Mo Flower
Chapter 7 : Mo Shang Hua Kai Chapter 6(Forgot to say, LOL… XD: While the Emperor is in disguise, in

Mo Shang Hua Kai Chapter 6

(Forgot to say, LOL… XD: While the Emperor is in disguise, in the crowd, he is using the normal ‘I’ when speaking. But when they are alone, he used the Emperor ‘I’.)

Chunan was situated in the Southern of National Territory. Surrounded by high mountains and vast plain, stone valley everywhere. The people who came to this place, besides for sighing in admiration for the magnificent mountains and rivers of Dashao, could only have another thought --- barren hills and treacherous rapid1. Unruly people were everywhere as far as one’s eyes could see.

In the past, this place was originally an independent land ruled by a tribe, afterwards, it was conquered by Dashao and turned into a place to banish criminals. Calling it by the fine-sounding name as to let the criminals reform themselves by casting them to bring the wasteland under cultivation in this place, as a matter of fact, they were allowed to emerge and perish on their own. And as time pa.s.sed by, it had become outside the pale of cultivation border.

Then, although the court had dispatched some soldiers and officials to be stationed to govern this place, not to allow this place in such a way as regardless of the law and of natural morality2, yet, the stubborn and unruly folks still followed the intractable tradition as before. Eighty percent of the men were rough, reckless and fierce with overbearing fiend. Ninety percent of the women were cunning, fierce and shrew as a vixen. Walking on the street at any time one could hear the catchphrase of “You’re dead meat!!”, “You evil woman!” and such raging roars. There was no difference between man and woman when they wrestled in the open street. The chickens flew everywhere, the dogs jumped all over to add to the extremely lively street. n.o.body could have the upper hand and n.o.body could take advantage of the other.

Oh oh oh, The woman’s claws were extremely violent!

Tsk Tsk Tsk, The man’s hand speed in grabbing b.r.e.a.s.t.s was actually too vulgar!

Every time Li Cong Qing saw this kind of sight, he would be overflowing with joy. For the whole of his life he was living within the feudal ethical code in the Capital, men were taught to be refined and courteous, women were to be restrained and become composed, elegant and virtuous. That’s why, towards these Chunan’s overbearing fiends and shrewed vixens, he felt as if he was having a new and refres.h.i.+ng experience.

Of course, in the Capital also had some girls who didn’t know what composed, elegant and virtuous was about and could only think of playing that kind of devilish woman. Li Family also brought up one. Li Cong Qing smiled while thinking about this. The Forth, that girl should be fond of this place.

Although he was coming to this place to patrol with the status of Imperial Inspection, that alone should make him to be accorded a serious courteous and polite reception, however not only did the Seventh Prince only straight up look at Wei Xiao Miao, actually there were not even a few people who shared him even a glance, couldn’t even act to smooth whiskers and pat a horse’s back3. Li Cong Qing didn’t even care in the slightest. There wasn’t anyone who would make him feel like treading on thin ice by looking at him from the front and from the back. He felt even happier and more comfortable.

He didn’t think that the Emperor really wanted him to hold an inspection in this place. Giving him such a heavy and big responsibility for checking the condition of the people. He had the feeling that he wasn’t expected to do this. He felt that besides taking Wei Xiao Miao to Chunan, it seemed like to make him leave the Capital temporarily. And to act on the Emperor’s behalf to patrol was a really reasonable pretext to send them away from the Capital.

However, he didn’t give it much ponder. The boat upon meeting a bridge still had to move forward. He was just too lazy to waste his energy by letting his imagination run wild.

But since now that he was wearing the Imperial Inspection hat on his head, it was necessary to make a show that he was doing his duty. Li Cong Qing dispatched the people who came with them to take care of the matters, he and Wei Xiao Miao hung around in all direction with the two horseman bodyguards insisting to protect them.

It wasn’t difficult to find out, this southern rash and impertinent land with thick weeds, under the Seventh Prince’s renovation, opened up the wasteland to develop a field plain, only in three years had it already become a good agricultural land. Moreover, he had strong soldiers and st.u.r.dy horses4, could be considered as he was secretly giving vent to his anger by making preparations for war.

Is this also the main reason the Emperor wanted him and Wei Xiao Miao to come here to inspect?

Li Cong Qing felt that even if Song Wei had a soaring ambition, he wouldn’t be a wolf cub with a savage heart5kind of person for the sake of the Emperor’s position. Could it be that he has a hidden agenda? If it is really a hidden agenda, then he has the general idea for who this whole hidden agenda is for. Only a blind person couldn’t see the way the Seventh Prince looked at Wei Xiao Miao, glared like a tiger watching his prey6.

To avoid Wei Xiao Miao from being eaten to the point of not even leaving a bone, when Li Cong Qing was about to go out for his stroll he would take him along.

The first few days, The Seventh Prince tagged along wherever they went like a sticky candy. But he had to manage such a big area, couldn’t always neglect his own proper jobs, tagging along everyday like a b.u.m beetle. He had no choice but to let Li Cong Qing take Wei Xiao Miao away before his eyes with an itching tooth7.

Today, the both of them also roamed around. Once in a while they stopped to have a chat with the local people, listening to their thick local accent while telling all kinds of stories regarding this place; sometimes they looked for a nice landscape to appreciate the scenery, to sing of the wind and the moon8; tired of walking, they conveniently had a rest at the roadside tea stall with a slight shed, all satisfied and contented.

“Look, this Chunan is able to manage by themselves. The people don’t know the Son of Heaven, only recognize the King of Chunan, It is almost like an independent small country.” Li Cong Qing’s tone of voice was careless and sloppy, the words he uttered actually caused someone to be apprehensive. “Xiao Miao, what do you think?”

“Humble me doesn’t dare to talk wildly.” Wei Xiao Miao prudently replied.

“I recall that your maternal grandmother is from Chunan.”


“So, Chunan can be said as your homeland.”

“Humble me indeed lived in Chunan for a period of time during my childhood.”

“Your family is still here?” Li Cong Qing asked to follow up his statement.

“There is none anymore. n.o.body remembers me here.” It was hard for Wei Xiao Miao to hide the dark and dim-looking light from his eyes.

“I still feel strange that the Seventh Prince, for what reason, wanted to come to this kind of place, Xiao Miao, do you by chance know why?”

“Humble me honestly doesn’t know.”

Li Cong Qing at a leisurely pace sipped his tea. Abruptly uttered more shocking words: “Can’t say precisely, but maybe the Seventh Prince wanted to present Chunan to you as his betrothal gift.”

“Sir Li?!” Wei Xiao Miao raised his voice.

“I just made a wild guess, don’t take me seriously. Look, your face has become so pale. If the Seventh Prince sees this, he would think that I am bullying you. It would be a wonder if he didn’t take off my head and play it like a ball.” He mischievously teased him, then added: “For another several days, if there is no special serious matter, I am considering to move forward and head to Erhe. How about you?”

Wei Xiao Miao didn’t answer directly, he remained undecided.

“Xiao Miao, You are a person who deserves to be respected deeply. Don’t look down on yourself.” Li Cong Qing sincerely told him.

“Being a servant, how could I not to look down? Especially a eunuch like me. Even if I have the glory, splendor, wealth and rank9 to the point of having this kind of heavy responsibility, in the end I am still an incomplete disabled person.” Wei Xiao Miao managed with difficulty to remain calm when he spoke of his hearty thoughts. The refined face spread out a thread like bitter smile.

Hearing him say these kinds of words, Li Cong Qing didn’t say anything anymore. When a superior and inferior’s concept had already been deeply-rooted, a mere one or two words could not change them. Wei Xiao Miao had given up everything, not only the part of his body, at the same time his soul had been eradicated to the corner. Body and soul all shattered. 

Abruptly, he had a little comprehension for the agitation of the Seventh Prince. The one he loved was Wei Xiao Miao as a ‘person’, not as a ‘eunuch’. Hence Wei Xiao Miao didn’t hold himself as what people saw in him. He set his own worth from the beginning to the end, through and through, as a eunuch. He submitted to his fate as a petty and lowly being, didn’t dare to accept the feelings of the Seventh Prince. Resulting in the Seventh Prince could only resort to a coercing method, rudely and unreasonably shoved his own feelings and longing then obstinately stuffed it into his hand.

The onlooker sees most clearly indeed.

Perhaps, for Wei Xiao Miao to stay in Chunan could be a good thing. Surely Song Wei could give him a different kind of horizon and world, to enable him to regain his measure and become a complete person.

Speaking of ‘the onlooker sees most clearly’, the days ever since Li Cong Qing left the Capital, he would recall all kinds of memories between him and the Emperor, every little bit of it. He suddenly realized, he was also ‘the onlooker sees most clearly’, particularly at the beginning when their circ.u.mstance was still unclear. He recalled that year’s Lantern Festival’s encounter, at that time his head was basically a regiment of plaster, his large piece of tofu was eaten and he was muddle-headed.

Maybe because of the lights and the fireworks that day were too beautiful, beautiful to the point they dazzled and stunned the eyes.

The further they separated, the clearer they could see, the longing also grew deeper. Scene by scene as if it only happened yesterday.

Ai ai, really miss him so much.

Missed his indulging doting, missed his sweet kisses, missed his gentle caressed and soft fondled, missed his coa.r.s.e and wild touch when they were entangling…. His body couldn’t help but slightly heated up.

“Sir Li, your face is really red. Are you not feeling well?” Wei Xiao Miao carefully showed his concern.

“No. The weather is hot.” Li Cong Qing rustled the fan and waved it for cooling himself.

Recalling the Lantern Festival on that year, if not because of Li Cong Yin’s vulgar remark, would the Emperor towards his b.u.t.tocks…ahem, body, be interested? At that time, he had never thought that he would be forcefully kissed by a man. After that, the next day, he was stripped off with nothing left. From head to toe was thoroughly eaten, clean and smooth, not even leaving the least bit of residue.

That man was, behind his outwards appearance of a deep water calm stream, was actually a surging forward rolling wave. The surging up violently pa.s.sions caused him to be unable to resist, not at all allowing him to pull himself out from sinking into degradation in one piece.

Like today, he missed being drowned completely, whether it was his body, his heart, or his soul.

His heart was missing him, his body was also yearning for him…

“It is very hot indeed.” The fan in his hand was flas.h.i.+ng even more rapidly.

Wei Xiao Miao also hurriedly took a fan and flashed wind for him.

Tormented by the love sickness, the desire was violent as well as irritating. Even if the wind from the fan was blowing like a typhoon, no matter how strong it blew, it still couldn’t put out the arising like flaming hot body heat.

Also, this flame was ignited since that year’s Lantern Festival, unbearably hot, terribly burnt, until now it had never died out even once.


Watching the crane lineup of music and singing eagerly, talking and laughing in the luscious hazy savory.

The festival was lively with the vast and various entertainments. The sightseers remained enjoying themselves and had no thought of leaving. Song Yu as well as Li Cong Qing with the party of more than ten people vast and mightily walked on the road. Following the stream of people who came to the riverside to admire the view just before the fireworks were released, the sightseers were actually too many, b.u.mping shoulders and grinding heels, the crowd was blocked up to the point of impenetrable. One by one they were scattered by the stream of rus.h.i.+ng people.

When Li Cong Qing was pushed and about to separate from him, Song Yu stretched out his hand and grabbed his wrist to pull him back, raised his arm and encircled it around his shoulder, securely seized him by his side.

Li Cong Qing’s whole person was being kept close and pressed against Song Yu’s body. Due to their difference in height and body build ---Li Cong Qing was not as strong and st.u.r.dy as Song Yu, immediately he had the bad impression like a little bird hanging on another’s body. This kind of misperception caused him… absolutely horrified, difficult to breathe… he truly wanted to push Song Yu away. But not only because there was too much pus.h.i.+ng and squeezing that caused him to be unable to move even a single step, Song Yu also bound him even closer and tighter.

Only in a blink of an eye, the both of them already completely separated from the others.

Li Cong Qing slightly stiffened his body from his uneasiness. Reminded with an unsure voice: “That…Third Prince, say, the time is already late, shouldn’t you go home by now?”

“Don’t worry.” Replied Song Yu.

“Because of consideration for your safety, lowly me brazenly requests you to go home as quick as possible. If you happen to get into even the slightest bit of trouble, lowly me absolutely wouldn’t be able to shoulder such a heavy responsibility.”

“Haven’t seen the fireworks yet.”

“If you want to see, you just need to issue and order. Whatever kind of beautiful fireworks will be available for you. No need for you to squeeze in here with the crowds of people.”

“Li Cong Qing.”


“Are you talking back at me?”

“Eh?! Lowly me wouldn’t dare to.”  Li Cong Qing hurriedly resumed his docile self, if he didn’t mind the trouble of getting his head separated from his neck, at that time he would dare to retort at his boss, the Emperor.

Song Yu opened his mouth still wanted to say something, but suddenly an ear-splitting sound of explosions blasted. The sky was flared up by the brilliant dazzling fireworks. The mult.i.tude of people raised their heads to look at the fireworks, letting out a “Wah!” praising in awe at the same time.

Soon after the first, one by one the fireworks burst into bloom, turning the night sky into a layer of splendid feast for the eyes.

“This is what I came for, to see the most beautiful fireworks.” Song Yu lowered his head, speaking softly with his deep and low voice at Li Cong Qing’s ear, the timbre of his voice carried the demonic magnetism.

The warm breath whisked on his temples, it was like the paw of a cat scratching on his ear, Li Cong Qing couldn’t help but slightly s.h.i.+ver, he could feel that he was held even tighter. The dazzling fireworks flooded in disorder, bursting with a boom boom boom, in accord, his heart also was going thump thump thump, beating wildly.

“I suddenly thought of an official position that will be suitable for you.” Song Yu added to his speech.

“What official position?”

“Shang Jun.”

Having heard what was said, Li Cong Qing was fl.u.s.tered. Tilting his head to gaze at him, he didn’t even have the time to blink yet, Song Yu suddenly swept his mouth on his lips. The usually half-open-half-close pair of eyes were opened widely all of a sudden, as if he didn’t dare to believe, the Emperor actually in the public with numerous people… Being frivolous towards him?!

Fortunately the surrounding focus was completely on the fireworks in the sky, n.o.body noticed the two men’s flash of intimacy. However, Li Cong Qing was still awfully frightened.

“Your… No… Third… Third Prince…” He stuttered as he was stunned.

“Let’s go.” Song Yu dragged him out from the crowd.

Li Cong Qing muddle-headedly let himself to be half-pulled-half-dragged, walked away from the boiling cauldron of voices10 Main Street. When he slightly regained his awareness at a small alley where n.o.body around, he was just about to open his mouth, his back had been abruptly pressed against the wall. He didn’t even have the time to be shocked, his mouth was already blocked up forcefully.

Li Cong Qing was staring with the greatest extent of his eyes, tightly clenched his mouth in surprise, didn’t even dare to make the slightest movement.

Song Yu also stared at him with eyes widely open, his mouth which was pressing on his lips also didn’t move.

Big eyes stared at small eyes, seemingly in the middle of competing their patience, to see whether Li Cong Qing would open the city and be first to surrender, or Song Yu would throw weapons to get rid of armor first11. The two people maintain their refused to budge’s gesture was not something could be described as ambiguous anymore.

Each other’s breath brushed on each other’s face, brus.h.i.+ng spell by spell with both crisp and tickle peculiar ripple.

“Open your mouth.” Song Yu gave him an order in a gentle voice.

The usually such a pushover Li Cong Qing actually dared to defy the order by refusing to obey. Pair of lips was pursed even tighter, extremely disrespectfully glared at him. As a matter of fact, his mind was disordered and in a great mess, from the start he was unable to think deeply, all of him now was of an instinct to protect himself.

“Really don’t want to obey?” Song Yu was not angry, on the contrary, he was smiling. s.h.i.+fting his target, he suddenly sucked on his earlobe, suck and lick to tantalize it.

Li Cong Qing motionlessly rooted to the ground, his scalp became numb, since he was small until now, besides the yellow big dog they raised before which liked to lick all over his face, there was none other who would touch his ear, let alone with this filled with s.e.xual intention way. His body involuntarily gave a slight quiver, a stream of hot tide began to bubble up. He wanted to push Song Yu away, but both of his hands were seized and pressed to both his sides, enabling him from moving.

“Your… Your Majesty… Please… Don’t be like this…” In the end he couldn’t restrain his pleading.

Song Yu ignored him, s.h.i.+fting his mouth back to his lips.

Li Cong Qing anxiously turned into a clam, closing his mouth extra tight, no matter what he wouldn’t be willing to let another’s tongue to enter his mouth.

Song Yu wasn’t being rough or forced him, very patiently he lightly licked the stretched tight lips, just like tasting a delicious snack. How sweet, even sweeter that what he had imagined.

Li Cong Qing felt that… It was as if that previous yellow big dog was licking him AHHHH-------

When he was being licked to the point that he thought his lips were about to be eaten, the corner of his eyes caught a sight of three people running very fast towards their direction. Upon a careful look, they were Wei Xiao Miao and the other two bodyguards.

Great! Savior has come!

“Your Majesty, Wei… Wuu…”

Not losing any time, Song Yu took the opportunity to launch a successful attack, invading inside the soft and sweet cavity.

Wei Xiao Miao with his party of three upon seeing their master was like a wolf or a tiger biting on someone mouth, abruptly paused at the distant of five steps outside the alley, not at all stepping forward to admonish or to prevent, instead, they turned their bodies and formed a tight line, on one hand as not to improperly watch, on the other hand was to use their body to hide them from the street, to inable other people from catching a glimpse of them.

Not savior, but accomplice! Li Cong Qing really wanted to cry, inwardly he told himself, supposing the Emperor wanted to swallow him whole at this place, they most probably would take a screen to cover them. If he was about to struggle and resist, not to submit even at the cost of his life, who knows, they probably would help to press his hand hold his feet, to let their master be able to smoothly make his move, to eat heartily to his heart’s content.

It was really the so called ‘Plead to the Heaven with no answer, call the earth to no avail’ situation. Li Cong Qing gave up and stopped bothering, giving up the meaningless stalemate resistance. His body became feeble at once, allowing the Emperor to kiss him however he liked.

Song Yu could feel that he had loosened his resistance, thus unable to restrain his emotions, like a violent wind and rainstorm, he enthusiastically kissed him, sucking and biting in pa.s.sing, hurting the lips of Li Cong Qing.

Li Cong Qing had never experienced this kind of feverish kiss before, kissed to the point he was about to faint with blurred vision12, forgetting how to breathe properly, the blocked up air was making his face red, nearly suffocated.

Until Song Yu realized that he was about to faint, only then did he let him go.

Li Cong Qing hurriedly breathed in a mouthful of air to fill his lungs. From head to toe powerlessly trembling slightly, the wet feeling on his mouth and lips made him subconsciously lift his sleeve to wipe clean.

“May not wipe!” Song Yu made a soft shout. His fingers were caressing the even redder and moister petal like lips while asking: “Li Cong Qing, I’ll make you a Shang Jun, what do you think?”

Li Cong Qing was still gasping for air, after a period of time he finally could make a distinguished reply, with his weak and soft voice: “Answer Your Majesty, lowly me has no merit and is incompetent, would not be able to shoulder such a high position.”

“Aren’t you willing to wash clean your b.u.t.tocks then present it to me?”

“It was my brother. If Your Majesty wants my brother’s b.u.t.tocks, my brother will surely be most welcomed to give it.”

“You are not willing?”

“Your Majesty is joking.”

“Look carefully, do I look like I’m joking to you?” Song Yu lifted his chin, to make him look at him directly, to let him see clearly the no longer concealed flame in his eyes.

Li Cong Qing lowered his eyes, using his not so long but dense eyelashes to separate their line of vision. Managed with an effort to reply calmly, saying something without meaning it13: Your Majesty’s sacred face is not for an ordinary person to look at, humble subject deeply wouldn’t dare.”

“Never thought that you are a stubborn person.” Song Yu’s laughter was pleasantly warm. His eyes were bright as a torch, revealing his firm determination to win. Slowly he said: “Li Cong Qing, I won’t force you.”

“Your Majesty is wise.”

“However, I also won’t let you off.”

Li Cong Qing couldn’t help but complain inwardly. Respectfully made a bow with hands clasped: “It is late already, humble subject earnestly requests Your Majesty to return to the palace as soon as possible. Excuse humble subject for retreating in advance.” Not waiting for approval, on his own accord he hastily turned his body, smearing oil to the soles of his feet, he escaped at once, so as not to be really then and there skinned alive and snapped to the bone, to be eaten alive!

“Remember to wash clean your b.u.t.tocks.” Song Yu spoke to his back which was showing a sorry figure.

Li Cong Qing stumbled on his feet, barely escaped from slipping and tumbling, his quick pace was staggering along as he walked away.

Song Yu followed him with his eyes before he got in the crowd, his eyes were sparkling, the little flame was leaping in both his pupils. He had never been as excited as now for a long time, the desire which was hibernating within his body had started to move, wave after wave, rus.h.i.+ng forth.

As things went on like this, now that he understood the thirst in his heart, why the need to still be puzzled and annoyed by this unusual restless? He was the Son of Heaven, in this world, he was the person who held the highest position, there was nothing that he wanted he couldn’t have. Li Cong Qing, Li Cong Qing, I will look forward to having your b.u.t.tocks.

Meanwhile, Li Cong Qing, in his muddle-headed state of mind, was absent-mindedly in a trance all along on his way back home.

Li Cong Yin had returned home earlier than him. Seeing that the Second compared to the time before had become more detached from the world, those pair of his eyes were at a loss, his both cheeks were smudged by unnatural blush. Even more, his desirable petal like lips had generated a brighter color compared to before, seemingly had been forcefully plucked.

Eh, what’s going on? Li Cong Yin was moving around him while measuring with his eyes, observing from left to right, up and down. Clicking the tongue in surprise all the while. In accordance with his unscrupulous businessman nasty looks, calmly he examined the goods, estimated how much was the value altogether.

“Why look at me like that?” Li Cong Qing was still confused, couldn’t help but have a guilty conscience, afraid of being found out.

Li Cong Yin stroke his chin, saying out loud his final conclusion: “Tsk tsk, I have always thought that in our family the most valuable are the third and the forth. Who would have thought that the object of profiteering is you.”

Li Cong Qing slowly beat in a daze, only a long while later could he raise his response, immediately became somewhat irritated, the rarely heightened volume blurted out: “Big Brother, a person can’t be dishonest and insincere to this extent!”

“As a businessman, as long as I can see the profit, what do I care about what sincere and whatnot. I only slightly hinted to the Emperor that I sell fruit, I didn’t forcefully promote it. What’s more, whether he wants or doesn’t want to buy, I wouldn’t dare to disrespectfully force him.” The dazzlingly handsome like the suns.h.i.+ne face was satisfyingly smiling in a sinister way. Patting his little brother’s cheek, made an embarra.s.sing remark to tease him: “Be good, listen to your Big Brother, wash clean your b.u.t.tocks and serve him properly.”

He was simply a minister who provoked a rebellion by exploiting the people! Forcing an honest person into prost.i.tution!

“Why don’t you just wash your own b.u.t.tocks clean and give your own self!”

“I also want to, but too bad, that person has already set his eyes on yours.” Li Cong Yin shrugged his shoulder, saying sincere words and earnest wishes as if he was greatly affected: “I must say, Second Brother, once that person has set his eyes on you, even if you want to hide, you wouldn’t be able to. You can only regard this as the good fortune that the Heaven befalls on you. Our Li Family will rely on your b.u.t.tocks to bring honor to our ancestors. You can endure this humiliation as part of important mission14. Heavy responsibility as well as a long way to go.”

The heavy responsibility to honor the spirit of the ancestors, he would really appreciate it! The Li Family ancestors in their graveyards, if they happened to know that their unworthy descendant was selling his b.u.t.tock to gain glory, it would be really a wonder if they didn’t angrily jumped out of their coffins and snapped like contracting epilepsy.

“Seek nothing but profit15! Have no conscience!” The eight hundred yearlong never lost his temper Li Cong Qing was getting angry upon this matter.

“What is conscience? Can you eat it? If you trade it in a shop, how much cash could it be traded for?” Li Cong Yin was giggling while mocking him. The play thing such as conscience since way before had been fed to a dog.

Annoying! Li Cong Qing brought his fist before his Elder Brother’s skillful sharp tongued mouth. Turning his body, he angrily strode to his own courtyard. b.u.t.tocks! b.u.t.tocks! b.u.t.tocks! If there’s someone who dared to say this word to him again, no matter who, he would become hostile at once!

Back to his bedroom, huffing and puffing in rage, he climbed into his bed, pulled the quilt and buried his whole self in it.

Just sleep, quickly sleep, when I wake up, whatever G.o.dd.a.m.n thing would have disappeared. Unceasingly he constructed his mentality to believe his own lies. But his lips, mouth, skin, until his ear, could still feel the kisses and the flavor still remained. His state of mind was in a mess. He couldn’t clearly divide whether it was fear or confusion or the beginning of an improper love. Unable to press down his getting hotter body, he huddled up into a ball-shaped. Previously, when he was seized as a hostage by the, he didn’t feel as confused and helpless as now.

How did it come to this? Why would the Emperor suddenly kiss him by force… Heaven, the great and mighty, wise and brilliant His Majesty the Emperor had actually kissed him… So frightening... Yet his body actually became limp and feeble, even until the last moment he didn’t feel sick or disgusted the slightest bit, instead, he almost got drunk by it…mommy… this is honestly too frightening…


The next morning, first morning court after the New Year.

Today, they wouldn’t discuss general affairs or great events. As customary, mult.i.tude of government officials would take turns to step forward to wish the Emperor propitious greetings, by means to wish the prosperous beginning of spring, to wish that the affairs of the state this year would be steady and successful.

Originally the Emperor thought that Li Cong Qing would be so frightened and ask for leave, daring not to attend the court. And yet, he saw him standing at the utmost end of the line. Carefully thinking back, even though this person was fond to be idle and slacking off, but he had never been absent. Despite he almost never uttered his opinion in the Hall, the Emperor couldn’t help but generate a layer of respect to esteem his progress.

Li Cong Qing’s head was even lower than the usual him, the shoulder was crooked and recoiled, he was dying to roll up his body into a small ball, not allowing whoever to notice his existence, in particular the Emperor who sat on the highest Dragon Chair.

Contrary to his expectation, the Emperor’s most noticed person today was him. Obviously he could see that today he wasn’t dozing off, that he was more sober compared to the usual him. Recalling the last night soul-stirring kisses, he felt that he wanted to continue, truly wanted to eat his whole person up so that he could be satisfied.

“Wish our Emperor the longest of live the greatest of health, Dashao will be imperishable generation after generation.” Li Cong Qing was the last one who delivered his propitious greetings. His head was lowered to the utmost, promptly after he delivered his greetings, he quickly retreated to his respective place.

All Officials in the Grand Hall had delivered their greetings, only waited for the Emperor to also speak his encouraging words as the wishes reply, only after that the court could then end.

“I also wish that all Ministers would place the people in their heart, and give their concern to the land.” The Emperor said, afterwards, leisurely added: “Recently, I am thinking about to appoint a Shang Jun. What do all Ministers think?”

Once the words were said, the whole of the Hall raised an uproar. Everybody was gazing at one another in speechless despair.

Li Cong Qing held his breath and quivered. His body shrank even smaller. He really wished that he could dig a hole and put himself in it.

Speaking about ‘Shang Jun’, this post was originally a proper and equally high official post. Established for the first time in order to a.s.sist the Emperor in managing all matters, whether it was important or insignificant. From making a strategic decision for the nation, until the food and clothing outlay. In other words, Shang Jun was the Emperor’s personal secretary. Only listening closely when the Emperor handled matters, did not partic.i.p.ate in the court’s discussion.

The position was similar as highly regarded but have no authority. Yet the person was the closest to the Emperor. Moreover, to be appointed as Shang Jun, certainly because that person was the Emperor’s most trusted subordinate, may not talk if there was nothing to discuss. As a result, towards the Emperor’s decision and opinion, that person held the influence to hold the balance of power.

Also this person usually selected through the favoritism of the Emperor to fill the post. All was up to the Emperor’s whim. Afterwards, there were several Emperors who designate their same-s.e.x lover the t.i.tle of Shang Jun. To be able to openly and honorably walk in and out together. Because of this, the official post had caught this kind of characteristic, moreover, most of the successive of Shang Jun coincidentally were beautiful males, it had taken such shape even in the future, whoever the Shang Jun is, could be easily guessed that he must be ‘that kind of a person’ to the Emperor.

A proper normal man wouldn’t be able to endure the shame of h.o.m.os.e.xuality, didn’t wish to serve on this post. As time pa.s.sed, this post had become a could be filled and could be unfilled post, not all the reigning Emperor’s would appoint one. If they happened to appoint one, in eight or nine cases out of ten, most likely, that person was ‘that kind of person’ to the Emperor.

Although they could be called as the first rank official (Dashao only had the Emperor alone as the first rank official), but actually the position was about the same as the Imperial Concubines, the position as the person who shared the same pillow as the Emperor, the only difference rest with the Imperial Concubines were legally and formally married wives and concubines, Shang Jun was an unspoken mutually understood lover. Exempted from the originally set to do tasks, it could even be said as the highest under one person but above all others’ idle official.

“Forgive me Your Majesty, if I may ask, who is the one Your Majesty has set the choice on?” One old official cautiously and prudently made an inquiry.

Those ‘set the choice on’ words themself carried an ambiguous implication, in some other extensive explanation, with the ‘fall in love deeply with’ or ‘be enamored with’ statement considerably the same kind of term.

“This person…” The Emperor swept his eyes over the courtiers in the Hall.

All the officials were having the kind of thought hoping for the small deer, inwardly said, Your Majesty look at me! Your Majesty look at me!

Only Li Cong Qing who cried out inwardly, You can’t see me! You can’t see me!

The Emperor was like smiling yet not smiling, not to talk about the matter any longer, even until the court ended.

Li Cong Qing sigh in relief, but this relieve was not for long, Wei Xiao Miao was calling out to him at the Hall’s corridor. Privately told him: “Sir Li, His Majesty is expecting you, please follow this lowly me.”

The premonition of great disaster was just above his head. Li Cong Qing resentfully thought, if he feigned his fainting and pretended to be dead, is it possible to escape this calamity temporarily… sigh, don’t be a fool, just say that he really fainted and died, there is also someone who will carry him to go there. It isn’t to be skinned with nothing left then carried to the Imperial Bed, it is directly put on burial clothes and put him in a coffin…

Ai Ai, a lawsuit in a fire. Either way a brave man with no place to hide, like what Li Cong Yin told him last night, once that person has set his eyes on you, where else can you hide?

Li Cong Qing was having the premonition of the black clouds, he almost could feel…his b.u.t.tock had starting to ache dully in pain…

End of MSHK Chapter 6 

1.                Barren hills and treacherous rapid (id): Inhospitable natural environment.
2.                regardless of the law and of natural morality (id): Undisciplined and out of control.
3.                To smooth whiskers and pat a horse’s back (id): To use flattery to get what one’s wants.
4.                Strong soldiers and st.u.r.dy horses (id): Well-trained and powerful army. 
5.                A wolf cub with a savage heart (id): Be full of wild ambitions. 
6.                To glare like a tiger watching his prey (id): To eye menacingly.
7.                An itching tooth: Gritting his teeth out of furious.
8.                Sing of the wind and the moon: Write sentimental verse.
9.                Glory, splendor, wealth and rank (id): High position and great wealth.
10.             The boiling cauldron of voices (id): A hubbub of voices.
11.             The author was using a metaphor, Song Yu as the attacker, and Li Cong Qing defends the city. So, saying Li Cong Qing open the city equal to Li Cong Qing opens his mouth and let Song Yu in or Song Yu will stop his a.s.sault first.
12.             To faint with blurred vision (id): Dizzy and eyes dimmed.
13.             Saying something without meaning it (id): Speak insincerely.
14.             Endure humiliation as part of important mission (id): To suffer in silence.
15.             Seek nothing but profit (id): Personal profit before everything.

Chapter 7 : Mo Shang Hua Kai Chapter 6(Forgot to say, LOL… XD: While the Emperor is in disguise, in
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