Martial Arts Master
Martial Arts Master - Chapter 53: The Battle of Heaven and Man

Chapter 53: The Battle of Heaven and Man

Translator: Transn Editor: Transn

After searching for a bunch of videos, with the notes he had gathered earlier, Lou Cheng started to watch the clips. He watched without batting an eyelid, continuously taking apart and analyzing the moves in his mind.

After a good half an hour, he shook his head and tapped the table top. He said to himself, “Too many videos, it’s impossible to finish watching them, but I still don’t know where are the most important and most representative… ”

The Listening Skill required the meditation state. There must be an absolute focus, and this would take a toll on the mental state of mind. It was not something the Jindan could replenish. Also, after a round with Wu Shitong, and all that thinking for that conversation with Yan Zheke, Lou Cheng was a little sleepy already.

In his dilemma, he suddenly thought of an idea. He clicked on his “Favorites” folder and entered the “Longhu Club” forum.

This was something that “Road to the Arena” Zhou Yuanning would definitely do too. While searching for videos of his rival’s past battles, and before he drowned in the abundant pool of information, he would be highly likely to seek help from the human databank, “Unparalleled Dragon King”. This could help him secretly understand and verify the work he had done!

Under the live broadcast thread of the “Phoenix Cup Warrior Sage Candidate Challenge Tournament”, when ”Invincible Punch” announced that Lou Cheng was in the group competition with “Road to the Arena”, the forum members who had little interest in Lou Cheng started to stir and participate in discussions.

“Master Road, it is time to do justice to our forum! ” “No Hooligans” sent a ferocious looking emoji with a red band tied around its head.

“Beautiful World” responded, “That Lou Cheng bullied our Little Fist last time. Now it’s his turn! ”

“Outspoken” added, “I was just so annoyed when I saw that Lou Cheng beat Invincible. Master Road, you must teach him a good lesson this time! ”

“Uncle Ring Master, could I have a photo with my idol before the match? The faces in the videos of the past matches were not clear at all! ” “Brahman”, a young lady asked enthusiastically.

Forum moderator, “Pig-Riding Knight” sent an emoji knocking its head and wrote, “You little fellow, siding with the outsiders! ”

“Pig-Riding Uncle, have I? You’ve wronged me! Look at my pitiful eyes! I only want Uncle Ring Master to help me take a photo. I still support our people. I know very well that there’s a difference between my new idol and a Professional Ninth Pin. ” “Brahman” sent a crying emoji.

Aren’t I a member of the forum too, can they not be so biased… Lou Cheng wiped off an imaginary tear of “hardship” and continued to browse similar comments that showed support for “Road to the Arena” and bashed him. Near the end of the thread, “Unparalleled Dragon King” shared his findings,

“Master Road, I have gone through the whole list of opponents on the website of the Warrior Sage Challenge Tournament. I found that the Wang Ye in your group is very strong, someone who is not to be looked down upon among the Professional Ninth Pins. His Iron Palm is known to be a great crushing force. I have a couple of reference videos here. Watch them, maybe you will pick up something. ”

“Road to the Arena” sent a handshake emoji. “Old Dragon, I was about to look for you to ask about this. Damn these higher-ups trying to mess with us. We can’t rely on them for good strategies! ”

Hehe, I am waiting for them too! Lou Cheng started to open these reference videos, he clicked “pause” to allow them some time to buffer, while he continued to read the comments behind.

“Unparalleled Dragon King” responded with a funny-looking expression, “I only talk on paper. How can I compare with the actual battles that you have fought, Master Road. It is just that these materials should be useful for you. ”

“Old Dragon, what are the winning odds between Wang Ye and I? ” “Road to the Arena” had not been participating in matches for some years. Therefore he was slightly restless and worried about meeting a formidable opponent from the Professional Ninth Pin level.

Based on Lou Cheng’s judgment, the ratio of 2:8 was probably the best that he could get – “Road to the Arena”, two, and Wang Ye, eight. Since he was just peeping into the forum, he could only keep mum and pretend to be someone in the crowd. “Unparalleled Dragon King” responded, “Probably 3:7. This is my personal view that cannot be a reference point. ”

“I also think 3:7. ” “A Plumber Eating Mushroom” wrote.

“Pig-Riding Knight”, moderator of the forum, added, “You haven’t been in practice for a couple of years. To be at a winning ratio of 3:7 with Wang Ye is already quite a feat. ”

“I know. Sigh, if only I met him during the peak of my career… ” “Road to the Arena” sighed and continued his question, “So, how do you guys think I should fight him? ”

“Pig-Riding Knight” wrote, “Of course you should use your strength, the ‘Wuthering Eight Movements’, using floating nimble footwork as your main attack. Don’t go up directly against him. Even if he gets a chance, you can use the outburst of the Horrifying Hurricane to block a few moves right? As long as you drag on, constant defense will eventually have loopholes and you’ll have your chance. ”

Lou Cheng nodded lightly. This was a customized way of fighting. However, considering the power of Wang Ye’s Iron Palm, even if he used “Mega Avalanche” and the “Lightning and Fire” Stance, he would be unable to hold many blows. He would definitely be hit. Success seemed impossible. This is the sheer helplessness of being too weak.

“Road to the Arena” also gave a helpless expression, “If this was during my heyday, I wouldn’t have any problem with such a strategy. But now, my physical stamina is in rapid decline. Plus, I’ve fought for four days straight, with two battles a day. I’d lose before any loopholes appear in Wang Ye’s defense. ”

“Master Road, I hope you don’t take this to heart. To be honest, maybe it’s best for you to give up the match with Wang Ye. Preserve your energy for the last match. The key to entering Top 16 doesn’t lie with Wang Ye. It’s with Lou Cheng and Tang Yue. ” “Unparalleled Dragon King” commented.

Huh? After reading the comment, Lou Cheng realized that he had been silly all this time. He never thought about giving up the match with Wang Ye. He had not considered that once he had been hurt by the Iron Palm, it would be the same as giving up the rest of the matches.

Like today, though he was not hurt, the wrist that was squeezed by Wu Shitong still hurt. He could not imagine how bad it would be if he was hit by the Iron Palm.

“This strategic abandonment seems to be quite good an idea?”

From this thought onwards, Lou Cheng seemed to be lured by the devil, almost deciding that tomorrow’s match will just be a formality, an act.

Then, at this very moment, he recalled why he did not consider the possibility of giving this matchup:

“I am here for the combat experience. The reward money may be very good and tempting, but that is not my ultimate objective. To give up fighting a Professional Ninth Pin defeats the purpose why I am here, right? ” I should be racking my brains on what I can do best. Even if I have to lose, I must lose in the best manner. Only through this way can I realize where and what I have to work on, gain experience and, refine my martial arts…”

“To not bully the weak and not bow to the strong is the spirit of a fighter. Without this spirit, how I can fight and overcome hurdles and challenges? ”

After a great internal struggle, Lou Cheng let out a sigh and his face had a peaceful smile.

He will take things as they come. Tomorrow he will just concentrate on battling Wang Ye, and he will not think about the matches after.

I am just this silly!

After making his decision, with a calm mind, he continued to read replies by “Road to the Arena”:

“Old Dragon, I know you are right. As long as I can beat Tang Yue and Lou Cheng, even if I can’t beat Wang Ye, it doesn’t affect my position much, and I can still enter Top 16. Though this strategy can help me save some strength and increase my odds of winning the last few matches, I am someone with pride. Proud and arrogant, I still believe that I am a fighter in my heart. ”

“As a fighter, to be able to fight a strong opponent is something that makes my heart pump with excitement and keeps my spirits up. I will fight Wang Ye with my best! ”

As Lou Cheng read the words, he was full of pride. He did not imagine that the boastful “Road to the Arena” had this side to him. The term, “fighter”, was truly magical.

“Road Master, I understand. This is the reason why I am only an amateur hobbyist and you are a professional fighter. ” “Unparalleled Dragon King” wrote in response.

“Road to the Arena” used the funny-looking emoji and commented, “The main thing is because Top 16 only has 5,000 yuan as a reward. If it were tens of thousands or more, I’d probably take the strategic defeat route out.”

Amused by what he had said, Lou Cheng almost laughed out loud. If Top 16 had that much an amount of prize money, probably even Professional Eighth Pin would have no status, because there will be much stronger fighters joining the competition.

Only in certain positions would one face certain temptations. An amateur like himself did not need to consider so much.

“A Plumber Eating Mushroom” wrote, “Master Road, I didn’t like to call you this last time, but now I respect you. Fight with Wang Ye. Regardless whether you win or lose, if we have a chance to meet in person in the future, I will toast a drink. Let’s discuss Tang Yue and Lou Cheng now. Hehe, think we have the brains and experience to battle such level of opponents. ”

“I combine my wits and experience with Yan Zheke, not with you guys, so I will not stoop to your level…” Lou Cheng quietly argued.

“Tang Yue’s specialty is the Divine Elephant-simulate Kungfu. He’s tall and heavy, with great leg power. He is quite strong and powerful for head-on battles. You can treat him as a slightly weaker Wang Yue. ” “Pig-Riding Knight” joined in the discussion, “As for Lou Cheng, I have watched the video clips of his two matches. I find that the fundamental strength of this person lies in two areas. First area is the exceptional gift for Meditation. Like Ring Master have said, his Mediation skill is very mature. The second area is his crazy stamina. This is probably something to do with supernatural ability or just a natural gift that he has. ”

“Pig-Riding Uncle’s analysis is very accurate. The martial arts that Lou Cheng has shown so far are very much inclined towards these two directions. For example, the Condensation Stance and Yin-Yang Stance that are from the state of Meditation. Originating from the Listening Skill and Readjustment of Core strength and supported by his crazy stamina, they’ll give him the ferocious power of the 24 Blizzard Strikes.” “Unparalleled Dragon King” wrote in support of the forum moderator’s analysis.

“Road to the Arena” sent an emoji with a thoughtful expression and continued with the thread, “So to win Lou Cheng, I have to tackle these two areas? This type of physical stamina monster will become stronger and crazier as the competition goes on. It’s either him getting stronger or us getting weaker. ”

“Right, it’s an abrupt explosive force. It’s about not giving him the chance to use the Listening Skill and to draw extra force to retaliate. You can use the Wuthering Eight Movements to narrow his movement area. This will compel him to fight head on with you and not use the delay tactic.” “A Plumber Eating Mushroom” shared his views.

“Pig-Riding Knight”, moderator of the forum, also added more suggestions, “If he uses the 24 Blizzard Strikes to attack as a form of defense, then you can use the Long Juan Zhi Feng (Whirlwind) and Horrifying Hurricane to fight him. Make sure he doesn’t have a chance to rise at all. This is the lesson that Little Fist taught us. Then, again, suppress his freedom to move. Try to finish off within the shortest timeframe possible. ”

Reading how they were discussing enthusiastically how to defeat him gave Lou Cheng a funny and ridiculous feeling. Since he had to concentrate on the match with Wang Ye tomorrow, he did not think much of the discussion. He only recorded them in his computer’s “Teeny Weeny Book”, and would think about them when it is time to do so.

Mental fatigue hits him badly. He forced himself to finish watching the video clips, before showering and sleeping. The next day, he woke up on time and went to the park nearby to start practicing the moves to use against Wang Ye. They would be more extreme and powerful than yesterday’s moves.

With a guarded mental state, tranquility with Meditation, Lou Cheng put his Dantian “Nebula” in his mind and felt its slow circular movements. He adjusted every muscle of his body to move along with it.

Normally, when the power was released, the core was still and steady, but for today’s battle, Lou Cheng would maintain movement in the core. He would compromise a little on its power to gain some unpredictability in his footwork and body form.

Only if he exploited one area completely, then could Lou Cheng have some hope in winning Wang Ye!

After familiarizing himself with mercurial balance, the swaying and rolling, Lou Cheng’s muscles were perpetually in adjustment mode. No matter a flying fist or leg, he would still be able to maintain the sway in his core, absorb the movement and adapt fully to any change of direction that his body moved in.

This method drained Lou Cheng’s physical stamina very quickly. Within one-two minutes, he had to trigger the Jindan to replenish his stamina. He was also drained mentally but was not as bad as his physical stamina.

At about 7:30 a.m., he felt his brain go numb and quickly stopped his practice. He returned to the hotel, and sent a “good morning” message to Yan Zheke. He told her that because he was about to fight Wang Ye, he woke up earlier to train, and now he was going back to sleep to replenish his energy to prepare for the battle in the afternoon.

If he was going to do it, he would give his best. Even if he lost, he would not regret!

It was 1:30 p.m., cloudy skies and howling winds pressured the city.

The Yanling City Martial Arts Hall was full of people. It was much more crowded than before. Wearing the Songcheng University Martial Arts Club’s white martial arts suit with black trims, Lou Cheng stepped into the main gate in good spirits.

This will be his first challenge and match with a Professional Ninth Pin of the Mighty Ones.

Martial Arts Master - Chapter 53: The Battle of Heaven and Man
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