Epic of Vampire Dragon: Reborn as a Vampire Dragon with a System
Epic of Vampire Dragon: Reborn as a Vampire Dragon with a System - Chapter 7: Introductions

Chaos admired the vast interiors of his castle. Although it once belonged to his father, whose bones he inherited, now that his father was gone, this entire building was his, and so were all of his belongings and servants.

Belphegor gave Chaos a brief introduction to most of the castle, which seemed empty, dusty, and filled with spiderwebs everywhere. Although Chaos couldn't help but feel at home in such a dark and gloomy environment, perhaps because he was half-Vampire.

"How strong was father?" wondered Chaos as he glanced at a large statue which was made perfectly at the image of Ainz, the Elder Lich that created him. It seemed that he was laughing while holding his staff upwards, while his other hand was forming a phantasmal flare.

"Oh, he was very strong. According to Existence Realms, he was already at peak Pseudo-Demi Deity! The same Realm you are, but another 8 Ranks above you! He was indeed incredibly strong. But… at the end, for your creation, my lord, he had to sacrifice a lot. And ultimately, he sacrificed his existence for you. Ah! But don't feel bad over it, the thing he would like the least is that you felt the burden of avenging him or something. My lord, please don't burden yourself with that and think and desire whatever you want," said Belphegor.

Chaos heard Belphegor's words as he felt like he was perhaps one of the kindest persons he had ever met in his two lives. Belphegor cared for Chaos' wellbeing and only desired him to do as he pleased… He wasn't particularly forcing him to do anything other than survive by eating the Orcs, but he wasn't forced for that either.

"Thanks for your kind words, Belphegor. I don't feel any obligation to avenge my father as of now. But as you said earlier, the Heralds of Light might come here with the Supreme Deity of Brightness. If they desired to kill me, I have to prepare against them I want it or not. And I might as well do it with the intent to avenge father as well," said Chaos.

Belphegor's expressionless skull face opened its jaws wide as he heard his lord's enlightening words!

"Oh! My lord, you are such a wise being! You were just born yet you can speak so eloquently even! Your desires are so noble I might… cry! Master Ainz would be so proud of you if he could see you right now!" said Belphegor, as tears made of flames came out of the eye sockets of his skull.

"You don't have to cry. More importantly, I would like a brief introduction about this planet, and who was my father's enemies… Whatever you know about it," said Chaos, as he had come back to his humanoid form for a more compact and easy movement, sitting over a couch. He had already worn a set of clothes given by Belphegor, which made him look like a young aristocrat. With black pants, a white shirt, a handkerchief imbued with a crimson jewel set below his neck, and that was it. He was given black sandals as well, which he had to wear because the nails of his foot were large and sharp like blades.

"Ah yes, I know a bit about this world ad something about the outside, but nothing too much because I was created only 326 years ago by Master Ainz as an assistant, so I have not truly explored the cosmos like he used to do," said Belphegor.

"326 years is still… a lot," sighed Chaos.

"Haha! Perhaps. Well, as I said I shall make it brief to not bore you with the meaningless information. To resume everything, this planet is named Ginnungagap, and it is within the confines of the Solar System named Orion, which is illuminated by the dim yellow light of the Orion Star, a small yellow star. Thanks to this planet's atmosphere, we barely get any light due to the black clouds constantly expanding above the sky… This planet is also known as the "Forgotten Wasteland Planet", as it is where most of the "Trash" of other worlds come to live, escaping from other planets where they might be being followed. Additionally, many planets often send trash here, and corpses too, which raise into Undead naturally due to the strong miasma around the entire planet…" said Belphegor.

"I see… Interesting. So this is a sci-fi?" wondered Chaos.

"Sci-fi?" asked Belphegor.

"Never mind, continue, please," said Chaos.

"Ahem, as I said, this is the furthest planet from the Solar System of Orion… And well, this is the planet that your father choose as his home, as it is deemed to be a lawless wasteland where he could do whatever he pleased," said Belphegor.

"I see… So what are the Heralds of Light and the Supreme Deity of Brightness?" asked Chaos.

"Oh, I was about to get there… The Heralds of Light is a group of powerful beings that serve the Supreme Deity of Brightness… they seem to originate from a planet named Aurora near the Orion Star, but it is also said that they expand all around our Galaxy, named Nyx. They seem to follow a righteous belief and enjoy exerting their power over other beings, forcing them to obey them for their selfish desires such as "liberation", "purification", and all of that nonsensical crap," said Belphegor.

"I see, so they're just nuts, got it," said Chaos.

"More or less. Oh, I guess we might be the ones that are crazy here… Well, everyone is crazy one way or another. Only the strongest makes the rules and says what is crazy and what is not crazy, but I believe that we all are insane," sad Belphegor.

"Perhaps. Continue, please," said Chaos.

"Of course. These people serve the mysterious Supreme Deity of Brightness… Which is… I don't know. Not even Master Ainz knew. It is merely an entity that has existed for Eons and governs most of the Solar System and various others. It is a being that has reached the Supreme Deity Existence Realm as if it weren't obvious already… It desires to cleanse the filthy from his galaxy, so your father was a good target after all the things he did," said Belphegor.

"I suppose I will have to discover by myself what that entity really is…" said Chaos.

"Oh, for sure! I am extremely sure that my lord shall discover the mysteries of this galaxy," said Belphegor.

"Can you tell me more about the beings I was made of? Vampires and Dragons? Are they from this solar system or…?" asked Chaos.

"Oh, those beings belong to the highest castes of beings amongst the entire Galaxy of Nyx and perhaps many others amongst the Universe. Vampires and Dragons are extremely powerful families that extend all over many planets, most of their strongest members even being as strong as Supreme Deities or even higher… the Supreme Deity of Brightness was perhaps trying to appeal to them by trying to kill you and your father, as he had greatly offended these two powerful Families," said Belphegor.

"Huh… Are there any of them on this planet?" asked Chaos.

"Hmm… Perhaps the weakest of them, those exiled from their Families, such as Subordinate Vampires who had greatly offended the Family of Vampires, or Fallen Dragons who were corrupted by the miasma or other malefic forces… Hm? My lord, do you…?" asked Belphegor.

"Yeah, I wonder if I could grow stronger if I eat some of them…" said Chaos nonchalantly.

Epic of Vampire Dragon: Reborn as a Vampire Dragon with a System - Chapter 7: Introductions
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