This Damned Thirst for Survival
This Damned Thirst for Survival - Chapter 29

Chapter 29

Ke Wangwei wiped his sweat and said, “The man in the painting is my best friend Li Er, whom I have played with since I was a child.”

“I used to hang out with him when I wasn’t rich yet,” Ke Wangwei, “He was like a brother to me, we didn’t share anyone, we spent money together and carried difficulties together. When we were seventeen or eighteen, we met a friend who was a fighter by chance, and we started doing this business ……”

Digging up dead people’s graves, finding things of value and selling them.

“But once, we had an accident in the tomb, and he didn’t come back,” Ke Wangwei wiped his tears, “I was the only one who came back, and after that I never went back to the tomb, and started a business with my old savings. …… In the blink of an eye, this It’s been almost twenty years.”

So long had passed that he had forgotten what had happened, that he had forgotten the back of the painting.

Feng Li frowned and said, “Finished?”

Ke Wangwei nodded.

Feng Li asked, “What have you done to wrong him?”

Ke Wangwei hesitated for a moment and said through clenched teeth, “I took all the money from the sale of the things I brought out of the tomb back then and used it all by myself, without leaving a single cent for his family.”

Ko Hetang said incredulously, “Dad, how can you ……”

“Shut up!” Ke Wangwei scolded, “Without that money, how could you live the way you do now!”

After that, his face changed and he asked with a big smile, “Mr. Feng, you said I would die in half a month, what is this?”

Feng Li said indifferently, “This human skin painting paper has the aura of a severe ghost attached to it, and he has come to take revenge on you. The painting has affected you, making you inhuman, and in the end, how he will die is how you will die.”

At Jiang Luo’s words, Yu Guang glanced over the scratch marks on Ke Wangwei’s arm.

According to his wife and son, Ke Wangwei scratched his own skin so much that he would end up peeling it off like human skin on painted paper?

King Kerr definitely lied in his words.

A few moments of fear flashed across Ke Wangwei’s face, “Mr. Feng, what should we do?”

“He has become a powerful ghost, the only way is to overtake him,” Feng Li said, “but before doing so, you have to make amends with him and compensate him for what he deserves. Since you used his money to make your current estate, pay half of your fortune to his family, and then find a feng shui site for his bones to be used as a nether home.”

Half of it?

Ke Wangwei’s face showed a look of flesh, “Mr. Feng, this ……”

Feng Li : “Want to live or want money?”

Ke Wangwei took a deep breath, “Fine, I’ll give him half of the family fortune.”

He immediately called his lawyer and assistant, fearing that if he was late, Feng Li would not care about the matter.

Soon, Ke Wangwei finished signing the contract, and with a twitchy face, he came to Feng Li and said, “Mr Feng, the property is done, is this OK?”

Feng Li nodded gently, “I will do the transcendence and when you are asked to apologise, you will bow three times to ask for his forgiveness.”

Ke Wangwei nodded hastily, “Well, well, thanks a lot Mr. Feng.”

Feng Li sent his disciples off to prepare for the practice, leaving Jiang Luo, who had nothing with him, alone behind him.

Feng Li looks at the dark-haired young man.

The dark-haired young man should be in a hurry when he emerges, his hair still marked by the pressure of sleep. His face is thoughtful, his good looks being subdued by his thoughts, and he has a classic beauty that is similar to Feng Li’s Tang suit.

Feng Li read his thoughts, “What do you want to ask?”

Jiang Luo glanced up at him and said curiously, “Mr. Feng, do you believe him?”

Feng Li said relentlessly, “There is no need to know whether he is telling the truth or a lie, and if he is telling a lie, be prepared to suffer the consequences of that lie.”

The original male attacker was even tougher and colder than Jiang Luo had imagined, and Jiang Luo realized, “I see.”

Half an hour later, the practice was ready.

Ke Wangwei’s nervousness was visible to the naked eye as he kept wiping his head full of sweat and waiting for Feng Li’s approach, “Mr. Feng, is it that I just kowtow three times and I’ll be fine?”

Feng Li said, “Well.”

He erected three incense sticks and inserted them on the censer, the smoke curled upwards, and after the smoke floating up reached a certain height, it surprisingly sank downwards and piled up into a white porcelain bowl.

Feng Li uses a chopstick to lazily swirl a white mist in a bowl, which gradually condenses into clear water, which in turn turns red and blood-coloured.

The blood was sticky until the chopsticks could pull it out in long strands, then Feng Li put down the chopsticks and used a piece of paper folded into a triangle to put it in the bowl.

The talisman paper burns up the red water as soon as it enters the bowl.

Feng Li just said, “Bow down and apologise.”

Ke Wangwei let out a sigh of relief and kowtowed dryly, “Li Er, brother is sorry for you. Brother will give half of his money to your parents, and will take care of your father and your mother as if they were my parents. I will find you a good burial place, please forgive me.”

As he kowtowed and spoke, three burning incense sticks snapped violently from the middle. Jiang Luo looked subconsciously at the human skin paper, only to see the shadows twisting under the feet of the man in the picture, protruding bulge-like in size, as if something was about to break out of the picture.

Ke Wangwei didn’t notice anything and continued, “I was wrong about that back then, I really know I was wrong, for the sake of me and you growing up, please let me live.”

Before his words were out of his mouth, three sections of black mist ran steeply out of the shadows and wrapped around Ke Wangwei’s body in a deadly grip.

But no one seemed to see the scene, including Ko Wang Wei himself. After apologising, he was the first to breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that nothing had happened. His spirits were good, but his body was somehow extraordinarily tired and weak, and Ke Wangwei looked cautiously at Feng Li, “Mr Feng, this?”

Feng Li looked at the three malevolent spirits lying on top of him and said in a cold voice, “I cannot save your life.”

After saying this, Feng Li said to the disciples, “Let’s go.”

Although the disciples were puzzled, they simply followed Feng Li and prepared to leave. Huang Yulan’s mouth trembled as she dared not stop Feng Li, her eyes rustling with tears, crying miserably, “Mr Feng, how come you can’t be saved?”

Ke Hetang’s face was pale and he shivered, “Mr. Feng ……”

Feng Li paused and looked sideways at Ke Wangwei who was still unaware of what was happening behind him, “He’s not telling the truth, who else can we expect to save him?”

He didn’t want to bother with the matter anymore and left with a firm footstep. Ke Wangwei trembled and suddenly exclaimed, “Mr. Feng, your reputation will be ruined even if I die! You all promised to save me, but you still couldn’t, if I really die, your Feng family won’t be able to get better!”

I’m willing to leave you half of my remaining assets, or donate them.”

Feng Li’s eyes went cold.

With a sudden sneer, he turned around and said, “Fine, I’ll save you. But tell me exactly what you have ever done, all of it.”

Ke Wangwei’s lips opened and closed for a moment, and he collapsed to the ground in dismay.

When Ke Wangwei once went to the tomb with his good brother Li Er, he returned to the village to abduct three peasant men who had never been to the tomb before because there were not enough men.

The three peasant men thought that Ke Wangwei was taking them to the city to work and earn big money, so they followed him out of the village with no doubt. Ke Wangwei tricked them into going down to the tomb by lying to them that the city people liked things underground.

It was also their great luck that they actually dug up something valuable from the tomb they robbed, more in one go than Ke Wangwei and Li Er had harvested in several years. Ke Wangwei had bad intentions and finally, in a ruthless move, threw the three peasant men in the tomb and plugged up the hole, saving himself from having to share another share of the money with them.

Li Er was so disturbed by the incident that he kept chanting that he would be avenged by the evil spirits even before he left the cemetery. Ke Wangwei was also a bit frazzled by his chanting and went specifically to the Taoist priest to find out how he could prevent the evil spirits from taking revenge.

As it happened, he asked a somewhat evil Taoist priest who told him that the three peasant men could live for a few more days by eating the cockroach bugs in the cemetery, but the bugs in the cemetery were sinister and evil, and the cemetery itself was a place of extreme Yin, which added Yin to Yin, and the three men would definitely transform into evil spirits.

If you want to avoid reprisals from them, you have to seal the three peasant men in the guise of stern spirits.

“I asked him how to seal it, and he told me, told me,” Ke Wangwei swallowed, “he said that those three evil spirits had two enemies, and that as long as the skin of one of the enemies was used to seal the tomb hole, those evil spirits would be sucked into the human skin if they wanted to come out to take revenge, and the evil spirits that were sucked into the human skin would be sealed unable to come out again.”

And the two enemies of the evil spirit were Ko Wang Wei and his good brother Li Er.

Now that Ke Wangwei is still alive, it is only natural that the one who was stripped of his human skin and sealed with the evil spirit is another person.

Wang Santan couldn’t help but whisper, “This is too vicious.”

Another disciple frowned and said, “Do we really have to save him?”

Jiang Luo felt that Feng Li would not save Ke Wangwei.

Not out of good or evil, but because of that threat just made by Ke Wang Wei.

Feng Li’s expression did not change for a moment after hearing the story as he said, “In that case, there is another way.”

Ke Wangwei was delighted.

Feng Li said, “If you drape the paper over your body for seven or seventy-nine days, the yin energy in the paper will be suppressed by the yang energy in your body, and the things inside will naturally not come out.”

As soon as he heard this, Ke Wangwei struggled to his feet and pulled off the human skin paper, wrapping it around his body without hesitation. As Feng Li said, the moment he wrapped the paper around his body, his body suddenly became lighter, as if he had lifted dozens of pounds of weight.

Ke Wangwei was overjoyed, “Thank you Mr. Feng, thank you Mr. Feng, I don’t have to die! I can’t die!”

Feng Li looked at him lightly for a few moments and led his disciples away. As he was about to leave the study, Jiang Luo glanced back at the black ghostly figures on the drawing paper wrapped around Ke Wangwei, those ghosts laughing openly and looking at him with glee and gloom.

I don’t know if it was Jiang Luo’s illusion, but he seemed to see the man on the paper, whose back was only visible, turn his head slightly sideways and give a grin that reached his ears.

The man’s features, which gradually take on the appearance of Ke Wang Wei.

Feng Li whispered, “Don’t look.”

Jiang Luo withdrew his eyes.

Feng Li glanced at him, “Good is rewarded with good, and evil with evil. The evil spirits will not spare him, even if the two are as close as brothers, after death, the evil spirits will not be the least bit soft.”

Jiang Luo then remembers that it was because he wanted him to know that “people and ghosts are different” that he brought him here to deal with this matter.

He was tempted to agree with Feng Li, but outwardly stubbornly said, “It’s not the same.”

Feng Li asked, “What’s different?”

Jiang Luo said, “I was in love with Chi You, they were in friendship. I didn’t get Chi You killed, he got his brother killed.”

He said this with a straight face, half-heartedly.

Feng Li asked rhetorically, “What’s the difference?”

“Evil spirits are never good,” Feng Li said as he got into the car, “once they have an obsession, be it revenge or otherwise, they will do whatever it takes to get there. Family love is an obsession, friendship is an obsession, love is an obsession, and once they become the obsession of evil spirits, they will no longer have the original intention of being human.”

“Men and ghosts are not the same,” Feng Li concluded, “you are of my people and must obey my words. If I see you tangling with that evil spirit one more time, I will scatter his soul.”

This Damned Thirst for Survival - Chapter 29
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