My Dragon System
My Dragon System - Chapter 6: Special Training

With more determination to succeed than before I had decided to double the amount of training I was doing previously. My Stamina and strength were above that of a regular 4-year-old, my problem was my control. It seemed like whenever I would want my body to do something, there would be a lag between the command in my brain to my arms. There was only one thing that I could think of to become a better fighter. That was to get more real fighting experience. This would allow me to get the experience needed in actual combat and would add the real fear factor to kick in, allowing my body to move instinctively. I went around the house looking for my father when I spotted him outside the front door with a bag on his back.

"Dad where are you going?" I asked.

"I'm sorry Ray, I got called on a quest. The kingdom really needs my help this time so I'll be gone for a few days, maybe longer."

"but what about my training!" I shouted.

"Don't worry I didn't forget, when you have time check out the barn, I'm sure you'll find a nice surprise in there." My father said while walking off towards the carriage that was waiting for him.

I walked back into the house and slammed the door shut behind me. What so important that he had to leave on such short notice. I took a deep breath and calmed down, getting angry wasn't going to get me anywhere. I decided to head to the barn and check out what that idiot was talking about. To my surprise, the barn had been completely cleared out. The barn was completely empty apart from one thing. In the middle of the barn stood a human-sized wooden doll. The doll held a wooden sword and shield in its arms. I walked up to the doll and could see that a note had been attached to it.

The note read:

"Ray, I hope you like my gift. This here is a special doll that has been inscribed with magic, they use them on all the new recruits at the knight academy. Daddy had to pull some strings to get you one. Just put your hand on the magic circle inscribed on the back of the doll and say out loud (Level 1). The doll can go up to level 10. You only need to pass level 1 to get into the knight academy, so don't try anything past level 1. Daddy loves you x"

I scrunched the letter into a ball and tossed it into the corner of the room.

"Really how strong could a wooden doll be."

I pulled at my sword and swung as hard as I could at the doll. A magic circle appeared where I was aiming just before my sword had touched the wooden doll. I couldn't move my sword any closer. It felt as if I was hitting an invisible wall.

"So this is what magic can do"

"Arghhh" I shouted in anger.

If only I wasn't cursed. Magic seemed so much more powerful and useful than swordsmanship. I refocused my mind and went behind the doll. A large circle around the same size as my head could be seen. I placed my hand within the circle and shouted "Level 1" . The doll lit up in a purple light from head to toe. I jumped back and prepared my self in a fighting stance ready for the doll to attack.

I stood there for a good 30 seconds when nothing was happening. The doll was still in the same position as when I first had arrived. Was it broken, of course my idiot of a father wouldn't have checked to see if it worked? I dashed towards the doll as fast as I could and went with a piercing strike towards its body which was wide open.


The sound of my sword hitting the wooden shield could be heard. The doll had moved the shield in front of my attack. The doll then swung its sword towards me. I moved back in order to dodge the strike when I tripped over my other foot getting in the way. My body was moving slower than my mind again. I was now lying on the floor. I closed my eyes bracing myself for the next attack. A few seconds pass and I realise, I felt no pain. I decided to open my eyes to see what was happening. The doll had returned to its original position.

I picked up a stone of the ground and threw it towards the doll. The doll reacted again blocking the stone and then striking the stone with its sword. It seemed like the doll was only reacting to attacks. I decided to test my theory. I slowly walked towards the doll and got as close as I could until I was directly in front of the doll. It still had not moved an inch even though I was within striking distance. I went to strike the doll again from the close range, but this time the doll moved back and avoided my strike. Then the doll dashed towards me and swung at my face from the side. I couldn't duck down in time, but I could see it's movements clearly so I went to parry the sword away with mine. My reaction was slightly slower than the doll's sword.


I had been hit directly on the head. My face flung towards the direction of the strike. The taste of iron appeared in my mouth as my knees buckled down on the floor. Red drops of blood began to drip onto the ground. The purple light began to shine on the wooden doll again and a voice could be heard.

"Level 1 Failed, System deactivated"

My Dragon System - Chapter 6: Special Training
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