Darius Supreme
Darius Supreme - Chapter 7

The Dart of Chance once again manifested and shot forth with vigor as well as precision. However, after becoming an Itemancer, Darius felt like the outcome had already been predetermined and that this entire process was just the Supreme System going through the motions. As such, he just waited for the spinning board to stop to see what subclass he was granted.

[Congratulations! You have acquired the Magus class!]

He sighed deeply. So, he had ended up as some sort of bizarre combination of a talented magician and item appraiser? Well, that wasn't too bad. While Darius would have preferred mercantilism, he understood that he was now in the world of Faust.

On Earth, there had been rules and laws designed to protect the weak and hamper the strong, giving a false sense, as well as, a thin level of security to all citizens. And while the Andrato Kingdom had their own laws, those were not strictly enforced.

It was a predictable issue. With the existence of people who could shoot fireballs, swing swords like they were in an action movie, or move like the wind, how exactly was one supposed to go about enforcing the law?

One would have to already call it a blessing to not have all those powered freaks terrorize the populace, rebel, or try to steal authority for themselves, so who would have the time and manpower to hunt them down over what would be written as 'petty' crimes?

This wasn't even Darius being pessimistic about his new surroundings, no it just was part of the knowledge he had gained through the Small Database Infoblock.

If all the countries and people of this world were like those of this Kingdom, then he would suffer going forward… for they were extremely backward. Their customs, mentality, and laws were not too different from medieval Europe on Earth, only slightly worse and less accommodating.

Not only that, but magic, swordsmanship, and power blurred the lines in terms of power struggles. There were too many factions and powers in existence, all of them living in a strange state of equilibrium that was barely stable.

The slightest push, and it would all crumble down!

And yet Darius did not lament getting sent here. No, he actually planned to become that one push to start the conflict, but only after he had ensured that he would be able to keep his own neck attached to his head after the deed had been done.

He had caused and manipulated wars on Earth, but always on foreign soil in places like the Middle East and Africa where most first worlders didn't know or care about, in order to further his own goals.

While many perished due to his actions, he had been halfway across the world from them and hidden in the shadows. Darius had only ever acted by proxy, but even in the very unlikely case he would have ever been found out, he had possessed enough money and power to extinguish the truth and turn it into fiction.

Here? Not so much. Perhaps in the future, with the help of the Supreme System, there might come a time when he would stand above all living and dead, but that was far away. Currently, he was a 13-year-old chap who had no background, no history, and no ties in this world.

He had literally been spawned from nothingness.

Luckily, worlds like these had excruciatingly poor technology, so methods like national IDs or whatnot did not exist. Darius should easily be able to gain an identity for himself later on, so all he needed to do for the time being was to find his footing in society.

And that circled back to his classes, which were paramount to achieve this. He wasn't too sure about the significance of his Itemancer main class, but the Magus subclass was very welcome.

It granted him power - a direct means to protect his life and property - and status - as he had learned that mages were highly valued in Andrato's society - meaning that he had a backup plan.

Switching to his Character Menu, Darius was happy to see that each class had granted him one new skill. He had been slightly worried that he would only get one in his main class, as his Supreme System appeared to have been programmed with a heavy bias against subclasses judging by Caesar's earlier explanation.

[Analyze - Level 1 Skill

Cost: None

Description: Deduce the characteristics of any item or person. The effectiveness of this skill is based on the Intellect stat.]

Pretty direct. He could glean information from anything he saw and it was only as thorough and detailed as his Intellect stat allowed. Darius realized that Intellect would be his go-to stat from now on, given his main class and subclass.

[Sparks - Level 1 Spell

Cost: 1 MP

Description: Send out a sparkle of electricity that can zap foes into a short paralysis. This deals 5% Lightning damage.]

Darius frowned. "Caesar, what is lightning damage? And how is such damage calculated?"

{Hello, Darius Stone!}

{Under the Supreme System, each type of attack originating from you is granted an element or property! For example, if you slash an enemy with a blade, it will be calculated as sword damage! If you pierce an enemy with a lance, it would be spear damage!}

{Similarly, magic is calculated as fire damage in the case of fire spells, and water damage for water spells.}

{Each damage type has a different hidden effect! To elaborate with the mentioned examples, sword damage has a bleeding effect, spear damage has an armor penetration effect, fire damage has a burning effect while lightning damage has a stun effect!}

{For the numerical calculations, you need not worry about those since you will not see such things during battle. However, to sate your curiosity, such damage is calculated by the relevant statistic value it is tied to.}

{In the case of magic you will even be directly told about the percentage. Your starting spell Sparks will deal 5% of your 21 Intellect to an enemy for a grand total of 1 damage point to their HP. Of course, that is only the case if they do not have any type of magical defense.}

{As you level up, you will gain skill points which you can use to empower your spells. The higher the level of the spell, the higher the percentage calculation. Naturally, if you increase your Intellect stat, the base damage of all your spells increases accordingly!}

{Once again, allocate points carefully and wisely!}

Darius rubbed his forehead. His main class had no combat capabilities, and his subclass was as good as useless at level 1 because the damage was pitiful.

It remained to be seen if he could kill so much as a rat with his spell. He would have to see the effectiveness of the spell in battle before he could draw a relevant conclusion.

Darius Supreme - Chapter 7
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