Goblin Workshop In Me
Goblin Workshop In Me - Chapter 11

11. Spot


A strange thing came to the other side of the peaceful world. The Goblins, who were trying to kill the uninvited guests, became silent. They looked back at each other with question marks in their eyes.

One Hob Goblin asked with his eyes, ‘Hey, what’s this?’

When asked, another Hob Goblin answered with a glance as well, ‘I don’t know, I’m scared…’

“Oh, look at this. You don’t know what’s going on, do you?”

Ko Byeong-gap strode in and spoke as if he was full of energy. He stood in front of a Normal Goblin who was frozen and couldn’t do anything.

“What? Are you going to stab me with that?” He asked and leered sideways at the crude dagger held by the Normal Goblin.

“No, no…”

“Give it to me.”


“Give it to me.” Ko Byeong-gap threatened with a low voice. The Normal Goblin shuddered and held out the dagger from the handle.

Ko Byeong-gap took the dagger, looked around, and threw it back. It wasn’t worth the money if they took care of something like that.

“Why are you pushing such a bloody thing? A pickaxe suits you better than a sword.”

“What. Words?”

“Don’t worry about it. You’ll soon find out what I mean. Let’s see… Hey! You there.”

He shouted as he searched for a subordinate. The Hob Goblin, who was pointed out, trembled in surprise.

“I, you mean me?”

“Okay, let me ask you a question. Are you the only Goblins here?”

“Uh… Uh…”

“What are you waiting for? Say it quickly.”

“Goblin. There’s something else. Another one.”

“Another one?”

“Moo, scary words. I have one.” The Hob Goblin stammered, staring deep into the abandoned factory.

“Scary words?”

“We… If we go over there. Oh, no. Scary words. I get angry.”

‘Damn it, isn’t it just a Goblin? By the way, if it’s a beast-type monster…’

Some monsters came to Ko Byeong-gap’s mind, and they were all hard to deal with. Beast-type monsters were usually like that.

He gripped his chin for a moment, then placed his arm around the shoulder of a normal goblin who was just a short distance away. He then said with a sly smile.

“Don’t you want to go back to Ashvilam?”

“Ah, Ashvilam?!” The Goblins’ eyes widened. At the same time, he felt deep longing and sorrow within it.

“Those who want to return to Ashvilam, swear allegiance to me!”


The Goblins looked at each other again that time. Ko Byeong-gap could sense the hesitation that laid upon them.

“What? Why? What else is the problem?”

“Well, there…”


“Well, really. The Lord. Is that you? Our Lord is…”

“Yes, I’m your Lord! Don’t you understand? Why? Because I’m not a Goblin?”

“Well, that’s not it.”

“Then what’s the problem?”

The Hob Goblin’s eyes turned again toward the abandoned factory. That was it. They were afraid of ‘scary words.’

After noticing vaguely, Ko Byeong-gap spoke as if he were declaring.

“Are you afraid the things in there will harm you? Don’t worry. My precious slaves… No, I will not let my precious family members be harassed. If you swear allegiance to me, I will take you to Ashvilam and make you warm and full. What say you? Will you obey me?”



The Goblins cried out for Ashvilam with their faces full of emotion. At that time, a hologram appeared in front of Ko Byeong-gap.

[Normal Goblins (31) and Hob Goblins (25) have been transferred to Ashvilam.]

A total of 56 new Goblins entered his domain. Combined with the ones he currently had, there were 90 of them.

He smiled pleasantly. It wasn’t very nice to have more spoons on the table, but it was always welcome to have more workers.



The Goblins shook their heads.

At that time, Ko Byeong-gap felt the air shift. He turned his head violently. His eyes looking ahead felt like they were on fire.

“Now that you’re done greeting me, get on your feet!”

After saying so, he was immediately ready for battle. He was never the type to sense things. Nevertheless, he could spot a group of monsters coming that way.

‘Did we make too much noise?’

Ko Byeong-gap stared at the waste factory and brought his eyes to the scope. A horde of beasts with tusks like wild boars, with their jaws ripped into four, were swarming toward them.

‘Damn it, Gabri!’

The monster’s name was Gabri. It was an E-class monster that belonged to the beast-type.

The weakness of beast-type monsters was that they weren’t as vicious as human-type monsters and were generally less intelligent. So their fighting style was quite honest.

However, it had great strengths to offset its weaknesses, which was that their bodies were very strong. It became more prominent as the weight class and grade went up.

The Gabri was a large monster belonging to a semi-medium type. It was said to be large enough to dwarf any beast-type monster. If more than 30 such monsters were running, they were likely to wallow in their fear.

‘Darn, the terrain is bad…’

The basic strategy against beast-type monsters was to make the most of the terrain. If he shot from a location where they couldn’t easily approach him, he could clean them up easily without facing them.

… Of course, such a strategy worked almost exclusively in the lower world.

Wherever he was, the terrain was too open to hide anywhere. Things would’ve been better if he had hidden in the factory at the very least.

Ko Byeong-gap quickly organized his thoughts.

“Focus on my words! Concentrate!”

“Concentrate!” The Goblins naturally chanted.

“When I signal, throw all your weapons at them. The one with the bow shoots arrows, and the one with a spear throws a javelin. Do you understand?”


“Next, when I tell you to scatter, spread out. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, sir!”

Their hearts vibrated to the sound of horseshoes. Ko Byeong-gap calmed his breathing and put his eyes on the scope.

‘I’ve captured 56 Goblins. The number of monsters in a D-Rank crack is about 120 to 130, so even if I forced this pessimistically, I would only need to clean up 80 more.’


Ko Byeong-gap waited patiently for Gabris to cross the deadline he had set, and finally…


The leading Gabri crossed the deadline. Ko Byeong-gap suddenly opened fire and shouted.

“You guys wait!”

Tadadadadang! Tadadadadang!

He used his gun and shot hot fire. The bullet hit the Gabri’s torso without exception.


Those who were running in the lead fell asleep. The latecomers tripped and rolled around the floor.

‘I’ve felt it before, but my shooting skills have improved as well.’

After his intake of the growth potion, his physical ability increased dramatically. It wasn’t limited to stamina and endurance. He had improved all his senses, such as concentration and judgment used in shooting.

He emptied a magazine and quickly reloaded it. His hands were too fast to be seen with little exaggeration.

After hitting the noose and loading it, Ko Byeong-gap started the second round of gunshots. The Goblins cringed as if they were afraid of the fierce shots.

The Gabris was quite close when he managed to empty both of the bullet houses. Ko Byeong-gap changed into his third magazine and shouted, “Shoot! Shoot them all!”



The Goblins threw arrows, spears, and everything else in their hands over there.

Of course, the hit rate was poor. There were more splashes, and some didn’t even reach the Gabris, but those things also became obstacles in their way and slowed the enemy’s advance.


“Screw away! Scatter!”

After reloading, Ko Byeong-gap shouted that and began emptying his third magazine. The remaining Gabri was ten at the most.

Ko Byeong-gap calmly reduced the number of their heads. He didn’t break his stance even when a Gabri approached 30 meters ahead.

Clap clack!

All the bullet bins were empty.

Ko Byeong-gap threw his gun and drew his long sword.

‘Five. Will it work?’

There were five who didn’t lose their fighting spirit while shedding blood. They rushed like a dump truck with a broken brake.

Their four-pronged jaw wasn’t the problem. Just hitting their body would only break a few bones.

Ko Byeong-gap awakened the sensations in his body. In the next moment, the world slowed down as time passed slowly.

‘From the one on the left!’

He hardened his mind and kicked the ground. He threw himself to the left, drawing a wide line with the sword.



One of the Gabri’s front legs, which was coming from the left, was cut off. It lost its balance and fell. Ko Byeong-gap avoided the Gabri’s charge and quickly took his stance.

The remaining four created a cloud of dust and immediately changed direction. Ko Byeong-gap stretched out his sword without rest, and the blade pierced another beast’s neck, which immediately fell. The Gabri’s neck and chest were open, and its intestines poured out.


‘The next three guys!’

He swung his arms nonstop. One whistle cut a chunk of flesh.

The Gabris swung their torso down and kicked, but they could never reach Ko Byeong-gap because his movements were so agile.

The two fell one after another with a chilling scream.


The last remaining Gabri charged in with its mouth wide open. It was a late attack to avoid.


Ko Byeong-gap hastily raised his arms to defend his head. The Gabri’s jaws were clenched, and the stinging pain spread through his arms.

However, it wasn’t cut off, nor were his bones broken. Its tusks only burrowed into his skin.

“You bastard!”

Ko Byeong-gap egged the last Gabri’s body with the blade in anger. The Gabri collapsed with a tearful groan.

Ko Byeong-gap, covered in monster blood, quietly reveled in victory.

* * *

“Bring the magic stone. Be careful as there may be some who are still breathing.”


Ko Byeong-gap ordered the Goblins to collect the Gabris’ magic stones. In the meantime, he examined his arm injury. His skin was torn, but it wasn’t a major injury. He treated the wound by applying a low-level potion.

‘The Gabri isn’t a famous monster for its teeth, but still, this is a thin scar.’

The physical strength of an awakener was superior to that of the general public, but that didn’t mean they had iron skin or iron bones.

The Gabri’s final attack would normally crushed bones, at least.

‘Has my physical strength increased? That’s great.’

It wasn’t comparable to the ‘body strengthening’ or ‘barrier’ of the top awakeners, but he had gained a strong body that any lower awakener couldn’t surpass.

Ko Byeong-gap felt good even as he lowered his wobbly arm.

‘Are there about 50 monsters left?’

After treatment, he began to reorganize.

He picked up the empty bullet house, replaced it with a new one, and checked his gun and knife condition. The blade was quite toothy, and for a cheap supply sword, it was holding out.

Soon, the Goblins collected all the magic stones. Ko Byeong-gap grabbed his thick pockets and opened the door to As Bilam.

“Now, if you cross this road, you can go to Asvilam, which you have longed for. Let’s move on.”

“What about you, Lord?”

“I’m worried about you, so let’s move on. If you’re here, you’re only getting in the way.”

“Ah, I see.”

The Goblins followed Ko Byeong-gap’s instructions and went to Ashvilam.

After sending the last one, Ko Byeong-gap called one last name.

“Kiriyan, come out!”

As he spoke, a white Goblin appeared. He was about the size of a Hob Goblin, had white skin, and a lightning rod-shaped spear.

It was an Albino Goblin that wielded lightning. Its rank was C, and in the lower ranks, it was known as the strongest.

“Did you call me, Lord?”

“Uh, help me clean up the rest of the monsters. Please give them a hard time.”

“I wonder what they are!”

After he carried his backpack, Ko Byeong-gap calmly moved toward the abandoned factory.

Goblin Workshop In Me - Chapter 11
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