My Vampire System (WN)
My Vampire System (WN) - Chapter 5: No Ability

Once the five students had heard their names being called up, each of them began to walk forwards to Griff who was waiting for them in front.

Including Quinn and Vorden, there was another boy in their group, Peter. Peter looked more nervous than anyone there, he would constantly look around him and he couldn't stop fidgeting either. His body frame was quite small but it suited him, for he wasn't that tall either.

Then there were the two girls, the first one was named Layla and the other one was Erin. Layla had short brown hair and a tall figure. On her back, she was carrying a bow which surprised Quinn, for not many people carried a weapon these days apart from a specific group of people called the Pure.

They were a group of people who chose to not have any abilities and instead used weapons. But they were very rare and Quinn had never met anyone like that in his life, he had only heard stories about them.

Finally, there was Erin. Erin was the type of girl that turned all of the boy's heads. Her proportions were perfect, not too big not too small and she had long silky hair. Her hair was a beautiful golden hue. The only problem was her facial expressions. Even while walking through the crowds of people, not once did her expression change. It stayed stiff and neutral.

As Quinn was walking past everyone, he noticed that he couldn't recognize any students there and it seemed like the others didn't seem to be familiar with anybody either. Quinn could only assume that this was done on purpose. On top of that, no one knew who to befriend or who to look out for because currently, everyone's power level displayed 1.

The group had stopped just behind another group who were being transported to the testing area.

As soon as Vorden saw the others who were in the same group, Vorden greeted each one of them with a handshake. Vorden was being very polite so most of them accepted his greetings apart from Erin.

She merely stared at Vordan's hand when he offered it out to her, before she turned her head and looked away.

"Come on, you don't have to be like that?" Vorden said as he placed his hand on her shoulder.

This was a big mistake. In an instant, Erin grabbed for Vorden's wrist and twisted his hand. Frost and ice crept up his hand as it began to freeze.

Everyone stopped to look at the commotion that was happening near the front.

"Wow, she has ice abilities?"

"Isn't that very Rare?"

"I would let her freeze me any day."

Griff noticed the commotion and started to intervene.

"Stop it you two, if you have that much energy then save it for the test."

Erin immediately dropped Vordan's hand and slowly, Vordan's hand started to defrost. Vorden then went back in line to stand next to Quinn.

"Can you believe her?!" Vorden complained, "I nearly lost my hand."

"You can't just go around touching people without their permission," Quinn replied.

"Yeah I know, she's lucky I didn't wipe the floor with her just cause she's a pretty girl."

Many people who were near the front had heard Vorden's word and had already decided to make him an enemy. A thought formed in their heads, if they could somehow humiliate Vorden, then maybe Erin would look their way.

Looking at the people around them, Quinn could tell what the others were thinking. Quinn then stepped one step away from Vorden hoping that others wouldn't think the two were friends.

At last, Quinn and the others were called forward and were told to stand inside a box. It wasn't really a box per se but they were white lines that had been drawn on the ground. The space inside of it was just big enough to fit the five of them in.

One would notice that outside of the box, there was a hooded man, they were standing nearby.

"Send them away!" Griff said.

As soon as Griff gave the command, the hooded man planted both of his hands on the ground and the box started to light up, shining a bright purple color.

"Hmm Transportation magic huh, what a rare ability," Vordan said right before the whole group suddenly vanished into thin air.

The very next second, they were teleported to another outdoor area which resembled an empty wasteland. There was no sign of life, no trees, nothing at all. Standing in front of the group was a woman dressed in a black military uniform and by her side was another hooded man.

There was not another person in sight.

The woman held a Tablet in her hand and it looked like she was currently busy inputting some information. Once she had finished, she looked up at the group and began to speak.

"Hello to the five of you, I am Jane and I will be the one in charge of your test today. Once the test has been completed, I will be updating your information and your score will then be reflected on your wristwatches."

Jane then started to look at the tablet.

"Now who should we call first, oh it looks like we have a couple of previous level ones?" Jane said as she checked the information. The information had been passed on from their previous schools.

"Peter, would you please step forward?"

The nervous, small Peter then stepped forward and he looked even worse than before. Quinn thought he looked bad but he looked to be in perfect condition if you were to compare the two. At least Quinn was able to stand up whereas Peter looked like he would fall over any second now.

"Would you please tell me what your ability is Peter?" Jane asked.

"Eh, I don't have any ability," Peter said quietly.

Suddenly, Quinn and the others understood why Peter was so nervous. Having no ability wasn't rare. Because of the war, many children had become orphans like Quinn and Peter. This meant there was no chance for them to buy an ability book.

But because Peter had no ability, he was afraid of the treatment he would get from the others.

"Don't be afraid Peter." Jane said, "Here take this."

The hooded man that stood at Jane's side suddenly teleported a book into his hand, allowing it to be taken by Jane. She then handed the book over to Peter.

"Wow, seriously you're giving this to me for free?!" Peter said in excitement. "Thank you."

"Please study the book in your own free time. When you have finally learned to use it, you can come back to redo the test, but for now I'll have to temporarily award you a level 1 power status."

Even though Peter had received a level 1 power status he didn't care for it. At this moment he only felt hope, his life could finally turn around due to the book that he had just received.

"Now I believe there was another level 1 user here," Jane said, "Quinn is it? would you please step forward."

Quinn did as he was told and stepped forward.

"Now Quinn, what ability do you have?"

My Vampire System (WN) - Chapter 5: No Ability
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