I Woke Up Piloting the Strongest Starship, so I Became a Space Mercenary
I Woke Up Piloting the Strongest Starship, so I Became a Space Mercenary - Chapter 19: – Clai

Chapter 19

# 019 – ClaimingRewards

“Oi, oi! So you brought your woman with you again pal . You’re trying to get on my nerves aren’t you bub? Huuuh!?”

The moment we entered the mercenary guild, I was immediately pestered by the receptionist uncle .

“Time for a shift change . ”

“Whaddya mean shift change– Guwaaah!?”

The guild staff oneesan from before saw the commotion and hit the receptionist uncle on the head with a thick looking file holder . Lengthwise . Ouch . The receptionist uncle immediately passed out and was tossed towards the back . The staff oneesan then sat on the now vacant seat .

“I’ve just taken over his shift, sir . Are you here to claim the mission rewards and the bounty money?”

“Uh, yeah . ”

I silently promised myself never to go against this person . She even easily threw a beefy uncle aside with one hand . I don’t think she’s replaced any part of her body with machines or anything . It’s possible that she’s had her strength enhanced directly through this world’s advanced technology… But, in any case, she’s hella scary man .

The guild oneesan checked my records and the subjugation mission rewards and bounty money turned out just as I expected . All in all, the total reward is just a little over 790,000 Enel . It ain’t an exact figure because the bounty rewards managed to net me a little extra cash – 8,123 Enel to be exact .

“I’d also like to request for my ship’s maintenance check and ammo resupply . ”

“Yes, certainly . I believe you’d want canister shells for your shot cannons, chaff, flares and the shield cell re-charging service, correct?”

“Yes . I’ll leave them to the guild’s capable hands . ”

“Please rest assured and leave the rest to us . ”

The receptionist oneesan displayed her best business smile . Services such as ship maintenance and ammo replenishment are some of the main sources of income for the guild .

“But you sure performed quite splendidly in this time’s operation sir . ”

“Yeah, I guess . I would’ve wanted to face some tougher characters though . Bet I’d earn more if I did . ”

And, for the record, I’m being serious here . Sure, there was a lot of small pirate craft . But they were worth pitifully little . Bet their bounties would have been worth more if they’d had actual skills, but every pirate I fought were of the “shoot-first-think-later” variety – small fries, basically . I would’ve earned better if there were more mid-sized warships among them .

“Well, this star system is actually one with relatively good public order you know . Things like the pirate subjugation mission directly headed by the military this time happen quite rarely here . ”

“I see . So you’re saying I should head to a more lawless sector if I want to earn more from the bounty rewards right?”

“Huh? But isn’t that really dangerous Hiro-sama?”

“Well of course it is . Those sectors house some pretty nasty characters after all . But the bounty rewards would be much higher . If one has the skills, they’d definitely be able to make quite a killing in those areas . ”

The receptionist oneesan answered Mimi’s question .

Yup . Those kinds of places were really filled with danger . But with my skills and firepower, the pirates in this sector barely posed a threat anymore . Of course, my aim’s not to travel in search of stronger foes to pit my skills against like a battle junkie, but I did want to earn more money if possible .

“But with Hiro-san’s skills, I think you really would be able to earn better if you moved to a more dangerous sector . ”

“And I’m sure this sector’s gonna be relatively peaceful for a while after that subjugation mission, right?”

“Well, yes, you’re right . But the missions offered by the guild aren’t limited to just hunting down pirates you know . You can also accept escort and cargo transport missions as well . ”

“My ship isn’t suited for transporting cargo . And escort missions are a bit of a pain, so no thanks . ”

“To tell you honestly sir, the guild would really like it if you accepted some of these missions . ”

“You’d be better off assigning them to the guys who have proper mercenary fleets working under them . ”

Mercenary fleets are composed of several mercenary ships that opted to form into a close-knit group in order to accomplish a larger variety of missions . They were sort of akin to parties in that regard . It was kinda impossible to do an escort mission with just a single ship after all . There was the possibility of the ship you’re escorting getting shot down while you’re busy chasing around enemy pirate ships . And even if you stuck close to the ship you’re escorting, there was still the danger of being unilaterally bombarded by enemy fire from long range .

If there are multiple ships in an escort mission, they would at least be able to divide their roles in order to guard their clients more effectively . But this was impossible if you’re all by your lonesome . So accepting escort missions is impossible for us .

“Don’t you want to form a fleet? I think it would be possible for you Hiro-san . You’ve made quite an impressive showing after all . Some guys would definitely be interested . ”

“Nah, I don’t really have any intention of doing that for the time being . We’ve already made some other plans after all . ”

I moved my gaze towards Mimi and she responded with a cute smile while blushing slightly . Yep, there’s a lot on our plate right now . We had plans to go to a medical space station . And there’s also the matter of earning enough money in order to purchase a detached house with a beautiful garden .

“…I see . ”

The receptionist oneesan looked at the two of us with a meaningful smirk on her lips and nodded lightly . I think she might have misunderstood something here man .

“Hiro-san looks like he would be able to earn a lot and the two of you seem quite passionate with each other as well . Hiro-san does seem somewhat unreliable at times, but I find that trait of his rather endearing . Are you two going on a honeymoon trip after this? I hope you two enjoy yourselves . ”

“Eeeh! Uh, um… Thank you very much!”

Mimi responded to the neesan’s words with an exceedingly dazzling smile . Eh? You’re not gonna deny it? Is it okay for our trip to be called a honeymoon? Eh? Eeh!?

“Well, uh… We’re really not going on a honeymoon y’see…”

“You’re not?”

“We aren’t…?”

The receptionist oneesan displayed a surprised expression and Mimi gazed at me with watery eyes .

“Well, uh… Maybe we are… It’s something like that, I guess . ”

Mimi’s sad expression turned lively once more . The receptionist oneesan looked at the two of us curiously .

“I don’t mean to pry, but what exactly is the relationship between the two of you?”

“Our relationship? It’s kinda complicated . A ship captain and his crew member? You could also call us a guardian and his charge . ”

“That’s right… And Hiro-sama is my life’s saviour and also my… master, I guess . ”


Oneesan’s gaze suddenly turned hostile . Oh crap! I have to explain things to her properly or I’d be at the receiving end of her ridiculous brute strength! I’ll have to choose my words carefully .

“She was about to be roughed up by some thugs in the 3rd Block, so I went and saved her from them, ma’am . Since she turned out to have nowhere else to go, I ended up letting her stay with me instead . ”

I unknowingly gave my explanations in a respectful tone . I didn’t want to get done in by this scary oneesan after all .

“I was banished into the 3rd Block because of a 300,000 Enel debt my papa and mama left me . Hiro-sama not only took me in but also settled the entire debt along with getting me an unrestricted traveling pass which totaled 500,000 Enel… That’s why I decided to offer my all to Hiro-sama . ”

Mimi followed up with an explanation of her own while displaying a determined expression . After the receptionist oneesan heard her, she closed her eyes and nodded deeply .

“Well now, I guess you’re safe mister . ”


I just received a royal pardon! I went and made a small guts pose . I managed to avoid fatal danger… . !

“A young girl who lost everything encounters a wandering mercenary and the two of them fell in love huh? It’s just like a story from a romance novel . ”

“Uh, it’s not really something all that grand y’know . ”

Well, I guess this all started when Mimi ended up giving her chastity to me . Luckily, Mimi doesn’t seem to dislike me and was even proactively trying to get closer to me . If things didn’t turn out like that, I probably wouldn’t have the mind to pursue a relationship with a younger girl .

“That’s not true at all . Ever since I met Hiro-sama, my days have been filled with nothing but happiness . Hiro-sama is really nice, and you always spoil me too . ”

“Oh? How exactly does he spoil you?”

“He just spent 300,000 Enel so we could buy the equipment I wanted to install on the ship . ”

“Hey, it’s not like I didn’t benefit from buying those stuff too y’know . You don’t have to mind it so much Mimi . ”

Seeing our interactions, the receptionist oneesan made a delighted smile as she placed one hand over her cheek .

“It’s good that you two get along so well . Maybe I should just quit being a guild receptionist and tag along on Hiro-san’s ship as a crew member?”

“Y– You can’t!”

After hearing the receptionist oneesan’s declaration, Mimi suddenly hugged my arm tightly . My arm was wrapped by two soft hills . It felt amazing!

After seeing Mimi’s actions, the receptionist uncle who was tossed towards the back glared at us with eyes that seemed ready to spill tears of blood while biting a handkerchief in chagrin . Furthermore, most of the mercenaries inside the guild building gave me deadly stares .

What? You guys jelly? Keep dreaming folks . I won’t give Mimi to anyone else .

“That’s unfortunate . ”

“Uh, guess we’ll be going then… Oh, right! There’s something else I want to ask . ”

I was just about to turn around and leave but stopped in my tracks after remembering about a certain matter .

“Um, do you happen to know what Elma’s situation is? She was a big help when I and Mimi registered as mercenaries but she suffered an accident in the operation, so I’m a bit worried about her . ”

“Ah… Elma-san huh?”

The receptionist oneesan’s expression turned grim as she made a troubled smile .

“Is she hurt bad or something…?”

“No, she’s fine for the most part… However, as for the penalties imposed by the military…”

With that, I got a good idea about Elma’s situation . It looks like she was slapped with quite the heavy fines .

“…Can she bounce back?”

“It’s a bit… No, it’ll be quite difficult for her . ”



Mimi tilted her head in puzzlement after seeing my exchange with the guild oneesan . Well, guess I’ll just explain what’s going on to her… But how will Mimi react?

“Y’see Mimi, Elma’s currently in quite a pinch because of the repair costs for both her ship and the military warship she crashed onto . ”

“That’s terrible! Uh, but…”

Mimi raised her voice in surprise at first, but her mood quickly deflated like a balloon leaking air and she lapsed into silence .

“Uh, well, this sure is difficult…”

It’s not like I don’t have any intention of helping her, but she still hasn’t asked for my help, so she might find me meddlesome if I suddenly butt in on her problems . I’ve also just met her a few days prior and she and I were only casual acquaintances, but… I guess it can’t be helped huh . I have no idea just how bad she has it though .

“Where’s Elma anyway?”

“She’s currently trying to find a way to at least pay off the penalties imposed by the military . ”

“If she can’t pay it, it’ll be [this], right?”

“Yes, it would seem so . ”

I made a gesture of cutting off my neck with my hand and the receptionist neesan nodded in the affirmative . Thought so . I don’t exactly know if she’ll get sent there, but this star system has an orbital prison station where criminals are sent to and forced to engage in harsh mining operations .

“Will she be sent to the orbital prison?”

“Yes . But the ratio of male to female criminals over there is quite lopsided in favor of the males . The female inmates seem to have it quite hard, to say the least…”

“I see…”

I don’t even want to imagine how a female inmate would be treated in a prison filled to the brim with male convicts . I want to do something to prevent Elma from going through that… Yeah . Or rather, don’t they separate the inmates by gender over there? This country’s scary .

“Can I ask you to inform me if Elma finds herself unable to settle her problem?”

“…Are you fine with that?”

“Yeah . Guess this is fate or something . I still don’t know if I’ll be able to help though . ”

There’s a good chance I won’t be able to help her much as well . The only thing required of me in order to help her was forking out a little bit of money anyway . She’d just have to pay me with her body afterward . Wait, I didn’t mean literally . I meant taking her in as a crew member . Elma would do nicely as Mimi’s tutor .

I’ll just take a cut from her designated mission rewards in order for her to gradually pay back her debt .

“Speaking of which, what’s the standard reward rate for crew members?”

“It’s often based on which roles they’re assigned to while on-board . ”

“What about Mimi?”

“Mimi-san? You’re the owner of the ship, aren’t you Hiro-san? You automatically get 100% . ”

“Guess so huh . ”

“We can evaluate it based on her skills then… By the way, pardon me for asking, but are you and him really in that sort of relationship Mimi-san?”

“Huh? Ah, um, yes . ”

“I’ll include that in the assessment then . So you’re an apprentice crew member with close to zero skills who didn’t contribute much in this time’s operation and also your captain’s lover . Your cut would be about 0 . 1 to 0 . 5% give or take . ”

“0 . 5%… Isn’t that a little too low?”

I tilted my head in thought after hearing Mimi’s reward rate . The total amount of reward money this time is 790,000 Enel . If Mimi’s remuneration rate is just 0 . 5%, she’d just get 3950 Enel . If we convert that to Yen, the reward Mimi will get from this operation would just be 395,000 Yen . Ain’t that a little too cheap a price for willingly heading into danger and giving up her chastity…? Well, I guess things would look a little better if we consider that I’m shouldering her food, clothing and providing her with a place to stay, but still…

“This is just how it is . If she improves her skills as a ship operator, her cut would increase . But right now, she’s getting a cut solely based on her being your lover . Even so, it looks like you’re earning quite a bit of money, aren’t you Hiro-san? If I stay with you, I bet I’d earn more than my current monthly salary . ”

Looks like she’s really starting to consider becoming my crew member . Please let me off Miss . I mean, sure you’re absolutely gorgeous, but you can casually toss around a grown man with just one arm . You seem a bit dangerous ma’am, so I’ll have to pass .

“T– Three thou– I can’t take this much money!?”

“It’s your proper remuneration, so don’t worry and just accept it Mimi . ”


It seems Mimi sees that amount as a lot of money, but for me, it isn’t even enough to cover for our bills . The costs for ship maintenance and supply replenishment easily dwarfs Mimi’s current reward rate . In the first place, considering how expensive it is to park a ship in the hangar bay and if we include the cost of food, you won’t be able to stay inside this colony for twenty days without having at least 4,000 Enel . It really was just a paltry sum .

“We’re not really wanting for cash right now Mimi . In fact, we have plenty . If you think you’re getting too much, wouldn’t it be fine if you just saved up the rest of the money?”

“R– Really?”

Mimi doesn’t seem to be convinced quite yet, but she did receive her rewards properly . I don’t mind the fact that I’m providing her food, clothing and shelter for free . Not only is she taking care of me properly every day, but she also always manages to put a smile on my face and brighten my mood . In fact, I don’t think 0 . 5% is enough . 5% or even 10% would be fine . But it’s not really my call, so let’s follow the stipulated rates for now . And judging from Mimi’s earlier reaction, she won’t take it very well if she suddenly receives an even bigger amount .

Hmm . Should I open a new savings account for Mimi then? Let’s consider it . After we finished receiving our rewards, I got a copy of the standard crew remuneration chart from the guild oneesan and left the guild building with Mimi . We had no more plans for today, so we just walked around some of the shops in the vicinity and then headed back to the ship .

The new ship equipment will be installed by tomorrow . It will also undergo a full maintenance check and get a resupply . These would probably take a few days . Let’s do our best!

I Woke Up Piloting the Strongest Starship, so I Became a Space Mercenary - Chapter 19: – Clai
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