Riftan’s POV (Under the Oak Tree Side Story)
Riftan’s POV (Under the Oak Tree Side Story) - Chapter 26: Riftan’s POV

Chapter 26 – Riftan’s POV

From the following day, Riftan didn’t even dare to go near the banquet hall. Seeing him wield his sword in the training grounds from dawn to sundown, the commander sighed in resignation.

“Yeah, I’ve been thinking that you’re strangely well-behaved these past few weeks. Are you feeling a bit bored already?”

“We’re leaving for Drakium any time soon. I have to repolish my arm movements.”

Ritan muttered bluntly and swished his sword down from the air. Triden, who was watching him with his arms folded, came down from the stairs and drew the sword out from the scabbard tied to his waist.

“Good. I’m also itching to duel. It has been a long time, shall we?”

Riftan glanced at him, sighing as he set his bastard sword down. He had been practicing non-stop for five hours now and was drenched in sweat. He wiped the sweat away from his forehead and picked up the cloak he had taken off earlier.

“Please don’t. I have no intention of spraining your arm further.”

“Aigoo, I guess the vice-commander is afraid to be humiliated.”

The vice commander looked at the balcony overlooking the training grounds and shook his head. Riftan followed his gaze, frowning as he saw noble women sitting near the windows. During the day when there were no banquets, it seemed like their routine was to watch the knights duel, take leisurely strolls, or enjoy tea parties. It was unusual for Riftan though, who had never been idle his entire life.

“Serving the ladies is the true duty of the knights. I’ll grant these beautiful ladies an entertaining duel.”

“…you’re speaking silly again.”

Riftan, who was shaking his head at the man’s absurdity, suddenly stiffened. Maximillian Croix, who was sitting by the fifth-floor window, caught his eyes. Even though she was a distance away, he could certainly sense her curious gaze. Suddenly, his throat felt dry.

“… Fine. Let’s pass time and hang for a while.”

“I really fancy your arrogance.” Triden took off his coat and wore a light armor, adjusting his stance and giving him a calm smile. “It’s worth taking a shot.”

Riftan scoffed and raised his sword again. Triden whirled his sword on one hand and ran towards him at a blinding speed. Soon, the sound of their blades clashing reverberated the air.

Ting! Ting!

Riftan blocked his ferocious attacks in the air, suppressing the urge to see and make sure that Maximillian was still watching him. He could duel all day long if it would engrave a strong impression in her petite head.

It was becoming gradually annoying for Triden to fret on his own when his opponent wasn’t really putting a single care.

“Where’s your focus?”

Sensing that Riftan’s attention was somewhere else, Triden delivered a heavy blow. Riftan’s body was on edge as it picked up the incoming menacing attack. He narrowly blocked his attack and swung his sword rather forcefully to counterattack. Suddenly, Triden’s lips hardened to a thin line, and his reflexes became noticeably dull. Riftan came to realization and quickly stepped back.

“Damn it, I didn’t mean to strain your arm.”

Triden looked at him with displeasure as Riftan hurried to place his sword down and gazed worriedly at his forearm.

“Who said it’s over? I can still go on with the duel.”

“Will you let this stupid duel keep your arm from recovering?”

Riftan retaliated angrily, annoyed at himself. He would not be able to forgive himself if the commander ended up being injured because he was trying to show his strength and skills in front of a woman. The commander’s arm grew weaker than before due to being subjected to months-long expeditions. Riftan looked seriously at the commander’s wrist and lowered his stance.

“It would be better if you go to the wizard and have it cast with a recovery spell.”

“Hey, you’re becoming more and more tedious by the day.” Triden grumbled and sheathed his sword back into the scabbard by his waist. “I am a knight so stop treating me like a weak old man.”

“It’s my duty as the vice commander to look out for my superior. If you’re not satisfied with my standpoint, then you should recover from your injury as soon as possible.”

Riftan dragged his stubborn commander to visit a wizard and receive healing magic. However, despite seeing Triden’s swollen wrist go back to its normal state, it still didn’t make him feel better. He was fed up with himself for making mistakes whenever he lost his self-control.

“Stop frowning like that.” Triden tapped him on the shoulder and sighed. “I’m the one who asked you to duel, right? I would be offended if you had gone easy on me.”

“…duels are supposed to be light and relaxed.” Riftan retorted and swept his hand from his shoulder. Triden shrugged and picked up his cape.

“You were always on the battlefield since you became a knight and you’ve never had a rest this long. It’s no wonder for you to be uptight.”

Riftan felt his cheeks growing hot. The leader seemed to have noticed how restless he was acting those days. Triden stared at him with keen eyes and spoke.

“But at least show up to the banquet tonight. Tonight is the last banquet. We have been so far granted hospitality; it would only be proper to express our gratitude.”

“…are the negotiations for the war damage compensation over?”

Triden nodded. “Now it is time to head for the royal palace and submit a report. You’ll be free for the time being.”

It was only right to feel relief after hearing those words, but Riftan instead only felt loneliness and emptiness flood inside him. He uttered his words indifferently, trying to shake off his feelings.

“It’s good to hear that.”

The commander instructed him to attend the banquet repeatedly and then left the infirmary. That evening, Riftan stepped helplessly into the banquet hall, wearing a stoic expression. Even if the commander didn’t urge him to attend, it would have been hard for him to resist the temptation of catching at least a glimpse of the girl that day. That day would be the last, last night he could put an end to this confusion.

His eyes wandered around the magnificent hall, determination burning in his heart. As that evening was the last day of the banquet, the hall was decorated more lavishly than ever. A lute melody echoed in the vast golden hall, on its side there were long tables lined with bountiful fragrant wines, greasy food, and fresh fruits.

The nobles sitting by were all dressed in luxurious clothes made of expensive fabrics. At the head of the long tables sat Duke Croix who donned a silk and fur outfit. Sitting beside him there was Maximillian Croix, dressed in a stylish velvet dress. Riftan struggled desperately to avoid gawking at her for too long, asking one of the servants for a drink. The commander, who sat opposite him, gave him a smile

“You’re obedient despite your grumblings.”

“Don’t get used to it. Didn’t I shame the commander earlier today? I only came for the time being to build back my prestige.”

“…I have to do something about this useless arm soon.” Triden said with a grunt and frowned. “Just wait, I’ll polish your rough manners soon enough.”

Riftan hid his smile against the glass of wine. Triden’s easygoing attitude seemed to make him feel a little better. He relaxed, ate food, and drank. He even talked to his fellow knights from time to time. But not even half an hour later, his attention flew back to the girl sitting beside the duke.

It was her first time staying at the banquet for that long, but she didn’t talk to anyone. She sat calmly with an indifferent expression that looked so cold that he wasn’t sure she was the same gentle girl who tenderly played with the cat.

Riftan sipped from his glass of wine and watched her carefully. Where are you hurting? He wondered as he gazed at her face that was white as a parchment and her eyes that sank dark like they were forced to hide all emotions.

That could be the last time he could see her, he yearned to see her smile at least once to last him a lifetime, but he was so disappointed and worried that he couldn’t help but shift restlessly in his seat, hesitating whether to approach her or not.

“You must be bored with the banquet, Sir Calypse.”

Riftan’s head turned to the unexpected voice. An attractive beautiful woman in a rosy dress was smiling at him. Riftan only arched an eyebrow but the woman fearlessly flashed him a smile and boldly extended a hand towards him.

“I’m also getting bored with all the conversation. I want to lighten my mood, but I don’t have the right partner. Will you care for my dancing partner?”

It was customarily unusual for a woman to ask a man to dance first. Riftan was taken aback by the woman’s boldness, but the commander kicked his shin under the table. He stood up reluctantly, as the commander warned with his eyes that he would humiliate the lady if he didn’t accept the offer. A satisfied smile flashed on the woman’s lips.

“I’ve heard that you actively took part in the conflict and played a huge role. His majesty must be very proud of you.”

As they awkwardly walked to the middle of the ball, the woman whispered to him softly. Riftan frowned as he tried to recall her name. Despite being introduced to him the other day, he couldn’t remember anything else about her but that she was the younger sister of a knight. Riftan nodded bluntly as a response.

“It’s a relief it is over but it’s a pity that it went on longer than expected.”

“Is His Majesty a strict man?”

“He expects highly from his subjects.”

“I heard rumors that His Majesty especially favors you.”

Riftan sneered cynically, the king was only interested in his skills. However, since he found no reason to divulge that information, he remained silent. Despite his poor manners, the woman constantly chattered and engaged during the dance. Riftan glanced at Maximilian Croix as he twirled the woman. Unexpectedly, he met her eyes as he turned his head. Could it be that she was looking at me? Riftan was sick of himself for thinking such expectant thoughts.

As soon as the music switched, he drew away from the woman like an animal escaping from a trap, but the woman was faster. The noble woman whom he didn’t remember the name suddenly stumbled over his arms and leaned against him.

“I’m feeling a little dizzy. I must have drunk too much. I wish to return to my room and rest… will you help me?”

He let out a sigh at her blatant invitation. Noble women treated him in exactly two different ways. First was avoiding him like he was carrying a plague, and the second was treating him like a pet dog to play with in bed. The woman now seemed to be the latter type.

“Today is the last night of the banquet. I want to have a special time.”

She gave him a seductive gaze, squeezing her supple body against him. Riftan tried to shake her off coldly but he didn’t want to cause a scene, so he escorted her out of the banquet hall.

As soon as they entered a dark, deserted corridor, the woman charged at him. Riftan felt like a corpse being preyed upon by a harpy. The woman wrapped her slender arms around his neck like vines and greedily licked her lips. Riftan pried her off with a frown.

“You seem to be fully in your senses. You can return to your room by yourself.”

“Why are you being a bore?” She pouted and looked at him provocatively. He looked at her fiercely, as if to question her audacity to touch that subject. The woman continued to speak as if to admonish him. “Don’t be that difficult and stiff. What I’m saying is let’s play around for a little while.”

“I apologize but I’m not interested in this kind of playing around. Find some else.”

“I’m not interested in other people.” The woman smiled languidly, pressing herself against him provocatively and cupped his cheek. “It’s the first time I’ve seen someone as beautiful as you. You’re exactly like those gods worshipped by evil pagans. Is it true that your kind knows 180 ways of pleasure?”

Riftan had goosebumps running all over him from the looks she was giving him. He shuddered at the woman’s ridiculous thought and roughly took her hands off of him.

“My kind? Are you accusing me of apostasy?”

“I was just…”

“I was knighted in front of the holy church. Did you know that I can demand punishment for those insulting words of yours?”

The cold retaliation of Riftan distorted the woman’s face. “You’re noisy and what you’re saying doesn’t make sense.” She glared at him haughtily and turned around.

“Good. Go find someone else.”

The woman walked away conceitedly. Riftan wiped his damp lips and smoothed down his top that was disheveled when the woman pulled him down with her arms. He was in a terrible mood.

He didn’t feel like going back into the banquet hall, but he was wary that the people who saw him leave would think he was secretly having fun with the woman if he didn’t go back. Also, Maximillian would probably think the same way if he didn’t return.


Nymeria: I only have to say T H I S, nothing more.

Riftan’s POV (Under the Oak Tree Side Story) - Chapter 26: Riftan’s POV
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