Monster Integration (Web Novel)
Monster Integration (Web Novel) - Chapter 77: A Job Offer

Two more days passed by and we were only two to three days away from the small lake.

''Ingres Flower!" Rhea exclaimed and cautiously cut the flower off the tree with expert precision.

Rhea has extensive knowledge of herbs and ores and she been able to identify them and pick them easily.

She said when she was deep in the forest, she spotted precious ores and herbs everywhere but was in no condition to take them.

She must have picked tens of herbs till now, I don't know much about it as I never extensively read about them.

I only had read about them a little when I left my building for the Green Heel as many people were finding precious herbs are ores here.

Although I may have not picked as much as rhea I still found few ingots of ores that worth quite a credits.

We didn't put every precious ore into our backpack lest it makes our backpack heavy.

We only took a minimum and only precious, rhea even threw away some of the ores, she had picked earlier because it is making her backpack heavy.

If she was hunting in westblood, she never would have done that, she would have easily taken ten times more ores she has now but here is different, the danger is everywhere in this realm.

It's been six days since I entered this realm but I didn't see anyone except for Rhea and that dead body from the westblood.

It's been two days since I leveled up but I hadn't had a chance to test my powers fully.

Now I can kill Private grade with the swing of my sword but all the specialist grade monsters that I had come across these days are at peak and I am no match for them.

I feel quite bored sometimes when we just walk and walk but no monster come across us.

I know it's a good thing, lesser the monster we encounter the quicker we will reach our destination.

We suddenly stopped on track when we heard the big rustling come toward us, we quickly activated our weapons hearing the sound.

From the sound of rustle, I can say there are more than three monsters coming toward, just as we attack to caught the monsters off guard but stopped on time because we noticed something peculiar.

It was human silhouettes, soon they come out one by one, there six of them in two groups, three boys and three girls.

They are definitely the same as the group I met earlier, six of them looked fourteen, fifteen years old and are at Private grade, I am sure they are from the central continent as well.

"See, didn't tell you I sense people coming toward us but you wouldn't believe me!" said the boy complacently at the girl.

He had blue hair and blue eyes and looked quite handsome.

''Stop bragging your sensing ability, Aron." Said the beautiful girl with hair black as night.

We just stayed silent, listening to their conversation.

This boy and girl seemed to leaders of their team.

The boy wanted to say something but he stopped and looked toward us smilingly.

"My dear friends from the outer continent I am Shawn and this is Carol." Shawn introduced himself.

"We like to offer a job to you? and you won't be disappointed in our payment!" he said, he sound businessmen in those old movies.

We both became vigilant after hearing him, although I didn't sense any bad intention from still we better be careful.

And saying outer continent means he knows we come from a different place than him.

''What job?" I asked vigilantly, all of them had the power to fight with the Corporal level monster and if they are requesting our help, then it is really dangerous.

"It is very dangerous and chances of you getting injured or maybe dead are high but if you are successful, what we will pay will be a fortune to you," he said, I got little startled hearing his utterly honest offer.

Most of the people will say no to such job but he said he will pay a fortune. He is saying that what he will pay us a fortune to us but not to him.

"What is the job?" Rhea asked. although it may be very and we may not do it but it doesn't hurt to as.

''There is underground cave one hour from here, It is the Cave of grade 3 Sandworm monsters." He said.

I also heard this Grade 3 term from the other team from the central continent, it probably means Corporal grade.

"There are about some fifteen, sixteen monsters are there and five or six Grade 3 monsters while rest is grade 2, what you two have to throw the thing inside that we gave you." He continued while we silently while keeping our expression straight.

"After that, you just have to run, we will handle the rest what comes after," he said so nonchalantly like selling candy.

Rhea and I may look expressionless but we are shocked inside, they are really asking us to risk our lives, although he said before that there is a threat to our life buy still?

''Why aren't are you doing this?" I asked, instead of getting angry at my question he smiled.

"We would have done it but it would take a lot of our time and energy like I said you just have thrown the things we gave and run and we will handle the rest." I was about to reject them but rhea asked the question.

''What we will get if we do this?" Rhea asked I got little startled when she asked this question, I didn't think she will be interested in a life-threatening job.

''Our seniors had hidden two pouches inside that cave, we only need badge inside the pouches and rest it will be yours." He said.

''What's in the pouches?" I can't stop asking myself

"Beside the badge, it will have at least one Knight Grade Artifact and Skill and of course the space pouch which containing them if you are lucky, you may get potions and mana stones also," he said with still that slight smile on his face.

''Knight Grade?" Rhea asked, I also wanted to ask this question, it is the first time I've heard it.

"Knight Grade refers to 12 basic grades, Knight grades skills and artifacts can be used by all 12 basic stages." he patiently explained to us.

I am really feeling conflicted right now, I would have definitely rejected it before mentioning payment but now that he mentioned it, I am really doing it.

''I'll do it," Rhea said before I could answer, I can understand her choice, they are paying a lot.

F.u.c.k it! "I'll do it too!" I said fortune comes with the risk, I cant always cling to my life, I have to take certain risks to progress.

''let's get going then! Time is precious." He said and we followed the six of them as we ran.

Rhea and I started to follow them, their speed is really fast, to match up to them, I have to circulate to the 12th move of the exercise.

Whenever I looked at Shawn I felt fear, in just a few words he made us agree to do this dangerous job and the worst thing is he didn't lie to us, he told us the truth even saying we may lose our lives in this.

He first told us about the danger, that made us think to directly refuse his job but then he took out a treat that we can't refuse it, even in our dream.

We soon come to stop after running for more than half an hour. I am a little confused, looking around I didn't find a cave to the underground.

"There are two ways to enter the underground, two of you will enter each one separately!" Shawn said, I got little startle at hearing it but nodded.

''The Monsters inside are Giant earthworm monsters, they have no long range, mid-range attacking ability but they can attack close combat with their teeth," Shawn stated.

I nodded as the desert in the boundary of the republic had many similar monsters who like to eat whatever that venture into their territory with their sharp saw-like teeth.

"hnn!" I made a sound when Carol, the leader of the girls had sprayed something on our body.

"This will mask your smell and help you reach the monsters base successfully," said Carol.

Shawn handed us two thumbs size glass balls each, I look him questioningly.

"You have to throw these balls inside monsters base and run like hell and don't summon your monsters while doing this, even smell of this thing will make your monster mad," he said.

"Our teams will be waiting by the entrance of the cave, as soon as you are out, we will attack a monster with our deadliest skills." Said Carol.

''Remember, you both throw this gas balls at the same time, so set the timer," Carol instructed I and Liz set the timer on our halowatchs.

Carol had earlier scouted the cave and gave us it's a map, she assured us that there will be no danger before we threw the gas ball but after we threw it away, we have to run like hell or we will be bloody paste if we caught up by the earthworm monsters.

''Micheal follow me, the entrance of the cave is just ahead." Said Shawn, I nodded and started following his group while Rhea left with carols group.

Within ten minutes we reach the place where the path to the underground is. It is big and I can easily walk into it comfortably.

Just as I about to ask to enter the cave, I asked the question that has been bugging me hours

''How do you know there are fifteen sixteen monsters in the cave?" I asked, if went before monsters, he would have definitely fought them before but he didn't look like he was in any serious fight today.

''I have very string sensing ability," Shawn replied, well that explained his earlier words to Carol.

"Good Luck!" Shawn said as I was entering the cave, I nodded toward him and entered the cave.

Carol said it would take me an hour to reach the cave if I walk normally, The timer set for one and half an hour.

Carol said that this earthworm monster being a territorial monster, I will not probably encounter any monsters.

Another thing that believes that these Earthworms are a nocturnal monster and only hunt at the night.

The caves became wider as I traveled inside, five to six people can easily travel through the cave without feeling any comfortable.

I didn't walk hurridly as I have enough time, they said that there will be no monster but I will not put all of my hopes on that.

I walk slowly and cautiously while memorizing the cave as much as possible with dim light coming from the light crystal in my hand.

"Chu Chu!" "Slice!" I was right, never fully believe in what someone said, the probability was low of me finding the monster on way but I still found it.

Although this snake monster was only at Private grade it was still a monster.

I can feel the two glass in my pocket, I asked Shawn what they do, he just smiles and said no monster is bear to stay in smoke that release by glass ball and the smoke even make monster very mad, so as soon as I threw it, I should run like hell.

Fifty minutes passed since I started walking in the cave, I should be able to reach my destination in ten to fifteen minutes.

I reached the marked spot after walking fifteen minutes, I have to wait for fifteen minutes before throwing the glass balls.

Minutes after minutes passed by and soon and only two minutes are remaining for the timer to buzz off.

I remove the glass ball from my pocket and ready myself to throw them off.

"Buzz!" my holowatch vibrate, without care, I throw two glass balls one after another and broke into a run without care.

"Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! I heard the faint sound of exploding, listening to this I go all out.

I activated my shoes and started circulating supreme combat exercise at the highest, I don't want any compromise with my life.

"Grrrr, Grrr…" I heard monsters cries, they are so loud and uncomfortable that all hair on my skin stands and my ears left buzzing.

If what Shawn said it true then the monster will come behind me any second, he said they will not bear to stay in smoke even for minute and madness will engulf them.

"Grrr Grrr!" I heard a voice behind me loudly and I can feel the monsters are not behind me.

When I looked back, I saw a giant earthworm monster is about ten meters behind me and I can see it rotating circular teeth.

If I get caught into them, I will directly become a meat paste that's how dangerous they are.

I am already running all out and I can feel, it is coming closer to me at every second.

Its good thing that cave is big enough to support only one monster at a time

I have to survive a maximum of fifteen minutes, that is much time will take me to get out.

Seeing monster coming, I tried to circulate sixteenth move of supreme combat exercise, I failed first few times due to the extreme pain I am feeling but after a few times, I was able to circulate finally.

Time passed by and I ran with all my might without care for anything.

I ran and ran but I can still feel it, it is coming toward me and only five some meters away, I can even smell its disgusting breath.

''Grr Grrrr!" A loud roar comes after me, it had come closer, only two meters behind me but there is good news, more than ten minutes passed and I very close to close the entrance.

Gritting my teeth through the pain as I successfully circulated 18th move of the exercise and my increased a little.

''Hmm!" I made a sound as I saw the faint light, in a minute I will get out of this bloody cave.

''Grrrr!" As if sensing, I will be getting away, it suddenly sped toward me as I felt his breath on my back.

I am sure if I didn't do anything right now, I will definitely turn it to its food and entrance is a few second ways as I see the bright light of outside.

'F.u.c.k!" I cursed as I felt the monsters mouth a few inches behind me, it will surely eat it didn't do anything.

"Ahhh!" I screamed loudly in pain as I circulate supreme combat exercise and circulated 19th and 20th move.

'Chomp!' i barely able to survive it mouth as my speed increased a little and run past the entrance in clear bright sky, I was never so happy seeing the bright sky.

"Bang Bang Bang…." I heard a loud sound behind me as Shawn and his teammates are attacked the monsters.

Note: I will be starting my P a t r e o n from tomorrow, which also will be a day when readers of our novel reached 1 Million.

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Monster Integration (Web Novel) - Chapter 77: A Job Offer
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