Banished to Another World
Banished to Another World - Chapter 4: The Cost of Seeing Death but Not Saving

Chapter 4- The Cost of Seeing Death but Not Saving

A sturdy blood covered man who was holding onto another bloody man walked past Yan Mo and Cao Ting. He was followed by several other people. In his hand he was holding onto his spear, his body was covered in blood. The women and the two children were both crying and running. A few people ran closer to the woman who ran out of the tent. From the crowd someone faintly cried.

“Have you seen the priest?”

“Already went.” Someone replied.

Cao Ting covered her mouth. They squatted down and in a low voice she said, “That is the 2nd rank warrior, Da He. His injury looks so serious, don’t know if he can be saved. That family… their good life has ended.”

Yan Mo withdrew his gaze. The warrior called Da He broke his right arm. The broken bone was sticking out. There must be injuries in the abdomen, otherwise it would be impossible to be bleeding so much.

According to how badly his blood was flowing, if they didn’t stop the bleeding, in less than an hour the man would go meet Yan Wang.

(Yan Wang is the Chinese god of death. It’s just saying he’s going to die.)

Maybe this was an opportunity for him, but it’s not a good time for him to come forward just yet.

Yan Mo lowered his head. Pretending to be absorbed with his hand, he spread open his right palm. But on the surface of his palm, a book appeared. The book opened and a similar sentence as last time appeared.

— Teaching others knowledge

Scum -1 point

Total scum points: 99,999,998

What is this? What is the use of this?

If it was any other “knowledgeable” youth, seeing something like this coming from your own palm, you would be excited.

But Yan Mo…..

His family estate was worth millions. In Yan Mo’s previous life, he devoted himself into becoming a top dog. He wanted to make himself better than others and did everything possible to make money. A lot of time was spent on studying. Seeking his own personal gain, he only cared for work and other business matters. He lived to 39 but never played an online game, never read a web novel, and even in middle school when everyone was crazy about Wuxia novels, he never read a single one.

And TV, besides the news he never really watched anything else. Sometimes he’d watch movies but not a lot. He knew about transmigration thanks to movies and news about a group of children committing suicide to cross into different worlds.

He already thought that he did not have enough time, he could not understand why young people spent so much time on the internet or talking about love.

If those people could give him all the time they wasted, his achievements would definitely be more. He would also use that time to make himself more rich and powerful. Maybe then he could escape…

However, even if he is “ignorant and inexperienced” again, he also heard that the Judge in hell had a book that recorded the merits of all life. Then does the book in his right palm do the same thing? This thing appeared right in front of him, is it a warning? Did he replace the role of the prison guards?

Yan Mo looked at the book, the first thing he felt was not excitement. But… an anger because he was being manipulated and monitored by others.

Seeing the word “Scum” in the Exile Transformation Guide, Yan Mo snorted in contempt.

Using the words of his grandmother, his birth was not a good thing.

Although he felt that when he was younger he was very well-behaved, very kind and honest; but everyone told him that so he did not feel inclined to deny it.

He accidentally became caught up in his past memories. Yan Mo hated this.

He didn’t like his memories of the past; he loathed his memories before 20 years old. He did not like himself before he was 20. He didn’t like his family, friends, relatives; everything about himself during those 20 years, he hated it.

Starting from 20 years old, he told himself that in the future no matter what he did he could not regret it.

Sometimes people aren’t careful and take a wrong step. It’s true that when you make one mistake, you keep making more. Even if you want to turn back you can’t, you can only move forward even if you’re wrong.

In fact, he always knew he was taking the wrong path. Outlook on life, values, morals; everything was ruined into a complete mess.

But he was stubborn enough to not admit to his mistakes or crimes. Until… he lost the most important thing in his life. He was willing to exchange anything for his most beautiful baby. (1)

Suddenly, he thought that he cursed at God right before his death.

He already can’t think of the words, but he still remembers. He seemed to mention his own baby? He cursed at god saying he wasn’t fair, then asked him why did he bring punishment onto the heads of innocent people. He angrily yelled a lot, that was his last vent, but.. It was also his only repentance.

The time he cursed and his transmigration, was it related?

The Exile Transformation Guide that appeared in his palm, was it secretly foreshadowing something?

He currently only reduced his scum points by 2. What if he reduced it by all 100 million? What would he get? Or would God reward him?

Yan Mo is a very realistic person, he did not think God let him inhabit this body, gave him a book that records his transformation merits just to tease him and play around. Regardless of whose body he took over in this world, he must have his reasons.

“I want a promise.” Yan Mo spoke in Chinese to his right hand.

Cao Ting raised her head and looked at him. “What did you say?”

Yan Mo weakly smiled. “It’s nothing. It’s just a few incantations that the old priest gave me. Saying it can make injuries recover faster and make the disease disappear.”

“Ah, I’m sorry. Am I disturbing you?” Cao Ting hurriedly replied.

“It’s fine. Just don’t interrupt me again.” Yan Mo gave Cao Ting a peaceful smile, then continued to ask his own right hand.

“I want a promise! If I earnestly stay in this world and reform, if I can make my scum points go down to zero, What will you give me?”

The book did not respond, it seems that it did not have communication features.

Yan Mo was not discouraged. He muttered to himself, “If you are a guide, then you will at least tell me how to do it. Then why aren’t you responding to me? Guidebook…… if it’s a book then how would it answer me? Of course I need to search for it myself, book…. You have a Table of Contents right? I want to see it! Display the Table of Contents!”

The book responded this time. A few pages flew by then stopped at a page titled “Table of Contents”.

With one sweep, this guide had answers to 90% of his problems, but right now is not a good time to read. Yan Mo took a deep breath, pressing down his ecstatic mood, clenched his right hand and let go, then continued to care for his injury.

The guide can determine if Yan Mo is looking at it. But when Yan Mo clenches his hand, it automatically disappears.

The rotten meat had already been scraped off, leaving only the fresh meat behind. Picking up a wooden ladle that was also boiled, he scooped up some salt water. Yan Mo first took a sip, felt that the concentration was still ok, then flipped his hand over.

“Oh.. ah ah ah! Yan Mo’s whole body shuddered. The neck and head blood vessels, his five features (ears eyes lips nose tongue) twisted horrendously.

Cao Ting was so frightened she fell on her butt. She immediately came over and asked, “Xiao Mo what happened? What did you do? Oh god!”

Yan Mo was sweating thickly, he leaned on the water jar for a bit then began to slowly recover.

He didn’t have to do it like this, but in the absence of medicine, a concentration of salt water could not replace congealed blood, but it can disinfect. His wound was dragged on for too long, although his wound looked better, he dared not to be careless.

Cao Ting did not understand why Yan Mo would torture himself like this. Not only scraping off his own meat with a knife but also pouring salt water on it. Is this the treatment the Yanshan priests use? God, it’s more cruel than the Yuan Ji tribe’s priest.

Ai, this child is really miserable. Did not want to be a cripple, then be guilty of barbarian crimes. In Cao Ting’s heart, she knew there was no way to cure Yan Mo’s broken leg. She felt that Yan Mo letting his wound heal, was already better than rotting to death like the other slaves.

Yan Mo’s screams did not attract the attention of other people. It’s because there are many slaves here screaming for various reasons. And this time, the crying sounds coming from Da He’s tent was loud enough to cover up anything else.

Yan Mo sat up straight, he straightened out his right leg. He had not eaten and lost too much blood within the last two days. It was reasonable to not move for a bit and rest. But this wound that had not rotted for two days, it seems that this body had a strange energy supporting him.

Thirst, hunger, pain, dizziness. These negative feelings still haven’t disappeared. It’s like someone had a bitter and deep hatred for him. In order to punish you, on one side we’ll execute torture, on the other side we’ll repeatedly put your life on the line. Let you slowly “enjoy” regaining consciousness.

Yan Mo raised his sweaty face and lazily smiled. He raised his left hand and stuck out his middle finger to the blue sky.

Cao Ting thought he was still doing an incantation.

Four tall, imposing, dark skinned, men with face tattoos followed an elderly man with a staff and a teenager from the path.

(The english name for it is a staff, but in the chinese words, this staff specifically shows that its carried by people with authority.)

Yan Mo turned his head, and tried to guess the identity of the old man.

As soon as Cao Ting saw the old man, her face paled rapidly. She turned to Yan Mo who was sitting on the floor leaning against the water jar and said, “Dont move! Close your eyes!”

Cao Ting held down Yan Mo and quickly whispered an explanation. She already kneeled down, lowered her head and waited for the old man and the warriors to walk by.

No one dared to glance at the six people passing by.

Cao Ting tilted her head, secretly she saw that the old man walked into Da He’s tent. Letting out a breath, she released her hold on Yan Mo.

“Who is that?” Yan Mo, with the support of Cao Ting, slowly sat up and asked.

“It’s the priest and one of his disciples. From now on you need to remember, it’s ok to look at the warriors. But if you see the priest, elder or chief, No matter what you’re doing at the time, you must kneel down and cannot look at them. If you can’t kneel, then lie down and pretend you’re dead.”

“What if you don’t?”

Cao Ting pitifully looked at him, “Then even your owner cannot keep you.”

“What penalty is it?”

“Penalty? Oh, it depends on their mood at the time.”

Yan Mo………… Vicious slave society!

But even if he was not a slave, the face of the priest did not seem like a honest and magnanimous person. If you offend him, 80% chance you would not have good food to eat.

“Can the priest treat Da He’s injuries?” Yan Mo lowered his voice and asked.

“Of course he can.” Cao Ting replied assuredly.

“Oh?” It looks like the priest’s medical skill was better than he thought.

“But even if Da He lives this time, I’m afraid he won’t even be able to fight again.” Cao Ting looked sad. Da He’s entire family were good people just like her master. If Da He could no longer fight, what would his wife and children do?

“Can’t be a warrior again? Why not?”

Cao Ting looked at him strangely. “His injury is so bad, the bones of his arm are even protruding. Even if they don’t cut if off, he won’t be able to use it anymore. And that’s also the hand he uses to wield a weapon.”

So it turns out the priest here can’t treat broken bones. Then he still has some value here.

But that priest did not look easy to get along with. If he came forward to treat Da He’s injury, in the end it may be that the priest will refuse to discuss with him, maybe the priest will even frame him.

All these high status people were already used to being held in high regards by the people, will they be happy to let a dazed youth hit them in the face?

(To make them lose face.)

Imagine, an old professor who is highly respected in the medical field encountered an illness they could not treat, others also say they cannot be saved. But then an intern popped out and said he could cure it, it’s too simple. If this wasn’t slapping face then what was?

Did you expect the professor to see you differently? Expect to be worshipped by others immediately?

Bullshit! You better first pray that the professor is a benevolent, generous, and open minded person, then we can talk!

It wasn’t that he never encountered these kinds of people in the past. This kind of thing, he had sufficient lessons. With his experience, he bet his own life that the old priest definitely was not a broad minded person.

That being the case, this time he wouldn’t stick his head forward. He would earnestly take care of his own wound before worrying about others.

Cao Ting wiped Yan Mo’s sweat and gave him some water to drink. Seeing that he started fiddling with his own wound again, immediately felt that this child was very strong.

If the Yanshan tribe was never defeated by the Zhi Tribe, then would this child have grown up to be a powerful warrior? Maybe he could reach Rank 3?

But now it is impossible, Cao Ting’s gaze flickered to Yan Mo’s broken leg.

No matter how strong the warrior was, once disabled, maybe the better ones might only be demoted, but most of them will become civilians. Although as a reward, the property they gained as a warrior would not be stripped, but now they could not contribute to the rest of the tribe, how would they be able to feed their family and slaves?

It’s not that Yan Mo did not see Cao Ting’s sympathy, but he did not intend to be a slave forever, wait for him to heal….

Yan Mo gestured for Cao Ting to give him the small stone pot, then used the knife to smear the smashed thistle leaves evenly onto his wound.

“Sister, I’m going to ask you to help me. It’s very simple, don’t be scared. Grab my legs like this, that’s right, hold it like that.”

Yan Mo guided Cao Ting to hold his right leg, “I need to reconnect and straighten out my broken bone. But because the bone has been broken for awhile, the skin shrunk. First we need to open the skin, so wait until you see my head. When I nod my head, pull my leg in the direction of your chest. Keep pulling until the broken bone lines up.”

Yan Mo was scared that Cao Ting would not understand, he spoke and gestured 3 times before Cao Ting finally nodded hesitantly.

He took the peeled wooden stick and stuffed it into his mouth.The young teen straightened out his own right leg, took two deep breaths, then checked the situation once again, and gave a nod to Cao Ting.

Cao Ting didn’t use much strength, she did not dare, but her strength was still greater than Yan Mo’s by default. She lightly tugged.


Yan Mo slammed his teeth onto the wooden stick, he can’t faint just yet!

As the flesh pulled apart, he immediately straightened out his leg and connected the broken bone together as close as he could, then spread the ground thistle leaves on top. This stuff was not useful for broken bones, but it could stop the bleeding.

Grabbing the sticks they prepared, he lined them on both sides of his leg. Then used the boiled straw rope to tie it.

Yan Mo dealt with this very fast. Although he had a multitude of problems, his morals don’t surpass the standard, but his hands have real skill. Be ruthless to others and more ruthless to yourself. (He has problems personality/character wise, not physical problems.)

While Yan Mo was dealing with his own injury, the teen who followed the priest came out of Da He’s tent carrying a wooden stick. Then put the stick in the firepit to burn. After a while, the teen brought the burning stick back into the tent.

A moment later, “Ah ah ah!” The sad shrill screams pierced through and traveled through the sky.

Yan Mo tightened the ropes, vaguely smelling the scent of burning flesh. But he only paused for a moment, then proceeded to continue with himself….. Why is it bright again?

Yan Mo opened his right hand, but this time on the page of the book it wrote:

–Seeing death but not saving – 1st offence

Scum +10 points

Total Scum points : 100,000,008 (3)

This sentence glowed for 5 seconds before disappearing and another sentence appeared:

–Scum points exceeds over 100 million

Execute punishment: Fire Burning x 8

In order not to affect the exile’s day to day transformation, will receive punishment once a night.

In addition, it will not decrease if scum points decrease.

Yan Mo……. Fuck!


(1). The term 宝贝literally means baby. But just like how in english, we can refer to our car as our baby, this 宝贝 can also mean darling or a treasure. So I’m not sure if he is referring to an actual baby or something else.

(2). The original phrase is 嘎嘣 Gabeng, which is a term for a crunching sound. But English doesn’t use Gabeng as a sound effect so I replaced it with crunch. It was also originally something that Yan Mo says but I think it’s kind of weird if someone says “crunch” so I just turned it into an actual sound effect.

(3). Seeing death but not saving 见死不救: This is an idiom that basically means to ignore other people’s misfortunes or disasters. You know it’s happening but you choose not to do anything.

TN: Due to popular opinion, I’ll try to leave all the idioms in and write the explanations below. If it’s a short explanation I’ll write it right under the idiom, if not it’ll be at the bottom of the page. I’m also trying to see if the whole “children committing suicide in order to time travel” thing is true. I haven’t found any articles yet, but I’ll link them if I do find it. Again, if there’s any mistakes, please point them out!

Banished to Another World - Chapter 4: The Cost of Seeing Death but Not Saving
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