My Dragon System
My Dragon System - Chapter 10: My way

I ran into the forest as quick as I could. Every second could be fatal. Who knows what happened to the group especially Amy. Amy had no way to defend herself she wasn't a fighter like her brother.

I entered the forest and looked around, trying to find a trail to follow. There has to be some sought of a clue in here, something that I could use to tell where they were going.

As I went deeper and deeper into the forest I spotted a blood mark on the tree. I was relieved as the blood mark was black and fresh. It meant that the blood had come from a beast and not a human.

I followed the blood marks on the tree until I came across a dead beast. It was a wolf, it had black fur with a clean-cut underneath its stomach.

"It looks like it wasn't killed that long ago"

It had to be Gary and his friends, the cut looked like it had come from a sword rather than another beast. As I went further into the forest I went past more and more wolfs. There had been quite a few killed. The wolfs where only a basic tier beast so anyone with a decent amount of sword skill would be able to defeat them. The fact that I knew this only made me worry more.

I knew that Gary and Amy wasn't the type to worry their parents so something must have happened for them not to come back yet.

Suddenly I heard a scream come from my right side. The sound it was Amy's without a doubt. I rushed forward as fast as I could towards the direction of the scream.

When I arrived at the scene I was in shock. A lone black wolf stood strong and tall. It was around 6 feet tall with razor-sharp fangs. This was definitely not a basic tier beast. Gary's two friends were lying on the floor about 20 feet away from the wolf. I couldn't tell if they were dead or passed out. Gary was standing in front of the wolf with his sword out. When I was looking around for where Amy was I noticed that there was a body on the floor behind Gary. I noticed the blonde hair and a red dress, it was Amy.

My body started to move on its own towards Gary and the wolf. The wolf was ready to pounce at Gary, but Gary wasn't moving, it seemed like he was protecting Amy behind him. As the wolf Jumped towards Gary, he held up his sword to defend but it was useless. As the wolf made contact with the sword the raw power and size of the wolf knocked Gary back into a tree.

The wolf began to circle and look towards Amy's body. I was finally a short distance away from the wolf. I put my sword into my mouth and got on all fours like a wild animal. I moved as fast as I could. The wolf was distracted by Amy, and my speed was to fast for the wolf to react. I swung the sword with my mouth at the beast eye. A success the beast wailed in pain and moved backwards.

I was crouched down on all fours with the sword in my mouth staring at the beast. The beast stared back at me and started growling.

"These are my humans, not yours!" I screamed.

This is what I had come up with and it had worked. After my fight with Gary, he told me to stick with what I was good at. This is what I had come up with. I wasn't a human and I don't know why I was trying so hard to fight like one. I was a magical beast, the strongest that ever lived. I would fight my way. With my arms and leg on the ground, with the sword in my mouth, it felt natural to me.

The wolf moved, but at the same time as if by instinct, my body started to move. The wolf tried to bite down on me but I was too fast and too low for it to reach me. I was now directly under the wolf. I carried on running through slicing at the legs as I went past. It was working. I started celebrating too soon, the wolf swiped at me with its claws, I tried jumping out of the way and managed to avoid most of the attack but its claws had still scratched me.

Blood began running down my chest. I couldn't feel any pain but my vision was beginning to blur. Fight, I had to fight it. The wolf gave me no time to rest as it came towards me. The wolf opened its mouth for another attack. I jumped off a tree directly behind me. The wolf had snapped the tree in half with its powerful Jaws. As I was in the air above the wolf it was my chance. I started spinning my body to gain montem as I went down. I took the sword out my mouth and held it in both hands slamming down as hard as I could on top of the wolf's head.

The Wolf beast howled with pain until it fell to the ground. I was out of breath. tired and worn out. The scratch on my chest was still bleeding, I was starting to feel the pain. I looked towards the wolf lying on the ground expecting it to still move. As if to confirm my thoughts a screen appeared in front of me.

<Reward received >

<Blessing of the Dragon Eyes Unlocked>

<1 of 1000 Complete>

A voice could be heard in my head that read out the messages. I wasn't concerned with that right now. I had to see if Amy was okay. As if it could read my mind, the message windows disappeared in front of me.

A few seconds later another message window appeared.

<Intermediate Beast Crystal obtained>

<Would you like to absorb it?>

<Yes> <No>

My Dragon System - Chapter 10: My way
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