The Protagonists Are Murdered by Me
The Protagonists Are Murdered by Me - Chapter 9: Whatever work I could find I did my best.

Whatever work I could find I did my best.

I would do it earnestly even if the work was playing with a stray cat and I was paid conservatively.

“You’re giving me three 2nd-Grade battle equipment?”


This was her debut as a hunter, and as her senior partner I was given three 2nd-Grade battle equipment as remuneration.


Celeste had done plenty of research on Yoo Seodam so she knew.

The fact that he shows great interest in an aether dispenser.

So she gave it to Yoo Seodam as a gift as though it was a coincidence.

It is no wonder that the efficiency of Yoo Seodam has increased.

One weekend morning.

Gathering at the Geumgang Gym, Seodam and Celeste sat side by side on an exercise machine that no one was using and looked at a touchpad.

I know this is quite ill-mannered, but there are no people on the weekends anyway.

Although there is no set date for their debut, the aspiring hunters seem to be quite busy preparing for their debut.

Celeste wanted to meet and talk calmly at a cafe, not at the gym, but it was quite a hassle for Seodam.

Her debut as a hunter will be in the C-Rank dungeon, ‘Snow Peak of Paulownia.’

“You know there are no countermeasures, right? What tricks are you going to use in this C-Rank dungeon?”

He slowly became quite comfortable with Celeste, and spoke his mind, but she didn’t seem to care much.

Rather, she seemed to want to be comfortable with Seodam.

“It’s not uncommon for aspiring hunters to do this.”

“No, I know that.”

Normal prospects targeted D-Rank or low E-Rank dungeons and gates.

But very occasionally super-elite prospects targeted C-Rank dungeons, which was the case with Celeste.

However, that is only possible if the senior hunter is at least A-Rank.

“You know that the debut will be judged by your actions because I don’t count as a member, right?”

In other words, if Yoo Seodam and Celeste went into the dungeon together it would be judged as Celeste’s solo hunting.

It won’t be a big problem in itself, but there were a lot of restrictions on ‘solo hunting.’

It’s also formally forbidden for people to enter dungeons alone.

In particular, you’re not allowed to enter a dungeon alone, and you’re only allowed to enter a dungeon that is one or two levels higher than you if you were granted special permission.

F-Rank hunters are not allowed to enter a F-Rank dungeon alone.

However, exceptions must exist everywhere.

1. A-Rank hunters with three years of experience.

2. Hunters who have survived an expedition inside the Hell Gate located at the heart of the Pacific Ocean.

3. Veterans with more than 10 years of experience.

If any of the above cases were applicable a solo entry was possible for entering a dungeon of the same rank.

“Fortunately this dungeon is a big one, so you’ll be attacking it with other aspiring hunters. A total of six more teams are coming, so we’ll have to wait. You’re lucky.”



Celeste was a meticulous person, and naturally knew about the restrictions on solo entry.

On the official website of the International Hunter Federation you could search for any hunter you wanted and access their public personal information, which she had done in advance.

[F-Rank Hunter Yoo Seodam]

[Hunter is permitted to enter SSS-Rank Dungeons.]

In other words, Seodam is entitled to enter even the most horrible and difficult dungeons in existence alone.

That means he is an owner of the ‘Free Dungeon Pass,’ which very few people in the world possess.

Come to think of it, it was a little strange.

Yoo Seodam is a F-Rank, how does he have a Free Dungeon Pass?

She was very curious, but didn’t bother to ask because she didn’t think Seodam had any intention of explaining it.

“The monsters that appear inside…Spring Wolves, Hook Spiders, etc…”

It has been more than a decade since the invention of the exploration drone which can be sent inside the dungeon in advance to identify the initial entry and gather information.

“Maybe your debut will be broadcast live on UTV and other sites, you know that don’t you?”

A total of seven senior hunters and seven prospects were participating in this C-Rank dungeon ‘Snow Peak of Paulownia.’

Most of whom belonged to large guilds and were quite well-known on the internet before their debut.

Seodam said that in the case that their notable debut is broadcasted live on various platforms and she should prepare herself to be judged live.

“With other debuts, one or two senior hunters would record about ten applicants. So they have virtually no chance to raise their value. Honestly, it’s annoying to check every single one of those videos, right?”

However, a super rookie’s debut like Celeste’s was on a whole different level.

It’ll be shown in front of so many netizens through the live broadcast.

“This is all about raising your value.”

Anyone with the ability to fight the same rank has a value of tens of millions of dollars, while normal people can barely make ends meet.

The first stage to set such a value is during one’s debut.

After the Great War it was the most important stage as a hunter in an era where everything has stabilized.

“In order for you to stand out you have to show something different from other prospects.”

Seodam, as if he is recounting his own experience, began to lecture her on how to receive high reviews during her debut.

Like a lazy instructor who points out the questions a week before a college entrance exam.

However, Celeste was listening to every single one of Seodam’s words.

“…Have you led many trainees in the past?”

“It was in a foreign country. Well, have you heard of Michael Ronira? Him, Ha Jisung, and Toseph…”


When the famous names came out of Seodam’s mouth, Celeste opened her eyes wide in shock.

Because they were all famous active S-Rank hunters.

“They needed a porter back then, so I took them around, but somehow it changed into a debut.”

When other hunters taught them how to hunt, Seodam taught them how to survive.

Having been talented from the start, they learned how to survive tenaciously, and became famous in their own right.

Of course they are now stronger and better than Seodam.

I am no match against them.

He laughed as he recalled those who had been with him for some reason but are now far away.

“You can fight a decent D-rank monster by yourself. But first, let’s look at the Spring Wolf…It has a very simple attack pattern. As it pounces precisely towards you and tries to bite your arms from the side, you can’t fight back by sidestepping because it’s a pounce. You should step back instead.”

“Step back when it pounces toward me?”

“Right. Spring Wolf is unique because once it reaches you, there’s a delay until it can pounce again…”

On top of that, Seodam even demonstrated the pattern of the monsters found inside with his own wooden sword.

Furthermore, even monsters that the drone could not find were taught their characteristics and the unique ways to fight them.

For the first time in Celeste’s life she has learned how many different ways there are to fight.

As an elite among elites, the “essence” taught by Seodam was firmly stuck in her mind.

However, Seodam’s methods were different.

In other words, it was “unique.”

“So what do you do when it’s defenseless on the ground? You kick it in the crotch.”

“Ah, good to know….”

The average hunter doesn’t need to know such trivial things.

But in order to survive as a F-Rank hunter, these things must be known.

The essence of a veteran Hunter who has lived so desperately and somehow managed to survive without a single superpower.

Before, Celeste thought there was only one thing to learn from Yoo Seodam.

However, that was a misconception.

The sword of Yoo Seodam was only a small fraction of his talent.

His true strength lies in his countless life experience as a hunter.

As her teacher, Celeste was a very good student.

She listens to me, doesn’t complain, and if I taught her one thing she sees ten things.

Well, in fact, I’m not a strong enough hunter to be a teacher, but I felt proud to see the little child I taught grow up well.

Surprisingly, am I meant to be a teacher?

“Are you nervous?”

6 p.m.

By the time most people left work, me and Celeste had just arrived at our job.

I laughed as Celeste quietly nodded.

“Your first time is supposed to be like that.”

The site of the dungeon was near a national park called Uijeongbu, where black cars, cameras and spectators were already crowding the area.

Once again I feel that these days people are too carefree.

If we fail to subdue the dungeon, the surrounding area will open to the ‘other world.’

Weren’t they scared?

When the seven senior hunters and seven prospects gathered at the scene, a reporter who was broadcasting live on UTV approached.

Originally, I didn’t care about this process, but this time I took the initiative because I wanted everyone to see Celeste’s debut.

“Haha. Finally, the stars of today are all here. Let’s hear some words from the aspiring hunters shall we?”

As expected, this reporter won’t be following us inside the dungeon.

In the first place, he would probably die to a hunter inside if he kept pestering them.

“Wow, miss Celeste is just as pretty as I’ve heard. Do you have a SNS account? I want to follow you!”

I thought he was trying to promote the SNS of the prospects.

Many people would be curious, especially if it’s Celeste’s SNS.

The reporter’s skill was revealed.


“Oh, not for me. I’m sorry!”

I can’t be sure, but there are probably many ‘LOL’ in the reporter’s broadcast chatroom by now.

Celeste, with a slightly embarrassed look, spoke.

“No, it’s… I don’t have a SNS account…”

“Hm? Are you sure? Don’t all teenagers and people in their twenties have SNS, no?”

I don’t have one either.

Unknowingly, he who was standing next to her was struck by ‘splash damage.’

The reporter kept his attention on Celeste for a long time and conducted an interview.

It seems that the viewers liked it because it had the most outstanding visuals among the people who gathered here.

Soon after Celeste was visibly exhausted, the reporter turned his attention to another prospect, and in the meantime I looked around.

Lost Day, Blue Waterdrop, Red Sunflower, and etc…All the scary guys were gathered.

Then, I suddenly saw a familiar pattern and my face crumpled.

Kinetic Pharmaceutical Company.

Perhaps that terrible company which has connection with Lost Day is here on their own accord.

I heard that it was a subsidiary of Lost Day, so why did it come all the way here?

Then, when the interviewer went to the Lost Day’s prospect I turned my head to look.

“Hunter Lee Yeonjun. You’re probably the second most popular person here. Do you know that?”

“Haha, I know.”

“Yes, it was originally reported that you were completely ordinary with a 0% aether absorption rate, but I heard you recently succeeded in awakening to C-Rank. What’s your secret?”


As the reporter interviewed him, I narrowed my eyes and examined Lee Yeonjun’s body.

This is because I couldn’t believe that an ordinary person with a 0% aether absorption rate had awakened to C-Rank.

Huh, unnatural muscles and breathing.

And madness hidden in the calm eyes.

What the hell is he?

“There’s no secret. Through Lost Day’s very special training method I’ve worked hard enough, and have come to awaken my superpower.”

“Oh, that’s great. Lee Yeonjun has been the hope of the general public since the previous hunter Yoo Seodam.”

“You flatter me. I’m not anyone’s hope. I just want to let people know that anyone can be like me if they try.”

I wondered why my name was mentioned.

Also the heat of the video that had been circulating the other day seemed to have not cooled down yet.

I was so embarrassed that I wanted to ask UTV to remove it, but I had already given up because I thought it would be meaningless.

It will be quiet in a few months anyway…

“You are too humble. It would be disappointing to end the interview with a prospect last, right?”

It’s not.

Contrary to what I thought, ‘Yes!!’ came from all sides.

Powered by the responses, the reporter turned his microphone right to the side.

“I’d like to hear a word from our S-Rank superhuman, hunter Jang Hyunsuk!”

Then, cheers erupted from all sides.


I think I’m going to faint!

Have my baby!

A bunch of freaks.

S-Rank superhuman, Jang Hyunsuk.

The fan base seemed to be quite big, perhaps because of the strong image of Lost Day.

Well, any guild would use S-Rank superhumans as their mascot.

“In any case, today isn’t about me. All the hunters here are great people, and they’re fighting for you.”

I think hunters are more of a celebrity than a hunter these days.

From what I could recall, he used to stutter, but now he’s a very composed man.

Jang Hyunsuk glanced at me throughout the interview, but I don’t know why.

Soon, the short interview was done.

It’s about time.

It was time to go into the dungeon.

“Well, good luck, hunters.”

As expected, three cameramen who awakened as E-Rank superhumans followed us as the main reporters left.

It’s a video that high-ranking people are going to watch, so it seemed like they were going to film with proper cameras.

In addition, each had a HTC (Hunting Cam) on their chest, which could film from the person’s point of view, and even seven autopilot-controlled drones were flying in the sky.

Senior hunters had a relaxed face while prospects had a nervous face.

One by one, they started to enter the black gate.

The moment Lee Yeonjun entered the dungeon.

All of a sudden.

Countless messages appeared in my mind.


[A strong cliché has occurred nearby. A protagonist’s ‘Prologue’ has begun.]

[However, there is already another protagonist nearby.]

[If a protagonist meets another protagonist, the clichés will collide and may break the protagonist’s blessing which could lead both to the ‘Epilogue’ immediately.]

“What? Wait a moment.”

It’s so sudden that I don’t understand.

What do you mean epilogue? No way…

[Once the protagonist is forced to complete their story, their world will end.]


The C-Rank dungeon in front of me is not the problem.

They will be fine whether I’m with them or not.

But the world that exists in the dungeon will collapse.

< Emergency mission for hunter Yoo Seodam! >

< On completion of an emergency mission, you can absorb more than one skill or talent from the protagonist. >

< Generating hashtags of the protagonist. >


#Fusion_Fantasy #Drug #Bitter #Comedy #Rapid_Growth


< Will you accept the mission? >

I opened my eyes wide at the sight of the hashtags.

A list of hashtags that are so obvious that I understood the plot.

I glanced at the dungeon gate where Lee Yeonjun disappeared into and was suddenly certain.

I instinctively accepted the mission.

“…I accept the mission.”

[Traveling to Snow Peak of Paulownia. The world of the protagonist, Lee Yeonjun]


The Protagonists Are Murdered by Me - Chapter 9: Whatever work I could find I did my best.
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