A Barbaric Proposal
A Barbaric Proposal - Chapter 23: | Requiem (3)

Chapter 23 | Requiem (3)


Maslow didn’t want to answer that question, but that was to be expected.

There was a difference between snidely giving Rienne advice versus openly talking about the kinds of atrocities the Kleinfelders were capable of committing.

In that way, Maslow wasn’t that shameless.

[Maslow] “Make you pay? I didn’t mean it like that.”

[Rienne] “No? Did I just imagine you saying that things will ‘get worse’?”

[Maslow] “I only meant to say that Lord Kleinfelder would be upset.”

[Rienne] “Upset enough to harm the royal family?”

[Maslow] “Harm? I-I never said that.”

[Rienne] “Easy for you to say, sir. Words leave no trace once they’re said, making them far too easy to deny when it’s convenient for you.”

[Maslow] “….Cough.

At a loss for words, Maslow just awkwardly coughed.

[Rienne] “But I will warn you now. Though they leave no trace, you cannot take such words back once you’ve spat them out.”

[Maslow] “. . .”

Maslow decided to stay quiet.

He couldn’t deny the validity of Rienne’s words, but that didn’t mean the world would spin the way she wanted it to. Nauk was tailored to suit the taste of the Kleinfelders.

Rienne knew that better than anyone.

[Maslow] “I’ll rewrite the appointment letter.”

[Rienne] “Then please tell them I won’t approve it so easily.”

Rienne’s voice was strong and resolute, but unmistakably tired.

She was tired of constantly having to meet the Kleinfelder’s demands but it was a circumstance she had become far too used to.

Linden Kleinfelder would never give up on reinstating Rafit’s status as a noble and a knight. For now, it was best to follow Maslow’s advice and get something from them in return before they lashed out violently.

[Rienne] “Ask Lord Kleinfelder how much of the royal family’s debt he’s willing to forgive. We’ll see how much he values his son’s status.”

[Maslow] “. . .”

Maslow appeared confused, but eventually he nodded.

[Rienne] “Now go.”

[Maslow] “Your seal….”

[Rienne] “Not until he agrees to my terms.”

[Maslow] “…Yes, Princess.”

And then Maslow left.

[Rienne] “Hah…..

After that, Rienne released a long and heavy sigh.

[Rienne] “Another secret to add to the pile.”

The situation was just asking for the Tiwakan to misunderstand. Not only did Rafit suddenly appear in her bedroom and hide there, but now he was trying to be reinstated as an official knight.

That man would probably think Rienne was trying to keep her old love close to her.

[Rienne] “I feel awful.”

And for some reason, Rienne didn’t like that.

If Black somehow came to the conclusion that she was still entangled with Rafit, it felt strangely like she was being accused of something.

[Rienne] “…..What a pointless idea.”

Rienne shook her head with bitterness in her eyes.

[Rienne] “I sound like someone who’s afraid of getting caught having an affair. It’s not like that at all.”

More importantly, it was better to think about how Black was going to handle the funeral like he said.

[Rienne] “I hope no blood is shed tonight….”


Then late at night…. the news came to her.

No blood was spilled but there was an accident.


* * *


[Rienne] “…..What did you just say?”

Rienne was completely shocked hearing the news brought to her by the guards, her lips slightly parted in surprise.

It was late at night and the moon was covered by a blue haze, but strangely the bells that were supposed to toll until midnight were absent. That was when the graves were to be sealed with dirt and God was meant to descend to retrieve the souls of the deceased.

[Captain] “Well…..At first we thought it wasn’t a big problem.”

But the chain that supported the bell hanging from the tower had broken.

It couldn’t have snapped because of rust. Though it was old, the priests took great care to maintain it every single day.

But regardless, the accident ended up causing a bit of a scene. Everyone who was able rushed to the tower and said that they needed to hang the bell again before they could proceed.

And yet the funeral continued. The High Priest made the order to press on with the burial. All that remained was to take the coffins from the Temple to the cemetery in order to do it.

[Captain] “But then….”

As he talked, he had a look on his face that screamed disbelief.

[Captain] “Then a rock fell from the sky…..”

[Rienne] “What?”

[Captain] “I didn’t believe it either but that’s what the witnesses claimed. A big rocked rolled down and… well uh…..destroyed the steps leading to the Temple.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Rienne couldn’t believe it either.

She didn’t know how, but she knew Black was responsible.

He didn’t hurt anyone……but destroyed the path instead.

The only way to the reach the Temple was by taking the path of God, the steep stairs up the cliff. For that reason, the Temple was completely isolated. There was no other road they could take to get the bodies to the cemetery.

That meant the funeral needed to be delayed. At least until they could rebuild the stairs.

[Rienne] “That….doesn’t make any sense.”

In reality, that boulder was the remnants of the trickery attempted by Linden Kleinfelder.

If Rienne had known that, she probably would’ve laughed out loud hearing about it. But even though she didn’t, she still felt really relieved.

[Captain] “Of course it doesn’t make sense, Princess.”

The new captain awkwardly swept a hand across his forehead.

[Captain] “Now everyone’s worried that God is upset with the High Priest for attempting to do something so blasphemous.”

[Rienne] “Is that true?”

[Captain] “Yes, you should see the priests, Princess. They’re jumping up and down, claiming it’s God’s wrath that brought such a tragedy down on them on the same day as the funeral.”

Rienne quickly covered her mouth.

Though the new captain didn’t notice anything, Weroz would’ve immediately recognized the subtle mark of a smile on Rienne’s face.

[Captain] “And uh…. There’s also a rumor going around that it’s because you weren’t allowed at the funeral, Princess.”

[Rienne] “Oh….”

And then the laugh Rienne tried to hold back suddenly burst forth.

[Captain] “P, Princess….?”

The captain lowered his head, his mouth slightly agape as he watched Rienne’s shaking shoulders.

Oh…. What did he even do? How did he manage to do this?

Did he get a sorcerer to help him or something? (1)

The thing that hurt Rienne’s heart the most about the situation was that she couldn’t personally comfort the families of those lost during the siege.

Never before had a reigning royal ignored the people who gave their lives to protect them. This would’ve been the best opportunity to turn the people of Nauk against Rienne.

….And yet somehow it was all being made the High Priest’s fault.

Not a single rumor was being counted against her.

All thanks to the efforts of Lord Tiwakan…..

[Captain] “They say God is angry….. but you seem rather pleased, Princess…..”

The captain murmured with a confused look on his face.

[Rienne] “God is only angry on my behalf.”

[Captain] “What?”

[Rienne] “The High Priest is the one who prevented me from attending the funeral.”

[Captain] “Oh. Does that mean what they said was true?”

[Rienne] “Yes. We should make that news clear. In the name of Castle Nauk’s Guard, make the announcement in the square tomorrow morning.”

[Captain] “Of course, Princess.”

Rienne spoke again with a cunning smile on her face.

[Rienne] “They’ll need plenty of money to rebuild those stairs. I wonder what the High Priest will do.”

[Captain] “Huh? You wonder? Well…… for that kind of construction, they’ll certainly need a lot of money. But….wouldn’t something like that be a lot to take on?”

[Rienne] “Exactly.”

I wonder…. Will Linden Kleinfelder give you all the money you need?

Rienne didn’t know exactly how much it would take, but no doubt it was far more than what the High Priest was already receiving from Linden. He might have no choice but to bow his head in the Castle and beg for help.

[Rienne] “Thank you for the good news. You are excused.”

[Captain] “Yes, Princess. Have a good night.”

The captain took a knee in front of Rienne, showing her his respect before quickly leaving.

As she sat alone in the office, things were as quiet as the dead of night, that same blue moon coming into view.

[Rienne] “It’s a good thing that I stayed up so late.”

So I was able to hear such good news.

As she whispered to herself, Rienne realized something.

When was the last time she’d felt this good? It must’ve been so long ago. Even from the times before the Tiwakan’s siege on the castle, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d heard something worth being happy about.


It was strange that the person who made such wonderful news possible after so long was Black of all people.


* * *


It was just after Rienne had readied herself for bed and was sitting down under her covers that she heard it.


An awkward and quiet knock on her door.

[Rienne] “Is… Is someone there?”

At first, she thought she might’ve misheard it.

Uncertain for a moment, Rienne pulled the blanket off and headed towards the door. When she put her ear to it, she heard it again—just as soft as before.

Tap, tap.

[Rienne] “. . .”

It sounded like someone was holding their breath, too. As if the person who was knocking didn’t actually expect her to answer.

…It must be him.

Thinking that, Rienne’s hands were already holding onto the door knob.

[Rienne] “….Ah.”

It was occurring to her that she probably shouldn’t open the door, but before she even had the chance to stop herself, it was already open and Black was standing right in front of her.

[Rienne] “Why….at this hour….?”

Rienne instinctively whispered, her words trailing off as she did.

[Black] “Can I come in?”

[Rienne] “You….”

She was about to say that he couldn’t, but suddenly her feet were moving backwards like she was giving him space to come in.

[Black] “Thanks.”

Not missing the chance, he quickly moved through the gap Rienne had created when she stepped back.


The door shut behind him.

[Rienne] “What brings you here….so late at night?”

Rienne swallowed hard as she talked.

It was dark so she didn’t realize it at first, but Black wasn’t dressed as if he were about to visit someone’s bedroom. And for whatever reason, though she thought it was dust at first, his clothes were covered in dirt and grime.

Maybe he just returned to the castle?

Did he come straight to her room without checking to see what he looked like?

[Black] “I wanted to tell you that everything’s been taken care of.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

I already heard.

[Black] “The High Priest will be in contact tomorrow. I left no trace of my involvement, so don’t worry about what he says.”

[Rienne] “…..Okay. I understand.”

[Black] “And something got broken so it’ll cost some money to fix. Don’t worry about that either. I’ll take care of it.”

[Rienne] “Okay.”

[Black] “And I think you should be the one to talk to him. That would be better.”

[Rienne] “I agree.”

[Black] “And…… ……that’s all.”

Black sounded uncharacteristically uncomfortable when suddenly he frowned.

[Black] “It’s not enough.”

[Rienne] “Not….enough?”

[Black] “The time.”

[Rienne] “……..?”

[Black] “I had a lot of things I needed to take care of before I got here. I must have spent more time on the cliff than I thought.”

[Rienne] “The….cliff?”

Somehow, Rienne felt like she knew what he was talking about.

He was talking about the cliff behind the Temple. Considering what he did, he wouldn’t have been able to take the stairs.

He must’ve climbed up the completely sheer cliff in order to break the chain holding the bell. Then, while everyone was distracted, he probably prepared the boulder that he used to break the stairs.

And that’s why he was such a mess right now.

[Black] “I was planning on staying here for the rest of the day to talk to you about this…..but now there isn’t enough time.”

Whispering almost to himself, suddenly Black changed the subject.

[Black] “This means I can use the room next to this one from now on?”

[Rienne] “That’s….”

She didn’t expect him to handle all of this so quickly.


Before she could answer, Black took a step closer.

[Black] “Can I touch you?”

[Rienne] “Where….?’

[Black] “Anywhere is fine. Anywhere you say is okay.”


As he got closer, his form became clearer in Rienne’s vision thanks to the small candle lit by her bedside.

And that’s when she noticed the hand he was about to place on her cheek was also covered in dirt.

[Rienne] “Oh, wait….”

Rienne tilted her head away to avoid his hand.

[Black] “…..Ah.”

The moment he saw his own hand in the light of the candle, Black realized it was filthy.

[Black] “You don’t want to be touched by dirty hands like mine.”

[Rienne] “That’s not it.”

As he tried pulling his hand back, Rienne grabbed Black’s wrist and guided him closer to the candle. There, the back of his hand was clearly visible.

[Rienne] “You’re hurt.”

[Black] “…..?”

It was obvious he didn’t realize it himself. From the surprised look on his face, it seemed like he was just now noticing the long cut on the back of his hand.

[Rienne] “Did the cliff do this?”

[Black] “I don’t know.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Seeing him covered in dirt and blood made her feel strange inside. In order to bring her the news that made her the happiest she’d been in a long time, he mangled himself up like this.

He got hurt. He got dirty.

What am I even supposed to say to this?

She even thought for a moment that it would fair if he really was there for revenge… so long as he didn’t bear any ill will towards her.

Rienne knew how ridiculous of a thought that was.

It was something only the Princess of Nauk could afford to think. (2)

…..Please let it be just a rumor. Please let both Rafit and Lord Weroz be mistaken.


[Rienne] “Come here. I need to clean that wound first.”

Rienne grabbed Black’s wrist and began leading him towards the bathroom adjacent to the bedroom.

[Black] “Before that.”

Black let her hold onto him, but didn’t move to follow. Instead, he stood completely still and stubbornly asked his question.

He was acting as if it was more important than anything else. Like nothing could be done until he heard her response.

[Black] “I want your answer.”

[Rienne] “Answer?”

[Black] “Can I use that room from now on?”

Of course. That was the payment they agreed upon.

[Rienne] “By all means.”

[Black] “One more question.”

Rienne waited for him to speak again.

[Black] “Can I touch you?”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Why does he keep asking that?

[Black] “After my hands are clean, obviously.”

[Rienne] “….After your wound is taken care of, rather.”

[Black] “Okay.”

It wasn’t until then that Black finally followed after her.



* * *

T/N: (1) Literally “Did (a) magic user help (that) man?” Basically a joke that what he achieved was so unbelievable, he must’ve had some magical force helping him.

(2) The text implies she knows it to be a selfish thought because even if she as princess was safe, a lot of other people would suffer, hence it’s coming from a place of privilege to think that.

astral comment: Black seems really big on the idea of consent…. except for…. you know, the entire first part of the story lmao. Novels are only fun if I get to clown on the ML.

ghost comment: I kinda love him though ngl

A Barbaric Proposal - Chapter 23: | Requiem (3)
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