The Return Of The God Level Assassin (WN)
The Return Of The God Level Assassin (WN) - Chapter 61: THE MASTER ASSASSIN'S QUESTIONS

WHEN Luo Yan opened his eyes, he was once again back at the room where the Master Assassin was. The same as when he accepted the task earlier, the Master Assassin was still standing silently at the corner.

Luo Yan must admit, aside from all the gory stuff, this task was actually pretty easy. If he didn't interview all those villagers, he would probably be able to finish this task much faster. But he knew that interviewing the villagers was an integral part of the task. If he didn't do it, then he would miss a lot of things. And also, he was only able to finish this task without any problems because he had a special item with him - the Invisibility Cloak.

Without that, this task might have gone in a very different way. He should really thank the Elder of the moon elves. Or maybe he should thank the game designers for giving the Invisibility Cloak as the reward for the hidden task at his Origin Village. He might as well thank them for this task. Because it was very tailored made for him. As if the game's system recognized that it would be easy for him to take this task that's why it was given to him.

But wouldn't that just make him too lucky? Now that he thought about it, he had been nothing but lucky ever since his rebirth. From his new family, even to this game. Could it be, after being reborn, he actually became the darling of heaven? God might be really compensating him for the stupid way he died. After all, he was killed by some stupid potted plant.

If that was the case, then he could only hope for this luck to continue. But now that he's being conscious about it, he might just actually jinx himself – stopping his luck and being unlucky instead.

Luo Yan just shook his head. Seriously, sometimes his brain could think of the most foolish things.

He turned towards the Master Assassin. "Master, I'm done with the task. Please, give me my assessment."

"You passed. As for the rating of your task and the subsequent reward, it would be given to you once you answered my question," the Master Assassin said.

"I understand. But before that, could I first check something in my Status Window?"

The Master Assassin closed his eyes, probably as a sign that he agreed. So Luo Yan proceeded on opening his Monster Index to check the latest addition.


-A half woman, half spider monster. They were quite a ruthless race that wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone if it could be to their advantage. They're sensitive to light and very much preferred dark places.

-Aside from their poisonous silver threads, they could also release some kind of gas that could force their opponents to fall into a deep sleep. They could also control others by attaching one of their spiders at the being they wanted to control. Of course, this would only work on those being with a lower level than them.

-Because there were no males in their race, they were given the ability to temporary transform into a human during their mating seasons. Once pregnant, they would transform back to their original form. Their favorite food was human meat, especially those that belonged to young girls.

Level: 15

Type: Rare

Luo Yan grinned once he read that. Now all the information in his hand about this task was finally completed.

He turned back to the Master Assassin. "I'm ready to answer your question, Master."

"What's the identity of the drider that became the master of Ivy Grove Manor? How do you think they arrived there? And what method did they use to take those young girls?"

"The drider was Miss Eliza, the friend which Miss Jewel brought back and was said to be there for a vacation. They probably met somewhere and she purposely got close to Miss Jewel after knowing that she was from a small village. It would be a good breeding ground for her. She successfully befriended Miss Jewel and went back with her to the village.

"After that, she probably had intercourse with one of the men in the manor. Once she got pregnant, she killed one of the young maids and proceeded to kill the rest of the residence of the manor. Of course, the young girls like Miss Jewel and the other maid were left to be her food.

"The other missing girls at the village was taken without anyone knowing because the drider released her sleeping gas at the village, making the villagers fall into a deep sleep. Then she would order one of her spiders to attach itself to the target she'd chosen. And that target would come on their own to the manor. They would be killed and later on be eaten."

Luo Yan finished, quite confident with his answers.

"Correct," the Master Assassin simply said. "The rating of your task is S. Passing the Assassin class application task, you're now a certified Assassin of Arcadia. And having done so quite skillfully, a reward would be given to you."

The master snapped his fingers and a book appeared in front of Luo Yan. He took the book and put it in his Items Tab. Then he read its information.

[Assassin Skill Book – read this book and you would automatically learn a high level Active Skill.]

In Arcadia, players could learn skills through skill books. Although he already decided to test out those Active Skills that only required simple moves once he became an Assassin and see if it would be recorded, having a skill book at hand wouldn't be bad either.

Now he's thankful that he did all that investigation back at that small village. Seemed like he actually didn't waste his time doing that. With this reward, he could forgive the game designers for showing him all those gory images.

"Leave once you're done," the Master Assassin said, going back to closing his eyes.

"Okay. Thank you, Master!" Luo Yan said in a good mood.

Once he went out of the room, he heard two consecutive notification sound. He checked his Status Window and saw that he received two messages. One was from [AmazingYoungMasterJin] and the other was from [SHEN].

Of course, he first his brother's message. Although he was a bit confused why he still had to send him a message. Could it be that his task didn't go well?

[Yan, I passed the Gunslinger task. But I had to log out for a bit. Wait for me and don't meet that shady guy with blue eyes alone. Okay?]

Luo Jin had to log out? Did something really happen? He thought, not really taking the last bit his brother said seriously. Then he proceeded on reading the message of Shen Ji Yun.

[Could we still talk once you're done with your task? I'll be waiting at the Moonriver Restaurant. I already reserved a private box for us. If you can't, then we could just reschedule for another time.]

Luo Yan thought that this was probably to ask him about those survey questions. So he didn't think much and just agreed.

The Return Of The God Level Assassin (WN) - Chapter 61: THE MASTER ASSASSIN'S QUESTIONS
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