Mr. Rong’s Lovelorn Diary
Mr. Rong’s Lovelorn Diary - Chapter 13: Can't you just knock him out first?

Chapter 13: Can’t you just knock him out first?

Translator: DragonRider

‘At such a quiet late night, a single A and a lonely O, what is he trying to do by sneaking into my room like this?’

Rong Yi lay on his bed, squinting his eyes at the dark shadow by the bed, and his heart was thumping away. Could it be that Chen Keyao suddenly changed his mind and realized what a great partner he was as an Omega? But wasn’t that too sudden? He was not ready at all.

No, no. Rong Yi decided he was not such an easy man. There was no reason why he should allow Chen Keyao to summon and dismiss him at will and he should just lift up his duvet cover for him.

Other problems aside, what if Chen Keyao threw up on him again?

However, Chen Keyao’s physical strength was amazing. Even if he fought back, he would be no opponent to Chen Keyao. If Chen Keyao intended to harass him by force, wouldn’t he lose his life right here? Wasn’t he a bit too careless, moving into an alpha’s house like a headless idiot?

Just when these thoughts were raging through his head, the figure who had been scrutinizing him quietly finally moved.

Rong Yi’s heart was in his mouth when he saw this person’s first movement, but he soon started to feel confused, because the guy turned slowly, tiptoed up to the low cabinet by the bed, and then crouched down.

Rong Yi had only been here for two days, and had very little baggage with him. The cupboard was never opened, and he didn’t even know what was inside.

The man held his breath, opened the drawer with an extremely slow motion, and quickly let out a low cursing sound.

Due to the poor lighting and fear to open his eyes fully, Rong Yi had been seeing blurry images only so far, but he was completely startled when he heard this voice.

The cursing was very brief, but it sounded very weak. Rong Yi had a very deep impression of Chen Keyao’s voice, as that was a very mellow baritone, extremely magnetic and deep down in his heart Rong Yi loved it very much. Every time he got close to listen to Chen Keyao talking, his heart would melt.

But this guy’s voice sounded really unpleasant.

So, who would be the person appearing in his room at such a quiet time of the night and sneakily rummaging through the closets?

Rong Yi suddenly recalled what Chen Keyao had told him in the kitchen.

Recently, several families in this neighbourhood had been hit by burglars.

…Oh, no. Such bad luck?

Just while Rong Yi was having a panic, the burglar, who found nothing in the bedside table, stood up again with his back hunched, and then crept quietly to the wardrobe.

Rong Yi now squinted his eyes and looked at the guy carefully, and he found this guy looked rather dodgy and his crooked figure was as far removed from Chen Keyao’s as heaven from earth. Rong Yi felt rather ashamed of the slightly amatory imaginations he had earlier.

But now, what exactly should he do?

When he saw the thief carefully opening his wardrobe and reaching his hand inside it, Rong Yi was outraged.

It was bad enough that this stranger was touching his clothes, but it seemed this guy was going to go through all the pockets as well? That was outrageous. Rong Yi quickly compared this person’s body size with his own, and thought he might have a chance to fight.

He looked around carefully, but didn’t find any useable weapon within his reach. This was not very reassuring.

Seeing that the man had reached into the wardrobe, Rong Yi was just about to stand up when he heard a sudden “clang” sound on the floor.

Both men in the room, one standing and the other still lying in bed, were startled. The thief squatted down and picked up something from the floor.

When he stood up with that thing in hand and looked back at the place where Rong Yi was lying, Rong Yi was sitting up, his neck stretched and eyes wide open, trying to see what the thief had just picked up.

The air was instantly frozen.

Rong Yi saw a flash of cold reflection in the dim room.

Oh no. it was a 20-centimeter-long, pointy-headed kitchen knife that the guy had just dropped and picked up again from the floor. If he remembered correctly, Rong Yi had used it to cut vegetables that night. It was incredibly sharp.

In the midst of a sudden panic, Rong Yi’s brain went blank completely. Lucky or not, the thief with the knife looked almost as flustered as he did.

But the fact that one had only two bare hands while the other had a lethal weapon was definitely giving them different levels of confidence.

After they had stared at each other for a while, the burglar suddenly raised up the knife at him just as Rong swallowed down his fear.

“You, you, you, you don’t move!” The knife was shaking uncontrollably in the thief’s hand. “You, you, you lie down!”

Rong Yi found the two orders somewhat contradictory, but under the circumstances he thought he’d better be wise enough not to express any opinion.

The thief then slowly backed toward the door. Tripped over by something unknown, he suddenly slipped at his feet, and his whole body stumbled backwards.

Rong Yi took the opportunity to throw back his duvet and jumped off the bed. He shot up a kick at the thief. However, he was after all slightly torpid due to lack of sleep, his kick only managed to push thief back a few steps, but didn’t knock him down completely.

The thief was barely on his feet, but he had a very tight grip on the knife. After banging into the door because of Rong Yi’s kick, he was probably so mad at Rong Yi that he flung himself at Rong Yi, waving the knife in a frenzy.

Completely panicked, Rong Yi grabbed the pillow and threw it at the thief, then quickly pulled the duvet over his own head.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

“Rong Yi?” from outside the door, there came that really nice, mellow and melodious baritone voice that he was so familiar with.

“Are you okay?”

Rong Yi, his head still covered under the duvet, took a deep breath and shouted out: “Burglar–!”

Rong Yi didn’t see what happened within the few seconds after that.

The duvet had blocked out most of his view, and he could only hear the door being flung open and the thief in front of him cursing. It sounded like the two of them were grappling with each other, and Chen Keyao was calling his name.

When Rong Yi lifted up the duvet, another clanging sound came nearby.

The knife fell onto the floor again.

Now that the thief had lost his weapon, with the two-to-one situation and an ace teammate, Rong Yi was naturally fearless. But just when he was getting up to try and kick some more, he found thief down on the floor already.

In the darkness, Rong Yi could only vaguely see Chen Keyao had pinned the thief down underneath him. The thief was feeling rather indignant and kept cursing and attempting more jumps. Unfortunately, Chen Keyao was a pro, and his struggle was futile.

“Are you okay?” Chen Keyao looked back at Rong Yi in the dark, “Are you hurt? Can you move?”

The shaken Rong Yi shook his head: “I’m fine.”

“Then don’t just stand there, call the police.”

Rong Yi woke up from his trance and, with his eyes still on Chen Keyao’s face, hurriedly bent down to get the mobile phone next to his pillow. The moonlight was shining through the window, reflected on Chen Keyao’s face and making his skin look particularly white.

But on one side of his fair face, there was a very clear dark streak, which was still spreading downward.

Rong Yi dialled 110. He walked over to switch on the ceiling lights as he explained the situation to the police on the phone. He took a breath in, aghast.

At the other end of the phone was the voice of the policeman, “Anything else happening there?”

“No,” Rong Yi shook his head. “You…You’d better come quickly. We’ve got people injured here.”

After Rong Yi hung up the phone, Chen Keyao looked at him nervously: “Didn’t you say you weren’t hurt?”

Rong Yi watched his blood streaking down his cheek, not knowing whether to laugh and cry for a moment.

Chen Keyao could not move until the police arrived.

His tactics looked very similar to the last time, holding people down on the floor and twisting their arms in a way that would make them lose their fighting power and unable to move at all.

“No wonder my face felt little itchy,” he looked down to speak to the burglar. “Where have you got that knife from, man? It’s pretty sharp.”

Rong Yi wanted to complain that he was so unfamiliar with any housework that he couldn’t even recognise a knife from his own kitchen.

He agitated around Chen Keyao: “Can’t you just knock him out first?”

“Not really,” Chen Keyao looked down with a frown at the back of the thief’s neck, “What if I accidentally killed him?”

On hearing this, the thief immediately stopped struggling.

Rong Yi didn’t find it funny at all. After a short hesitation, he dashed into the living room and began to rummage through the cupboards: “Where’s the first-aid box you mentioned?”

“In…” Chen Keyao thought for a moment, “The cabinet next to the sofa?”

Rong Yi opened it up and was angry: “What the hell is this mess!”

“Ok…check the other side then. It’s definitely somewhere in the living room.”

This room looked clean and tidy, but once the drawers were opened, there was nothing but disaster inside them. Chen Keyao’s organizing principles were generally based on the “out of sight, out of mind” theory. After several searches, Rong found a thermometer and half a box of expired flu medicine, but the so-called “first-aid box” was nowhere to be found.

Chen Keyao’s voice floated over from the bedroom again: “I remember it was in the closet next to the couch. Do you want to…”

“Shut up,” Rong Yi didn’t lift his head: “I’ll find it myself!”

The living room was not of a small size, but there weren’t many cupboards or cabinets. Rong Yi opened them up one by one and quickly found the first-aid box.

Before he managed to open it, the police had arrived.

Although the policemen praised Chen Keyao for his heroic fight with the thief which resulted in his cut on the cheek, they also told him off by saying he should have called for the police no matter how confident he was with his own fighting skills.

They were not in a hurry to take down the record for the incident as it was still late at night and Chen Keyao still had injuries to deal with.

After the police had left with the burglary thief, Rong Yi, holding the first-aid box for all this time, finally burst out.

He put the open box in front of Chen Keyao and asked with a frown: “Isn’t this an empty box you’ve got here!”

Chen Keyao was surprised: “Hey…I thought there were a lot of things in there…Were they stolen by the thief?”

Rong Yi was speechless.

There was hardly anything in that box, except a complete pack of painkillers, a bottle of unopened iodine, and a box of unused Band-Aids.

Rong Yi had reason to believe that, anything once contained in it, no matter used or unused, would never return to this box. God knows in which corners of this home things like gauze and cotton buds were hiding now.

When Rong Yi was getting cross, Chen Keyao carefully felt his bloody cheek and frowned.

He looked at his blood-stained hands: “…The blood seems to have stopped, and it’s not serious, right?”

Rong Yi looked at him in silence.

It seemed the cut was quite long, but not very deep. There was no need to go to the hospital, but even if the bleeding had stopped, the cut still needed to be cleaned and sterilized.

After a moment of thought, he dashed back to his room and changed his clothes at a lightning speed. He took his mobile phone and rushed out again: “Sit here, don’t move, wait until I get back.”

“Ah,” Chen Ke-yao was surprised, saying, “There are no 24-hour pharmacies nearby, right? Shall I just use some tissue…”

“Sit down!” Rong Yi also pointed his finger at the sofa without even turning his head, “Just wait here.”

Mr. Rong’s Lovelorn Diary - Chapter 13: Can't you just knock him out first?
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