Crown of Thorns
Crown of Thorns - Chapter 15


Translator and editor : Cuties

One day, a public notice came down.

[Catch all those whom dye the world with darkness. Should thee dispatch ’em who art responsible for all’s, the world shall regain peace once more.]

It was a particularly cloudy day. It seemed to be about rain any minute. Although it was always a place blessed by the sun, the whole world was dark because it was covered by clouds. Just like when black fog was overcast and monsters were pouring out incessantly.

And there were men approaching me I was about to start my day as usual. They had the insignia of the country plastered on the breast of their robes. The officials caught me before I could understand what was going on. I was dragged away as I was.

The villagers were just staring at me being dragged away. As usual, they were busy chatting among themselves. From time to time, I could hear their voices. It was a familiar saying, “Monster,” “cursed,” “Now I’m going to pay for it,” and “Don’t look at me because you’re unlucky.” They wielded their words as a weapon which had been deeply thrust into my heart and causing invisible blood to seep, as always.

One woman among them approached me. Realizing that she was Mrs. Tenerah, who neatly gathered her white hair, I hurriedly opened my mouth. But there was no time for my voice to come out.

“I told you where the witch is, so you make sure to reward me.”

“You will be rewarded.”

My eyes, which conveyed my shock, were plastered on Mrs. Tenerah’s relieved face. She hurriedly turned and avoided my gaze. The sight of her back was familiar. It was the same back that protected me from people’s criticism. It was Mrs. Tenerah, who always shouted, “I will not let you go if you bother her anymore, because she is not a monster, not a witch, nor is it her fault.” I vividly remembered that.

But the middle-aged woman with dark brown hair became an old hag with light gray hair over time, turning her back to block my gaze as well, but the reason was different. The woman who always protected me was running away from me.

When the woman in front of me disappeared, the villagers began to criticize to their heart’s content. They were furious as if they had been having a hard time enduring me.

“As expected, it was all because of you! You’re the main culprit!”

“That monster ruined our lives!”

No, it’s not because of me. You know that, too.

“I’ve always thought I’d die of disgust whenever I saw that creepy appearance of hers. It’s terrible. A witch born from the dark.”

I don’t like this appearance either. That’s why I always hid it. I didn’t want them to hate me just because I had black hair and eyes. But I wasn’t born this way because I wanted to. Don’t look at me. If it bothers you, then you don’t have to look at me.

“That bitch killed my husband! If it wasn’t for her!”

No, your husband died because of the war. You know it well. I didn’t start the war. I didn’t drag your husband to war. But why are you blaming me?

“Dark and dreadful. Dirty.”

Don’t curse at me for being dirty in the clothes I gave you. Don’t point fingers at me and now after taking everything I have.

“We aged so much, but look at her. She’s still the same. She’s not human either.”

“I was afraid of that monster’s power. I thought she’d kill me one day. It’s a good thing you’ve got her now.”

You’ve taken full advantage of my power. You told me to use it for the town, and I couldn’t even rest. Why are you saying that now? Because you don’t need it anymore?

I looked through the villagers who lashed out violently, howled and couldn’t control their anger, throwing what they were holding. Among them were the Venaris sisters, with whom I grew up, but have already become mature women, and then there was Mrs. Jodia, who sold her debt by selling all that I had, and, of course, there stood Kaned whom I taught things whenever I had time because she coveted my abilities.

They were resenting me, despising me, and laughing at me.

Everyone already knew. The fact that not all these misfortunes are due to me. The fact that life is painful and loving family members die, poverty is overwhelming, fear and hunger are due to the ruler’s greed; who has been fulfilling his own self-interests ever since the monsters appeared.

And the fact that they couldn’t blame that ruler, so they just turned all their arrows on me.

The world doesn’t change when I resent it, but I will somehow break it down and I may have found the easiest and simplest way to do it.

Dragged as I was, I faced the ruler who was occupied the highest seat looking down at me. The king, who was said to have descended from heaven, was smiling down at the little woman who would be his sacrificial lamb.

He was satisfied to see the witch, who will receive the attention of the world and the blame of everyone.

The witch had to face the real monster and shake in fear.

After that, the witch hunt began on a large scale. Like me, those who were the only ones who could use power in the dark died. They disappeared one by one as they fell victim to people’s discontent. And I realized the real curse that came down on me. I found that it was not just a matter of appearance being different.

My body was a real monster, getting killed and not dying. It could not have been better than this because I was dark and used dark power and had an immortal life. My destiny was to be killed again and again in order to satisfy the people’s discontent.

One day, when I was getting murdered by the warriors who would save the world again, I faced the blazing sun. It was such a beautiful sky with brilliant sunshine, but my toes were slowly burning by the fire that people lit around me, and the sun that I looked at for a long time blazed as if swallowing me up.

Will you please collect me now?

Why do you make me go through such an ordeal?

Just why?

It was useless to resent and beg.

No one listens to the story of a witch abandoned by the deity.


“Are you really a witch?”

“You’re just a victim of the curse.”

“Nothing will change if you die.”

I opened my closed eyes. The terrible darkness, whose end was unknown, welcomed me. I thought it was a sight I’ve seen for so long and one that I’ll see again and again, but not anymore. I’ve met a warrior who will end my cursed life. It’s a great pleasure to be able to leave my last life to a beautiful warrior with white hair and sun-like eyes to take.

Although the young warrior brought back memories that I had forgotten, but I was able to endure it even though I had to face the world which I had neglected again. Because this is the end. I never imagined the day would come when the word “end” would make me feel so happy.

Yes. The boy was a young warrior. He was the hero who would kill the witch and save the world from the dark. He was light that would give the witch eternal rest.

I crouched down and closed my eyes. I remembered the sight and the voices of the people I saw following the young warrior. The scene immediately turned into a girl with black hair and eyes and villagers who hurt her. It was because of the warrior that I dreamed of this. Because he seemed so similar to me, I remembered the memories that I had buried.

He was ostracized and accused just because he was born different, just because he was unique, and was driven out to be hunted by monsters. He became an existence that should not have been born and should be killed right now. Just because he was different.

His loved ones leave his side one by one and all the arrows begin to take target in his skin. If something goes wrong, if a problem arises, if anyone gets hurt somewhere, if someone dies, or even if there’s a slight discomfort, they vent their anger, saying it’s all because of the cursed monster.

For them he’s just a means to vent their anger on. Without looking at who really makes them suffer, they may not know who made them act like this, and they may be aware of exactly who it is, but they have no courage to confront it, so they are just picking on the weak and powerless. Like it’s really true that killing him would solve everything.

They’ve already made the witch go through that, and now they’ve been doing the same thing over again. Know fairly well that nothing about them changed.

Furthermore, this time, they were killing the light that would save the world with their own hands.

No. The boy shouldn’t end up like that.

I will somehow make the boy light up the world, and then give me eternal rest. He will end the witch’s time that never dies. Unlike the boy, I’m really cursed. It doesn’t matter now whether I am guilty or not. It ends only when I die. No, even if my life doesn’t get everything back to normal, I’ll get it over with.

I met a warrior who understood me. He consoled me for the terrible time I spent so far. I believed that I would be consoled once again by the the warrior whose life will change.

So I hope that I’ll be able to close my eyes once and for all before such a warrior dies. Before his time is over.

That I’d never be left alone ever again.

As in the fairy tales, May it end with

「The warrior lived happily ever after upon killing the witch.」


Crown of Thorns - Chapter 15
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