My Dragon System
My Dragon System - Chapter 76: Good Deed

It was the same routine as last time, all the students were to meet at the city gate. We then got split into three sperate groups and each group went to a different area. Each group would hunt in the same area for a month before switching, so our group was heading to the forest again.

When we all met up I could see that everyone's equipment had improved. Gary, Monk, Kyle and Ian now had basic tier beast equipment rather than standard equipment. Slyvia was using her own intermediate shield rather than the Voli bear crystal I gave her.

I didn't mind what she did with it. I gave it to her as a thank you for helping me out after all.

On the walk over to the forest, some of my roommates kept coming up to me and saying thank you.

"Ray I can't believe what you did thank you," Monk said.

"You're the best!" from Kyle.

"I knew you had a caring side," Gary said as he slapped me on the back.

"When I can, I'll pay you back." Big Ian said.

I was completely confused at what was happening. When I looked over I could see Martha and Slyvia giggling away. I went over as I guessed they might have some idea of what was going on.

"look at the at the big softie coming over," Martha said.

Martha then quickly left to walk by Monk, leaving me and Slyvia on our own.

"So I'm guessing this has something to do with you?" I asked

"Well remember that Voli crystal you gave me, I decided to sell it. I already had a good shield so I didn't need another one. Then I gave the money to the whole group."

"Okay, but then why are they thanking me?"

"Because it was your crystal duh, it was Martha's idea to say it was a gift from you and that you were too shy so you asked us to do it,"

I stayed silent for a while, I wasn't annoyed as I said, Slyvia was free to do what she wanted with the crystal. It was just awkward everyone thanking me for a good deed that I never intended to do. Although this also wasn't a bad thing, perhaps the others could owe me for this in the future.

"You're not angry, are you?" Slyvia said in a worried voice.

"No, you're the leader and you're just looking out for your group. I was just thinking it was the right decision to make you the leader. I would have never done something like that."

Slyvia started to blush then started walking ahead of everyone else.

Just then Gary came and knocked into me.

"Hey tell me, there isn't something going on between you and Slyvia is there?"

"What do you mean by going on?"

"forget it man, you are denser than a plank of wood. Just don't forget about my sister okay?"

Gary's sister Amy was the first person who hadn't treated me like a monster. She was currently studying at Roland academy. I realised now that Slyvia reminded me a lot of Amy. I wonder how Amy is doing at Roland academy?

After an hour walk, we had finally reached the entrance of the forest. It was a shame I couldn't use Noir in this situation and gone up ahead.

Everything was a lot faster this time. Everyone already knew what groups they were in and there was no need for a long speech like before. Lancy simply stated the time to come back and we were off.

But just like last time when passing Lancy he seemed to give me a sinister stare.

Our group entered the forest and started hacking away at the bugs that came towards us. It was a lot quicker than last time and Gary was in top shape now. After obtaining around ten basic crystals each, everyone seemed to be getting a little bored.

"This is to easy man" Gary shouted while slashing at a dragonfly coming towards him.

"Well, what do you guys want to do?" Slyvia asked.

When I entered the forest, I activated my dragon eyes and scouted most of the area out, there were many areas were groups of the intermediate beast were hunched together. Originally, I was afraid of big groups and wanted to wait until we were in a party like now. But after fighting the Voli bear I was confident I would probably survive even fighting a group.

I stepped forward and said,

"If I can make a suggestion, last time when looking around I spotted a group of intermediate beasts. I didn't say anything last time because I was afraid we might not be strong enough. I can lead the way if you want?"

"Hmm, it might be risky," Slyvia said.

"Oh come on, Slyvia if there's any trouble we can just run back, plus you have the whistle remember?" Gary said.

"Okay let's have a vote, all those that want to go raise your hand."

Everyone their then raised their hand.

"Well, I guess that's a yes then."

With me taking the lead and Martha at the back we walked through the forest towards the Red auras I detected. When we finally reached the area I put my hand up signalling everyone to stop. We all then crouched down behind cover looking at the bugs in front of us.

They were a group of about ten giant Hercules beetles in front of us. They were the same size as the giant ladybugs only they had two strong pincers coming out of its mouth.

"Are sure these are intermediate tier," Dan said.

Although they didn't look very strong, their aura had indicated to me they were indeed intermediate beasts.

"Don't underestimate your enemy, especially bugs. There a lot smaller than other creatures but they can make up for it with the strength speed or even poison." Slyvia said.

There were ten in total, we decided to pair up and each person take one out. I and Gary said we would take two out together instead.

The pairs were Me and Gary, Martha and Monk, Ian and Kyle, Dan and Slyvia.

We then waited for the right time for Slyvia to give us the signal to attack.

After the bugs seemed to separate a little, Slyvia shouted


My Dragon System - Chapter 76: Good Deed
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