My Dad Is the Galaxy's Prince Charming
My Dad Is the Galaxy's Prince Charming - Chapter 9: The Foodies' History of the Galaxy


Yao Si spent a period of a few hours learning the crash course of bloodling history from Yan Xuan.

Just as she had thought, thecurrentbloodlings in the galaxy indeed came from the same ancestry as the bloodlings on Earth. Other than a self-sought death or fratricide, they were basically an eternal specieswith an infinite lifespan.

However, everything in this world is fair. Although the bloodlings were strong, they couldnever produce natural offspring. The only way to pass on their genetics was through their first bite, turning other species into bloodlings, but there was no speciesin the galaxy which couldactually bear the blood of bloodlings and successfully convert.

No, to be accurate, only the “people of the Blue Planet” which were born in the same planet as bloodlings couldsuccessfully convert. Based on the breeding speed of the people of the Blue Planet, the bloodlings would never need to worry about population issues. Despite the Blue Planet’speople knowing nothing of the bloodlings, the two species kept a strange balance. Thiswas the Julian calender era which Yao Si had once lived in, or the prehistoric times as the galaxy now commonly referred to them..

To continue the lifeline of their species, even when the internal brawls constantly waged on, the bloodlings tactically agreed to never expose themselves in front of the fragile Blue Planet’speople, intentionally protectingthemduring their fights.

But no matter how well-conceived their protection was, it still couldn’t prevent the Blue Planet’speople from courting death!

Because doomsday was near.

Similar to how it played out in the movies, the humans invented a special virus which had extremely fast reproduction speed and had a very wide impact. Almost overnight, over fifty percent of the entire planet’spopulation had been infected.

What was different from the movie’s, however,wasthatthe people who got infected didn’t turn into zombies. They would die in a very short span of time and become the breeding ground for the virus. And itinfectednot only the people, the plants and animals all died too, even the water sourceshad been contaminated.

Atthat point of time, this virus had spread all over the Blue Planet,andonly the immortal bloodlings were immune to it. To salvage the remaining people of the Blue Planet, the chief of the bloodlings at the time decided tostopconcealingtheir identities. After the negotiations, the Blue Planet’speople were willing to accept the first bite and convert to bloodlings.

From that moment onwards, there were long any pureBlue Planet’speople on Earth anymore.

However, theproblemswerenot over. Before the Blue Planet’speople who wereall converted to bloodlings recoveredfrom this shock, they faced the invasion ofextraterrestrials. A fleet form “zergs”, the cancer of the galaxy, most likely due to the pilot beingon something and gettinglost, had suddenly landed on Earth and claimed that they wantedto colonize this place.

Earth was already full of holes and heavily damaged, and could not supply anymore duck blood. When the bloodlings heard the zergs’ proclamation when they were about to be forced into goinginto hibernation, they had only one thought.

Hell, who would have thought of this thing, itwastoo good to be true!This was like a meal delivered straight to their door!

Whatwaswrong with zergs? They had blood too! Although the taste was a little weird, but most of thebloodlingpopulation were races from the east. This gave them a chance to research hundreds of ways to cook the Zerg blood.

So the bloodlings who were so hungry that their eyes began to see stars, with an excited mood and saliva drooling fromthe corner’sof their mouths, fought against the invaders.

The zergsat the time werethe highest ranked, level SSS, incombat ability speciesin the galaxy. With their fast breeding rate, they hogged half the galaxy like locusts. That’s why there wereno zergswho took heed of theweak looking and pitifully small speciesat the beginning. This isuntil the zergsthat were sent out never returned, andeven their bodies were nowhere to be found…

When the zergsrealized the danger, they struck back with full force only to realize a number of things to their horror.

Shit, these people can’t die!

Shit, these people only want to capture us alive!

Shit, these people even want to cook our corpses!

Too violent, too bloody, too terrible, too horrifying!

The bugs were trembling with fear. After losing nine tenthsof their military force, they abandoned their starships and dejectedly fled back to their own planet in escape pods.

The bloodlings,who werenowwell-fed,sent a message after them. “Come more often and play with us!”

Theleaving of the zergswas not a “happy ever after”though,because they had contracted thevirus, yes, that doomsday virus. But unlike to the people of the Blue Planet, this virus was beneficial tothe zergs.

They evolved! Theiralready bulky bodieshad suddenly enlarged, and they became numerous times bigger. Their shellshad become even harder, and they were now much morebrave. They had directly leveled up from triple S to triple S+.

The bugs and their pals were amazed, and decided on the spot to form a group and head to Earth to evolvemore.

Initially,the zergsplanned that no matter what,they neededto conquer Earth. However, they soon realized thateven after they hadevolved to triple S+, they were still small potatoes when facing the miraculous self-healing and extravagant special abilities. Theyjusthad no chance of winning. The zergsthat were sent out either died or were severely injured, while the opponent had zero casualties;every one of them still hoppedaround like normal.

This wasn’t war, this was one-sided slaughter!

The approach toinvadeEarth wasn’t working out, so the bugs immediately ceased this pointlesssuicidal invasion. Yetthey didn’t want to give up thisopportunity to evolve that they hadfinally obtained. That’s whythey decided to sneak into Earth in batches. When they finishedcontracting the virus and evolving,they would leave.

Despite them being occasionally discovered, theircasualty rates decreased greatly at last.

The zergsbegan toevolvein masses…

However,because of this, the other species in the galaxy suffered an unfortunate fate. Theevolution of the zergsgave no time for many species to react, and they were caught off-guard. All of a sudden, everyone was in peril, living in fear.The entire galaxy was under the bugs’ shadow, and it hadalmost entered the dark era.

That was when…

The bloodlings became tired of eating zerg blood in thehundred and eight ways of cookingthey had come up with.

After thebloodlingsfilled their stomachs, theysuddenly realized.


We’vecaptured somany bugs’ spaceships. (⊙v⊙)


This spaceship doesn’t look so difficult to control. (⊙ o ⊙)


Wonder if there’s anything else other than bugs in the galaxy. O(∩_∩)O


Arethoseothers tasty? (+﹃+)


The bloodlings officially entered the foodie…I mean, the galactic era, embarking on their foreign planet (food foraging) exploration journey.

With this exploration however, they realized that almost every planet in the galaxy had intelligent beings, and signs of zerg existences. Maybe they had gottenused to catching bugs on Earth,butthe first reaction the bloodlingshadhad upon seeing zergswas…to catch and eat them!

After all, in an unfamiliarenvironment, familiar food gave them a warmfeeling.

And just like that, the bloodlings sought new types of food while catching the bugs. In less than a hundred years’time, they hadsweptthrough and exterminated the zergs from half the galaxy. While they were at it, they also took outthe mother planet of the zergswith no difficulties.Without anyone’s help, only fighting by themselves,they hadcomically ended the galaxy’sdark era.

As for the zergs…You can only see them now in museums.


“To be honest, a long time ago, Ihad spoken to an elderly bloodling who had participated in the great war. He said thatwhen theyhadwent to the mother planet of the zergs, theyhad originallynever planned to exterminate the entire species.

“They had only wanted to look around and see if there were any other species on it other thanthezergs. Little did they expect…”—Yan Xuan closed the electronic book in the optical computer on his hand and exhaled—”there really weren’t any!”

The corner of Yao Si’s mouth twitched. They hadalready suffered genocide, so couldn’tyou leave them with some dignity? You wouldn’tdie if you didn’tsmear their name!

This was a virtually a galactic massacre triggered by a bunch of foodies.

“My little baby, how was it?” Yan Xuan had an amiable smile.“Was uncle’s story pleasant to hear?”

If you stop calling me baby, we can stillconsider beingfriends!

My Dad Is the Galaxy's Prince Charming - Chapter 9: The Foodies' History of the Galaxy
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