give birth. I hurriedly called the maid to pass the message to the doormen, asking them to call for a midwife over. But who knows those second door old maids and several doormen are all drinking and gambling, my maid beseeched grandfather and called grandmother for a long time, they then very slowly went. This going then took a good few hours, after the event, I asked those few doormen, they only said that midwife nearby are not at home, ran to a few miles to the west of the city to find, this is why Concubine Wei’s labour was delayed. Master, Madame, there is heavens above and hell under. Every word I said is true, if I deliberately wanted to harm Concubine Wei, then ask me to be struck into two by lightning that I may not have a good death! Master if you still do not believe, you can ask the old maids at the door that day what time I went to call the midwife, someone would have heard!”

Having said and then started to cry.

Sheng Hong turned his head, staring deeply at Wang shi. Wang shi’s heart jumped, turned to look at Housekeeper Liu Kun, she wrinkled her brows towards her. Must know, those few old maids who know how to deliver are mostly from her dowry and those at old maids and doormen at the second door has always been managed by her. Even if Sheng Hong did not suspect her, she also cannot avoid this direct guilt of not strictly managing and indulging the servants.

“Saying things this way, unexpectedly you do not have a dot of guilt? What a witty mouth!” Wang shi also cannot say more, seems like she is very clear that the behind the scenes is not good.

Concubine Lin kneel-walked a few steps, climbed before the bed. A quiet and exquisite face filled with tears, even more like the shining moonlight. Choked with emotions and slowly said “If were to say I do not a dot of fault, that is also not; I am timid, unwilling to take on responsibilities. If that day I was to personally stay by Younger Sister Wei’s side, instructing the maids, perhaps Younger Sister Wei would not have at a young age and…… I was merely afraid of taking up the responsibility, afraid that others will gossip. I was wrong, but if you were to say I have the intention to harm Younger Sister Wei to death, even if I was to reach Yama also would not comply! After all I grew up studying, how can it be that I do not know logic of human lives in the hands of heavens?”

Sheng Hong was moved, silently sat.

Wang shi was extremely angry, right when she wanted to bawl, she was stopped by eyes of Housekeeper Liu Kun and could only force herself to show restraint. That Concubine Lin sobbed twice, melancholy and trembly said “Master, Madame, I am originally a person without anyone to rely on. This lifetime is led through the support of Master, supposing if Master rejects me, it would be better if I die this moment. Formerly I was also a daughter of a good family, the Old Madame wanted to pick someone for me, it was me who was shameless, determined to hang onto the Sheng family, only admiring Master’s character. Being sneered by everyone, being looked down by servants, I admit to them all, it was me who was willing and glad. …… I also know that I have provoked Older Sister to anger, allow Older Sister to feel unhappy inside, Older Sister blame me, loathe me, all I understand also dare not argue, …… only hoped that Older Sister to forgive me who is infatuated with Master. Treat me as a cat or dog, in this big Sheng household bestow me a place to withdraw to. If there is food, it is that, only able to constantly see Master. Even if I was to be scolded by thousands and cursed by ten thousands, also have no regrets! …… Madame, today in the presence of Steward Laifu and Older Sister Liu, I give you a kowtow. You just take pity on me!”

Having said that, really knocked her head, one time, another time, slam slam. Sheng Hong’s heart aches, quickly jumped down the bed, pull Concubine Lin up in a hold “Proper and good, what are you trying to do?”

Concubine Lin raised her head, hovering eyes to gaze at Sheng Hong, thousand kinds of gentle feelings, ten thousands of grievances. Gazing for a while but not saying anything, turned her head and threw herself at Wang shi’s feet, one hand crying the other pleading “Begging for Madame’s pity, I am okay with beating and punishing, just do not treat me as one that is crafty and evil, …… I have some things I do not understand, just call me to be reprimanded. Anything I will listen to Madame…… My feelings towards Master is genuine……”

Cried till her voice turned hoarse, breathing harsh, both eyes red and swollen and collapsed onto Sheng Hong’s thigh. Sheng Hong really cannot bear his heart, rather moved, lightly supported her.

— Too impressive!!!

Yao Yiyi cannot help but open her eyes, straightly watching. Sheng Hong’s expression very extensively disturbed, Wang shi angered to the point where her face turned green and lips white but unable to say half a sentence, trembling all over as if she is suffering from malaria. Laifu watched till he was dumbstruck, Housekeeper Liu Kun sighed that she cannot compare.

Lady Lin’s astonishing literary talent miraculously made Classmate Yao Yiyi, who determined to sleep to her death, arouse. She searched her own heart, a young miss born into an official home, although in dire straits, lived like a prince for ten over years, she have the courage to show her resolution, show her infatuation in the presence of servants like this. Say to kneel down, just kneel. Should beg forgiveness, just beg forgiveness. Cry just cry, strive just strive. Why is she so cowardly, not willing to face reality? It is just casted into a nothing special, rotten fetus.

In a cool summer night, one professional mistress who has perfected her skills finally rouse Yao Yiyi’s courage to live on.

1. The ancient love to die by running their against the pillar/wall

2. 紘郎 (Hong Lang): 郎 would be way to address someone intimately as gentleman or husband while 紘 is Sheng Hong’s given name

Legend of Concubine’s Daughter Minglan - Chapter 4
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