My Dragon System
My Dragon System - Chapter 78: Gary's potential

The fact that his blade had managed to slice through my gauntlets meant he had a higher tier weapon. If all three of them were as strong as this man, we would have no chance of surviving. I looked over at Gary to see how he was faring.

Gary was currently engaged with the duel swordsman. Sparks were flying between their two swords. Gary didn't have a chance to catch a break. He was doing well but getting a few scratches here and there. Sooner or later the scratches would add up, and Gary would lose.

The fact that Gary was able to block his opponents strikes meant they weren't all as powerful as the first man who attacked me. He was most likely the leader of the other two.

The swordsman and the chain wielder came at me. I put my sword away, it was useless against these two in a fight. As long as I infused Ki into my gauntlets, it should be enough to block their strikes.

The chain wielder swung his chain at me, I avoided it and manged to Grab the chain. As I went to yank the chain, the other person was already next to me. I let go of the chain and rolled on the floor avoiding the strike.

The chain wielder was the weaker of the two, but every time I would be a fair distance away, the chain wielder would attack. If I got close then the swordsman would strike. Just when I thought I was a good distance away from the two. The swordsman's sword started to glow red.

The swordsman started to swing his sword in multiple directions. With each swing, a line of fire would shoot out of the sword. I dodged the lines of fire coming at me. When all the blades of fire had passed, a metal weight attached to a chain appeared, hidden behind the fire.

The metal weight managed to hit me right in the chest, sending me flying backwards and onto the ground. Blood started to trickle out of my mouth. I looked down at my chest piece and it was cracked.

I was hurt but I didn't know how bad. Just then I heard another scream to my right. Gary had also been cut up. He had a deep wound across his left shoulder.

"This arm only just got fixed damn you!" Gary shouted at the man.

I was surprised Gary still had that much energy left. He was completely covered in wounds. If I didn't do something soon, we were both going to die. The man with the flame blade was most likely the one who had caused the fire to surround us as well.

The chain came towards me again while I was still on the ground. I logged rolled to the side and grabbed the chain. The man tried to pull it back but it was useless. Right now, I had all my Ki poured into my gauntlet and I wasn't going to let go. The flame swordsman came running towards me. I placed my other hand on the ground and shouted

"Summon Noir"

In an instant where my hand was, a Black furred horned wolf had appeared. I quickly mounted on top of Noir still holding the chain in my hand. With Noir's speed, we quickly ran around the two of them. The chain began to wrap around the two.

But the flame swordsman was quick to act. He struck at the chain causing it to break, the chain was now lose and fell to the ground.

"The boy is a mage, no one told us about this?" The chain man said towards the flame swordsman.

"It doesn't matter, the mission stays the same." The flame swordsman replied.

"Noir you take care of the guy on the left, the flame swordsman is mine."

The flame swordsman was clearly the stronger of the two, but with Noir fighting the chainman, now it was a one on one fight.

When I thought Gary had already been defeated, he seemed to be getting his second wind. Gary, for the most part, had been dodging and blocking for most of the fight, striking back here and there but none of his attacks managed to hit the man.

But then, the attacks were getting more awkward for the man to deal with. Gary's sword was reaching him in just the right spots. The situation had now reversed. Gary was the one attacking while the duel swordsmen was blocking. The man wanted to attack back but there was no opening. It was as if Gary could read the man's mind and knew where he was going to strike.

"Dammit!" The man shouted. "Aren't they meant to be only students? why are they so strong?"

Gary continued to attack the man and said.

"You're right we are students, but were the best damn students at Avrion Academy."

A strike from Gary was then aimed towards the man's head, the man could tell the strike was powerful, he needed to use both of his blades to block the attack. As he blocked the attack, he looked at Gary but he had vanished. The next moment his legs gave in making the man fall to the ground. As soon as the man had blocked the attack Gary went down to kick the man's legs making him fall.

Gary's sword was now pointed at the man's neck.

"Tell me, why did you attack us?"

Before the man could even answer a line of fire came shooting from the side.

"Gary watch out!" I shouted. Gary jumped back just in time but the flames had hit the man on the floor and completely burnt him to a black crisp.

While I was fighting the man managed to shoot a flame out between our fight hitting his own man.

Gary stood up from the ground and started slowly walking towards us.

"Don't worry Ray I'll come to help you now." As Gary spoke those words his knees gave in and he tumbled to the ground.

"Just stay there, you've lost too much blood, don't worry I've got this."

Although my words sounded confident my thoughts were the complete opposite.

My Dragon System - Chapter 78: Gary's potential
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