Mo Flower
Chapter 3 : Chapter 2Song Hyun stepped inside the Royal Office and saw Li Qing sleeping, his head on

Chapter 2

Song Hyun stepped inside the Royal Office and saw Li Qing sleeping, his head on the pillow close to the north window and his body was covered by the Emperor’s royal robe. He cannot help but be surprised for a moment, carefully asked: “Third Brother, is this not prohibited?”

“It is nothing.” the Emperor nonchalantly replied.

“Why not ent.i.tle him Shang Jun, and have this out in the open?”

“You should know his temper.”

“Ah Yes, Li’s Family always have been arrogant, stubborn, and obstinacy types.” Song Hyun smiled, shows he clearly understood.

 “Little Six, why are you especially here to see me?” Emperor asked

“Do you that Little Seven is in Chu Nan?”

“He’s training an army there.”

“Uh, you already know?”

“This country is mine.”

“Third Brother, I’m admiring you very much, no wonder the commoner called you a Clairvoyant Emperor, and nothing can be concealed from Your Majesty.”

“Little Seven committed no treason.”

“Why has he take such action, it could lead to misunderstanding?”

“He hopes I’ll give him someone.”

“Who is it?”

“Little Miao!”

Suddenly sound of “bang clatter!” was heard, when he turned and saw Wei Xiao Miao stood at the door, a freshly brew pot of tea had dropped at the other man feet, a delicate pale face with a hint of apprehension.

“Pardon for Your servant clumsiness, I deserve to die.” Wei Xiao Miao hurried to squat down to pick up the broken pieces.

“You came here.” Song Hyun walked over and dragged him up and pulled him into the Royal Office, aggressively questioned: “Little Miao, what the h.e.l.l are Song Wei and you up to?”

“Ah…… so noisy……” Li Qing’s delirious spoken from his sleep as he was being disturbed then rolled the body.

“Little Six, hush.” The Emperor walked to Li Qing, he tucked back the robe, pulled the dishevelled hair back behind ears, leaned over and whispered: “OK, you can go back to sleep.”

Song Hyun rolled his eyes several times at the scene, ‘I did not expect the Emperor to have loved Li Qing to this point.’ Sung Hyun was unable to comprehend, how his tall and handsome brother, the Emperor who is talented both in civil and military affairs to fancy someone as mediocre like Li Qing. Although, this man is his second brother-in-law, but truthfully also the most untalented of the family member. Each of Li’s Family is very good looking in different way.Only Li Qing was like an ugly duckling in a group of swans.

Song Hyun was married to Li Qing’s youngest sister, Li Cong Tong four years; his wife is the d.u.c.h.ess, so Li Qing and the Emperor was related by marriage publicly.

Anyway back to present, Wei Xiao Miao was dragged inside, his face did not conceal fear and confusion.

“Little Miao, what is between Little Seven and you? Why have I never heard of your involvement, you’re better honest?” Song Hyun lowered his tone.

“Your Grace, I don’t know.” Wei Xiao Miao quickly restored his calm, respectful temperament.

“Do not be afraid, since we grew up together, the Emperor and I will not ha.s.sle you.”

“Little Six, you’re embarra.s.sing him, do not be concerned with Little Seventh’s issue.” The Emperor turned to order. “Little Miao, you can go.”

“Yes, your servant will be retired.” Wei Xiao Miao withdraws.

“Third Brother, you’re seriously a.s.sured about Little Seventh?”

“You should not waste time to worry about Little Seventh, better concentrate on my sister-in-law; I heard that she is pregnant with your second child. I presume that is what you’re here for today.”

“I’m now suspecting you’re not only a clairvoyant, but could also read minds.” Song Hyun although in awe inside he still taunted and laughed “I did not know when will Rites a.s.sistant Minister, my second-in-law become my sister-in-law, Sire?”

“He is a man.”

“Of course I know that he is a man, Da Shao does have several Shang Jun in the past, the Emperor publicly proclaims his lovers and the status is the same as Lady (rank below the Queen), is it not by ent.i.tling him means that you’ve recognise he as your lover?”

“Have you ever want to force Li Cong Tong to be a concubine?”

“Of course, not.” Song Hyun categorically replied like a fastened nail, continued: “Nevertheless, it is better than without legitimacy, not being able to see each other publicly. Third Brother, do you know what people called this relations.h.i.+p?”


“Oh! I did not say anything.”

The Emperor smiled lightly and scolded “No one dares to give me lip service like you.”

Song Hyun exaggerates responded. “Thanks to His Majesty who tolerates and loves your brother.”

The brothers had their little chat about family matters but before leaving, Song Hyun, he could not help  but advise “Third Brother, I do not know how long you and my second brother-in-law relations.h.i.+p will be hidden but if it was not meant to be in public then better not do it, of course, if it is Sire’s intention, then that will be another matter.”

The Emperor smiled but did not reply.

Song Hyun had gone when Wei Xiao Miao brought another brew tea inside.

“Little Miao, if I ordered you to go to Little Seven, are you willing?” The Emperor asked.

Wei Xiao Miao knelt down. “Whatever Your Majesty’s command, it will be done.”

“ I do not want to give you to Little Seven, but observed him. I will issue an edict tomorrow, three days later you’ll accompany Li Qing in patrolling Chu Nan.”

“Your Majesty, there is a bit of distance between the capital and Chu Nan. Since this is work, patrolling will takes Lord Li away at least for several months.” Wei Xiao Miao reminded him.

“It would be best if occasionally he’s away. I temporarily handling him over to you to take care.”

“Yes, your servant will surely devote to serve Lord Li .”

The Emperor smiled faintly and said “You’re to take care of him, not serve; he would not like you to be a meticulous nanny. Regarding about the Seventh Duke, it is up to your capacity.”

Wei Xiao Miao pursed his lips and justified: “Your Majesty, your servant has been with sire since early age, I’ve little friends.h.i.+p with the Seventh Duke, and there is no hidden motive.”

“I know, when the time comes, whether you choose to go or stay, you’ve to make the choice, and I will not interfere with your decision.” The Emperor said. “You can go and get ready.”

“Yes, your servant retires.

Li Qing sleeps soundly and unaware that he is about to head on a long journey. Finally when he has enough rest, he woken up and the sun at this time located in the west apparently nearing dusk. He stretched and sat up; the royal robe that covered his body had slide down to his waist.

“Wake up.” Song Yu said.


Song Yu continues to work on political agenda doc.u.ment (correspondence), Li Qing worn his shoes and sat quietly. A royal servant took a small table and put on the couch, another servant brought a bowl of pea’s porridge on a tray and placed it there, the emperor has specially ordered the royal cookers in made them.

Song Yu was well aware of Li Qing food preferences; he did not like exotic food but preferred green vegetables. Even though it is a commoner’s dish, the Royal cook was still able to present it with great delicacies, the pea porridge looks like a beautiful jade paved bowl which gives the diner a greater sense of satisfaction in eating them.

“Eat before it gets cold, a little nibble for the stomach and then later we’ll have supper together.” Song Yu said.

“Alright.” Li Qing was carelessly stirring the warm porridge, although he’d slept and did not eat anything all day. He did not feel particularly hungry and so after two spoons he places it down.

“Why not eat a bit more?” the Emperor’s head did not look up and his eyes was obviously staring at the doc.u.ment.

‘It was very amazing the man knew my every move.’

“I’ve no appet.i.te.”

“Are you unwell?”



“……You could have let me sleep at Ting Xia Lou (Summer House).”

‘Let me sleep here and also used the royal robe to cover like a quilt, could be no longer portraying as the Emperor who “loving the people as his children”.’

“You were in a deep sleep so I did not want to wake you.”

“Who came here?”

“Minister Xu, Minister Huang, Left Wing Prime Minister, Generalissimo, General Shen, and your brother-in-law.”

Li Qing’s frown deepen, “And you deliberately let them see me?”

“You’re too suspicious.” Song Yu puts down the doc.u.ment and sat down beside him, took the bowl and started to feed him with a spoonful of porridge, said: “Three days later, you’ll patrol Chu Nan on my behalf.”

“Alone?” Li Qing obediently ate the peas porridge from the Emperor’s hand.

“I’ll have Little Miao to travel with you.”

“I’ve not been that far out of the capital.”

“You can take the opportunity to visit your third brother.”

“When am I to return to the capital?”

“When Mo flowers blossom, you can slowly come back.”

Li Qing’s eyes slightly narrowed and then a ripple of smile appears in his eyes, the taste of salty porridge seems to be sweeter. “Your Majesty, let your subordinate to remind sire; that I am your Rites a.s.sistant Minister and is not your Wu Yue Lady.”

Song Yu puts down the bowl and dragged him over to sit on his lap, and then licks his lips where the residue porridge was lingered. He latched onto the moist sweet glossy lips, pa.s.sionately kisses them and said: “I sometimes want our relations.h.i.+p out in an open, I am an Emperor but have to sneak around to see my lover, it is utterly insulting.”

He always felt that Li Qing’s lips is deliciously sweet and sweeter as days going by. And that is why he always wanted to kiss him and then gobbled him up. Li Qing took the initiative to open his mouth and so Song Yu’s tongue entered, continues their lingering kisses, while Li Qing inarticulately said: “A wife is not a concubine; a concubine is not the same as an external affair.”

“You, ah!” Song Yu was angry and bitten his lips and when they were ending the kiss, he was still slightly annoying but firmly hold Li Qing in the arms. “To be together is that really hard?”

Unwilling? Li Qing’s heart admitted from the beginning he was indeed not without reluctance to enter this relations.h.i.+p, he always play it safe and greedily lazy about anything, he does not look for trouble so trouble is not looking for him.

‘Is it not by having a relations.h.i.+p with the Emperor is the most troublesome thing?’

At first he could not help but  be dazed and confused, not sure why the Emperor fancies him. Of course he was unwilling to be under a man body but cannot be bothered to fight back. Who is the Emperor? He is the most powerful man in the kingdom, only in vain to struggle against such a force. He is not like those who would rather die to protect their virginity, he is Li Qing who wants to be like a small sloth, just laying lazy for all day was enough.

He thought the Emperor was momentary newly indulgence with him and will not last. All he needs was to have a little patience and everything will be over. However, the situation was beyond his expectation, their feelings have increased over time, involuntarily they have care for each other a bit more every day, ultimately and currently they could not be without the other.

He’s almost certain that the Emperor does love him, and he too is in love with the Emperor. This concealment gradually becomes a hard thing to do, but if he did not hide then it would have been a hundred times harder.

There was times when he want their feelings to be open, but the other man is the Emperor. To be made public would presumably cause greater deal of trouble and iy will exhausthim. If their secret love affair became public, he thought, ‘I would probably be the first one to run away, where n.o.body able to find me and to hide there forever, and pretending nothing had happened.’

‘Calling me a coward is alright, laughed at my unworthiness is still good; a typical life and just easygoing unfettered path – well, I would volunteer to bury the head in the sand like an ostrich, just ah…’

“Why are we still together then?” Li Qing m.u.f.fled whisper, asking Song Yu but as if he was asking himself.

Occasionally he thought, ‘if I had not taken a nap six years ago, not haplessly stabbed by sword hence the Emperor noticed of my existence, then today they would had not be involved with each other? Should I be grat.i.tude or resent of that dim ah? The man had taken a powerless and unimportant official as a hostage.’

The Emperor never sighed before, sigh. “It is fate.”

“ A misfortune one.”

“Even if is a misfortune fate, I’ll make this misfortune to tie you and me forever.”

“A lifetime…lifetime….. Really a life together……” Li Qing tones sounds confused, his eyes were vague dreamily.

“Of course I can!” Song Yu lifted his face and firmly stared, said: “Li Qing, Li Qing, this life you are destined belong to me.”

Li Qing silently looking back Song Yu for a while, thoughtfully then faintly cried, “Ah!” noncommittal and yawned.

“You’re still busy, I would rest for a while; call me when we are having dinner.” Then he kissed his lover the Emperor, and once again doing his favourite thing, sleeps.

Song Yu chuckled loudly; a bit exasperated, he flicks the man’s nose then unconsciously caressed his face. ‘I love this man’s leisurely composure, and his love for serenity. But this att.i.tude and casualness temperament sometimes really annoying. I’m not sure how much of myself is possessing his mind and how important am I weight to him.’

“Qing, pay more attention to me, okay?” The young Emperor lightly whispered to the man who has fallen asleep, ‘do not know whether these sentiments of love word will be infiltrated into his dream.’

How could an Emperor of De Shao and a low rank minister, the Rites a.s.sistant able to get together? Nevertheless, it was a common question for many people when regarding this presumably hidden affair.

The story of these two men’ fates started back about seven years ago.

It was the fourth spring of the present Emperor’ reign, the sixth yearly Imperial big test. The pre-test qualifiers were selected from every county and the Imperial College of San Baiyu (school for the children of n.o.bleman and officials). Over three hundred candidates tried to advance the test entrance, and then, another selection round of one hundred candidates to enter the palace and test questions was personally conducted by the Emperor on government policies. The first rank (PHDs) is given to the top three scholars, the next sixteen scholars are in second rank (Masters), and the rest of scholars (Bachelors) were recorded into the official register in according to their ability, expertise and will take official post or temporary post to where they are needed.

In short, it was a test for the nation’s officials.

The head house of Li Family is Li Cong Yin, who was using rough and gentle method. He forced the nineteen year old Li Qing to agree to join their third brother, seventeen years old Li Hyun, who admitted in takes the National Examination in spring.

Li Qing did not want to become an Official, only happy to possess one of a shop/factory from his oldest brother. But Li Cong Yin wanted to expand his business and believed that it is possible if one of their family member was to sit on an official position. Hence he forces the second and third brothers to study hard, hoping in the future to have one of them takes an official position so his plan and scheme become fruitful.

When National Examination pre-qualifiers list was announced, Li Cong Yin was pleased as both of his brothers has been admitted as successful candidates. Even if they did not get into first rank or second rank, as long they get to the third rank they would automatically have an official post and worked their way up the ladder in later dates should not be a big problem.

Li Qing loves to read at young age, though he has unfortunate experience, to be forced learning history, code of conduct, nation policies and so on. Hence it went into one ear and out another. The one he really likes reading was fiction stories which was more interesting. So every examination he tried to use all his brain powers and could able to a.s.semble about three thousand words which would be incredible lucky while others could hand in millions words at least.

Therefore, he often wonders that his pa.s.sing on every examination were actually results from his brother’s bribes to the official and unlike Li Hyun who earned the placement by his own merit.

Although it may state that successful candidates are to be tested by the Emperor but in fact, the examiner is a high rank officer and there are only a few people that were personally questioned by the Emperor. Normally, it takes only about fifty candidates respond to the weary the Emperor thus the later candidates would be at a disadvantage from not being heard probably, because to arouse the attention of the Emperor would be very difficult.

Li Hyun was the seventeenth candidate that is the first batch of successful candidates while Li Qing from the last batch, the candidate of number ninety two. He was drowned off, continuing taken naps from the long wait, it was until he called that he had to pinch himself to manage awake.

After kowtow on the ground with the young Emperor who sitting on throne, Li Qing stood below and listen to those standing in front of him answer. They were impa.s.sioned, talking about generosity and justices. They were eloquent on the issues like a ma.s.sive counterattack on a battlefield, his eyes narrowed again and again open; open eyes and closed them, really a painful struggling effort.


‘I want to sleep …… why I can’t do it, really want to sleep ……’

“Li Qing…… Li Qing…..”

‘What a familiar name……’Li Qing was in a trance as someone pushed him, “Hey, they’re calling you.”

‘Uh, it’s me!’ Li Qing forced to open up his eyelids, and hastened went out of the queue.

The examiner saw his sleepy looks, eyes dazed, seems not an intelligent person so he picked the simplest question and asked him: “His Majesty asked ‘How can he make the kingdom to be a safer place?’’”

He did not answer like the others, who attempted to shows off their talents, only replied in a short statement: “Enough food and clothes are sufficient for people to feel safe. People considered food as the most important thing.”

“Is that all?”


“Why not add a few more statement, which should be fine.”The examiner kindly gives him second chance.

“Keep the Ruler’s ethics (justices) for the citizen then the nation will not be in danger.”

“Anything else?”

‘Still not enough, ah?’ Li Qing contemplated hard and then said: “The nation does not belong only to the Emperor; His Majesty must make effort and use his mind to provide peace to the citizens, to follow the examples of wise sages to have a long life.”

Suddenly the hall was momentary silenced.

Li Qing was confused; he really wonders what he had said that could make everyone speechless. He did not think he could excel as one of the successful candidates, always thinking how quickly he could leave here and return home to sleep. He was forced to wake up in the morning before dawn and driven into the palace, it was better off to kill him instead.

The examiner looked at him from head to toe as if he’d seen a demon, thinking inwardly how this youngster dared to teach ‘How to be a good Emperor’ (Holy Emperor),is it not implied that His Majesty did not rule justly like a wise sage?’

“What is your thought, of being a Holy Emperor?” The Emperor suddenly broke the silence and shocked the audiences.

Li Qing was indeed surprised but nonetheless replied: “Eat the food of the people eat, thinking of what the people think, delight in the people’s happiness, sympathize with the people’s trouble, love the people then the people love back, do evil lead people to be evil criminals, respect the people as they are the tiger, and able to see the pain of the people.”

“What are you trying to say? That the Emperor do not belong to himself but to all the people of the nation?”

“The Emperor always says: “I am the nation.” Therefore, the Emperor is the head of the nation, if there are no people then there will be no nation.”

The Hall became quieter.

In fact, what Li Qing said was the well known truth so nothing new is cliché, except that none would dare to preach the Emperor about it. Even saying the statement “I am the nation” was guilty of disrespect. The person who said this would be an idiot or have a great deal of courage, the audiences at present were sweating coldly for him.

The Emperor did not show anger, but gives a faintly smile and said: “What you’ve said is correct.”

The examiner watched over the situation, saw the Emperor seems liked Li Qing response, then with cinnabar pen circled his name.

‘A blind cat catch a dead rat’ is probably the case for Li Qing. His luck has ranked him into the first group, taken third place, the fifth rank level in government ministry and served in Social Service Department as an entry level. Li Hyun was real gold, who champion of the first place, fifth rank level in government ministry and sent to “River Province”, took over the Head of Government House in the county.

The two brothers both pa.s.sed the examination in first rank, one work as a minor official in the capital and the other placed as the high official of a county and both positions are lucrative. Li Cong Yin laughed almost straining his jaw. He took three days to celebrate, set off firecrackers and open great banquets. Although the feast was charged to be able to attend but many rich people still came as they want to make with the right connection. Such feast had helped Li Cong Yin to acquire a few business opportunities and funds. Above all, it was a great fun event!

End of Chapter 2

Mo Shang Hua Kai chapter 2 – the last part.

The next day after the public announcement of the successful examinees, according to the customary practice, the court would conduct a banquet for pa.s.sing the Imperial Examination. Setting up a tent by the Taiye Lake side to hold the banquet. Three successful candidates who got the highest point in the same Imperial Exam would have the special honors to have a seat on the same mat with the Emperor. It was said as sitting on the same mat, but the Emperor’s seat still a bit distance from them, it was merely having a feast on the same tent only, there were also a group of high officials inside the tent.

There was an unwritten custom for the Pa.s.s an Imperial Exam’s Banquet, the candidate who came third* in the examination would have to pick the most beautiful peony in the capital, on behalf of the world scholars, dedicated it to the Emperor, while saying : “Heaven bestows the world with the spring’s thousand fragrance, this unrivalled beauty is presented to Our Emperor.”

(t/n : *探花郎 – Tanhua Lang : Tanhua means a candidate who came third in the Imperial examination or the Third Place Examinee, Lang means bachelor or junior official. So, I will use Tanhua Lang or the Third Place Examinee when necessary, so, please don’t be confused. XD )

When the Emperor accepted it, he would reply : “The grace from Heaven not only for the swallow on the highest building, The beauty of the spring returns to the world.”

After that, the Emperor would give the peony back as present to the successful examinee. It served as a metaphor, that the Emperor and his great number of people, praying and wis.h.i.+ng for the continuous prosperous years. Wonderful as well as elegant indirect meaning.

When Li Cong Qing in accordance with the customary enjoined, reverent and respectfully offered a full bloom bright red like a flaming blaze peony, the Emperor was like smiling yet not smiling, didn’t immediately accept it. The originally rather noisy tent fell silent, all line of sight was cast on his direction.

What is it this time? Li Cong Qing was unable to understand the situation. Last night he especially turned in very early to have a full rest, to keep him in good spirit. They wanted him to pick a peony, he already picked one. So, why the scene became so strange again?

The Sixth Prince, Song Xuan, moved closer and said in surprise : “Isn’t this the outstanding beauty* that His Majesty planted personally?”

(t/n : * 天香 – literally means : divine fragrance, national grace or Ethereal color and celestial fragrance –  word to describe an outstanding beauty of a peony.)

The tent blew up the cauldron at once. This fellow is extremely daring, he actually cut the flower which is personally planted by the Emperor!    

Li Cong Qing was stupefied. Then he realized that he had got himself into trouble. Thinking back, this morning when he received the a.s.signment to pick the peony, even though he usually lazy by nature, he wouldn’t dare to just choose whichever flower to be dedicated to the Emperor. So, he was searching here and looking there along the Taiye Lake, yet he couldn’t decide which one to pick. It so happened that the Great Sage, the Great Teacher of the Nation was pa.s.sing by, amiably asking him what are you looking for?

He answered, the most beautiful peony in the capital.

The Great Teacher of the Nation told him and pointing, go to find one at Baihu Temple, the most beautiful peony in the capital is in there.

Baihu Temple was an ancestral temple for the Imperial Family, commoner must not enter without authority. But our Third Place Examinee was extremely fortunate to have the Great Teacher of the Nation leading the way. Smoothly he entered the Baihu Temple which was not so far from Taiye Lake. Just his luck that he settled on the Emperor’s peony. Carefully thinking back once again, that peony was specially planted on a big topaz pot inside the bamboo pavilion. Proudly blossomed with it splendid scarlet color, the fragrance of the flower a.s.saulted one’s nose, truly an extremely honorable flower.

The Great Teacher of the Nation was not alarmed nor stopped him, to the point of laughing while nodding his head, even actually said great choice, what a great choice.

Good, of course good! Good to the point that he might have his hands chopped off for good!

Seriously thought of doing his best on the matter, the result had become so terrible instead. Li Cong Qing for a period of time didn’t know what better to do. He was pondering would it be necessary to throw himself and kneeling on the floor, crying bitterly in tears while begging the Emperor to have a mercy on his petty life? Or just said a high-sounding speech, pleaded not guilty because one who doesn’t know cannot be held responsible?

The Emperor solemnly gazed at Li Cong Qing. Li Cong Qing blankly stared at the Emperor. Both of them did not pay attention to all sorts of comments from the crowds, just looking at each other.

Several days ago at the Grand Audience Hall, even though The Emperor was looking up and down, he could only see the hat of Li Cong Qing, from head to toe not so different from the other frail scholars, considerably not be noticeable. Li Cong Qing from the beginning until the end lowered his head and hung down his face, moreover, the Emperor was sitting so high and so far, so far as if at the far end of the world, so they couldn’t see each other clearly, didn’t have whatever impression whether it was round or it was flat.

Now that Li Cong Qing could see the sacred countenance in close range, he could see that the Emperor had das.h.i.+ng sword like eyebrows* bright eyes. Indeed it was the out of the ordinary extreme handsomeness as rumored, elegant with distinct cultured character. In regard solely for the outward appearance, compared to his two eminently handsome to the extreme brothers, Li Cong Yin and Li Cong Xuan, the Emperor was not inferior in any respects, even he didn’t have Li Cong Yin’s deceitful air, didn’t have Li Cong Xuan’s grave and stern cool face, adding more to his inborn natural honorable impressive and dignified bearing, his calm as the sea manner, not flaunting his power, making him beating his heart in awe and veneration.

(t/n : *das.h.i.+ng sword like eyebrows : Lu Cang’s eyebrows.. LOL.. Kidding  XD : straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards. Please imagine Lu Cang’s eyebrows. Ahahahhahahha…. XD )

The Emperor by accident happened to notice a faint small roundish bead on Li Cong Qing’s lips. It was like a bead-shaped dew rolling on flower bud that was about to burst, causing his lips looks like slightly pout. On that mediocre face, a contradictory feeling of a childishness and a woman’s lovely charm was mixed in, particularly now when he blinked his eyes with his innocent expression, that lips unconsciously pouted higher, unexpectedly he was noticeably cute, causing him to have the impulse to get on intimate terms with him.

An Emperor of course may not carry out this kind of indescribable action. Gradually forming a smile, he was the first to open his golden mouth : “The grace from Heaven not only for the swallow on the highest building, The beauty of the spring reflects on Tanhua*.”

(t/n : * check the previous note. )

Eh? The Emperor changed the last three words of the reply verse, the meaning is……..?

“I heard that this flower is sweet, Third Place Examinee, do have a taste.” The Emperor said, ordering someone to bring a small plate of honey to him.

Li Cong Qing had a fixed face as he had decided, he was not excessively panic-stricken or to be at a loss. He thought to himself, if there was only a dead-end left, calling father shouting mother dropped on the ground and rolling about would be of no use, it would be better to save the effort. Just like that, under all of the crowds stunned eyes, dipped them in the honey, petal by petal he ate it.

The flower petal was a bit bitter and acidulous, fortunately the honey was very sweet, the strong fragrance mixed in the syrupy sweet honey, the taste actually pretty good. Eh…… could it be this is poisonous, so the Emperor wants to poison him to death as his punishment?

The light red lips was biting on the brilliant red petals, glossy as it tainted by the honey. The Emperor cast a sidelong glance at the seemingly more delicious than the peony lips, to the point he couldn’t move his line of sight for a period of time.

Li Cong Xuan on the side calmly observed, didn’t even said a word regarding his brother’s unfavorable situation, incredibly cool to the extreme.

But on the contrary, this year Second Place Examinee, Geng Bai Zuo, forced a hollow laugh. He took the courage to laugh loudly and said : “Our Third Place Examinee resembles an ox, this time it really isn’t just in name only, but literally an Ox chewing peony.”

The cold joke broke the deadlock situation, everybody laughed loudly upon hearing this corny joke.

After finis.h.i.+ng the peony, Li Cong Qing realized that he was not going to die as it had no poison. Looking at the happy and contented face of the Emperor, he supposed that roughly for the time being he wouldn’t have to worry about his life, heaving a relief sigh and laughed together. He was not having an ashamed look at all. Leisurely just like that he delivered his grat.i.tude to the Emperor for bestowing him with the outstanding beauty.

When he laughed, the perked up lips was similar to a blossoming flower which soaked by the dew, mouth-watering desirable fresh and tender.

The little detail which had never been noticed by anybody, yet the Emperor had noticed it. He thought to himself, why there is a man with the lips the color of spring flower in this world? Actually more desirable than the woman’s cherry bright red lips. In addition, on a face of completely ordinary looking man.

That lips, what kind of taste would it like?

After day dreaming for a while, the Emperor gently laughed out and said : “Third Place Examinee has picked one great flower indeed.”

The Dragon was delighted, the Emperor allowed Li Cong Qing to sit closer to him. The Pa.s.s an Imperial Exam’s Banquet was proceeded smoothly, joyfully and cheerfully.

The Third Place Examinee was sitting under the left side of the Emperor, The Best Examinee was sitting under the right side of the Emperor, they both so happened to be the Li brothers. When Li Cong Yin learnt about the matter after the banquet, he was laughing so hard and for several days couldn’t close his mouth as he couldn’t conceal his happiness. HA HA HA------ This time, the Li Family definitely will have a meteorite rise, making great profit for life, right?

At that time, n.o.body could have foreseen, that someday in the future, Li Cong Qing’s Ox Chewing Peony would chew the Emperor to the depth of his heart.

Chapter 3 : Chapter 2Song Hyun stepped inside the Royal Office and saw Li Qing sleeping, his head on
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