A Barbaric Proposal
A Barbaric Proposal - Chapter 2: Bloody Courtship (2)

Chapter 2 | Bloody Courtship (2)

* * *

One side of the man’s cheek was red. It was from the blood of a wound that had not yet healed.

[] “I had to deal with something urgent, so I’ve arrived late. Please, take a seat.”

The man reached out his hand and pointed to one of the empty chairs.

…Calm down. Just breathe.

There seemed to have been a battle, but even so, the Tiwakan leader arrived at the promised location. Whatever happened was apparently not worth any real concern for him.

[Rienne] “I greet the head of Tiwakan. I wonder what could have happened that delayed our meeting and kept your marriage partner waiting.”

[] “…Something unexpected happened.”

…As she thought. The reinforcements had arrived.

Rienne bit her lip to keep herself from smiling instinctively.

[Rienne] “If it was such a surprise, then I’m not certain you should be spending your time with me, Lord Tiwakan. We can always postpone this meeting for a later date. We’ll be in contact again the moment your affairs are in order.”

Things were completely different if the reinforcements were here.

Nauk was being given a chance to fight, not roll over and surrender. As if having the same thought, Weroz’s eyes turned bright.

The man, the very same who arrived with blood on his face with the intent to propose, just wiped his cheek; entirely unbothered by the situation.

[] “It’s fine.”

After he rubbed his cheek, there was blood on his hand.

…The smell of blood.

Rienne’s eyes narrowed unconsciously and she took a step back. That blood could belong to someone from Nauk.

The man walked towards Rienne, his gaze piercing her.

[] “Shall I ask for your answer now?”

Rienne grit her teeth to keep herself from trembling.

[Rienne] “I…”

Even now, his eyes were like that of a beast. Just looking at them made her tongue curl up inside her.

The man looked at Rienne as if he were in the midst of capturing her before looking behind him and calling out to someone outside.

[] “Bring it.”

[Mercenary] “Yes, My Lord.”

Someone was quick to answer, as if Tiwakan’s Mercenaries were outside waiting for his orders.


Once the curtain was pulled back, a male monk entered.

There was a sword in his hands.

It was a long sword with various gems and jewelry pieces embedded in the hilt. Normally, it was the kind of sword typically used by knights from aristocratic families.

[Rienne] “This is…”

Rienne’s face turned pale like the dawn light. Seeing what she did, Weroz gasped.

This was a sword used by the knights of the Arsak family. It was the same sword worn at the waist of her lover who had left, promising to return in ten days.

…He’s dead.

There was blood on the sword. The same color as the blood on the man’s cheek.

[] “There was a surprise attack, but it’s nothing to worry about. It’s all been taken care of.”

His voice was low and dry. It carried no emotion as it passed through Rienne’s ears.

[] “So, your answer to the proposal?”

* * *

This could only mean one thing.

She no longer had a choice.

There would be no reinforcements. Her lover, the one who was supposed to bring them to her, was dead.

Killed by the barbarian standing in front of her.

[Rienne] “…First…”

Rienne faced the head of Tiwakan with the table between them, slowly opening her mouth to speak.

In that moment, she had no choice but to push aside thoughts of her dead lover. She had no time to mourn him. Her main priority was getting out of this situation alive.

The circumstances had changed in a moment’s notice. It was no longer a matter of simply accepting the proposal. Just as Rienne said she would accept, the reinforcements had arrived. Like she had planned it ahead of time.

The Tiwakan might assume she had set a trap. It was possible the barbarians would slit her throat right then and there to make her pay for this betrayal.

[Rienne] “I hope you…will remember your manners, Lord Tiwakan.”

Her voice was uneven. After uttering barely a sentence, she felt like he was moments from ripping her throat out.

The man’s eyes moved slowly.

[] “Manners?”

[Rienne] “In Nauk, it’s considered impolite to put a weapon on the table where a proposal is to be discussed.”

[] “. . .”

His eyes stopped moving as they passed over Rienne’s face. Having to just sit still while avoiding his gaze made her feel both insulted and frightened.

It was likely due to his bestial eyes.

He was an incredibly strong person, looking her up and down as if she were weak and vulnerable prey.

[] “Well, then.”


The head of Tiwakan gently pushed the sword off the table and onto the floor. That was the very sword he used to cut the neck of someone, but he shoved it away as if it had nothing to do with him.

[] “I don’t mean to be insensitive. It’s not my sword, so I don’t plan on wielding it, but it’s good to have just in case.”

Rienne gripped her hand tightly under the table. She could feel her nails digging into her palm.

[Rienne] “What do you mean by ‘just in case’?”

[] “You may change your mind and refuse my proposal, Princess.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

How much does he know?

Though his eyes were clear, they revealed nothing of his thoughts. She couldn’t tell what he was thinking at all.

[] “The person who once wielded this sword was the very reason you wanted to reject it, correct?”

[Rienne] “He…”

She took in a few short breaths.

So he knew as well. That it was the Arsak family’s retinue commander that led the raid against him, which meant Rienne was struggling to find a way to reject his proposal.

[] “He’s not coming back.”

When he said it, it sounded like a declaration of war even though he spoke casually.

It was as if he was telling her that there was no way out. That she had to give him an answer.

[] “So, your answer?”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Rienne’s finger nails were now piercing her flesh, and the sting of pain helped bring her back to her senses.

This was no ordinary union.

He wasn’t trying to marry her. He was trying to take everything from her. Tiwakan’s leader had already taken her lover, and now he would take Nauk and devour it.

She had to get away.

Rienne only had one card left to play.

A hand she would deal in the name of a lie.

[Rienne] “Before that, there’s something you should know, Lord Tiwakan.”

[] “I’m listening.”

Rienne bit her lip with a single hope in her heart.

Please, let him be deceived by this lie.

[Rienne] “The owner of that sword was the commander of the Arsak family knights, as well as my love. I’m certain you already knew that, as you proposed.”

[] “I know.”

[Rienne] “Then you should also know I’ve already allowed my love to lay with me.”

[] “. . .”

His eyes were more akin to a beast than a human as they glistened in the light.

[Rienne] “And now I am with child.”

And so Rienne revealed the final card she had. There was no doubt in her mind that he would have no choice but to pull himself from this game after hearing it.

[Rienne] “Knowing this, will you still propose?”

* * *

[Weroz] “Princess…”

Weroz was standing behind Rienne, his pale lips slightly parted. He could feel the tension piercing his entire body.

Having another man’s child was a clear cut rejection. A man of any level of decency would take the loss and bow out.

But Rienne’s opponent was a barbarian.

Weroz couldn’t dismiss the possibility that the barbarian could go berserk from the insult. If that happened, Weroz was prepared to shield Rienne with his body if necessary.

But the beast-like man didn’t flip the table or attack anyone with a knife like he anticipated.

[] “…I see.”

Hearing the unexpected news, the man tilted his head to the side, curiosity tugging at his lips.

[Rienne] “What you desire from this proposal, Lord Tiwakan, is joint sovereignty of Nauk. But as you well know, Nauk’s throne belongs to those of Arsak blood. Even if you were to marry me, my child will become the next King. Tiwakan blood will not run through his veins.”

Rienne spoke without taking a breath.

That was her best assumption when it came to Tiwakan’s motives. The reason why Tiwakan mercenaries, who swept through battlefields with ease, would so suddenly come to a small southern castle that has nothing to offer them, and demand marriage.

He might wish to settle down as a king.

With no more wars to fight, there weren’t many options for mercenaries. They would either return home with their spoils, or wander the country looking for work by looting.

Or they could absorb a small kingdom. As a conqueror, he could become a king himself or marry an existing royal family member to gain sovereignty.

But there was a problem.

In order to fully become part of the royal family, he needed to continue his bloodline. As Rienne said, it all became pointless if a child that wasn’t his own became the next great king. He would live and die as nothing more than the husband of a princess.

The head of Tiwakan frowned.

The creases on his face were the only sign of displeasure on his otherwise expressionless face.

[] “…That’s a lot more than I expected.”

He spoke to himself quietly.

Rienne could only hold his breath while he mulled over her words.

Suddenly, his fierce eyes like a predator turned towards her.

[] “If I acknowledge his birthright, will you marry me?”

[Rienne] “…Excuse me?”

Expecting a rejection, Rienne’s eyes blinked in total bewilderment.

Weroz was no different. Just a moment ago, he was busying himself with ideas on how to deal with the son of the God of War, the head of Tiwakan, should things go south, but now his mouth was agape with shock.

[] “Then you can just give birth.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

[] “In exchange, I’ll take you, Princess.”

The proposal was accepted. It was a situation she couldn’t understand at all.

* * *

[] “I’ll see you off.”

The head of Tiwakan was now engaged to the Princess thanks to the marriage proposal, so it wasn’t like Weroz could tell him to back off or not to lay a finger on the Nauk’s princess.

Rienne grit her teeth and took a step back.

[Rienne] “We’re still strangers to one another, so I’ll have to decline.”

Rienne stood back with Weroz.

The sound of the man walking towards where her horse was posted gave her goosebumps.

[] “You’ll get used to eventually. You have to.”

[Rienne] “I…”

[] “Take my hand.”

The head of Tiwakan reached out to her.

Seeing his hand, she couldn’t help but feel as though their appearance was a complete contradiction.

It was a hand that didn’t hesitate to kill others like an animal tearing apart its meal. It was the hand of a person who still had blood on his face, but was also deceptively straight.

There were clear callouses on his palm from the wear and tear of wielding a sword, but his long outstretched fingers were as refined as a nobleman’s.

Perhaps if there were blood on his hand, she could have used cleanliness as an excuse and refused him, but they were impeccably clean.

[Rienne] “…Alright.”

Mustering her courage, Rienne placed her fingertips in the palm of his hand.

But Tiwakan’s chief didn’t pull her hand in and hold it, instead moving to place his other hand around Rienne’s waist.

[Rienne] “…Ah.”

Rienne instinctively gasped as he effortlessly lifted her into the air with one arm and placed her into the saddle of her horse.

It all happened so quickly, Rienne felt like her head was still in the clouds.

Before Rienne could even think about grabbing the reins, the man took her hand and tapped her palm with his fingers.

[Rienne] “Oh.”

[] “You’re hurt.”

The stinging pain pulled Rienne out of her daze.

It was from when she was digging into her own palm and accidentally tore her flesh. It was clear she had done it to herself just by looking at it.

Without even thinking, Rienne tried to hide her hand, but the man maintained his grip on her.

[] “Thank you for being patient.”

[Rienne] “Huh…?”

[] “I ask that you endure more in the future. You’ll get used to it someday.”

After speaking softly, the man bowed his head and put his lips against Rienne’s torn palm.

[Rienne] “. . .”

It was such an unexpected thing that Rienne could only stare down at the man with her lips slightly parted as the late afternoon sun glanced off of him.

His light colored eyes glistened in the sunlight.

* * *

[Phermos] “What the hell were you thinking?”

As soon as Nauk’s princess was completely out of sight, Phermos quickly spoke up, as if he had been waiting for his chance to express his displeasure.

[Phermos] “I can’t believe it… a child! Didn’t you want to take Nauk for yourself? You wanted to have it so badly, you fought and bled for it, and opted for a proposal. Is that correct?”

As an aide, Phermos was a deeply intelligent man.

Those strange glass lenses placed in metal frames didn’t sit on his nose for nothing. He read more than enough and, as a result, possessed plenty of knowledge. He had ideas and thoughts no other human dared to dream of.

So when the head of Tiwakan suddenly decided to descend on the southern castle in order to propose to and marry a princess of ruined kingdom, Phermos assumed their leader wanted to rule.

He’d been wandering the battlefield for far too long by now. Maybe he just wanted a break.

With that in mind, Phermos followed him without question.

After all, for the Tiwakan Mercenaries, surrounding and isolating a castle with a few troops was nothing short of a break.

Their opponent in this fight was just going to surrender anyway. The mercenaries would often practice their table manners and crack jokes like, ‘If our master becomes King, does that make us nobles?’

But an illegitimate child?

He would accept a child that doesn’t have a drop of his blood? A child that would only serve to cause trouble in the future?

Where was the logic in that choice?


[] “You’re not wrong. I do want Nauk.”

[Phermos] “Then it’s not too late. Don’t give up on taking power. No matter what you desire, they’re powerless to refuse. Even they’ll understand the ramifications of saying no to you.”

As the man turned away to watch where Nauk’s princess had disappeared to, Phermos couldn’t help but feel as though his eyes looked different from usual.

Any answer he may have drawn from him flowed away like the river Ebet in Nauk. A river that was completely dried up.

[] “What I desire includes her.”

A Barbaric Proposal - Chapter 2: Bloody Courtship (2)
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