The Duke’s Eldest Son Escaped to the Military
The Duke’s Eldest Son Escaped to the Military - Chapter 9

The Duke’s Eldest Son Escaped to the Military (9)

Translator: ChubbyCheeks

4 Northeast Military Academy… (1)

After the examination for those who had awakened their mana had finished, Jaiden and the rest of the trainees immediately followed the knight and went straight to the Northern Command.

They saw countless soldiers passing by as soon as they entered the huge building. But they just continued to walk past them. They followed the briskly walking knight as they climbed up the stairs before stopping in front of a door.

“Loyalty! I have brought the trainees.”


The knight opened the door carefully.

There was a 2-clover inside. The nameplate on the table also showed ‘Lieutenant Colonel Milwaukee’.

“Are they the new recruits?”

“Yes, sir.”

“I see. You can go out now.”

After the man’s words, the knight handed over a report before giving a respectful salute and turning around. The knight closed the door silently and left the children with the man.

The man scanned the documents briefly before turning to look at Jaiden and the other trainees.

“Since everyone applied for the Northern Army, this means that you are all willing to take some risks. Right?”


As if proving that they had done a good job in the training camp, all of the children answered the Lieutenant Colonel’s question quickly and loudly.

“Good. Things are easier said than done. If you have come all the way here then you definitely have some talents. That’s why I believe I should give each and every single one of you a choice.”

The Lieutenant Colonel placed a paper on the table.

“This is a military academy admission application. Once you get out of there, you will basically begin as a commissioned officer.”

The man then took the paper and shook it in front of the children as if it was something that was extremely amazing.

“It looks like you guys still don’t have any idea about this yet. I’ll explain to you what kind of rewards you will get once you enter this school. First off… Your military life will be reduced by at least 2 years.”

The pupils of the children that were listening to Lieutenant Colonel Milwaukee’s words started to shake and tremble. However, Jaiden remained calm. This was information that he had learned about before albeit not everything. Besides, he knew that he had to serve day and night on the front lines just to get that 2 years of reduced service. It seemed like he was not the only one who knew about this since there were a few other children who did not look very interested in the Lieutenant Colonel’s words.

Then, Lieutenant Colonel Milwaukee continued to speak.

“There is a way for you to reduce your military life right here and now. It’s none other than sending your application to the Northeast Military Academy. If you do that, we can reduce your military life by 2 more years.”

This time, Lieutenant Colonel Milwaukee’s words extinguished the interest and excitement in the eyes of the children. There was no one among the children present here who had not heard about the Northeast’s notoriety. Even if they were not yet trained and had just awakened their mana to some extent, as long as they were from a wealthy family they would have definitely heard enough basic information about that place.

“In addition, if you do well in the Northeast Military Academy then you will be able to graduate 2 years earlier. That means that you can shorten another 2 years off of your military service.”

An opportunity was presented to the children to reduce their military service for six entire years. It was a great opportunity that would reduce their required 20 year service to only 14 years. In other words, one would only serve 10 years after they finished their military academy life.

Given these conditions, one might think that it was something that was worth a try. However, this was the Northeast. A place that was known as the most dangerous place among the entire northern frontlines. And since it was one of the three most dangerous areas in the continent, almost everyone tried to avoid agreeing to such a condition.

“Are there any other rewards?”

When Jaiden raised this question, all the other children looked at him strangely. They looked at him as if they were wondering if he had never heard of the Northeast’s notoriety.

Lieutenant Colonel Milwaukee couldn’t help but grin. After all, the best child from the report that he had received showed enough interest in the Northeast.

“First, I’m assuming that you are aware that the North’s basic salary is twice that of the other militaries. Right?”


“The Northeast’s salary is three times that of the North’s commissioned officer’s salary. In addition, the promotion in the Northeast is the fastest among all of the militaries. The Northeast is the only place in the Empire where you can be promoted even if you are still in the military academy.”

To be honest, Jaiden was not really that interested in what Lieutenant Colonel Milwaukee had just said. The discharged soldiers from the North would generally be treated well in the entire continent. Considered to be the elites, they could easily gain and collect money by doing mercenary activities or they could also apply to become a personal knight for a noble family or for a merchant family if they decided to stay in the capital. So it was only natural that he was not that much interested in money.

“And they will basically give you any weapon that you want. I’m talking about a weapon with 10% mythril incorporated in it. You can even take it with you even after you are discharged from service.”

The children’s expression changed when they heard that they could take a weapon with mythril even after they left the military. Mythrils and rare metals were not generally circulated in the market. And even if they were found in the market, albeit rarely, they would have a sky-high price attached to them.

“But I think there are also disadvantages.”

“That’s right. First of all, the Northeast is notoriously known for its dangers. This is a well-known fact in the entire continent. In fact, the death rate in the Northeast is overwhelmingly high when compared to the rest of the armies in the Empire.”

“Are there more?”

“Yes. The high salary that I had mentioned before won’t be available right away. You will only be able to get it once you’re discharged. They will instead keep it for you until your discharge and pay you a 5% annual interest. And you will also not be able to spend any vacation.”

Jaiden nodded his head to show him that he had understood his words.

One would need to spend at least a month of travel just so you could go out of the Northeast to spend a vacation. There was no point in doing such a long trip just so you could visit your home for a few days.

“However, you can spend 6 months of vacation just before your discharge. In other words, you can reduce your stay in the military for at most 6 years and 6 months. If you take on special missions, they will pay you the special mission fees separately from your salary. You’re free to use those fees whether you collect those fees to buy weapons or alcohol. Everything’s up to you.”

When Lieutenant Colonel Milwaukee finished speaking, he turned to look at Jaiden.

“I’d appreciate it if you decide to apply to the Northeast but it’s quite hard for me to recommend it to you personally. After all, it’s a very dangerous place. But! I hope that you remember this one thing.”

“What is it?”

“At the very least, the comrades that you will have there will definitely not abandon you.”

Jaiden felt troubled for a moment.

He knew that the Northeast was a dangerous place. But for someone like Jaiden who had experienced the crazy monster wave in his previous life, he did not consider that place to be that dangerous. In addition, he could still be able to shorten his military service by six years at most.

‘Six years…’

He fell silent as he pondered about things deeply. He thought that he should be able to prepare for everything by that time.

‘Let’s endure there.’

After making that decision, Jaiden raised his head and looked at Lieutenant Colonel Milwaukee.

“I will apply.”

“I’ll ask you again. Are you really sure that you want to apply to the Northeast Academy?”

The Lieutenant Colonel gave him this final chance to take back his words. But Jaiden only bowed his head as he answered firmly.

“Yes. I will apply.”

“Good. Then, sign here.”

Following Lieutenant Colonel Milwaukee’s words, Jaiden signed the form before taking a step back.

In fact, Jaiden also wanted to avoid dangerous places. The main reason why he left the Leonhardt Family was because he thought that it would be hard for him to survive in such a crazy and dangerous family. But after further consideration, he realized that although there were plenty of shortcomings and disadvantages, there were still some silver lining waiting for him.

First, since the Northeast was emphasized as a dangerous area, it was only natural that it was also home to several special creatures. There was a possibility that he could find another divine beast there and sign a contract with it. Furthermore, the Northeastern Army was completely hidden. So this was a place where even the strongest family in the North, the Leonhardt Family, would not be able to extend its surveillance network. In other words, they would only know his existence once he was discharged. That meant that his location was safe and sound as long as he was staying in that place.

“You guys might have been upset since I did not ask you if you want to join the Northeast Academy. But on the contrary, I would like to remind you that it’s a very dangerous place.”

Just like Lieutenant Colonel Milwaukee had just said, the other children’s faces were all disappointed and upset. However, their faces hardened when he reminded them of the dangers of that place. There was nothing more unfair in this world than a talentless person going to the Northeast and dying for nothing.

It would be a bit problematic if the North, a place that was already lacking in troops, forced them to the Northeast just to die. And although the Northeast was also a place that was suffering from severe shortage of manpower, they were a place that did not accept just anyone.

“If you really want to go to the Northeast, then go to one of the Northern Military Academies and get some results. That’s how the Northeast Academy works too.”

“Then, what about 1223, sir?”

“This guy is just talented. Didn’t you see him too?”

All of the children that were protesting shut up when they heard Lieutenant Colonel Milwaukee’s words. After all, all of the children present in this room had seen Jaiden’s fight with the knight. Jaiden had already shown them his greatness to the point that the children were left in wonder as they asked this question: ‘Can I do something like that in 2~3 years?’ to themselves.

“This guy is not a genius either. He’s just at the level where he can endure the Northeast.”

“At the level where he can endure, sir?”

The child immediately added ‘sir’ to be polite when he realized that he had rudely asked the question. Lieutenant Colonel Milwaukee did not blame the child much. He just nodded his head at him.

“That’s right. Only those who are considered to be monsters will be going to the Northeast Academy. If you really want to go there, then become a monster.”

After that, Lieutenant Colonel Milwaukee had a consultation with each and every child. He recommended an academy for them before getting their signatures on their respective application forms.

“It’s not the end just because you entered the Northern Military Academy. I hope you can survive well here and become a commissioned officer in the Northern Army.”

Lieutenant Milwaukee opened the door. Then, a knight came in and led Jaiden and the other trainees again. Everyone seemed to be lost in thought so the knight did not rush them. Especially Jaiden, the sole applicant to the Northeast. The knight did not even dare to touch him after seeing him lost in his thoughts. The Northeast was a very dangerous place that just being an applicant there was worthy enough for them to be praised.

Oh! He’s here!”

“Here comes the pride of our group!”

Jaiden couldn’t help but smile when his teammates welcomed and cheered for him. He was the only one who awakened his mana in the team so they were all cheering for him.

“1223! Are you going to the Military Academy?”

“I think so.”

“Where will you be attending?”


The child who asked him with sparkling eyes suddenly turned silent. Everyone suddenly turned to look at Jaiden with sad faces. There was no one here who was unaware of the notoriety of the Northeast.

“Why are you going there? Just go somewhere else.”

“That’s a crazy place.”

“I also heard that everyone who came out from there had lost their minds. You know?”

“They say that more than half of the people who go there die.”

The children spoke to him worriedly but Jaiden said that it was fine. He even asked about his other teammates.

“What happened to everyone?”

“They said that 1225 and 1221 can go to the military academy if they did well.”

“How about you?”

“Me too! They said that if I do well then I can become a non-commissioned officer even if I’m sick! They said that the rest would also pass!”

It seemed like all the other children underwent the mana awakening test after he left. In the North, it was unusual for someone who was suffering from an illness to be elected as a non-commissioned officer since the non-commissioned officers were well aware of how a soldier lived. Since the classification, the non-commissioned officers were more closely related to soldiers than to commissioned officers.

“They said that 1230 will be eliminated.”

Ah! That’s right.”

The person that they called 1230 was sitting depressed in one corner. Jaiden slowly approached him.

“Why are you so depressed?”

“If I get kicked out of here then I’ll have to live a beggar’s life again.”

“I don’t think so. Even if you fail to awaken, there are still ways for them to force you to awaken.”

“They said that doing that would be difficult too.”

Jaiden couldn’t help but sigh at the depressed 1230.

“You won’t know until you try. That’s why you’re still here. If it’s still too difficult then they’ll transplant a mana stone and force a circuit on you.”

“Is that so?”

“Of course. The North never abandons the talented.”

As long as one had talent even if they were only those whose talents were at the very bottom, the Northern Army would find a use for them. Those who did not have any talents had already been screened out in the huge training grounds.

“That’s right. The fact that you’re here means that you’re fully capable.”

“But I took a peek and the other groups had already left?”

“Yeah. I heard that more than half of the people in some groups had left.”

“Did you hear that?”


Jaiden’s words began to bring back life to the depressed child’s eyes. The children all began to talk like normal children as they cheered each other on. They wished each other a good life as well as to live well in the places that they would go to.

Jaiden watched the scene and cheered for his team members. He spent his last days in this training camp wishing his comrades a good future as he organized everything that he needed to prepare for his departure.



[2-clover] 2개의 클로버 – [Badge IMG] A badge that shows the rank of the officer you can search for 중령 to look at the patch/badge if you can’t see the image I have attached.. If you’re under the Army, Air Force or Marine, you will be called a Lieutenant Colonel. You will be called Commander if you’re under the Navy and the Coast Guard.

[Commissioned Officer] 장교 – A rank in command of the non-commissioned officers and soldiers. They are usually selected from students or graduates of the military academy or the general university. They are military officers who have achieved a rank before officially assuming their roles.

The Duke’s Eldest Son Escaped to the Military - Chapter 9
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