I’m a Villainess but So Popular
I’m a Villainess but So Popular - Chapter 12

Episode 12

Translator : Missme Editor : Aru


Then I could see the familiar red hair fluttering in the distance.


When Ashtra turned to me in a fit of surprise at my call, she waved her hands gladly, with a relieved look on her face.

“Yerine! I’m glad I bumped into you here….!”

Ashtra spoke, holding her hands tightly together.

“I don’t know where to go, so…..I’ve been wandering around here…”

“Oh, I see. Then let’s go together.”

Actually, I wasn’t very good at directions either, but I decided to do so.

Walking through the magnificent stone corridor, I talked to Ashtra.

“Uh……I’ve done it a few times, but I’m still nervous…”

I replied with a smile as I glanced at the image of Ashtra, wriggling her hands and muttering.

“Oh, it’s my first time though. You’ve done it twice, Ashtra.”

As if she hadn’t thought about it, Ashtra closed her mouth and made an apology.

“And then I guess… I’m sorry, I didn’t even think about–”

“No, Ashtra. It’s not a big deal.”

Yes, I have come to the capital of the Empire today to finish one of the many things I have to deal with since I became the successor to the Spades.

For your information, other tasks include charges of embezzlement by the Postade family and their status of the succession of spades family.

‘There’s a lot to do….’

The seven heirs were required to complete the magic education in the imperial capital, as they had to serve as court wizards when they later inherited their family status.

Today was a day to evaluate my skills before the training.

However, this compulsory education belonged to higher education in Korea. Other than that, although it was not required, it seemed that secondary and elementary education was also taking place.

This is not the first time for the other successors to take such a skill test because they had completed the education, but this was the first test for Yerin because, as you can see, Yerine was unable to receive primary and secondary education because she was being rolled around by the Postade.

“I’m really fine, Ashtra.”

“Well, I’m glad to hear that, but…..but I’m sorry, I’ll be careful from now on.”

“It’s all right.”

We had a conversation, and we had already arrived at the gathering place.

As we pushed the heavy door open and went inside, familiar faces greeted us.

“Yerine, Ashtra!”

Rachel says hello with a bright smile.

“Oh, I’ve been looking for you anyway.”

Rayl, which colours cheeks red as if it was a pleasure for him.

And he must have wanted to pretend I didn’t know because of his personality, but even Eugene Ace, who was caught by the two, is forced to sit together.

In the first place, Ace turned his head as if he didn’t want to see us even when we came in, so I could only see the silver back of his head.

“Hi, Rayl. Hi, Rachel. And…”

I said, staring at the silver backhead with narrow eyes.

“Why don’t you say hello, Ace? We’re going to see each other a lot in the future.”

Just like Siberian Husky, the blue-eyed eye turned to me.

“Are we supposed to greet each other in the first place? I don’t think so.”

Oh, man. You’re filthy.

“Well, if you do, I can’t help it.”

But still, I already greet him, so that’s enough. I did my best.

Afterwards, I talked excitedly with Rachel and Ashtra, and even in the meantime, Eugene turned his head slightly and was looking at me from an invisible angle.

‘Ah……it’s burdensome……’

However, I thought that it was best to ignore him, but when I was talking more excitedly, I heard a voice with an amazing ability to cool the mood down to Siberia.

“You look excited, Spade.”

When I heard Eugene’s voice already holding the angle to fly the tackle, I felt sudden fatigue.

“I’m sure it’s your first test, but let it go like–”

I rose quietly from my seat and opened my mouth in a tired voice.

“Oh, yeah. You’ll take first place. I’ll just eat well and live well. Well, then-”

His conclusion is the same anyway. ‘I’ll beat you, I’ll win first place’, something like that.

I didn’t want to do anything more to undermine my physical strength because I memorized the magic circle while searching through the magic books just in case after preparing for the test last night.

“Hey, Spade! Where are you going!”

Stretch and slowly head to the door, answering in a languid voice.

“No, you said we weren’t even in a relationship to say hello, what do you care? Anyway, I’m going.”


When I opened the door and stepped into the hallway, an angry voice hit my ear.

“Listen up, Spade! This time, I’m going to–”


I didn’t have to listen to it all, so I cut him off and shut the door.

Fortunately, when the door was closed, the angry shouts were no longer heard.


I must do my best to keep that son of a bitch quiet.

The results of the test will influence the determination of the classes to be taken upon completion of the training. And the higher the class, the more likely it is that I will get a honey job in the palace later, so the test has something related to do with being Trump.

It’s not that I’m not interested in Trump neither I’ll die if I’m not good at it. But I can’t see him giving me orders from above me.

Taking out a small notebook hidden in my arms, I murmured out of the window, looking again at the painting of the Magic Circle, which was a little confused last night.

“Life is a real battle, bitch.”


“I’m dying…”

Holding the quill pen for so long, my hands glistened with sweat.

In addition, I felt like my soul was being robbed during the long test time, so my whole body was drooping.

“Gasp, Yerine, are you all right?”

I’m going to spread it all over my desk like wet cotton.

Rachel asked worried about me.

“I’m all right…”

To be honest, the problem itself wasn’t difficult, but it was hard because I had to draw the magic team on a small paper.

Of course, I’m sure the answers were all right.

There was Yerine’s knowledge, and I filled the gaps, and there was no problem I didn’t know.

“Are you going to be okay with the practical test?”

I answered Rachel, looking at me with a sad face, with an ‘OK’ sign as light as possible.

“Yes, totally fine! You don’t have to worry!”

Only then did Rachel appear relieved and came and sat by.

“Eugene’s out there, so I think he’ll be back in a while. You can rest assured until then.”

“Huh? Him? Why?”

“I don’t know why Ashtra and Rayl were dragged out to hang out.”

“He’s incredible. I’m sure that Ace is crazy.”

“Yes. That’s why I walked with levitation magic.”

When the spell was lifted, Ashtra and Rayl lay down their arms on the desks, hoping that they would come back alive and well.

“But Yerine, are you really not interested in Trump’s position?”


Looking to the side, Rachel asked carefully with a question mark on her face.

“I thought it was right for someone like you to challenge Trump….”

I blinked silently after hearing Rachel’s story.

Well, it’s not that I’m not interested. I didn’t know you were thinking that much.

“I do have an interest. But I’m not as crazy about it as Ace.”

“Ah-ha-ha, Eugene is kind of like that.”

Rachel burst into laughter with her orange eyes shining.

With a clear laugh that seemed to heal herself, I burst into laughter, too.

“But, it’s understandable. Perhaps Eugene has lived with only one goal of becoming Trump.”

I stopped laughing at Rachel’s words, and asked her, looking into her eyes, which were close to amber.

“Why? Because Trump is the Duke of Ace now?”

“Oh, that’s the biggest reason, though–”

Rachel swept over her thick brown hair with her hands.

“Not just that. The ace has produced Trump three generations in a row.”

“Three generations in a row?”

Rachel answered with a nod.

“Yes. And originally there is the largest number of people from ace out of all the Trumps in history, and that number is overwhelming. It’s been the most powerful family of 7 Imperial Family for a long time, and it still is.”


Am I the only one who can think of three generations of doctors or conglomerate?

“By the way, I’ve heard that the pressure at home is so great, that he always had the compulsion to win first place before that. I don’t know the details.”

“Hmm……I see.”

It’s sad to hear that.

But it’s up to him. I’m not going to let it go.

I closed my eyes with a slight gullible feeling, as I put my face on a cool desk and bashed myself in the sun shining through a crack in the window.


Entering the afternoon, mana measurement was waiting before a full-fledged practical evaluation.

Test organizers say that mana measurement is not a major factor in performance calculations, but it seems that there is a saying among people that people with high mana are relatively advantageous.

‘Well, if you have high mana, you’re more likely to get a good impression from the supervisor, and you’re more likely to actually do magic well.’

Organizers say they evaluate the examinee’s magic knowledge and sense, but it’s still hard to get rid of the mana completely from the criteria.

‘When I saw the ceremony, I thought…..I think I have more mana than the other seven heirs…’

As soon as I was thinking about it, my name was called.

“Next. Spade, Yerine.”


Somehow as soon as I woke up, everyone around me turned their heads and looked at me.

I think I know why, but I decided to ignore it and just go because I was in the middle of a test.

As I entered the room, I saw a transparent crystal ball placed on a thick velvet cushion in the middle.

And two supervisors sat behind the crystal ball.

“Yerine Ephritte Spade, right?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

When I answered immediately, the supervisor, who spoke to me, kindly explained to me with a friendly smile.

“Come on, it’s simple, so don’t be nervous. Put your right hand on the crystal ball.”

As the supervisor said, when I put my right hand on the crystal ball, the crystal ball began to glow white.

“Here, you know this quill pen I’m holding? With your right hand on the crystal ball, you can use levitation magic on this gill pen until I tell you to stop.”

After looking at the small green gill pen that the supervisor was holding, I nodded as a sign that I knew.

“Now, when you’re ready, you can use magic.”

When the magic conjured up the gill pen properly, the crystal ball, which was white.

There was a ‘woong’ sound.

With it, the white light grew stronger and stronger.

Then the supervisor, who had not said a word until then, lifted his nose glasses and said in a dull voice.

“5,000 mana per second.”

“You can continue to use magic!”

Continuing to use levitation magic in the words, I felt the subtle heat emanating from the crystal ball.

“10,000 mana per second…….”

I was wondering how long this was going to last, but the supervisor kept shouting numbers.

“15,000 mana per second…….”

Then another supervisor sitting next to him tilted, and said in a slightly smaller voice, with his eyes on the crystal ball.

“Keep it up……..”

The supervisor, who was shouting numbers at the time, said with a stiff face.

“50,000 mana per second…”

“Ke, keep it up, Miss Spade……!”

For some reason, the two didn’t seem to have much intention to stop the magic.

Was I supposed to do this for this long?

As I tilted my head and looked in front of my eyes, the supervisor muttered lowly with an incredible face.

“300……300,000 mana per second…..”

Wow, I don’t know what it is, but the supervisors seem to be right that I have a lot of mana.

If you say 300,000 at first sight, that’s a huge number.

“1,000,000 mana per second–”

At the moment the supervisor said so, there was a loud, tremendous sound and spark from the crystal ball.

I took my hands off in a moment of amazement, and the crystal ball, which was white, went out in a moment.

I was looking at the supervisor, who screamed with a reaction that was no different from me, with a troubled face, and I heard the shaking voice of the supervisor reading the numbers.

“Im…… Impossible to measure………”


I’m a Villainess but So Popular - Chapter 12
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