A Barbaric Proposal
A Barbaric Proposal - Chapter 39: The Beginning

Chapter 39 | The Beginning

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost

T/N: (NOTE): In previous chapters, I mistranslated the previous king’s name as Seon. That’s inaccurate and the king (presently unnamed) was actually being referred to with a word meaning old king. I wasn’t familiar with the term and misread it as his name (rip). Please note the change going forward and I’ll also eventually edit previous chapters to reflect this difference. Thanks < 3


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So that’s how it is.

Although he didn’t manage to hear too much of the story from Phermos, Black was still able to paint a vivid picture of what exactly transpired in the King’s Office.

To say things must’ve been ‘tough’ for her would be an unfair and cruel understatement.

Rienne was only nineteen years old when she inherited the crown; barely an adult. A young, nineteen year old princess would be seen as nothing but easy prey for anyone seeking to take advantage of her— namely the Kleinfelders.

In order to serve their own interests, they tore into her like a pack of wild dogs, taking whatever they could from a kingdom already falling into ruin.

And after enduring it all, those weak looking shoulders had no choice but to stand strong. It was why whenever he saw her, she always seemed as though she were on the verge of tears, but never once did he see her cry.

As soon as he understood everything, it was like something in his heart was erupting. And through the hole in his chest, the existence of Rienne Arsak flowed past the newly formed cracks without end.

But at least now he knew her relationship with Rafit Kleinfelder was completely done.

Rienne was smart, so she must’ve put a lot of thought into what it would mean to marry into the Kleinfelder family. After considering the consequences deeply, she must have been speaking honestly when she told him this before.

She never once betrayed him, nor did she have any intention of doing so.

In the end, Rienne would’ve come to the conclusion that she could never afford to bind herself to Rafit Kleinfelder. Even if she loved him. Even if she had a child with him.

Because the one Rienne Arsak will be marrying is no one else but me.

Black swept his hand across Rienne’s forehead, urging her to rest her head completely on the pillow.

[Black] “Even if you say you’re fine, the child inside of you might not be.”

[Rienne] “Child? Why are you………Ah.”

Rienne made a troubled expression as her face stiffened.

[Black] “There’s no harm in being careful. You look unwell, so you should rest.”

At those words, her eyes looked as though they were shaking.

For Rienne, it seemed like having a child was still a very distant idea in her mind. Not that he was any different. Was it because she wasn’t far along enough to start feeling any discomfort in her body yet?

But that’s not a bad thing.

For the whole time she carried this child, the one at Rienne’s side would be him. The fact that the biological father was another man would never be known, and would eventually fade away with time. (1)

[Black] “Is there no resident doctor in the castle?”

[Rienne] “I don’t often need to see one, so no.”

A royal family with no personal doctor? I’ve never seen that before.

Without knowing the reason, Black lifted up Rienne’s hand and gently bit the tip of her finger—as if to hold back the words from tumbling out.

[Rienne] “Um………….Is something wrong?”

[Black] “Did it hurt?”

[Rienne] “No, not really………I’m just curious why……”

Well, truthfully there was no real explanation.

At some point or another, every time he saw Rienne, he just wanted to be touched by her. Hands, lips—it didn’t matter what. It would only complicate things if he had to come up with a reason every single time the urge came to him.

[Black] “It’s because you’re beautiful.”

[Rienne] “………What?”

I’ll just word it that way.

It’s because every time he saw Rienne, she looked very lovely. It wasn’t inaccurate, so that was probably the best way to explain this feeling for now.

[Black] “I’ll call Phermos.”

[Rienne] “No, there’s no need for him to come all this way……….Though, is he even a doctor?”

[Black] “He’s very knowledgeable when it comes to medicine, so I’d say he’s even better than a doctor.”

[Rienne] “He is?”

[Black] “Just rest here for a minute. I’ll be right back.”

[Rienne] “No, wait.”

Just as Black was about to stand up, Rienne rushed to hold onto him.

It was such a trivial thing and yet it turned the feelings Black kept inside into a mess. A dizzying mixture of relief and satisfaction rose up in his chest, accompanied by the even more intense sense of desire.

But the strongest among all those surging emotions was the urge to pull her into his embrace and kiss her.

[Rienne] “Lord Phermos is……..he’s a man…..Even if he’s like a doctor…..I’d still feel a little uncomfortable.”

Seeing how flustered her face was, he thought there would’ve been more reasons than that.

But I don’t want to pry if it makes her uncomfortable. The more uncomfortable Rienne gets, the longer it’ll take for her to open up her heart to me.

[Black] “Wasn’t the doctor who confirmed your pregnancy also a man?”

[Rienne] “Well…..he was, but my nanny is usually the one who takes care of me.”

[Black] “Then I’ll get her instead.”

[Rienne] “She isn’t in the castle right now.”

[Black] “When is she coming back?”

[Rienne] “I…….I don’t really know. She may not return until the end of the day.”

[Black] “Can I call her back?”

[Rienne] “That’s…….”

Rienne looked as though she was agonizing over whatever she was thinking about. After that, she nodded her head like she’d made up her mind.

She patted the area next to her, welcoming him to sit back down.

That meant her story would take some time to explain.

[Rienne] “I asked her to do something for me.”

[Black] “Did she go far?”

[Rienne] “No, it’s nothing like that……..But there was something I needed to know about, so I asked her to meet someone for me. But I don’t think that’s necessary anymore.”

[Black] “And you want to tell me where she’s gone?”

[Rienne] “Yes. There’s no longer any reason for me to hide this.”

Black watched Rienne as her expression changed slightly. It looked lighter and more refreshed.

[Rienne] “The other day, I met someone who seemed to know you, Lord Tiwakan.”


* * *


It didn’t take that long to talk about how she’d spoken to the old beggar outside the Temple, but even after such a short time, Rienne felt like her heart had become that much lighter.

[Rienne] “…………I was able to hear about you, Lord Tiwakan, after he first came to meet me. I didn’t say anything because I wasn’t sure if it was good idea for you to know his identity.”

Even as she talked, Rienne could feel her expression becoming strange.

She divulged something she’d been hiding from him this whole time, and she couldn’t stop herself from smiling. It seemed a lighter heart naturally led to lighter lips, too.

[Rienne] “I wonder if he’d heard the rumors from somewhere…….? Or maybe he remembers you, Lord Tiwakan. Maybe he saw you back when you used to live in Nauk.”

[Black] “I don’t think so.”

As if aware of how much a smile was tugging at her mouth, Black reached out and touched her lips with his fingers.

It was just a little thing. Something meaningless in the grand scheme of things. But it felt like it was binding them together, like it was laying the groundwork for a real engagement.

[Black] “My face looks different from how it did twenty years ago.”

[Rienne] “Does it?”

[Black] “I was young, so I was much smaller.”

[Rienne] “Maybe…….But if it were me, I think I would remember.”

Thinking deeply, Rienne tried to conjure up the image of a young Black in her mind. Honestly, it was a bit hard to imagine, but even so, she was certain she’d remember seeing someone like him.

[Rienne] “Your eyes would still look the same.”

[Black] “Even if my eyes are unusual, they’re not unique.”

[Rienne] “Is that so……?”

Rienne had never met someone with eyes like his before, but maybe that was because she’d never had the chance to travel outside of Nauk.

[Rienne] “In any case, I need to tell Mrs. Flambard to come back. She might have run into some trouble.”

[Black] “I’ll send someone out.”

[Rienne] “Thank you.”

Rienne’s eyes closed slightly as spoke with a smile. Looking at her, Black suddenly tilted his head.

[Black] “But there’s still time until she comes back, so we should get Phermos to check on you.”

And so the previous problem returned.

Rienne struggled to keep her face calm as she looked at Black, only a small distance between them.

[Rienne] “No, really……..I’m really okay. I don’t need a doctor.”

[Black] “Are you sure?”

If a doctor came to examine her, something big would happen.

Rienne knew she needed to say those words. She wanted to tell him she wasn’t pregnant of her own volition.

But……she needed more time. If things continued on this path, she’d be able to confess all of her lies eventually. She just needed more time to gather her courage. Just a little bit more.

[Rienne] “Yes……So please don’t worry, Lord Tiwakan. There’s no need for that. I’m the same as I’ve always been.”

[Black] “Don’t say that. You aren’t the same.”

Black took Rienne’s wrist in his hand, marked with bruises.

[Rienne] “……..I am except for this.”

[Black] “Then if there’s no problem, can I kiss you?”

[Rienne] “What? Why so suddenly?”

While Rienne was completely speechless, Black looked at her and spoke with a low murmur.

[Black] “It’s not sudden to me.”

[Rienne] “………Weren’t you just treating me like a patient?”

[Black] “I’m asking because you’re a patient.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

[Black] “I don’t want to make things even harder for an injured person just to satisfy my own greed.”

It sounded like he was saying those words because he cherished Rienne deeply.

[Rienne] “You……..You don’t have to ask.”

Rienne turned silent for a moment as she swallowed hard. This was something she thought she could say with confidence now.

Because she knew exactly what she meant to him now.

[Black] “Do you dislike it?”

No, that wasn’t quite right.

[Rienne] “No.”

Rienne reached out and touched Black’s lips with her fingertips. As soon as her answer hit his ears, she felt him stiffen.

[Rienne] “I only mean you don’t need to ask every time you want to do it.”

[Black] “. . .”

Black stared at Rienne’s fingers that were touching him, moving only his eyes. Seeing that, she felt her mouth turn dry.

[Black] “…………You might regret saying that.”

After a long while, Black finally spoke up. With every word, she could feel the movement of his lips through her finger tips.

[Rienne] “No……..I don’t think I will.”

[Black] “It’s too late to take it back.”

[Rienne] “I still don’t think it’s a mistake.”

[Black] “Then…”

As he approached, Rienne could feel him tenderly urge her lips apart as his upper lip slipped into her mouth. Again, she felt something in her chest excite at the still unfamiliar sensation.

…..Maybe it was a mistake to welcome this, but this man was certainly skilled.

Though it wasn’t as intense as it had been that morning, it felt persistent and needy. It felt like it was digging deep, like he was trying to taste every part of her.

Without even realizing, she wrapped her arms around Black’s shoulders to support herself as he pulled her closer to him by the waist. Her golden eyelashes trembled feeling the sudden closeness of their bodies.

[Rienne] “. . .”

As they pulled apart, Black leaned his body over Rienne, still holding her with one hand. She was left to lay in the bed on her back as he looked down at her, his hulking body towering over her.

[Black] “I like this face.”

With his thumb, he brushed over Rienne’s still wet lips. It was a sensation very different from a kiss.

Embarrassed, Rienne averted her eyes.

[Rienne] “I usually look unattractive……..from this angle.”

[Black] “You sound like someone who lives in a country without mirrors.”

For a moment, Rienne felt herself becoming a little flustered. She thought he noticed how there weren’t many mirrors in the castle after she’d sold so many of the more valuable and colorful pieces.

[Rienne] “What………What do you mean?”

[Black] “I just don’t think you’ve ever looked at your own face properly before.”

[Rienne] “So you’re saying…….?”

Was he trying to say she was beautiful?

Did that mean she looked nice in his eyes like this?

Just as he looked good in hers?

[Black] “I wish there was a room I could lock you up in, Princess. One where time doesn’t pass with just the two of us.”

Black slowly drew his hand away from her.

The words hinting at imprisonment were terrifying and unsettling to hear from anyone, but for some reason, they carried a different feeling coming from him. Especially when he said them slowly with fire in his eyes.

It made her feel like a hot wind was passing over her skin.

[Rienne] “I don’t think such a place exists………….But I’ll tell you if I find it.”

Black gave a soft grin, releasing a breath she didn’t know he was holding.

[Black] “I need to be careful.”

[Rienne] “Eh…..?”

[Black] “Around you, Princess.”

Black lowered his head again, hovering dangerously close to her lips. Instinctively, Rienne closed her eyes.

Was it a mistake?

By all accounts, they were already in a room where time didn’t pass. It was place where the concepts of night and day were irrelevant. Where such things were of no concern.

But…..It’s not a mistake.

Because Rienne was realizing she loved that about this room.

It was a poor choice coming here with him in the first place, but she was happy she made that mistake. Which meant it wasn’t a mistake.

[Black] “I don’t think I’ll be able to stop myself here………”

Black rubbed her lips, stopping as his husky and low voice whispered towards her.

[Black] “I don’t need to ask for permission to do this either, do I?”

The words made her breath hitch in her throat. For a moment, she thought she was about to suffocate before she heard a cautious and uncertain knock at the door.

[Phermos] “It’s me, my Lord…….And you too, Princess.”

It was Phermos.

[Phermos] “May I come in?”


* * *


She couldn’t deny him.

Black’s voice, telling her he couldn’t stop himself, was far too intense to do that. Rienne was at a complete loss on what to do or say, so Phermos knocking at the door served as a good excuse.

It was funny how she was the one who said she didn’t need anyone to call Phermos for her, but now she was suddenly grateful for his presence.

[Rienne] “I have a few questions I’d like to ask. What happened to Lord Kleinfelder?”

She welcomed him in as a way of discouraging Black, but she really did have a lot of necessary things she wanted to discuss.


Linden Kleinfelder being taken into custody was no small event in Nauk. It wasn’t just about imprisoning him.

This was the beginning of the important part.

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T/N: (1) He’s talking about the timing. Because Rienne is so early on in her pregnancy, it’s feasible for him to act as the biological father because the timing makes sense.

A Barbaric Proposal - Chapter 39: The Beginning
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