She Professed Herself The Pupil Of The Wiseman (WN)
She Professed Herself The Pupil Of The Wiseman (WN) - Chapter 59: Means of Transportation

「Well, guess you’ll be heading to the Abandoned City in the Sky next. Considering the distance, this will take quite a while again.」

Suleyman left the office, returning to resume his work decoding the texts. Meanwhile, as soon as he left, Solomon returned to his more casual tone of voice, which made Mira curious.

「This’s been bothering me for a while, but you changed your voice to sound deeper earlier, yes? But I thought you knew Suleyman for a long time now, so he’s almost like a relative. Is there really a need to do that?」

Mira was thinking about Mariana and Cleos when she said that. She had known those two when the world was still a game, but they remembered everything that happened back then. That should apply to Suleyman as well, so there was no real reason to act differently in front of him. Hearing that, Solomon sighed, technically what Mira said was true, but it was more complicated.

「At first I didn’t care much about how I spoke, I was just myself all the time, but then Luminaria scolded me. She said that now that everything is real, I should take things more seriously than before. For that, I should start giving off the appearance befitting of a king, and that my manner of speech was a big part of that. I decided to ask Suleyman for advice, and he seemed really happy about me changing, he told me he’d personally supervise my words to make sure I spoke correctly. Since then, I always have to speak that way or he gets mad at me.」

「What a loyal personage.」

Solomon shrugged, laughing dryly at his helpless situation. Mira smiled, entertained, she could easily imagine that happening, knowing how Suleyman was.

「Anyway, let’s get back on topic. Why does the Abandoned City in the Sky have to be so far away…」

As Mira said that, she recalled her past travels flying. The views were breathtaking, she did not feel cold if she wore a coat, and it was much faster than going on a horse carriage, she could travel large distances in a much shorter time. But the only downside was that Mira could only last for so many hours riding Pegasus.

「How’s the wagon doing? Do you think it’ll be completed soon?」

「Hmm, it’s made out of very specialized items, I think I hyped it too much last time we spoke and didn’t think of that, so it’ll take quite a while longer.」

「Ah, I see.」

All her problems would get solved once she had the wagon of her dreams, but in the meantime, she would have to make do with Pegasus. Then again, Pegasus always seemed very excited to carry Mira as they flew through the sky. Mira also found that fun, but there was nothing she could do to avoid getting exhausted. Just the day before she had gotten so tired she needed to take a nap in some grasslands.

Mira turned to look at the ceiling, her body reclined against the couch. In her mind, she was dreaming of how nice it would be to fly through the sky on a couch like that.

「You look quite disappointed, did something happen?」

Solomon noticed something was off about Mira, asking her if everything was alright. Mira stayed still, only moving her head slightly to reply.

「Lately I’ve been riding Pegasus to go from one place to another, but when I have to cling to him for many hours I get really exhausted. And now I’m going all the way to the Abandoned City in the Sky, which is going to be quite the ordeal for an old man like myself, I wish you were more careful about your elders.」

「So that’s what’s bothering you. I get how that would be faster, but yeah, holding onto Pegasus for so long sounds tiring. But hey, it’s been a while since you spoke that line about your age, though nowadays it’s amusing in a completely different way.」

Still, Solomon thought seriously about her concerns. He took out a map and spread it on his desk, telling her 「How about this?」 Mira stood up and walked over, looking at it from the side.

「This looks like a normal map… though this, what’s this highlighted line?」

The map showed the northeastern regions of the continent, with the Holy Land of Alispharius at its center. There were short descriptions and names for the regions, and a strange line that spread through many of them that stood out a lot. Certain points of the line had circles on them as well, with the name of a city to the side. Solomon pointed at one of those circles, located past the mountain range to the north of Arkite.

「This is a map of the continental railroads. If flying gets too tiring, you can always travel on land. This is the closest station city, Silverside. You could take the train there and go all the way to Alis, then continue from there on Pegasus to minimize exhaustion. It’ll take you three or four days to arrive at Alis, but the cities on the way there all have plenty of inns where you could stay.」

As he spoke, Solomon pressed his index finger against the map, moving it from Silverside along the line all the way to the station city in Alispharius, where he lifted his finger from the map and made it jump to the Abandoned City in the Sky. Mira looked astounded at the map, reading the names of all the cities the railroads went through, until she finally gathered her thoughts and looked at Solomon.

「A train, you said?!」

There was no such means of transportation thirty years before. Players had their floating islands, while the natives only knew of horses and boats. Mira was shocked at how much technology kept evolving there, but she also began chuckling to herself, eventually slamming the desk out of excitement.

「That’s good, that’s so good, a masterpiece! Who would’ve thought there would be a train here already. But I guess I was too narrow-minded seeing there’s already flying ships here!」

「No way, you already know about the flying ships. Now I have one less interesting story I can tell you about.」

Mira spoke very excitedly, but Solomon seemed rather disappointed seeing she already knew of the conglomerate of new technologies that were the flying ships.

Once Mira calmed down, she looked attentively at Solomon and asked for more details. He nodded and explained more details as briefly as possible.

The continental railroads were another product of Magic Engineering, the first line being constructed to connect all of the Three Gods’ Countries. The duty of managing the railroads was given to station cities, independent from the Three Gods’ Countries and located on protected territories. The railroads became quite popular, which created a booming economy for those station cities.

「You seem quite familiar with that topic. But well, guess I’ll take the train to Alis, and then… that reminds me, there’s another place I have to visit.」

Her mind excited about the train trip, Mira recalled that other clue she got by chance, so she took out a map from her Item Box and lay it on top of the route map.

「What’s this..? I see a marker on the Forest of Four Seasons.」

This time it was Solomon who asked the question. He could see a red mark on the center of the continent, where many mountain ranges merged at a single point. Solomon was unable to think of anything of interest to them at that point, so he turned a puzzled look at Mira.

「I told you about Chimera Clauzen before, yes? I ran into one of their members the other day.」

After that Mira told Solomon what happened after she left the Tenma Labyrinth. How she followed him through the forest, how he tried to attack a young spirit at the lake, and how an onmyoji master came to help the spirit. That rescuer was part of an organization fighting against Chimera Clauzen, and agreed that Nyanmaru’s master was likely one of his comrades. After talking with his superiors, Mira was given the location of their headquarters.

「Though I really have to thank you for giving me that medal, it helped prove my position, and so they even gave me the location of their headquarters!」

Mira laughed giddily about everything, but Solomon was impressed as he looked at the red mark. Not because Mira had been able to use the medal so quickly, but because something he gave her was of so much use to her. He was also surprised when he heard the name of the resistance organization Mira had encountered.

「Are you sure they said they were from the Fifty Bells?」

Solomon asked again, which made Mira knit her brows quizzically as she replied.

「Yes, what about it? Is something wrong?」

She asked in return, and Solomon nodded before placing a pamphlet on top of the maps. The title on the pamphlet read ‘Let’s protect the spirits’ environment’.

「Protect their environment, huh. Is this something like an environmentalist’s pamphlet? What about it?」

Mira took the pamphlet and began looking through it. Inside there were many pleas to prompt people to care more for conservation efforts, as well as addresses for donations.

But there was something about those addresses that caught Mira’s attention. The organization collecting donations across all of the Three Gods’ Countries was the Fifty Bells Association.

「What does… that mean?」

「It should be obvious enough. The Fifty Bells is an organization that was started as a charity to protect the environment and is known all throughout the continent. They’re quite active as well, they’re currently watching over the northern Grimdart forests as well, where almost all the spirits were captured in the past, so that everything is well-kept for the day when the spirits return. They’re trying to diminish the harm caused by the lack of spirits, and are constantly planting new spirit trees. They’re doing the same in other places as well, so they’re a trustful organization that has shown actual results. I’m sure they have plenty of representatives in this city as well.」

「But that’s all they show to the public. If what you saw and heard is their true essence, then everything we know about them is just a facade.」

「Hmm… I didn’t think they had a public side like that.」

Through their conversation, Solomon learned the true face of the Fifty Bells, while Mira learned what their public side was. But both could see how both sides coexisted, no matter how much they cared for the environment, the spirits would never return unless they got rid of the root of the problems. And Mira had met some of their members tasked with accomplishing that.

「I haven’t looked too much into them so I can’t say for sure that’s how they operate, but from what you’ve told me it sounds very likely. But it makes sense if you think about it, for such a big charity organization, a group like Chimera Clauzen would definitely be the worst scum on the earth for them. So it wouldn’t surprise me if they have armed troops ready to counterattack. But if they did that, then they would become an armed organization, which would get investigated by authorities from many countries, so keeping their peaceful charity facade is a really good tactic to operate freely.」

By using their environmentalist front, the Fifty bells had been able to spread throughout the continent. Like Solomon said, even if they made their goal of fighting Chimera Clauzen public, acting as an armed organization would have stopped their spread in many places. Mira also understood that much, closing the pamphlet and placing it on the desk again.

「Still, I wonder which side is their true one. Are they trying to conserve the environment for spirits, or are they trying to exterminate Chimera Clauzen? Though from what you’ve told me it doesn’t seem like they mean any harm, or rather, if that’s how they operate, maybe it would be interesting to increase our contribution to them.」

「Ohh, you were donating?」

「Of course. Protecting the environment also protects spirits, and spirits are the friends of spellcasters. It would be inconceivable for our country out of all others to not support them.」

「You have a point there.」

Arkite was a kingdom known as the land of spellcasters. Even if the Fifty Bells was a group of mercenaries, supporting people who cared for spirits, the good neighbors of humans, gave a good impression to both the people in and out of the country. Or rather, because they were known in that way, there was no way they would not support them. And now that Solomon knew how they operated behind that public facade, he could see them defeating Chimera Clauzen one day, which would mean only good news for everyone who supported the Fifty Bells.

Solomon went through the castle’s monthly expenses, calculating how much more he could afford to donate. That also gave him another idea, they had seen Mira’s medal, and they had to know it meant Mira was in direct contact with the king. Yet they still revealed their hidden side as a mercenary group, and even gave the location of their headquarters. Solomon decided to think of that as a message to him, and in response, he would increase the amount of money he donated to show he was willing to cooperate with them. After that, they only had to wait for them to directly contact the king.

Realizing Mira had once again brought him a very valuable present from her travels, Solomon smiled to himself as he looked at the map with the location of their headquarters.

「The Forest of Four Seasons has a multitude of spirits living in it, so it makes sense to place their headquarters there, they’ll have a lot of power to defend those spirits if the time comes. They’d only need a reliable form of moving in and out from there, and it’s the perfect base.」

「I know, without their headquarters there, the Forest of Four Seasons would be the perfect hunting grounds for Chimera.」

The Forest of Four Seasons was considered a paradise for spirits, sometimes regarded as even a sacred place. But since it was so full of spirits, in a way it would also be a paradise for Chimera Clauzen. Now that the Fifty Bells had their headquarters there though, it was impossible for them to just waltz in and pick as many spirits as they wanted. The difficulty of transportation aside, it was the perfect location for the Fifty Bells’ headquarters.

Then Mira began thinking of other things. She had two different destinations, both were to the north of Arkite, but one of them was on the eastern side of the continent, while the other was quite a distance away from there. This time it would be impossible to reach one right after the other as she had at the Tenma Labyrinth.

「By the way, where do you suggest I go first? The Abandoned City in the Sky or the Forest of Four Seasons?」

As for her, Mira was planning on waiting until she had her wagon before going to the Forest of Four Seasons, but just in case she decided to ask for Solomon’s opinion, who reclined on his chair before answering.

「Hmmm… maybe better go to the Abandoned City in the Sky first? It’ll take quite some time to figure out the age of the wood shavings you’ll hopefully find there, so you could use that time to visit the forest.」

He smiled, voicing his suggestion, and Mira nodded, realizing she would have much less idle time spent waiting that way, but then she turned a sharp gaze to Solomon.

「Aren’t you just trying to make me slave off harder?」

Thinking about Solomon’s suggestion, Mira realized he was prioritizing shortening her free time, so she tried to question Solomon, who smiled broadly, almost in a mocking manner.

「Who cares? You’ve never been one to stay still for long. And traveling on a train doesn’t sound too bad either, does it? Each station city has its own charm, so I’m sure you’ll enjoy traveling through them. They even have lunch sets that are unique to each station, so that’ll keep you busy.」

「Hmm, that’s true… now I’m looking forward to that as well!」

Mira starting thinking about it.

Eating excellent Station Bento while looking at the view from the train’s window.

Certainly not bad, Mira begins to feel excited again.

『Fine (ii~jarou)

I will follow your plan this time』(Mira)

『I hope you can see how wide this world is.

And let me tell you about the earlier issue of Karanak’s Leonir as well.

I had people search for that mysterious Yin Yang User,

But the more I looked into it, the more information came out.

It seems that a lot of dummies.

Well, even you don’t specialize in intelligence gather, you may be able to get in-depth information if you knew ahead』(Solomon)

As Solomon says, he narrows his eyes.

By chance, not even Leonir knows anything behind Isuzu Federation, but a young adventurer girl is about to get that information first. Solomon smiles happily as he wonders if Mira will be able to find out a great deal of information.

『Speaking of which, you said to secretly deal with this matter as much as possible.

Is this okay?』(Mira)

『You can rest assured about that.

Even though it hasn’t been announced, people have known about their existence.

They were quite strict, but they already told you the location of the home base.

You have shown them the medal, which means they already knew about me.

If anything happens, that will be my responsibility.

You don’t have to worry』(Solomon)

『What’s that (Nan~ ja)? Did that medal have your signature on it?』(Mira)

『Well, something like that. Take care of it』(Solomon)

Mira looked up at the map and threw herself on the sofa.

『Well, end of the debriefing session.

It’s about time, shall we have lunch together?』(Solomon)

『Hm, it’s already time?

But I get it covered, so I’m fine』(Mira)

Solomon tidied the desk and said so. Mira pulled the basket out of the item box with a Doya Smug face.

Mira put the basket on the table in front of the sofa while and proudly showing off.

Seeing that figure, Solomon opens his eyes and gazes at the basket.

『 Don’t tell me this is… your beloved wife’s Bento!?』(Solomon)


Mira answered with a bit embarrassed. It’s a basket that Mariana gave her on the way out.

Solomon glanced as if provoking Mira to open the basket.

『A lot of work is involved』(Solomon)

Solomon admired the contents.

The food in the basket was rich in balance and full of love for the eater.

『That’s fine, I’ll eat it all』(Mira)

When Mira made a declaration of affectionately alone, Solomon shrugged his shoulders in pity. He called a maid and instructed her to take lunch in the office.

After a while, the maid came in again and brought the meal. Solomon and Mira slowly enjoy the meal while having a chat.

Having finished lunch and enjoying a cup of high-grade tea leaves for Royalty, or rather solely for King Solomon, they confirmed the current time and remembered.

『Speaking of which, the arrival and departure time for Alys on Silverside should have been only noon』(Solomon)

Solomon said and got up to look for something in the bookshelf.

Mira opened the menu of the bracelet while casually looking at such a figure of Solomon.

The displayed time is 2:30 pm. It’s noon.

From what they confirmed the previous route map, it will be evening when Mira arrived at Silverside if she was going now.

There’s no way she can make it in time.

『Why do the train only come once a day?

It’s like the countryside.』(Mira)

『That’s already a lot.

When the railway just constructed, it was one per week.』(Solomon)

『Fumu~. Well, this isn’t our world, it’s a habit.

But noon isn’t it? What time is it?』(Mira)

『Hmm, I don’t know. It’s only rough time and it’s not accurate. There it is…』(Solomon)

After answering Mira’s question, Solomon pulled the book out of the shelf and threw it over to Mira. As she opened the book on her knees, Mira turned to the page to see what time it was.

『This is … a timetable?』(Mira)

『Well, that’s it. It’s a guide to arrival and departure. You can check the time』(Solomon)

Hearing that, Mira checked the arrival and departure time of Silverside.

The estimated time of arrival is from 8 am to 3 pm.

『The time margin is too big』(Mira)

『It seems that they can’t operate accurately to the minutes or seconds, yet』(Solomon)

『Anyway, I’m not going to ride today』(Mira)

After Mira closed the book, she slowly drinks up the rest of the luxury tea and sits on the sofa.

『In that case, you should take the train tomorrow.

If you go now, you will get there in the evening.

Isn’t it better if you stay there for one night?

As I said, there are plenty of lodgings in the station area so you can spend a comfortable night.』(Solomon)

As Solomon says so, he gives out three gold coins to Mira.

『This is this military fund. I’m expecting your success.』(Solomon)

『… Hmm, I’ll try to meet your expectation at the very least』(Mira)

Mira glanced at Solomon and received gold coins, then put it into her porch.

『Well then, are you going now? If you don’t get in time, you can enjoy the night in the hotel.』(Solomon)

Mira got up from the sofa and fixed her dress. She decided to stay overnight at the station area today.

However, if she was slow when she arrived at the station, she would need to sleep immediately. And on the next day, she would be chased by the time to get on the railway, etc.

So, it’s better if she could arrive at the destination early and slowly chose the inn to taste the food. Mira decided in her heart to enjoy such a traveling feeling.

『That might be the best choice. It’s quite far from here to Silverside. The lodgings are supposed to be lined around the station, so it is better to head to the station now』(Solomon)

『Hm, I understand. Then, see you again』(Mira)

『Yeah, see you again』(Solomon)

Mira opens the door and waves her hand to Solomon before going out.

Solomon is still sitting in his chair looking at the closing door. After that, he arranges various documents and resumes his work as a king.

As soon as she confirmed the destination, Mira tried to leave Alkite Castle quickly.

She summoned Pegasus in the square in front of the castle gate and flew away to the Silverside.

The next destination is quite far away. It will be a week or more until she comes back next. While flying away, Mira is looking back at the city, which gradually becomes smaller.

She Professed Herself The Pupil Of The Wiseman (WN) - Chapter 59: Means of Transportation
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