Earth's Alpha Prime
Earth's Alpha Prime - Chapter 33: Arc Spirit Fruit

10 hours passed since then, and with my continuous training, the [Longsword Mastery] increased from Lv.1 to Lv.13 and in just a few hours.

With that, my proficiency at using Longsword became higher than a Sword fighting professional who trained for tens of years.

In the beginning, I thought that the reason for me learning the Minor Weapon Masteries at such a fast was because of my exceptional Muscle memory, but I then realised how wrong that was from MJ.

It seems that anyone who assimilates with the System will learn Weapon Masteries at the same rate as me.

That made me wonder about my exceptional Muscle memory since I couldn't find it as a Pseudo Skill in my [STATUS] like my brother, who has Eidetic Memory as his Pseudo Skill.

Then MJ gave me an explanation of Pseudo Skills. After that, I even came to know some sensitive information about Innate Talents that can only be obtained with Tier-4 System access and above.

Initially, from the name 'Innate Talent,' I thought it was something that a person awakens when he gets connected to the System, but I was shocked when I learned that Innate Talents have their own consciousness and choose their host based on their affinity with them.

I wondered why the System even named them 'Innate Talents'. After that, I learned from MJ that an hour before the start of the Trial Program there took a process where the countless Innate Talents began to pre-select a Host, based on their affinity with them.

Just like that, even without our knowledge, each one of the intelligent beings in the Earth was pre-selected by an Innate Talent each as their host.

Among the earthlings, the top 11 candidates who were pre-chosen by the Innate Talents with the highest potential were selected for the Alpha Program.

Similarly, the subsequent 100 candidates whose Innate Talent potential was just below the Alpha Chosen were listed for Beta Program.

The following 1000 candidates with Innate Talent Potential a bit lower than the 100 Beta Program candidates were listed for Gamma Program.

This pre-selection process supposedly happened to every life planet in the MilkyWay Galaxy just before the Trial Program. That was also how the Chosen were selected from 1 million life planets for the Trail Program.

Only those chosen for the Alpha Program were assimilated with the System when the Trial Program started.

Other than us Alpha Chosen of the MilkyWay Trial Program, no one knew anything about the System or the Innate Talent pre-selection process that happened.

Coming to the Categories of Innate Talents, all of them were separated into 5 Categories.

Elemental Category, Weapon Category, Martial Category, Variant Category and Unique Category.

Elemental Category Innate Talents consists of Elements such as Fire, Water, Wind, Earth etc.

If a person were chosen by a [Fire Innate Talent] as its host, he would comprehend the essence behind the fire element.

Similar to my [Sword Mastery], those with [Fire Innate Talent] will be able to achieve something called [Fire Mastery] and it increases as they comprehend the essence of the Fire element.

But the speed at which the person with [Fire Innate Talent] could comprehend the essence of Fire element depends on the grade of his [Fire Innate Talent].

If he has a Grade-2 [Fire Innate Talent], he could comprehend Fire element's essence two times faster than a person with Grade-1 [Fire Innate Talent].

If he has a Grade-3 [Fire Innate Talent], then he could comprehend three times faster than a person with Grade-1 [Fire Innate Talent] and so on.

As for those with Weapon Category Innate Talents, they can learn their respective Weapon Aura such as Sword Aura, Spear Aura, Bow Aura and so on at a higher comprehension speed than a person without Weapon Category Innate Talent.

When it comes to those with Martial Category Innate Talents, they can learn Martial Combat Skills. They are said to be unbeatable in close combat within the same level among the other Category Innate Talents.

Any Innate Talent that doesn't come under Elemental Category, Weapon Category and Martial Category come under Variant Category Innate Talents.

It was when the topic of the Pseudo Skills was raised. A few people that possess special abilities like my siblings and I were named Pseudo skills by the System.

When the various Innate Talents choose their Host before starting a Trail Program, those with Pseudo Skill will have a high probability of being selected by a Variant Category Innate Talent.

According to the System information, Those with Variant Innate Talent were rarer, and one can only be found in a Billion.

As for Unique Category Innate Talents, MJ said that it was even unpredictable by the System as they have unique properties that were never recorded before in the System's existence.

But when a person with Pseudo Skill assimilates with the System, he will merge with his Innate Talent, and during that merging process, the Pseudo Skill will be replaced by the Innate Talent and the person will lose Pseudo Skill forever.

It was also how I lost my exceptional muscle memory ability after I merged with my Unique Category Innate Talent, [LOOT].

Next, I learned that with MJ's Tier-4 System access, he could go through a vast amount of information in the System. He could tell the type of Innate Talent Category information that every person on the planet was pre-selected for.

But only when a person assimilates with the System could he obtain the Innate Talent that pre-selected him as its host. Until then, even MJ could not find out about their Innate Talent's Grade and its detailing.

I also found that both of my siblings were pre-selected by Variant Category Innate Talents, but they were not among Beta Program or Gamma Program candidates.

The reason for that was because the System only considers healthy individuals for the Trial Program since the survival ability will be low for a person with a critical disease or any disabled person.

That was why both my siblings were not included in the list of candidates for Beta Program and Gamma Program even when both of them had a Variant Category Innate Talent.

But to my surprise, once my brother's 'Polymyositis' wholly healed from consuming another 6 drops of the High Vitality Fruit's sap, his name entered the list of the 100 potential candidates that will soon be chosen for the Beta Program.

Like MJ estimated, Kay entered the list of potential candidates for the Beta Program. I determined myself to find him various Spirit Fruits before the Beta Program began to improve the Stats in his physical Attributes, which were even below an average person at the moment.

As for my sister, her condition 'Paraplegia', where both of her legs were paralysed, was 50% cured after consuming 10 drops of High Vitality Fruit's sap for the past 10 hours.

She needs 10 more drops of High Vitality Fruit's sap, and since only one drop of that should be consumed per hour, she needs to continue the process for another 10 hours to be completely cured of her disability.

With a highly advanced A.I like MJ; any digital information was not off the charts anymore.

Kay didn't just stay idle while he was being cured as he collected more concrete and detailed evidence that proved the Quadnite Corporation's conspiracy against our Enterprise.

With how productive Kay was, he didn't just stop at that and had MJ create detailed blueprints on the upgraded versions of the various existing electronic products like Smartphones, Television, Computers, Smartwatches etc.

But Kay specifically emphasised MJ not to improve the current technologies by more than 5 years away in future. Because that will bring unwanted attention to us and since our Enterprise was not yet at a stage to handle pressure from larger companies that will try to pry on us for those new technologies.

He was also careful about not introducing or improving any new technology related to weapons since we humans have consistently proven ourselves incapable of handling it throughout history.

Kay wanted to indulge me in further details about our enterprise's future path, but I left everything to Kay and MJ.

When I found MJ, his cheeks were bloated with a red shade on them, and he appeared quite fearful of Qew and from Kay I found that Qew caught MJ red-handed when he was eating Qew's favourite Ice creams.

I shook my head as I prayed for MJ's cheeks because even I couldn't save him from my sister. But since she was in a good mood from her gradual recovery, she showed MJ leniency.

Still, Qew pulled MJ's chubby cheeks until he promised not to eat her Ice creams without her permission, and she even made MJ to call her 'Grand Aunt.'

After that, I took MJ and went to the hospital that was treating my Grandfather, who was in a coma for the past 6 years.

Before reaching there, I asked MJ to turn into his A.I form since he would be invisible to others in that form. But his childish instinct took the better of him as he wanted to experience going outside in his baby form. I didn't forget to instruct MJ to not fly in public.

On the way to the hospital, I took him to a clothes store and among all the dresses for a baby, MJ chose the baby-sized Santa dress, especially he loved the red Santa cap.

Before I could buy them, MJ's eyes glowed as he scanned them and his dress changed into that of a Santa.

I was glad that the shop didn't have a matching white beard for that baby Santa costume or MJ might be having a mini white beard on his chubby face.

Within the Hospital, MJ walked beside me while holding my hand, and soon we reached the Intensive Care Unit in which my grandfather was being treated.

Two middle-aged bulky security guards were standing at the ICU room entrance that my grandfather was in.

Actually, they are brothers, and 10 years ago, they were goons among the gang that tried to kill my grandfather under an opposing company's orders.

Only the gang leader and a few others in that gang knew that they were about to kill my grandfather. Still, in the last moment, those two goon brothers came to know that their task was not to warn but to kill a person, they defended my grandfather with their lives until my grandfather's security team arrived.

When the situation settled, my grandfather didn't let the police arrest those two goon brothers, and he even gave them jobs in my grandfather's personal security team.

Then no one understood why he placed those goons in the security team, but the same ex-goons were among the few that stayed loyal to our family even when we were in trouble.

As soon as they saw me, both of them greeted me in unison, "Young Master!"

No matter how many times I asked them not to call me 'Young Master', they continued to do that.

I was tired of correcting them every single time, so I just sighed and nodded at them. I entered the ICU, and when my gaze landed on my grandfather's weak body, a tinge of sadness appeared within me.

Then, I had MJ emulate my grandfather's Status and found that all of his main Attribute Stats were below four and what's worse was that his Spirit Attribute was blinking between '0' and '1'.

After a quick analysis, MJ said that my grandfather couldn't live longer than two months.

I learned that the [High Vitality Fruit] could not heal a person in a coma since the person who enters a coma state his Spirit Attribute was affected and becomes unstable.

To heal a person in a coma state, a Spirit Fruit that increases Spirit Attribute Stats was needed. But the longer one stays in a coma, the higher the Spirit Fruit's grade is required to heal.

MJ concluded that my grandfather needs an Arc Spirit Fruit (Grade-4 Spirit Fruit) within the next 2 months for him to live.

Earth's Alpha Prime - Chapter 33: Arc Spirit Fruit
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