Returnee’s Life Report
Returnee’s Life Report - Chapter 54


Lee Ho looked closely at the recorded video. It was much more shocking than he expected.

Every single member of the Blue Gold guild was a veteran. They were one of the elite teams in China, and their capability of clearing gates was undeniable.

In addition, they did a ton of research and discovered a lot of things about this dungeon. The man in the video murmured.

[ Tiamat had five sons. ]

[ The one with the lion’s head and the black body is Usumgallu. ]

[ The dragon with seven heads is Musmahhu. ]

[ The one with red skin and two horns is Basmu. ]

[ The one who manipulates the weather is Ugallu.]

[ Rahab is the one who rules the sea. ]

[ If someone disturbs these five, Tiamat will show her rage. ]

There was a moment of silence in the video. They also knew what this dungeon was and what it meant.

Sometimes, the gates were related to each other and had a boss that was similar to each other. They had goblins, hobgoblins, goblin kings, goblin shamans, and so on. Usually, goblins appear in C-rated or D-rated dungeons. When they appear in A or S-rated dungeons, the dungeon’s boss monster is a Goblin King or Emperor.

Because of that, some people theorized that dungeons could be related to each other. This irregular gate was the same. They were related.

The Demon King was Usumgallu, and the boss monster here was Basmu.

The interpreter from the video continued to murmur.

[ This gate… is related to the Demon King’s dungeon. ]

[ …What? ]

[ There’s a possibility that this gate has power above an SS-rated gate. ]

The guild master of Blue Gold guild, Ciao Ming, frowned.

[ Are you sure? This one is only an S-rated gate. ]

[ It is indeed. ]

[ Then this is strange. How can this dungeon be linked to an SS-rated gate when this one only has the power of an S-rated gate? And S-rated gates foretell the appearance of an SS or SSS-rated dungeon? That’s just weird. ]

The records and the dungeons never lied. Six years ago, when the Demon King appeared, the Hunters’ powers were not yet as strong as they are nowadays. Because of that, millions of people had died. Most of them were North Korean, but the important thing is that it was a disastrous event.

However, something even worse than that may appear.

It was very depressing. Ciao Ming, trying to change his guild members’ moods, brought up another topic.

[ I haven’t asked you yet, but what is this dungeon’s name? ]

[ It says ‘The place where Basmu lies.’ ]

That means that the boss monster of this gate is Basmu.

Everyone was already feeling down, and something worse just happened. The dungeon rumbled, and a large shadow appeared.

Ciao Ming knew that it was the enemy, but he couldn’t seem to move.

With a quick swipe, all of their heads were soon chopped off. Then the red monster fell back asleep.

Lee Ho had found out what just happened. He placed the smartwatch in his pocket; that was already enough proof.

This gate was linked with the Demon King gate. The boss of this gate was that red monster he had just fought. If that monster was killed, then the dungeon would be cleared.

Lee Ho slid down the tree. He saw that Shao Wei and his team were still fighting against the boss monster.

Chinese characters appeared in the air, and a spell was cast, pushing Basmu back.

“Is that the artifact from Zhuge’s dungeon?”

Shao Wei had finally noticed that Ho was nearby.

“That jackass tossed this monster at me.”

Shao Wei, with frustration, murmured.

“I didn’t know that you could do such a thing, you son of a bitch. Before I kill you, come and assist me.”

Lee Ho smirked. All he wanted was an answer to his question, not some worthless words.

“I heard that there are two artifacts from Zhuge’s dungeon. Where is the other one?”

Shao Wei didn’t answer. Instead, he continued to battle with Basmu. He had ordered his guild members to leave him alone. At the same time, Basmu was also focusing on the battle with Shao Wei. Ho stood still.

“That artifact must be with the leader of your organization.”


“If you tell me who the leader is, then I’ll spare your life.”

“Ha… bullshit.”

Though he did not believe it, Ho was serious.

“Everyone makes mistakes; what’s more important is that you learn from it. I still remember you from six years ago. Just tell me who that man is and where he lives.”

Shao Wei dodged Basmu’s attack and shouted.

“You idiot! Don’t you see what’s happening?!”

“To me, this is more important.”

“…We’ll settle it after finishing this boss.”

“So, you want my help?”

Lee Ho’s smirk was certainly annoying. Shao Wei’s face was immediately filled with anger.

“This is your last chance. Tell me all about your leader.”

“…What will I get out of it?”

“If you tell me, I’ll recruit you.”

Shao Wei stopped moving, his eyes filled with surprise. Ho’s words echoed in his head.

“Recruit me? You will?”

“Yes, but you will be my man. You’ll only listen to my words, and I’ll be responsible for your life.”

This was a strange offer. Shao Wei truly thought so.

“…You do resemble our leader.”

That didn’t matter. All Lee Ho needed was an answer.

“You should have talked to me four years ago.”

“I suppose that means no?”

Shao Wei held up his middle finger at Ho.

“Let’s die here together.”

That was it. He knew there was nothing else he would get from this man.

Lee Ho brought out a painting. It was a portrait of Hwan, his own brother. This painting could summon his brother’s power.

“Remember what I said about the news title? I think it should be changed. Chinese unique skill holder ran like a loser and died in a dungeon alone. Isn’t that perfect?”

“You son of a bitch!”

Shao Wei expressed his fury and shouted, charging toward Ho.

However, because of a man standing beside Ho, the fight immediately stopped. The Hunters and Basmu stopped moving. It was Hwan’s painting, brought to life by Ho’s ability. This painting only had a fraction of Hwan’s power, but that was already a huge threat to them.

After a moment, Ho became pale, his body shaking. Because of his ability to give life to his painting, life force was also being seeped out of him. That was how his manifesting skill worked.

Lee Ho could literally manifest anything in the world. The only problem is the cost of that ability. Because of that risk, Ho trained a lot. As his power is stronger than what he tries to manifest, it is easier for him to control it.

There was no penalty for summoning the Demon King because, like the monster, Ho’s power was also SS-rated.

However, this was different.

He couldn’t move. This had only happened once before when he tried to summon an S-rated monster while he was still a C-rated Hunter.

This showed just how much stronger Lee Hwan was, compared to him.

‘Oh, my god,’ Ho silently exclaimed.

He manifested his brother that was not even showing his full power, but this was how different they were.

Ironically, laughter came out of his mouth. This is my brother, the strongest man I know.

He could only barely open his mouth and croak.

“Please, kill them all.”


When I arrived at work with Yoo-Jeong, Gi-Hoon looked at us and asked, “You two are together? That’s rare.”

“Apparently, that’s what happened.”

“How about breakfast? Did you have some already? If not, then let’s have it together.”

“You’re late. I already had a hangover stew.”

“Oh… I guess I’ll have to aim for next time.”

Hangover stew? That was strange to hear.

Meanwhile, Yoo-Jeong came in and greeted Gi-Hoon. After greeting her back, he spotted something suspicious.

In fact…

“You two are wearing the same clothes as yesterday.”

“Got any problem with that?”

“No… I didn’t mean to say it that way.”

Jeong Gi-Hoon sniffed the air and spoke up again.

“Did you put on some perfume? No, this is the smell of shampoo. Also…”

He pointed at Yoo-Jeong.

“You two have the same smell. And both of your clothes were the same as yesterday.”

That was quite laughable. “Are you a detective? You got some skills.”

Gi-Hoon went out and grabbed a coffee for both of us. Then he exclaimed.

“Wow, I never expected to see this in my life.”

“What do you mean?”

“This is like a fiction story I had just read. Returner from the other world does as he wants.”

What is he saying?

“Are you jealous?”

“…A little.”

Jeong Gi-Hoon smiled awkwardly, then, as if remembering something just now, called out to me.

“By the way, Sophie Winsted visited you again.”

“So soon?”

“Yes, she has already toured Korea.”

“It’s only been a day since she arrived here.”

“She stayed all day and did her duty.”

I see.

“She is taking a rest now. Shall I call her?”

“She deserves some rest. Just leave her be for a while.”

Gi-Hoon had another piece of news for me.

“Also, the gate Master Ho entered in China changed color.”

“What does that mean?”

“It’s cleared.”

Jeong Gi-Hoon passed me a smartwatch. A hologram video was playing of a live-broadcast news report.

Soon, my brother appeared on the screen with all his team members, but I noticed something interesting that I bet even Gi-Hoon didn’t notice.

Ho looked extremely tired.

“Why is his face so pale?”

“It’s an SS-rated gate. Maybe he worked too much.”

Gi-Hoon responded to my murmur. That was a possible answer. I then listened to the interview.

Lee Ho was explaining how the SS-rated Hunter, Lu Shao Wei, tried to run away and escape but died at the gate. While the majority of reporters were shocked to hear the news, he was calm and collected.

“Ho was quite aggressive.”

“That is understandable.”


Gi-Hoon looked around at his surroundings. When he noticed that no one else was there, he whispered.

“You know that North Korea is now a hunting spot.”

“I know. Six years ago, the Demon King appeared, right? I heard that it’s now like a living hell.”

“Yes, but the territory there is now a neutral region.”

“I have also heard about that.”

“Did you know that it was China who worked hard to make it so?”

I didn’t know that.

“China claimed that the territory of North Korea belonged to them. Do you know what the government’s response was?”

“I’m not sure.”

They wanted to suck up to China, so they tried to do what China demanded.

I sensed that what he was talking about was a hidden secret.

“It’s a top secret in Cheon-Myeong. Only Jong-Geun, Master Lee, and the vice president of Cheon-Myeong know. Can you use your aura to make this room soundproof?”

I did as he asked. I was ready to hear the secret.

“Master strongly argued that this was nonsense, but the government told him to be silent. But did you know that two-thirds of Cheon-Myeong’s members died in that fight?”

“I had no idea.”

“It’s absurd. We were the ones who fought in the front line, but without our agreement, they just made their decision for their own good. Master Lee and the Korean Hunters were those who worked the hardest for that. China sent some supplies, but that was it. Despite that, they wanted the territory of North Korea, and Korea’s president agreed to that. That was just bullshit. That’s why we killed him.”


“He killed the president?”

“Master Lee assassinated him and all the others who were on his side.”

What Jeong Gi-Hoon said was certainly a very top secret.

“We wanted to declare that North Korea belongs to our country but failed to do so. All we could do was to make it a neutral zone. Other countries also intervened.”

“So you prevented China from owning North Korea but also failed to obtain it?”

“Yes. Master Lee is ready to finally finish the task he wasn’t able to fulfill.”

“The unification of the Korean Peninsula?”

“Technically, yes.”

I nodded, then turned off the smartwatch. I’ve heard everything I needed to.

Ho was an amazing guy. He was a persistent man who would never give up until he accomplished what he had set out to do.

I asked Gi-Hoon, “What he is doing, is it a hard task?”

“Definitely. Since Shao Wei died, China would never allow it.”

“Even if he cleared a gate for them?”

“That’s how politics work, sir.”

I laughed and asked.

“What if the UK was on his side?”

Jeong Gi-Hoon was surprised to hear that.

“The UK?”

“Yes. As far as I know, they are one of the strongest countries in the world. Historically, they have been very powerful.”

“They’re not as powerful as they were before, but their assistance will certainly help Master Lee.”

I leaned back on my chair and thought about it.

“I’ve been thinking about it last night.”

“Go on, sir.”

“Maybe we should go to the UK.”

Returnee’s Life Report - Chapter 54
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