A Step into the Past
A Step into the Past - Volume 5 Chapter 7

Book 5 Chap 7 – Lies and trickery

After Xiang Shaolong and Jing Jun returned to the Wu Residence, they each went back to their own rooms.

Before they parted, Jing Jun seemed to have something to say but he stopped himself.

Xiang Shaolong knows what he’s thinking and said, “Nothing will happen during the day, just rest assured and go to school! But be careful, now in Handan, besides the Wu residence, there’s no other safe place.”

Jing Jun was ecstatic as he replied, “I am a born hunter, I won’t become prey so easily.”

Xiang Shaolong knows that he is cunning and smart, and his skills at escaping is unparalleled so he was not worried.

When he returned to Hidden Dragon Abode, all the ladies were already in dreamland.

Although Xiang Shaolong is extremely tired, but his mind and spirit was greatly affected by the string of events that has happened tonight and was not in the mood for sleep at all. He suddenly had an idea, so he sat down on the bed next to his wife and concubine and followed the meditation skills written on the ‘3 killer moves’, sitting cross legged as he adjusted his breathing, his mind melding with his heart, his heart joined with his spirit, his spirit joined with the universe as he eliminated all thoughts and unintentionally went into a state of nothingness, something he has never experienced before. His spirit seems to leave his body, joining and parting and when he regained his senses, it was already morning and the ladies were awake.

Xiang Shaolong ignored the ladies’ surprise and he was secretly astounded. He has been meditating for more than 2 hours but it felt as if he was asleep and woke up in the blink of an eye. He was sitting cross-legged but he did not feel any numbness in his limbs at all from lack of blood circulation.

When he was training in the special task force, he has learnt Qigong as well, using different methods but he’s never had such a refreshing feeling before and for a moment he’s not really concerned about Lady Ya’s matter.

During breakfast, Chunying and the maids served him especially meticulously with bright and sweet smiles and although it’s the cold winter, he can still feel the allure of spring and his mood turned for the better, filled with the strong desire to fight.

After kissing the ladies, he hurriedly went to look for Xiao Yuetan, who was still sleeping with a beauty in his arms. When he knew he was looking for him, he put on a robe and came out.

At this time Xiao Yuetan’s disguise has been removed, revealing his sharp features, a far cry from what he looked like yesterday, even having an air of flirtatious charm.

After exchanging civilities, Xiang Shaolong said quietly, “The news of Master Tu coming to Zhao has already been leaked by those in your country who are against Mister Lu, and the King of Zhao and Zhao Mu has learnt of this.”

Xiao Yuetan’s expression changed slightly, revealing a look of surprise and uncertainty.

Xiang Shaolong continued, “But it seems that they still do not know where Master Tu is but it’s certain that they have sent men to search.”

Xiao Yuetan said, “I will send someone to warn Master Tu. Shaolong, Master Tu will be very grateful to you, this news is too important.”

Only now did Xiang Shaolong realize that Xiao Yuetan have not come to Handan alone. Seeing that his tone towards him has changed, he was secretly amused as he said, “Zhao Mu is keeping the Crown Prince very heavily guarded.” He then told him what Zhu Ji has revealed last night, even telling him about how Zhao Mu has been drugging Ying Zheng.

Xiao Yuetan’s expression really changed totally and he was quiet.

Xiang Shaolong has already felt last night that his main purpose is to bring Zhu Ji and her son back to Xianyang and is not at all enthusiastic about how they should bring the Wu family over to the Qin border. Now that he’s heard the true situation, he finally understood that for outsiders like them to save Zhu Ji and her son is impossible, even with the most expert skill of disguise.

Just like what Zhu Ji has said, unless they attack the city, or else how can they bring Ying Zheng away and even if they did, he’ll end up dying from poisoning.

Xiao Yuetan took a deep breath and said, “Where did Shaolong get these news from?”

Xiang Shaolong replied, “I have men planted around Zhao Mu and last night I finally had the chance to make contact with Lady Zhu Ji, she told me personally.”

Xiao Yuetan was impressed with Xiang Shaolong’s abilities, and after a moment’s hesitation, said, “Shaolong please forgive me for being straight, it seems that the King of Zhao has long been suspecting that the Wu family is in secret contact with our Master Lu, and now that the news of Master Tu coming here has been leaked, anyone can guess that the purpose is to steal away mother and son. Now you are stuck, how will you be able to proceed with the plan?”

Xiang Shaolong said confidently with a smile, “I can only answer you tomorrow, anyway we have not come to the end of the road. Can you please pass the message to Master Tu that if he really wants to bring the Crown Prince and his mother back to Xianyang, both sides must be able to cooperate sincerely.”

Xiao Yuetan knows that Xiang Shaolong has seen through their intentions and said with a slight blush, “This is but of course… of course! Heh! I will inform Master Tu.”

He continued with furrowed brows, “Zhao Mu is famous for his art in using drugs, how can we solve this issue?”

Xiang Shaolong laughed, “Tomorrow I will have a satisfactory answer for you.”

Xiao Yuetan saw how energized and relaxed he looked and his confidence was raised as well and said with a nod, “It seems that I’ll have to make a personal trip to see Master Tu and I can only be back about 3 to 4 days even at the earliest. I hope by then Shaolong will have good news to share.”

Xiang Shaolong continued talking to him in secret a little more before he left and on the way back bumped into Tao Fang who was out looking for him. He looked spirited and Xiang Shaolong thought that the Chu spy could not even hold out for a day and has revealed the truth. However, Tao Fang only said, “Shaolong’s plan is really useful, it’s just one night and he’s almost half collapsed and only wants to sleep. I don’t think he can hold out much longer and will soon confess.”

Xiang Shaolong secretly thought that this can also be considered good news. Such methods may be inhumane but it’s a little better than torturing his body. No matter how strong a person is, under such a situation, will also become extremely weak.

Tao Fang said, “Young Master left the city early this morning to the livestock farm and won’t be back for a few days.” He lowered his voice and added, “He’s going to make arrangements for pulling out of Zhao, it’ll be the Farmers’ Festival in 10 days time and we traditionally have a ‘prayer ceremony’ and the King of Zhao will come personally to the farm to oversee it. At that time we will send part of the family to a secret hiding place which has been prepared long ago and after the grand event, we will send them towards Qin one by one.”

Xiang Shaolong was a little relieved. With Wu Yingyuan’s farsightedness and planning, anything that he thinks is secure will definitely not have any problems.

Tao Fang led him towards the Wu family mansion and said along the way, “At that time when I met Shaolong at Mulberry Village, I already knew you’re no ordinary man but I did not expect you to have such accomplishments today.”

Once he mentioned Mulberry Village, Xiang Shaolong can’t help but think of Mei Canniang and he turned gloomy!

He did not expect that after coming to this ancient period, there are a lot more things that makes him worry compared to in the past.

Tao Fang knows what he was thinking and tried to console him a little, but he knows that his empty words are of no use at all so he said, “Old Master wants to see you!”

Master Wu met his Grandson-in-law alone in the secret meeting room and came straight to the point, “Find a time today and I’ll hold a simple ceremony for you and Fang’er to become official husband and wife.”

Xiang Shaolong hurriedly kowtowed and offered his thanks.

He’s already developed deep feelings for Wu Tingfang and was glad to have such a pretty wife.

Master Wu furrowed his brows, “I thought with all the intimacy you’ve had, Fang’er would get pregnant very quickly, it’s so strange…”

Xiang Shaolong was secretly startled, although he has thought of this question before, he’s never too bothered about it.

Master Wu did not seem too bothered too and continued, “I want to tell you something important regarding the life and death of the Wu family and even Tao Fang is not aware of this matter. Only a few people who are from the immediate Wu family is aware.”

Xiang Shaolong looked at him quizzically.

Master Wu said with seriousness, “All the residences of Princes and Royalties will have secret tunnels used for escape and this is an open secret to all. We are no exception, we have 4 secret tunnels leading to the outside of our estate and the exit are all near the fortress. But for us, this is just a cover.”

Xiang Shaolong’s eyes immediately brightened and he asked unbelievably, “Is there a secret tunnel that leads to outside the city?”

Master Wu said proudly, “Exactly, this tunnel that leads to outside the east city gates took 3 generations about 70 odd years to complete and is 3 li long. Countless Wu family members have sacrificed their lives building it, a lot of effort was put into just the layout of the ventilation holes. It’s more than 10 feet deep underground and even digging a well won’t be so deep down. We made use of an underground river to build it and the entrance is at a secret cave at the back of the hill and it can only be reached via a short tunnel at the back of the house and is extremely covered.”

Only now did Xiang Shaolong understand why the Wu father and son are so confident about escaping from Handan.

Master Wu said, “That’s why as long as you have the ability to bring Zhu Ji and her son to the Wu residence, we will be confident of escaping.”

Xiang Shaolong was greatly excited and felt his confidence soaring, it seems that the most difficult problem has suddenly been solved.

Master Wu suddenly exclaimed, “This secret tunnel is not easy to travel, it’s wet and stuffy. I’ve used it once when I was young and have never gone down since, and I had hoped that I will never have the need to use it to escape. Now that I’m old, it’ll be even more difficult for me to travel!”

Xiang Shaolong said, “I heard from Master Tao that during the Farmers’ Festival, we will take the opportunity to send a group of people away, Grandfather you…”

Master Wu interrupted, “If I were to leave as well, it’ll be strange if that muddle headed ruler King Xiaocheng does not take immediate action. Everyone can leave except me.”

Xiang Shaolong’s expression changed on hearing this.

Master Wu smiled slightly, as if he’s almost at the end of his road and said gently, “The world now belongs to youngsters like you. I am old and my days are numbered, I do not have the courage to face a new life in Qin and neither can I survive the scares and difficulties involved in escaping. That’s why I’ve already told Yingyuan that I have decided to stay here and not leave.”

Xiang Shaolong was stunned, “How can the King of Zhao let you off then?”

Master Wu chortled, “Who wants him to let me off? I won’t even leave a piece of my skin for him to find. I have been prestigious all my life and even in death will I not be humiliated.”

Xiang Shaolong cried out hoarsely, “Grandfather!” For the first time he felt sincere admiration for this plump old man from the bottom of his heart.

Master Wu said suavely, “Don’t behave like a woman or a child, I have high expectations of you. In all great matters, someone must be sacrificed. If King Xiaocheng wants to attack my Wu family fortress, he’ll have to pay a terrible price. I am really happy, even at a time like this, I still have a group of men who are willing to lay down their lives with me.”

He paused and continued, “Once you take Zhu Ji and her son away, King Xiaocheng will attack immediately. If there’s no one to block him for a few days, how are all of you going to escape?” He added with resolve, “My mind is made up, do not say anymore.”

Xiang Shaolong knows it’s difficult to make him change his mind, and in fact this is what he has asked for. He asked, “How many people know about the secret tunnel? It seems that even Tingfang is not aware.”

Master Wu replied, “That’s why it can remain a secret. Don’t worry! Those who know about this is very reliable. If you see Wu Zhuo over the next few days, tell him to lead you to it. As long as we can get out of the city, no one will know how to survive better than generations of livestock farmers like us.”

He gave a cold snort and added, “Since he’s dishonest, I need not be loyal. Since King Xiaocheng can treat me this way, I want him to have a taste of the most bitter fruit he’s ever had after the battle of Changping. I’ll make sure there won’t be a single usable warhorse in his whole country and let him sit and watch while the state of Zhao is slowly carved apart and disintegrate.”

Looking at the gleaming hatred in Master Wu’s eyes, Xiang Shaolong suddenly understood that once a person views death as a certainty, he can be a really scary person.

Xiang Shaolong is already mentally prepared for this and riding on his beloved steed which Learned Lady Ji has given him, he went to Zhao Ya’s residence and met her at the inner hall. Looking at his beauty who is only a few feet away, Xiang Shaolong however felt that the distance between their hearts is like lakes and mountains apart.

He was more alert to his surroundings and indeed noticed that Xiaozhao and the other maids were a lot quieter, their faces expressionless, with sadness hidden in their eyes.

Zhao Ya is smiling like a flower as usual but Xiang Shaolong can see that beneath the forced smile the dilemma deep within her heart.

She looked at him in surprise and said, “Shaolong you looked especially in high spirits today, are there new developments.” She lowered her voice and added, “Have you caught a hold over Zhao Mu already?”

Xiang Shaolong shook his head and said, “It’s not that easy!”

Zhao Ya asked, “Then are there developments over at Zhu Ji and her son’s side?”

Xiang Shaolong pretended to look troubled and said with furrowed brows, “The place where mother and son are kept are heavily guarded, there’s no way to infiltrate it as well. Do you have a way to let me meet up with them?”

Zhao Ya lowered her head and bit her teeth, “Let me think about it!”

Xiang Shaolong knows that she indeed has feelings for him, or else she would not have revealed so much uncertainty and could have pretended that she’s totally not up to the task.

He said with a straight face, “I’ve been thinking last night, and decided to follow Empress Jing’s words and assassinate Zhao Mu.”

Zhao Ya was stunned, “Shaolong!” She lifted her pretty face and looked at him with misery.

Xiang Shaolong was feeling secretly pleased and said with a low voice, “Only by killing Zhao Mu will we have a chance to kidnap Zhu Ji and her son. I now have a batch of about 500 Wu family warriors who are not afraid to die and we have the strength to fight openly with Zhao Mu. As long as I do everything nice and clean, who would dare to say I am the murderer?”

Zhao Ya looked at him, in a loss.

Of course Xiang Shaolong knows that she thought he has already fallen into Empress Jing’s trap, and only felt an indescribable pleasure.

S.lut, since you want me to die, then let me lie to you for some fun.

“What is the best place to make the move?”

Zhao Ya lowered her head and said quietly, “It’s the Farmers’ Festival 10 days later, Zhao Mu will go with Imperial Brother to the livestock farm outside the Wu family fortress for prayer ceremonies. Hai! Shaolong you must think it through again.”

Xiang Shaolong can feel her inner struggle and pain and his heart softened a little as he said gently, “Don’t be so unconfident in me! I will split the 500 men into 2 groups, one group will lay in ambush along the way to ambush your Imperial Brother and Zhao MU’s carriage…”

Zhao Ya exclaimed hoarsely, “What? Even Imperial Brother…”

It is exactly Xiang Shaolong’s intention to force Zhao Ya to thoroughly betray him. Only by making use of Zhao Ya will he be able to trick the King of Zhao and Zhao Mu. He need not make a pretense of the deep hatred in his eyes as he said, “The way your Imperial Brother covered up for Zhao Mu regarding Lady Ni’s matter, needless to say it’s because he is the cause of all this. Such an evil fiend, why keep him in this world?”

Zhao Ya looked at him in a loss, then suddenly lowered her head as if she has come to a decision as she bit her lips and said, “Then the other group will go to the Hostage Residence and kidnap them, but how are you going to leave the city?”

Xiang Shaolong said confidently, “I will open a short tunnel that will lead us out of the city at the west of the city. The Wu family has enough manpower and equipment in this area so it’s guaranteed that no one will find out. We will also prepare men and horses outside the city and will leave by over 10 different routes to escape. Along the way there will be pre-prepared hiding areas so that even if the big army comes after us, it would be difficult for them to find us. Besides, by then the city of Handan will not have a leader after your Imperial Brother and Zhao Mu’s death so they will certainly be in a mess. If Empress Jing comes to power, she won’t be so enthusiastic in going after us. This plan can be considered foolproof, and later on I will arrange for you and Qian’er the time and place to meet.”

Zhao Ya lowered her head and did not speak, the rapid changes in her expression, which she tried to hide, are all revealed to Xiang Shaolong’s eyes.

He pretended to be surprised and asked, “Ya’er! What’s wrong? Is there something wrong with my plan?”

Zhao Ya was startled and regained her composure as she shook her head and replied, “Nothing’s wrong, it’s just that everything’s too sudden for me to accept so quickly.”

Xiang Shaolong deliberately made fun of her and said, “This is being deliberate, as long as we strategize well, I guarantee that the muddle headed ruler and corrupt official will only live for the next 10 days.”

Zhao Ya took a sad look at him and did not say further.

Xiang Shaolong knows that he has laid enough groundwork so he stretched lazily and stood up, “Come! Let us go and look for Qian’er and Xiao Pan!”

Zhao Ya lowered her head and said quietly, “Shaolong!”

Xiang Shaolong secretly thought that something is wrong, yet he is filled with hope as he asked, “What’s the matter?”

Zhao Ya was hesitant for a moment before shaking her head and said, “It’s nothing, we can talk after we reach the state of Qin.”

Xiang Shaolong sighed secretly, knowing that Zhao Ya has let go of the last chance she has to retain him.

Their relationship has now been terminated!

From now on, all feelings have ceased and they will have nothing to do with each other.

After he left her residence, he can feel the joy of pain.

Pain because of Zhao Ya’s change of heart, joy because he has discarded this relationship baggage.

Ever since the last time Zhao Ya allowed Prince Shaoyuan to enter her bedchamber without a reason, he’d already known that she has a weak will when it comes to matters revolving men and women, and this is in her nature. Zhao Ni and her faced almost the same situation but she was not like her, flirting with men everywhere.

This is called a short pain is better than a lengthened torture.

Once he thought of this, he immediately felt an indescribable sense of release.

These 10 days until the actual day, the King of Zhao will deliberately make things easy for him so that he can take his time to arrange the assassination attempt and he can use this as an excuse to confiscate all of the Wu family’s extensive assets.

Without a grand excuse, the King of Zhao will never dare to touch the Wu family because it will cause other wealthy families in the country to fear for themselves and start moving to other states and the situation would be terrible. He has really put a lot of thought into this.

Now he only has to find out where the real Ying Zheng is and he will be able to proceed with his secret plan.

Maybe he can even persuade Master Wu to leave with them.

Once he thought about this, he wished that he could sprout wings and fly into the Hostage Residence immediately and ask that alluring beauty Zhu Ji this question.

The weather was bitterly cold as the northern wind howled.

There were not many people or carriages on the streets, all those who can would rather stay home than come out and face the bitter cold.

Hoof beats were heard and a group of riders appeared ahead and as they came nearer, it turned out to be Cheng Xu and 10 over soldiers.

On seeing a friend, Xiang Shaolong went up and greeted him warmly.

Who would have expected that Cheng Xu would suddenly look stunned and he forced out a smile as he said, “Commander Xiang, I have something urgent to attend to, we’ll chat if there’s a chance next time.” And he hurriedly rode away.

Xiang Shaolong stood there stunned.

He can only think of the famous words ‘Men’s heart can turn cold and the world turn icy’.

It seems that no one in Handan welcomes him now.

Behind him he heard hoof beats again as a rider rode past him and swiftly handed him a ball of paper. He opened it and it turns out that Pu Bu is arranging to meet him and it’s written on the paper the place and time.

Xiang Shaolong felt a warmth filling his heart as he returned home after tearing up the piece of paper.

A Step into the Past - Volume 5 Chapter 7
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