The Villain Wants to Live
The Villain Wants to Live - Chapter 9: Rumor (1)

“So that’s what happened?”

Evening, dusk had already descended upon the earth. Sylvia was driving back to her mansion with Giltheon.

The steering wheel was in her father’s hands, who enjoyed driving, while she looked out of the window from the passenger’s seat.

“Darling, did you do it on purpose then?”

Sylvia nodded silently at her father’s question.

“Do you hate that girl?”

“She has nothing so what should I hate about her?”

“……Good. She’s a talented kid, but it’s already too late for her.”

After giving her that advice, Giltheon suddenly remembered some events from a long time ago.

10 years ago, on the day of the Academy’s entrance exam. The day two people with the making of an archmage were found in the Iliade estate’s ‘Aptitude Test’.

Normally one would have broken out in cheers, but the problem was that one of them was Sylvia and the other was a Luna.


They had been a long-standing affiliate of the Iliades, but now too much time had passed and the families were estranged.

Also, a certain problem would inevitably occur when there was more than one person with overflowing talent, competition.

“She’s already behind in the race, so you don’t have to worry about her. Just ignore her.”

……The magic world of this continent had a long standing tradition.

No matter what the type or attribute, there were only three people who could be recognized as “Archmages” in one generation.

As the standards were so great, two positions had been vacant for nearly 30 years, but one position would definitely be occupied by the chairman, so if Sylvi rose to the remaining position, Luna wouldn’t be able to fill it and if the opposite happened, Sylvia would be eliminated.

Of course, on the surface, conflicts between families were rampant and there were many incidents, but that was the most decisive reason why Giltheon rejected Luna’s magical talent.

Giltheon said quietly.

“However, darling. Be careful of Deculein. He isn’t a very docile character. When he was young, he was called a prodigy. He’s stagnating now, but he could take off at any time. I’m just reducing the size of my talent by being sold to some woman.”

“I know. I’ve already been caught by that professor. He got something on me.”

“……Haha. It’s said that a tiger doesn’t father a dog as well.”

Giltheon laughed, but Sylvia grabbed the hem of her robe around her knee. She still had doubts. How the hell did he know?

If possible, she would’ve liked to ask him personally.

Seeing his daughter’s complexion, Giltheon pulled over.

“……Eh. We’ve already arrived. I’ve finally been able to take a drive with my daughter after much hard work, but I’m dissatisfied with this short duration. Darling. How about your father takes you out shopping like in the old-”

“I’ll go now.”


Sylvia opened the car door and got off. Giltheon, who pretended to cry, spoke again as soon as she set foot on the ground.


He had his mouth pulled into a smile but his eyes were serious.

“The whole Iliade family is behind your back.”

Sylvia looked up to Giltheon.

In her father, who stared at her with his golden eyes similar to hers, Sylvia saw herself.

“Don’t lose your confidence just because of this. If he turns against you, I shall personally behead him no matter who he is……”

“Hurry up and go back to the estate. Mother is waiting.”

“……Kuh hum. That’s rather cruel. I got it.”

Giltheon swiped away his hair in bewilderment, while Sylvia entered the mansion.

“Master, Master! Are you alright? I’ve heard the rumors!”

The housekeeper, who came running, had a worried face.

“I’m fine. It all got settled. I’ll eat dinner a little later.”

“Oh, that’s a relief. Then I’ll send your meal to your room later.”


Sylvia trudged to her room, changed into her pajamas and laid down on her bed.


Her soft blonde hair spread out on her bed sheet like a fan.


Disturbed, Sylvia muttered softly.

Today, Professor Deculein really saw through me. His magic insight and observational skills were never to be taken lightly. I had bad luck as well.

He wouldn’t have been a senior professor if he weren’t talented.

This was clearly due to my negligence.



Yes, negligence…….


Today’s events were filled with questions for Sylvia.

Sylvia never showed emotions to anyone. She neither gave away her heart to anyone nor did she accept anyone else’s.

So she couldn’t explain today’s situation even though it was her.

“Why me.”

Do you hate that girl?

Ifrin Luna.

And her father.

“Why do you dislike me?”

She’s a pure-blooded noble who doesn’t lack anything, never fails to get what she wants and even her talent was considered to be the highest in all of the 500-year long history of the Iliade family.

She was the most perfect masterpiece that sprung from the supreme noble family called “Iliade”…… It was then that she whispered a question in her mind.

“That’s why you can’t let your guard down.”

Her eyes were filled with mana. Her pure golden iris burned like the sun.

Eternal immortality, the rank ‘Eternal’ that only the one’s on the apex of the magic world could rise to.

The name of the person who reached said level will be engraved in the continent’s history and bestowed with the title ‘Archmage’.

In addition, from the top of the ‘Floating Island’ that not even the emperor could touch, one was able to aloofly overlook everything.

Not her father, not her own family, she wants to be the only one to hold that place.

No, that seat of power was already half in her hands.

She was sure that she’d definitely make it.

Not as Sylvia of the Iliade family, but just as the individual ‘Sylvia’.

Without fail.

Sylvia jumped out of her bed and sat down on a chair.

Books, books, books. If one wants to know something then one should read a book. If I want to get revenge for today’s humiliation, if I want to repay them with skill, then I have to read more and learn more.

Let’s think about this again.

Deculein was by no means just a simple professor. On the contrary, he was an opponent overflowing with power, a match for the Iliade family.

And Ifrin……

She was of no concern, even though she’d probably hate to admit that.

Like my father said, she’s already out of the race.

* * *

Since I became Deculein, I’ve woken up at dawn every day. For me mornings were always refreshing and I would always wake up fully recovered, but today I had muscle pain.

The cause for that was me using my magic close to exhaustion yesterday.

However, the routine I set up using Deculein’s personality, his stubbornness to be precise, made me move my body naturally.

As soon as I woke up, I started my magic training.

Hwing- Hwing- Hwing-

Every piece of metal in the room moved at my will.

The spell clearly worked better than two days ago. Last night, I used up 3,375 mana in an instant, even while only practicing, so this led to a sharp rise in proficiency.

For reference, I could even visualize something as abstract as proficiency with my trait [Vision].

It was at exactly ‘85%’.

After reaching 100%, I planned to engrace beginner psychokinesis.

That will hurt a lot again…….

Hwing- Hwing- Hwing-

I controlled a number of metals, making them avoid rubbing against each other, and I stopped when I noticed I had about half of my mana left.

The next routine was to acquire magic.

Today’s magic was called [Basic Heat Control], which wasn’t all that important, so it should be fine just keep it in mind, I guess……?

“……Wait a minute.”

It was an ignorant thought that was on the same level as ‘Memorizing psychokinetic powers over one’s whole body’.

“If I don’t really need to learn [Heat Control], how about I just add it’s core functions to [Psychokinesis]……”

What if I remove only a certain ‘stroke’ of that magic, that is, the stroke that is the core of Heat Control, and transplant it into [Psychokinesis]?

This process was also called weaving magic, or magic upgrade.

In the first place, psychokinesis and heat control were of the same [Control] type, and their structures were somewhat similar as well.

Psychokinesis focused more on objects and heat control only focused on heat and fire.

So there were quite a few overlapping strokes. 8 out of 22 strokes of heat control were similar to Psychokinesis.

Then, wouldn’t it be possible to cross-edit magic as if I were writing a thesis or manipulating a gene……?

I flipped the [Understanding] “switch”. After completely memorizing the form of [Heat Control], I closed my eyes.

Afterwards, I removed the core of “Heat Control” which I memorized and transplanted it to the [Psychokinesis] located on my body…….


Instantly I felt an overpowering pain. It was a pain that could only be called overpowering. Blood dripped from my mouth.


I knelt down on one knee and clasped at my heart.

I just felt it, for sure.

If I were an ordinary magician, I would have died ‘once’.

“It did succeed though…….”

Fortunately, the two magic spells were certainly combined. I could feel it in my body. The formula of [Heat Control] got added to the magic circle on my shoulder, different from the original psychokinesis circle.

“……I’ll need to add another routine to the existing ones from now on.”

Artificial upgrade of [Psychokinesis]. This was a novel and sure way to strengthen it.

However, it was incredibly dangerous, and the more you do this, the greater the load on one’s body seems to get, so I needed to train my trait [Iron Man].

In other words, I had to exercise.

It was then.

Knock, Knock.

–This is Roy. Are you ready to attend the social gathering?

Is what the butler said after knocking. I looked at the clock. Before I noticed, It was 1 pm.

“I’ll be ready in a minute.”

–Understood. I shall wait outside the door.

As I put my coat on, I told the butler as such.

“Roy. Don’t schedule any social gatherings from now on. Unless it is very important.”

I wanted to cancel these social gatherings if possible, but today was an important event called ‘Flower of the New Year’.

–I shall keep that in mind.

The reason why I dared to attend a social event today was, of course, to solidify my identity as a named character, but above all else.

[Side quest: Attend the social event ‘Flower of the New Year’]

Store currency +0,5

This was crucial.

Store currency.

One had to collect at least 5 won to access the store, but I still only had 2.5 won and I needed even more to buy the thing I wanted.

I opened the door. The butler was waiting with his head bowed.

“I’m ready.”

“Understood. Here is the list of blacksmith master asked about last time.”


Last week, I asked the butler to arrange for a skilled blacksmith.

“‘Shining Golden Iron’…….”

Among the 45 blacksmiths on the list that the butler gave me, there was one name that stood out to me the most. I chose the place that was caught on the radar of [Man of Great Wealth].

“What a unique name. Take this blueprint and take it to Shining Golden Iron.”

I handed the blueprints over to the butler.

This was something that was going to be my ‘favorite’.

Usually, magicians use a wand or staff, and if their favored one is extremely developed, they are also called ‘pieces’, but my favored weapon will be very different compared to those sticks.

It was a weapon specifically made for psychokinesis, so I was looking forward to it.

“Understood, Master.”

The butler carefully put the blueprint away without opening it or asking about it. That was, indeed, the right attitude of a humble butler.

“Let us go now. The car is ready.”

“Good. Well done.”

“……Yes? Yes. Thank you.”

I went out of the mansion together with the butler.

“The weather is nice.”

“……Yes? Yes. That is right.”

The weather in early spring wasn’t so good. The butler seemed to get bewildered by every word I said, but I just got into the car filled with a refreshing smell.



The car drove really smoothly.

As I was sitting on the back set in a very haughty pose, I suddenly remembered [Midas’ Touch].

Let’s try it on the car.

I had 1,300 mana remaining, so I could use 1,000 of it.

I used the trait out of curiosity when


The car suddenly accelerated. The driver was startled, banged his head on the steering wheel and profusely apologized.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”

“It’s fine. Go.”

“Yes, yes. I’m sorry!”

The driver who hit his head and apologized non stop, quickly became proficient and the back seat became more comfortable. The vibrations and noise, which already rarely appeared, almost completely disappeared.

Seems like it enhanced the comfort of the drive, huh

Not bad.

* * *

We quickly arrived at our destination.

That place was an old castle in the city “Haerich”, which is said to be the most gorgeous.

It seemed like that whole castle in the middle of the city was a place for nobles to hold social gatherings.

“We have arrived.”

First, the driver got out of the car and opened the door for me. At the same time, attention seemed to focus here. The reason was, because having this car was a huge luxury in this world.

“It’s an honor to make your acquaintance, Professor Deculein.”

A well-trained attendant greeted me first.

I walked down the red carpet under their guidance. Reporters lined up in the coverage line outside the castle, their cameras giving off dizzying flashes.

I went into the castle without even looking at them.

–A venerable magician, the head of the Yukilne family. The youngest senior professor of the Imperial University Magic Tower, Deculine von Grahan Yukline.

I almost got startled by the sudden sound that came out of the loudspeaker as soon as I entered through the front door.

It was an introduction announcing that I had entered.

“I hope you’ll have a good time.”

I nodded and entered the hall.

There were a lot of lights that sparkled like stars in the spacious and colorful hall. Looking into others’ faces, I was glad I came.

There were so many familiar names around. Yutsurin, Paige, Sirio, Lapel and so on…….


However, even in this splendid crowd, there was one person that stood out.

I recognized her at a glance.


Even Julie, who hated high society, seemed to have no choice but to attend this event. I didn’t know why, but she was on her own dressed in armor.


When Julie made eye contact with me, she immediately turned her gaze away without saying a word. I didn’t bother to approach her either.

–Vallenta’s ball is especially gorgeous today~

–Princess Luca, how are you doing today……

–The results of öast year’s adventurer test were very interesting.

In this game, the types of people that got special treatment were nobles, magicians, knights and adventurers.

For reference, an ‘adventurer’ was a very professional and systematic profession, so it was only possible to acquire the qualification by passing a test.

–Ganesha Go! I read your work in this time’s Continental Journal.

Anyway, among those adventurers, the most important name that could be said to be responsible for an important turning point in the game’s story.

I found ‘her’.

–As someone whose hobby is to travel, you said that you explored the archipelago……

A woman with long red hair tied into two ponytails, that seemed rather nervous and sharp. In fact, she had a frown on her face, seeming that communicating was a bother in and of itself, however many people gathered around her.

She was an adventurer with her initial combat power set in the top 5 overall-


I, too, plucked up my courage to approach her.

The Villain Wants to Live - Chapter 9: Rumor (1)
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