Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer
Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer - Chapter 68: Final round starts

Sam was sitting with the rest of team 6. Soon, some food and water were sent to all of them. When Sam was eating, he could feel the looks of resentment from the others in the team. Precisely, they are the four people, who were separated without agreeing with Sam's leadership.

He didn't bother with them and ate the food in a leisurely pace. After that he started observing the other teams. Everyone is in a bad shape. Even though their cultivations are restored they are exhausted mentally. They didn't think that they would be this pathetic without their cultivation. Now, they almost had some new-found respect for the normal people who doesn't cultivate.

After some time, Hawk and Kelly walked towards him while Philip, Freya, Haley also came to greet him.

"Thank you so much Sam." Hawk immediately bowed as he thanked him as soon as he came. He didn't even say anything at all, other than the deep bow, he didn't say boastful words on how he will repay him or how he would go through hell blah blah blah.

Sam didn't say anything and just nodded when the latter finally stood up properly. Meanwhile, the remaining candidates are all in shock. Particularly, those from the Falcon Cliff city. They knew exactly how popular and respectable Hawk had in the city. Yet, someone as him is bowing in front of a character from the normal subordinate city. They wanted to know what happened. But unfortunately for them, the characters involved are not going to tell them what exactly happened and neither can they ask them.

Soon, the day passed slowly. Next day morning. Everyone is led by an attendant through a way which seemed like a tunnel to a stadium. It is like a colosseum, but the size is a bit small when compared to the colosseum in Rome.

The seats are filled with spectators and there is a rectangular stage in the middle. The stage itself occupied seventy percent of the area. It is really big. The remaining area is also filled with some seats. The attendant went away after leading them here.

Sam looked around and his gaze finally landed on the main spectator area, where the Count, the Principal and several other big shots from the noble families and the other towers sat. He observed them for a bit and then continued observing the other spectators, the stage etc.

Then Principal stood up from the chair and took a step forward as he addressed in a voice loud enough to not only reach all the audience but also shut them up to silence.

"The second round of the tournament is over and the candidates are here to take part in the final round of the tournament. But before that the scores of the candidates in the second round as well as the c.u.mulative scores will be announced." After principal spoke, he gestured to an Elder sitting behind him to speak and the Elder came forward and started announcing the scores from backward.

Rank 60 Candidate Kiba- 0 points in second round and fifteen c.u.mulative points.

Rank 59 Candidate Tom- 0 points in second round and sixteen c.u.mulative points.

Rank 58…..

Rank 57….

The Elder announced the points and came to top 10 places and the second round points barely reached two digits at the top 5 and that person is none other than Hawk.

Rank 5 Candidate Hawk second round twelve points and thirty-five c.u.mulative points.

The spectators are all surprised. They thought that Hawk is likely to get highest points. But the top four candidates not only surprised the spectators but also all the officials as well. Because, the points difference is quite high.

Rank four Candidate Shor 47 points {points include the collected ones along with the points of their survival days} and 63 c.u.mulative points.

Rank three Candidate Eve 47 points and 64 c.u.mulative points.

Rank two Candidate Jack 58 points and 81 c.u.mulative points.

When they heard the difference, they almost bit their tongues. The difference is not just a ten or twenty after all. But the first place made them almost have a heart attack because.

Rank one Candidate Sam second round 150 points and 180 c.u.mulative points.

When Sam heard the score even, he had a heart attack. After all, he didn't know where all these points came from. Then Jack said from behind.

"After you lost conscious, Kelly and I explored the cave and found many scrolls. So, the total points became this much."

"Why didn't you guys take a share?" Sam asked with surprise.

"Well, you are the one who took the whole cave down. Even though we made some contribution, they are after all superficial. If not for saving Hawk, you might have able to clean it up yourself with proper time and planning. I think we don't deserve that much credit."

After Jack's explanation, he didn't say anything and stayed silent.

The remaining candidates though are looking at him as if he was a monster. They are already vexed by the high-scores of the four positions and now they are almost having doubts on meaning of their lives.

But Sam felt some searing gazes other than that of Envy, Jealousy and Admiration. They are hostile gazes. Sam turned around and saw the weird trio. He didn't know why he has obtained the hostility of them. There are other people with even more of ridiculous expressions and they are the four people from the team six, who left Sam.

They are looking at Eve and Shor with shocked and Jealous expression. Then the three other people targeted their gazes to Dustin, who is the one responsible for separation from Sam and the group.

Dustin hid his face in embarrassment upon their gazes. But he also felt unfair. After all, these people could always choose to join up with Sam. They are blaming him unfairly. The Principal's voice woke them up.

"Now that the rankings are announced. The final round will begin soon.

This round is about direct combat.

In this round you can challenge anyone to duel. But the person should be within ten ranks above you and you will lose the chance to challenge again, if you lose three times in the duels you challenged.

But no matter how many times you lose in the duels in which you were challenged, that won't influence your challenging rights.

Every battle you lose will give you a negative point and every battle you win you will gain a positive point. The duels will end at dusk. As soon as the sun sets, the scores will be frozen.

So, the scores at the end of the day will be added to the c.u.mulative score and the rankings will be decided." Principal finished his speech and went to take his seat. Then an Elder came to the stage and stood on the centre. The candidates surrounded the stage and were eagerly waiting. After all, they are very disappointed on their own performances in the second round. They are eyeing Sam intensely.

But when they recalled the monstrous score, they felt that taking down the guy in c.u.mulative ranking will be impossible. After all, they don't have many chances to challenge to acc.u.mulate that number of points.

The Elder at the centre of the stage, made some hand seals and placed it on the ground. Then the stage divided into six rings separately. Even though the rings are divided, each ring is still as big as basketball court. Then another five elders came and boarded the other five stages.

The Elder who came first said. "There will be six duels going on simultaneously. A person can have a 10 minutes break maximum between each duel if he is challenged after just completing a duel.

You can use any weapon within rank two and below. The rank 3 weapons, single use inscriptions, formation discs, pills and other medicines are all forbidden to use on the ring.

The fight will be over, if one candidate is unconscious or killed or surrenders. If other party surrenders and still the candidate attacks, the candidate will be eliminated from not only the third round but also the entire competition."

After Elder said these words, he gestured them to start. Immediately a six people climbed the rings and issued their challenges.

Sam was also challenged by some in the very first round. The one who challenged is one of the weird trio who is also in the top 10. He is in top ten because of his c.u.mulative score from the first round.

In fact, Sam saw a lot of people he is familiar with in top ten. For example, his three teammates in second round, Hawk, Kelly, Philip and the weird trio.

When he was challenged by Yash, he was not least bit surprised and went on to the stage. Yash is at Level 1 Novice stage. Sam didn't know, whether the other party is a warrior or Mage, but he didn't really care that much.

Sam stood at the one end of the ring while the opponent is at the other end of the ring.

"Begin." The Elder confirmed and soon as his voice faded, Yash moved. He is fast and his movements are swift and smooth. He moved towards Sam straight forwardly. But the latter didn't move at all, standing at the same place.

Yash suddenly changed his movement and flicked his sleeve. *Swish* *Swish* He saw some flashes in the air as two small knives made his way towards him. Both of them aiming at his vitals. One at his heart and one at his eye. Nobody, expected this. They thought that Yash is a warrior who is good at the close combat, that is why, they were surprised a bit.

Just as Yash thought that Sam was caught off guard about the knives the latter moved his hands and by the time he stopped, all people gasped in surprise. Sam caught the two knifes with his fingers.

Yash was the one most surprised. He felt that he did a good job distracting the other party with his movements, but all of it was nothing.

Sam didn't make a move as Yash moved back. He just took a look at the knives as if he was examining the craftsmanship.

Sam slowly started moving towards the centre of the stage. Yash was a bit cautious and decided to make his move.

He moved like he was wind around the stage as he threw knives at Sam. The knives are flashing while cutting through the air.

Within no time, Sam was being surrounded with the fast-moving knives. He has to say he was impressed.

Spectators were looking at the stage with interest.

"nice knife throwing technique. That kid has potential." Count Falcon said with appreciation.

"Indeed. But the other kid seems to be pretty composed." Castor said from the side.

They were also looking at this fight intently. They were even more impressed at Sam's calm state.

Sam looked at the knives flashing with spiritual energy, from all the directions. Yash is moving around and throwing them.

Sam dodged a few at first but the next ones seemed to be getting more and more in quantity.

He gave a smirk and Sam also made his move, which took the spectators breath away. Sam didn't move from the place instead his movements are combined to the same place he stood as he moved rapidly.

All they can see the after images of his hands, legs and his head. He dodged some knives, he repelled some knives and he caught some. By the time Yash got to rest, he was dumbfounded.

Sam was standing at the same spot. But this time, he has a lot of knives in his hands. Sam caught a knife in between his fingers and he even caught some with his toes and hell, he even had a knife in his mouth.

Yash was gaping his mouth as he looked at Sam in disbelief. By the time, he came out of his stupor, Sam made his move again. This time, the move enraged Yash, because Sam is copying his own move.

Sam moved around the ring just like Yash did and started throwing the knives from all directions, but the thing is that the knives are enveloped with golden fire and the speed of it was even faster than Yash's.

Yash immediately got alerted and tried his best to defend. By the time, Sam was done with half of the knives in his hands, Yash was already panting. It took all his energy, but his black dress still had some holes in it.

Sam smirked and said. "Not bad. Now let us see, how you are going to deal with it." This time Sam started using his Phantom steps and moved.

The knives flew again and this time, Sam even picked the knives that strayed on the stage. He is pretty leisure. But Yash is in complete opposite state.

Because, the knives this time are pretty different and the reason is that Sam is throwing the knives with the light elemental energy along with the fire elemental energy. The speed of them increased quite a bit and it has same effect as phantom step. Yash was unable to see them properly.

"Ahhhh…" Yash screamed as a knife pierced him in his calf.

*swoosh* *swoosh*


Just then another two knives flew over and pierced through abdomen.

"I-I- SURRENDER. Yash didn't even hesitate as he surrendered. Sam stopped his assault and stood still.

"Sam one point. Yash minus 1 point." Elder announced the result.

Sam went off the stage and gave a provocative smile to the weird trio. He knew that they were targeting him for some reason. He didn't know why, nor does he really care. He only have one thought in mind.

'you guys better be prepared if you want to provoke me.'

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer - Chapter 68: Final round starts
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