World Teacher – Other World Style Education & Agent
World Teacher – Other World Style Education & Agent - Chapter 6: Past and dreams

I apparently posted the chapter 6 by accident while I was still doing the translation, oups. Well, it’s fixed, sorry about that, I’m still not all that good with wordpress.

All right, chapter 6 today, I tried to do it fast but I bought the witcher 2 recently, and between my life (lel), The Witcher and the translations, it’s hard to find the right balance. I wanted to post it sooner but I got really caught up in my game and I got that new phone that I…

Also, I’m switching from Elina to Elena and from Noeruto Noel as well. It sounds better imo.

Anyway, chapter 6, I hope you’ll enjoy it and as always, you’re welcome to report the mistakes I made, and since this one was really annoying to translate, you’ll probably find a bunch of those mistakes, the next chapters are better so this won’t happen again, don’t worry.

Past and dreams

【 “So that’s how it is…”】(Sirius)

【 “I’m… very sorry.”】(Elena)

After announcing my mother’s death, Elena-san starts looking downwithout wiping her tears.

I don’t know ifsheis sad because of a feeling of guilt since she didn’t tell me before or because of a feeling of powerlessness. I should be the most affected by this but I’m actually calm an composed. Well, normally, anyone would be shaken upto find out that their mother is dead.

However, the experiences of my previous life don’t allow me to lose my cool.

I killed acountless number ofpeople and I lost a lot of my friends as well. It’s not that it’s impossible for me tofeel sad, but even when I do, I can’t even cry.In my opinion, dying is just better and less sad than being paralyzed for life.

【 “Elena-san, It’s all right.”】(Sirius)

【 “B-but, I lied to you…”】(Elena)

【 “You lied for my own good. How could I be angry at you while I’m so thankful to you?”】(Sirius)

【 “But…. I….”】(Elena)

I return my eyesto the picture. She reallyresembles me a lot which just goes to confirm that she’s my mother.I wonder what kind of person she was when she was alive.

【 “For now, Iwant youto tell me more about my mom.”】(Sirius)

【 “Oh!About ojou-sama? ” 】(Elena)

【 “Yeah, I want to know what kind of person she was, what she liked, anything you can tell me is fine really.” 】(Sirius)

【 “Well, Maria… Aria-sama was quite the innocent lady. “】(Elena)

She starts recalling my motherwitha soft expressionon her face.Innocent huh, well, she does give offthat kind offeeling in the picture, a pure innocent lady.

【 “Shewas theonly daughter of thearistocratEldland. She was a very dignified ladywith a very kind heart and she saved me when I fell into despair. Though her actions didn’t please the other aristocrats, she had a mysterious charisma that could attract and enchant anyone. However, theEldland family ended up being defeated in a power strugglethat occurred betweenthe aristocrats and the clan was deprived of its noble’s status. At that time, there was afoolisharistocrat who fellin lovewith Aria-sama at first sight. She married him in exchange forthe protection of her parents. “】(Elena)

She sold herself for her family, I wonder how much resolution that demands.

【 “From there it got bad.Thefoolish noblegot tired ofAria-sama after playing around with her once, she then got confined in this mansion and was not given any status. We three peoplewho had no apparent future were hiredin this mansionthanks tothe recommendation given by the benevolentAria-sama. Fortunately or not, by that time, Aria-sama was pregnant with you, Sirius-sama.When that was found out, she was given only a little amount of money in order to raise you to become a spare heir…”】(Elena)

I’m angry from the bottom of my heart. Though that aristocrat is my father, I feel no hesitation to feel genuine hatred towardshim. Well, right now, I feel like she’s spitting the resentment she pent-up during all these years.

【 “It was foundout afterwards that the power struggle was caused by the noblein order to get Aria-sama.Her parents are still missing as well. Because of all this, I deeply hated thearistocrat and everything related to him.”】(Elena)

What a fuckin’ asshole. (TLN:He said “trash” but since the noble is a fuckin’ asshole, I’ll leave it like that)

If I had knownthat when he came by yesterday, I would have cold bloodedly killed him. While I’m having some dark thoughts, some wrinkles appear on Elena-san’s forehead asshe suddenly stars smiling wryly.

【 “However, Aria-sama didn’t feel that way. She was just joyfully patting her growing stomach while in high spirits.“But this is that aristocrat’s child!”. Even afterItold hersomething that rude, Aria-sama just calmly started talking.”】(Elena)

【(Because it’s that man’s child you want me to leave it? That’s ridiculous. This child is not guilty for the sins ofhis fatherand I’m sure he’ll grow up to be a wonderfulnoble.He’ll be with my mother and father who are still alive somewhere and he’ll also be with you, Dee and Noel, too. I can bring him at ease if it’s in that kind of environment right? What more could youask for?)】(Maria)

【 “After she said that, I couldn’t say anything back… The only thing that mattered for her was our safety and yours, Sirius-sama. In addition, for her, you were not only her child, but the child of all of us. Really, she was such a good lady.”】(Elena)

What a strong willed person. I would have loved to meet and see her even if she wasn’t my mother.

【 “And, at the last month of Aria-sama’s pregnancy, her health suddenly took a turn for the worse. Because she had such a weak body, it wasn’t strange for her to fall sick in those conditions. Giving birth to ababy in that state was a suicidal action. Still, Aria-sama wanted to do it and…”】(Elena)

Iwasborn, and shedied…

【 “(Your name is a sirius. My Sirius, and I love you. Don’t let anyone decide the course of your life for you, I want you to grow up while believing in yourself and not being tied up to anything. That’s my last wish as yourmother. And Elena, please… love him in my stead. )” 】(Maria)

【 “Those were the last words of Aria-sama. I was left with you and I was at a loss as for what to do, but, when I lifted you for the first time in my arms, all my anxiety and confusion faded away. You were that hateful man’s son, Still, as Aria-sama said, you were just an innocent child. That’s when I decided to follow the Ojou-sama’s will and swore to protect you, Sirius-sama. Iswore to protect you yet… I… I…”】(Elena)

Aftersaying that, Elena-san kept talking sadlyabout the current situationwhile crying.

Apparently, the aristocrat that came yesterday, my father, goes by the name of Bardomir Dorian. He gave us just enough money to livein this house for five years if we countthe self-sufficiency of the house.

After spitting out those pent-up feelings, Elena-san calms down and starts looking bashful. She probably just realized that she is talking to a three years old.

【 “Ah…… I’m showing such a pathetic appearance. I apologize,I was confused and-“】(Elena)

【 “It’s all right because I understood everything you just said.”】(Sirius)(TLN:He’s talking about his father coming, not what’s before)

【 “You did?! This… from a three years old… “】(Elena)

She gives me asurprised look which then turns into a look of astonishment when Imentionyesterday’s conversation. She was especially shocked by my eavesdropping. (TLN: I don’t get what he said in the second sentence here, something about eavesdropping but I’m not sure what)

【 “Elena, I believe it’s now my turn to do the talking.”】(Sirius)

【 “Well, what… do you have to say?”】(Elena)

【 “It’s my secret. Though it might be unbelievable, I want you to hear it and to tell me what you think about it. “】(Sirius)

Right now, I’m not putting on an innocent mask or anything like that. Rather,I’m giving off an overpowering atmosphere. But, as I stare at her intensely, she just starts smiling.

【 “Please stop looking so uneasy and let me hear what you have to say.I’ll still be your friend no matter what you tell me.”】(Elena)

Wait, is my uneasiness reflected on my face? This childish body is making my control over my expressions weaker.

【 “Elena, do you ever have dreams?”】(Sirius)

【 “Yes, a lot, but I usually forget them.”】(Elena)

【 “Well I have them all the time and I remember them clearly.”】(Sirius)

I kept the memories I got from my previous life in another world where I lived for more than 60 years before dying… even if I say it and somehow manage to make her believe it, it’d be troublesome in various ways.That’s why I decided to make my previous life a “dream” in my confession.

【 “Though I don’t remember from what time it is, Ikeep seeing some man’s life in my dreams. It’s almost like I become that man,I go throughvarious experiences andlearn a lot of thingsevery day. In addition, when I wake up, I remember everything, all the knowledge I get in my sleep stays in my headand I’m somehow able to do everything I do in those dreams.】(Sirius)

【 “How can such a thing… Do you still have those dreams?”】(Elena)

【 “Yes, I’m still seeing them. The other day I had a dream whereIwent to war and learnt to fight. That’s why I was able to defeat that goblin. I don’t get why this is happening to me but I think it’s a good thing. Because I was able to help you thanks to that.”】(Sirius)

【 “…………”】(Elena)

With a lumpin my throat, I tell Elena-san about my secretand she gives me a thoughtful look.

Honestly, I won’t be surprised if she calls me a monsterbecause my growth rate is too abnormal.

And heransweris… a hug.

【 “You rarely cry, you learnt how to read in a single year andunderstoodmagic so soon. It was questionable in various ways but to think there were such circumstances… As for thewar… you must have had a hard time.”】(Elena)

Hmmm… Frankly I didn’t think she’d believe me thateasily. Though my mother said that I’m some sort of big-shot, I still feel like Elena-san is my equal. (TLN: She is said he’d become a “wonderful noble”, I guess that’s what he’s talking about)

Rather… that’s not exactly true. She is my unconditional ally and friend. She will keep standing by my side even if I become some sort ofhorrible criminal.

【 “That’s my secret. And that’s why I’m able to understand the current situation. I’ll be kicked out in five years, right?”】(Sirius)

【 “Yes, that’s how it is. If I wasn’t that weak you…..”】(Elena)

【 “No, don’t say that. If I’m here right now, it’s because you did your best, Elena. That’s why I’m still able to have fun with you, Noel and Dee.”】(Sirius)

【 “I’m not worthy of these words.”】(Elena)

I think that whatElena-san feels for me is probably just normal affection one would feeltoward a littlechild.

However, she’sstill my servant.She should put more of her heart into her workbutI can understand how she feels if I look at it from her point of view.

Although,I don’t know if “servant” is the right term to use to call her now.

【 “Once again, thank you very much.Let’s keep being friends from now on.”】(Sirius)

【 “Yes!”】(Elena)

Well, somehow, everything went smoothly. I was able to explain my situation and I’ll be able to move freely without having to worry in the future.

【 “Sirius-sama, if it’s all right with you, howabout we tell yourstory toDee and a Noel?”】(Elena)

【 “To those two?”】(Sirius)

【 “They were takenby Aria-sama just like me andwe went through a lot of hardships together as well. They’re trustworthy.”】(Elena)

【 “All right. When they come back, I’ll explain everything to them. I wonder what kind of faces they’ll make.”】(Sirius)

【 “It’s going to be a huge shock. Ireally wanttosee Dee’s expressionless face crumble. “】(Elena)

We imagine the other two’s reaction and we both start laughing.Noel freaking out,Deetrying to calm her down while staying expressionless and Elena-san laughing.Things won’t just go back to the way they were before, ’cause this time I won’t be the only one becoming stronger, everyone will as well.

Afterwards, I put the kitchen in order,Iboil some hot water then I wipe Elena-san’s body with it. She kept refusing it but she smiled joyfully when I wiped her.

I serve some tea,the day comes to its endand the other two are finally back home. Though they just came back, they’re strangely noisy. They’re running about in the house and they open the room’s door in a hurry without knocking while making a big ruckus.

【 “Elena!Are you alright?!”】(Noel)

Noel jumps in while breathing heavily. Dee does the same right after her. Elena-sanputs herhandon herforehead while letting outa loud sigh.

【 “Noel you’re being noisy. First of all, you have to report the situation to Sirius-sama.”】(Elena)

【 “Oh,right! Sirius-sama, wehave returned! We brought some medicine to Elena!We found out that the water disease had been spreading in town so we came back home as a fast as we could!”】(Noel)

【 “I understand so, please, settle down and explain the whole situation calmly. “】(Sirius)

It was hard to calmNoel who was freaking out.

To summarize her story, apparentlythe Waterdisease has been spreading in the town recently. Though the town was troubled a little, however it wasn’t that much of a problem since they had some medicine prepared just in case, but our house was out of stock, we didn’t have any water disease medication left.They had planned to replenish onmedicine while doing theshopping buttheycouldn’t predict that the disease wouldspread in such a timing. However, the house isfar away from the town. That’s why theythoughthat she wouldn’t get infected there,but then they recalled the actual reason for their trip.

Thewhole point of the shopping was to avoid meeting my father since he was supposed to have a talk with Elena-san. And, the Waterdisease gotas far as the neighbor town which is where my father came from. Thechances for Elena-san, who’s from the water attribute, to get affected were really high.

When they realized that, they came back while panicking.

As she stops explaining, Noel finally settles down. Dee’s expressionless face somehow settles down, too.And they both leak a sighof relief when they see Elena-san’s face.

【 “Geez, I’m relieved. You didn’t get infected and everything went well.”】(Noel)

【 “It did go well.”】(Sirius)

【 “AndI did get infected.”】(Elena)

【 “…… What?”】(Noel)

Noel’s expression suddenly hardened.

【 “Oh c’mon, you look alive to me. Please stop joking around. “】(Noel)

【 “I’m not joking around. I got infected with the Water disease, I took some medicine and I was cured.”】(Elena)

【 “But, we were out of medicine…Oh yes, I do recall leaving one bottle.”】(Noel)

【 “That one broke. I took a medicine compounded by Sirius-sama.”】(Elena)

She was trying to pat my head since I was sitting next to her, howevershe stops as she hears Elena-san’s words, but I make her pat me by force by gripping her hand. Perhapsshe thought that patting my head was rude,but because she’s stroking the front casually, I don’t see why she should hold back in stroking my whole head, I complain to her by shaking my head. She seems to get it andstarts stroking.I’m a demanding man, but since I’m a child, it’s all right.

【 “Ehh, well, if it’s Sirius-sama, he’d surely be able to do the mixture…Hey….wait a second!“】(Noel)

【 “Elenais still in convalescence so please try to be a little quieter.”】(Sirius)

【 “Oh, sorry! However, howdid you do the compounding?There wasno Kelpie grass in the house.】(Noel)

【 “Well, about that, there is some thing I have to tell you guys. Dee, Noel, the thing I’m about to tell you is a secret and you mustnot sayit to anyone.”】(Sirius)

【 “Huh? What? What kind of thing?!”】(Noel)

【 “I see. Noel calm down a little and try to be quiet.”】(Dee)

As Noel begins to freak out again, Dee strikes a pose where he can devote himself to listening while calming Noel down. Because Elena-sanstarts talking first, I nodto her to urge to continueandI leave the explanations toher.Not only because it’d be annoying to explain it all over again, but also because it’d be easier for them to consent to this if they hear from her and because if I tell, the story, I might change some part of it by accident which would be troublesome.

Elena-san kept explaining while being backed up by me from time to time,as the talk ends,the day i already completely set. And now, two other people know of my secret.

【 “【 “………”】”】(Noel & Dee)

Asexpected, It’s quiet.

Noel is switching faces fromshocktohappiness while Dee draws a wrinkleto the middle of hisexpressionless face and seems to bein deep thoughts. Well, that’s how it is,you can’t expect someone to act normally after giving him thatkind of information so suddenly.Since the standstill seems pretty long, I make another set of tea, I place it in front of the other and, at last, the standstill meets its end and they start talking.

【 “Well, though it’s hard to believe in various ways, there are still some points I can agree on.Also, this…”】(Noel)

Noel drinks the tea that I madewhile nodding approvingly.

【 “This tea, it doesn’t taste like something easy to make. Actually,Isn’t it better than mine?! Rather… Dee, did you teach Sirius-sama how to make tea?”】(Noel)

【 “No, I didn’t…”】(Dee)

【 “Well, it wasn’t me andIt wasn’t Elena either.”】(Noel)

【 “Of course it wasn’t. That’s because brewing tea is our job in the first place, not Sirius-sama’s.”】(Elena)

This girl is quite sharp sometimes.

Just as Noel said, I didn’t learn brewing tea from any of the three. I was forced to learn how to do it by my master in my previous life since she was a hugetea Otaku.It’s good that she’s not here, if she were to see me right now, she’d preach me for hours and make a long speech about why you should sit correctly while drinking.

There is a long list of golden rules you have to follow to drink tea, though they really don’tmatter in this primitive world. You have to make the water hot but not too much and not too cold either, you have to steam it for a short time as well, there is a bunch of those indications I didn’t follow but, well, it’s still really good.

But I’m getting off track. Anyway, Noel agrees that I didn’t learn this from anyone and that I learned it by myself which goes to confirm my story.

【 “Hmmm~ This is delicious yet it’s frustrating at the same time. Don’t you agree, Dee?”】(Noel)

【 “I do agreethat it’s delicious but I don’t feel frustrated. Please teach me next time.”】(Dee)

【 “Me too!As your elder, I’ll work properly to learn and get your level and… hmm, please teach me as well!. “】(Noel)

Well, this “elder” doesn’t seem to have much pride. Well, I’d like to drink some good tea from them as well in the future so I’ll try teaching them how to do it next time.

While we’re all agreeing on this, Noel’s stomach starts growling attracting all the attention towards her.She starts blushing butI guess it can’t be helped since we’re already past dinner time.

【 “I’ll go replace the magic tool and I’ll make something to eat as fast as I can.”】(Dee)

【 “Uuuu, thank you very much…”】(Noel)(TLN: Uuuu is how you sound when you’re embarrassed apparently)

【 “Dee, there is still some fire left from what I lighted earlier, you can replace the magic tool once you’re done with making dinner, you don’t need to do it right now.”】(Sirius)

【 “Understood, as expected from you, you were able to use the fire stones.”】(Dee)

【 “About that, the fire stones box fell down earlier and all the stones broke down and became unusable.”】(Sirius)

【 “【 “【 “What?!”】”】”】(Elena & Dee & Noel)

Is there something weird about what I said?

The three others are speechless and have their mouths wide open.

【 “Dee, the magic formation didn’t work right?”】(Elena)

【 “No, it didn’t.”】(Dee)

【 “And I’m also the only one with a fire attribute but I had to go out.”】(Noel)

【 “Sirius-sama, I’m sorry but, how did you make that fire?”】(Elena)

【 “Well, I used frictional heating, is there a problem with that?”】(Sirius)

【 “Frictional heating?”】(Elena)

Somehow I feel like I’m conversing by myself for some reason.

Well, since example is better than precept, I get the necessary material and make fire by using the same method I used yesterday like a good child.

【 “There is no chanting? Wait, it’s not even magic.”】(Dee)

【 “This is amazing, it doesn’t need a magic formation nor magic from the fire attribute.”】(Elena)

【 “I’ve never seen anything like that, this is a revolution!”】(Noel)

Is something that primitive a revolution?

Well, the common sense of this world is quite different so I guess it’s……. Wait what?

At that moment, I realize the huge misunderstanding I had this whole time.

Thus, with this sudden realization, this event came to an end.

World Teacher – Other World Style Education & Agent - Chapter 6: Past and dreams
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