Inside the Cave of Obscenity
Inside the Cave of Obscenity - Volume 1 Chapter 21: Maid & Sister 1

"Hey, what are we going to do when this is over?"

Three figures walked by, making a dry, clanking sound.

The source of the noise was the iron full-body armor that the three were wearing.

Even though they were in the middle of the city, they were wearing armor from their toes to their necks and even wearing their helmets.

Leading the group, a man who was slightly shorter than the other two was holding a torch in his hand.

Even though the world had become somewhat more convenient thanks to the wisdom of the hero, not everyone had benefited from it.

Besides, the old-fashioned way of doing things was not so bad.

The three soldiers walked along, chatting and laughing as the flickering flames illuminated the main street where darkness enveloped the world.

There were not many people walking at this hour.

Other than the three of them patrolling, there were only a few people.

If it was the time of day when the sun had just gone down, there would be men stopping by the tavern after work, families on their way home from dinner, and women dressed in revealing clothes waiting for the summons.

The main street was bustling with people.

But now, it was so quiet and deserted that it seemed as though it was a ghost town.

It was so quiet that anyone who knew the usual royal capital would feel eerie.

The soldiers' voices were unnecessarily loud as though they were trying not to feel scared.

"When we're done, maybe we'll have a drink at the bar and then go home to sleep."


They were talking happily, but when they saw that there was no one around, they sighed.

It was hard to patrol around at night, but they got to live easy because it was a regular job.

Above all, soldiers and knights were paid well because they work in the royal castle, and they were good customers for prostitutes.

They lured them with their prized bodies, deceived them with words, took them to their stores, and asked them to leave their money behind.

The more extreme their seduction services were, the more men were pleased and the more money they spend.

Considering the extreme temptation waiting for them, patrolling at night was not such a bad job.

But it would be difficult to ask for that service today, the three of them thought.

After all, there were not many people around.

It was not completely empty, and they could see opened brothels, but not many.

This was because of the problem that had been told to the soldiers and some of the knights working at the royal castle a few days ago.

――There were missing people in the royal capital.

There was no war between humans, and the natural enemy of humanity, monsters, were outside the stone walls surrounding the royal capital.

Then, who was the culprit?

They didn't like to think about it, but it was probably a human.

They kidnaped people...... those people have not been found yet, so they were already thinking of the worst possible situation.

It was the soldier's and the knight's opinion that the culprit was probably a mentally deranged person.

It was troublesome, the three of them thought.

What was sad was that people were hurting others for their satisfaction.

If they wanted to kill, go outside the stone wall and kill the monsters.

That would be much better for the people and the world.

More than anything, they wished they didn't have to go on patrol every night when there was nothing fun waiting for them after their shift.

The flame from the torch flickered as they walked.

"Sake, woman or both?... The biggest problem was to look around before we get paid."

"You're spending too much. You should save more money..."

"I can't help it, can you? Singles are lonely at night."

"I'm single too, you know."

An idle conversation.

The three of them must be good friends. Their conversation was lively.

It was easy to imagine from the sound of their voices that they were smiling behind their helmets.

They wondered how long they had been walking.

They greeted their colleagues as they passed them from time to time, gave a ride home to a resident who was walking along the main street after work, and when night had completely fallen, there were no more people around.

"Well, then, I guess it's time for a change."

"That's right"

They don't have to walk around the whole city all night to take a look around.

Patrols were always in a group of three. As there was no such thing as a watch, every group took turns when they got tired.

So they were about to go back and sleep after going to a bar

There was no light in the bar and no sign of anyone.

Of course, there was no other sound but their own, the sound of talking and the clanging of metal armor.


There was a noise.

At the back of the bar.

It was in the back alley. The sound was so small that it would have easily been missed if it had been during the day when there were people walking around.


The soldier holding the torch stopped.

At the same time, the remaining two men pulled their swords from their scabbards.

In the light of the torch, the three men looked at each other without saying a word.

At the vanguard was the man holding the torch. They headed toward the alleyway while being wary of their surroundings.

If it had been a small animal like a cat, It would have been great, but the three of them, who had always been engaged in dangerous missions as soldiers, were on the alert.

Their iron boots were making a sound as they walked.

They walked into the back alley, knowing that if someone was there they would be able to hear them.

There were crates, barrels, and smelly trash cans where people probably threw away their food scraps.

Perhaps it was because it was behind a bar that there were a lot of bottles in the crates.

The smell that hit their nose was probably from those bottles and the vomit from drunks that stained the cobblestone floor.

The man who was lighting the dark alley with his torch looked directly at the vomit and groaned lightly.

At the same time, the light from the torch swayed. Luckily, it illuminated the dark places in the alleyway, and there was nothing behind the crates and boxes.

However, they could hear something. As they moved further into the alleyway, the sound became clearer.

Through their steel helmet, they could hear a muffled voice, like that of breathing.

They stopped and looked around.

All they could see were crates and barrels illuminated by the light from the torch.

They stopped for a few seconds, as though on alert, and discussed what they were going to do without saying a word.

The source of the noise was further back the alleyway.

The sound seemed to be getting louder and louder with each passing moment, and the three of them all gasped.

Pulling back was not an option here.

The man with the torch stepped forward, and the other man protected his back.

The third man followed them while keeping a watchful eye on his back.

The back of the alley was narrow, and the three men in full body armor had no choice but to advance in a line.

As the three of them walked deeper into the alley, the muffled sound became even louder.

......Rather than a muffled sound, it sounded like a sticky liquid slamming against the wall.

A gooey, sickening sound that almost gave them goosebumps just listening to it.

The man at the front of the group, with a dubious expression on his face, lights the way ahead with a torch.

In the warm orange light, all he could see were empty wooden boxes and barrels from the bar.

His breathing was ragged due to tension.

Shallow and short.

The shirt he was wearing under his armor absorbed the sweat and got wet, making him feel uncomfortable.

He could not wipe the sweat from his forehead because of the helmet, and it ran down his cheeks and down to his neck.

The tickling sensation made the man slow down and jerk around.

Kacha――. The metallic sound of the armor, which was different from the sticky sound, reverberated loudly.


Perhaps startled by the sound, the man who was walking behind the man holding the torch took a step back in surprise.

At the same time, the long sword in his hand hit a barrel nearby and made a high-pitched sound.

The three of them were on the alert, moving the torch to illuminate the entire area.

But there was no movement.

The sticky sound continued, but there was no noticeable change. At best, the sticky sound had gotten slightly louder.

"Further... ahead?"

He looked at the wall of the tavern on the right.

It was the same as the other building in the Kingdom of Fonteau, using timber pillars and stone walls.

After lightly stroking the wall by the back of his hand, the man with the torch moved on.

At the far end. At the end of the alley was the back of another building, which the soldiers remembered as an ordinary pharmacist's house with nothing particularly remarkable about it.

The residents were an elderly couple who had taken several young men and women as their apprentices.

With the arrival of the hero, life became more convenient but other than that...... magic-related and pharmacy-related business did not undergo much noticeable change.

That was because, although the magic used by the hero was powerful and unmatched, it was largely based on skills.

He could use powerful magic without thinking too hard, but he could not teach it to others.

Because he used it with a very vague feeling by just doing this and doing that without thinking deeply.

When it came to pharmacology, the hero from the other world was an amateur.

Not only could he identify the right kind of herbs, but he also couldn't even make a basic medicine.

The soldiers had heard that one of his companions was making it or were purchasing it in large quantities when they stopped by the city.

Well, in other words.

Magicians and pharmacists would continue to pass on the wisdom they had learned from their masters to their students, who in turn would pass it on to their own students.

Therefore, the houses of pharmacists and magicians were home to many students who wanted to receive a part of their wisdom.

They were the next generation that would lead the Kingdom of Fonteau.

But... the three soldiers thought it was strange.

It was certainly late at night, but they wondered if the people living inside the house were unaware of the sticky sounds coming from behind.

There was no light inside as they could see through the window, and the house was completely dark.

There was no sign of anyone awake.

As they walked deeper into the narrow alleyway, wondering if they were sleeping that deeply, the sticky sound became even louder.

At the same time, he felt that he could hear not only the creepy sound but also something like a weak moan from a person.


It must be just his delusion and then he shook his head.

He had a torch in his left hand and a sword in his right.

As he cautiously made his way through the empty alleyway, the wind blew.

Since they were wearing armor, the men were unaffected. However, as the wind blew, the clouds hid the light.

The moonlight was gone, and it was now true darkness.

It was so dark that the light from the torch alone could not even illuminate the surroundings properly.

The iron armor reflected the light and told him where his friends were.

It was only for a moment that he stopped in his tracks.

The man with the torch went further into the alleyway.


At first, he couldn't figure out what it was.

Illuminated by the light from the torch, it looked like a wall.

The wall was like a rock wall from an untouched cave.

It was uneven, and the torchlight cast shadows on it.

However, the problem was that there was a person in the wall.

A person was embedded in the wall. The man's mind couldn't comprehend the scene, which seemed to be just that.

The same was true for the men who were following him deeper into the alleyway.

The hand that held the sword lost its strength and slumped down.

Unable to recognize the scene in his eyes, he swallowed his words and stared at the figure embedded in the wall for a few moments.

He remembered that face.


The third man pointed to the person embedded in the wall with his hand that was different from the one holding the sword.

She was one of the apprentice pharmacists who came to the pharmacist's house for training. although he couldn't tell her gender at first because she was embedded in the wall and only her face was exposed.

One of the soldiers remembered her face, stunned by this unrealistic scene, and was reflexively pointing at her.


The woman raised her voice from the back of her throat.

Mouth―― Something was blocking it, it was as large as a well-trained adult man's arm.

It was blocked, more precisely, something was inside her mouth.

"Eh, uhm... what?"

The man with the torch let out a confusing voice.

A corner of the alleyway was blocked by a mysterious wall.

Looking closely, it was not only the apprentice pharmacist who was visible.

There were several men and women...... No, it seemed that only the women were showing their faces.

The men―― their faces were buried inside the wall.

The cage, which could be seen through using the light from the torch, wriggled slightly.

It was not a rock. In the first place, there was no such thing as a rock whose interior could be seen through.

This was――.

"What the hell, is this!?"

One of the men screamed that sounded like a trembling scream.

The man in the middle stepped back as to flee, and bumped into the man behind him.

The armor hit the cobblestones and a rumbling sound echoed.

The sound brought back the awareness of the man at the front, who was holding the torch.

As he hurriedly illuminated the wall with his torch, he saw a scene so fearsome that it seemed out of this world.

It was not a wall.

Only a few people were floating on the surface.

More than a dozen people were floating inside it that could be seen through by the light from the torch.


They might have just been captured.

One of them, which was floating inside it, moved a little. He might have felt the light from the torch and reacted.

He reached out hard inside the mucus.

His eyes met the gaze of the man holding the torch.

Not feeling like helping, he hurried back and tripped over the two people who fell on their butts behind him, causing him to fall heavily on the ground.

The sound of metal armor and cobblestones clashing echoed in the darkness.

The thought of calling out for help to the others patrolling the area didn't even cross their minds.

The three of them all shuddered and tried to distance themselves from it, which had taken in people.

As they crawled back, their backs hit the wall of the alleyway.

The torch was dropped after the man fell, and its light revealed the mysterious wall in the darkness.

"Mmm! Ngghh!!"

The female pharmacist apprentice raised her voice as loud as she could to the three of them.

It was hard to understand what she was saying because her mouth was covered, but they didn't have to think hard about what she was saying. She was asking for help.

But the three of them, who were on their asses, didn't know what to do and could only look at the woman who was desperately asking for help.

As they did so, there was a change.

The wall in which the woman was embedded moved.


At the same time, the woman convulsed greatly.

Illuminated by the flickering torchlight that the man had dropped on the ground when he fell on his ass, the woman arched her head backward and shuddered several times, exposing her throat.

She must have forced it, deep streaks were visible, not only because her skin was white, but also because it was glossy and wet, glistening with mucus and sweat.

It was somewhat, an eye-catching sight.

A beautiful woman, trapped inside a hideous wall, sweating and screaming.

Then the men noticed.

The woman was wearing clothes.

But that twitching body... its lower body. The place hidden by a skirt, something was writhing.

Underneath the clothes, where the vagina was, it was moving.

It was easy to imagine what that meant, given that the woman's body was convulsing lewdly.

Gulped. One of the three men had just swallowed down his saliva.


With their backs against the wall, the three of them were unable to move.

Time passed by, where the only sounds were ragged breathing and the wriggling of the mucus.

Meanwhile, the woman's breathing regulated, but the movement from her pubic area, hidden by her skirt, did not stop.

The woman seemed to have fainted, her body trembling without making a sound.

There was also a change in the other women who were embedded in the wall.

Perhaps they had fainted. However, they regained their awareness, perhaps due to the high-pitched sound caused by the metal armor, or due to the female pharmacist apprentice screaming?

The women who did not move also began to tremble as something was wriggling in their lower bodies hidden by their clothes.

An uncommon scene.

A woman embedded in the wall, her lower body was teased by a strange thing and was breathing lewdly.

Without realizing it, the lower half of the men's bodies also became hot.

Forgetting what must be done, they were just watching and swallowing their saliva.

"――Wh, at... is this..."

Time passed by.

The moon, which had been hidden by the clouds, somehow peeked out, and the world was enveloped by moonlight.

The inaudible voices of the women ceased, and the men's awareness finally returned to reality.

However, their fingertips still didn't move.

Their body was weakened, and they breathe a large amount of air as they had stopped breathing at some point without even realizing it.

"...It won't move, right?"


One of the three muttered under his ragged breath.

The mysterious wall that captured people... they thought it would not move.

The men didn't know if it was satisfied with violating the women or if there was another reason.

In reality, the women's mana had been sucked out of them meant that there was no reason to violate them, and activities were temporarily suspended.

In the past few days, there have been incidents of people going missing in the royal capital.

These incidents came to the men's minds.

This was the culprit.

This was the one who had been kidnapping people.

In front of them, they understood that while watching the existence that was taking in people and violating the women.

However, although some people were floating on the surface, it did not do anything to the men.

"W-what is this?"

"I don't know... maybe... they were still alive, right?"

It was the women peeking on the surface.

When they were being violated by the wall of mucus, they were twitching lewdly, but now they were unconscious.

Perhaps they were mentally exhausted rather than physically.

The women were all looking down, so the men could not see their expressions.


One man raised his voice.

Some of them were familiar.

Tiana, the queen's maid who was often seen around the castle, and Freia, the sister who was well known in the castle town.

Several other women were famous in the capital.

Some were magicians, some were swordswomen.

In general, they had a large amount of mana in their bodies.

They were not as good as the top-notch mages, such as Leticia, the queen of this country, or the magicians in the castle, but they had a high amount of mana compared to ordinary people.

It absorbed their mana and strengthened itself.

It was thinking of capturing an even more powerful human, even the queen of this country.

The reason why the slime didn't react to the soldiers was that they didn't have a "high amount of mana" to react to them.

However, the three men who didn't know that was fearful and slowly raised their bodies so as not to provoke the slime.

It did not respond.

After confirming this, they picked up their swords, which they had let go of when they had fallen, and moved a little closer to the torch.

This time, they used the light from the torch to illuminate it.

The walls of the alleyway were covered with mucus.

When one of the men touched the wall with his armor-covered hand, it was sticky and stuck to his fingertips.

He felt uncomfortable and waved his hand vigorously, but it did not come off easily.

"It feels... disgusting"

They felt that they had to do something about it, and they didn't know what to do, which only added to the confusion.

One of the men reached for the mucus that was restraining the woman, the apprentice pharmacist, who was screaming for help earlier.

However, when he tried to pull it off, he couldn't pull the mucus off, which was much stronger than it looked, and he quickly gave up and let go.

He then looked down at the hand that had been grasping the mucus.

The other two men looked at the palm of the man's hand too.

His hands, protected by armor, were covered with sticky mucus that clung to the gauntlet like spider silk.

When he closed and opened his hand, apart from the scraping sound of the metal, they heard an unpleasant sound.

And above all, the smell.

The men all squinted at the strange odor that they hadn't noticed because of the tension and kept their faces away from the mucus-covered hands.

The torchlight flickered greatly.

"Hey, go and call for help."

Said by the man, he probably had the highest rank of the three.


"...It would be creepier if you stayed here alone."

"That was also true..."

The other two looked at the wall of mucus again and nodded in their chests.

Then one of the men looked up, he felt like one of the people trapped in the wall moved.


"What's wrong?"

"No, it looks like it moved..."

He brought the torch closer to check.

It was a woman with shoulder-length hair stuck to her cheeks, the one whom he felt moving.

What she was wearing was probably a maid's uniform. A black one-piece dress and a white apron, like those seen in royal castles and nobles residences. And on her head, a white headband.

It was Tiana.

Her beautiful gray hair was covered in mucus, and her face was devoid of energy.

She was covered in mucus, but her clothes were still intact, which was odd, but he didn't pay any attention to it and approached her with a torch.

The mucus avoided the fire as though it was afraid of it.


The man who was holding the torch raised his voice.

When he moved the torch to the side, the mucus also moved to avoid the fire.

"...Is that wall alive?"

"I don't even want to think about it."

As he said it, he moved the torch to release Tiana's restraints, and the unconscious Tiana fell forward as gravity pulled her down.

One of the soldiers supported her, and without effort, Tiana put her weight on the man.

She was a beautiful maid who took care of her appearance and never showed her weakness under any circumstances. But there was no trace of the woman who held a sharp gaze that even nobles would look away if she stared at them.

While being supported by the soldier, she was unable to stand on her own feet.

Her breathing was ragged, she had the worst body odor a woman could have, and her fine skin was a shadow of its former self.

As soon as the other man saw the man supporting Tiana, the man with the torch tried to unbind the other woman.

Next was Freia.

The sister with the peach-colored braids was also bound still wearing her clothes, like the maid.

Her thick sister suit was covered in mucus, which made her well-proportioned body stand out clearly.

Moderately fruitful breasts, tight hips, bulging buttocks, and thin legs.

She, too, was freed by the fire from the torch and held by another soldier who was not holding Tiana.

Still, the slime did not move.

It had lost interest in the woman whose mana had been sucked out, even though only temporarily.

Hence the carelessness.

That moment.


There was a sound.

The men reacted immediately, and the man with the torch turned his light in the direction of the sound.

There was nothing there.

There were only crates and barrels there.

Then the man who was holding Tiana fell.

He suddenly fell on his ass on the cobblestone floor.

"Oi oi, are you okay?"

The man who was holding Freia called out to him, slightly laughing.

"Uh... eh?"

The man tried to stand up with a bashful smile on his face, probably embarrassed that he had fallen over just holding one woman.

However, his hands were trembling, and it was obvious to everyone that he had no strength even when he put his hands on the ground.

His entire body was trembling and his hand could not support him and Tiana anymore, and finally, he fell to the ground.

The man with the torch had noticed something abnormal and tried to lend a hand... This time, the man holding Freia fell on his ass.



The man also was trembling and could not stand up.

At the same time, the wall that had been holding the women moved.

Slowly, tentacles sprouted from the wall and grabbed Tiana and Freia's legs.


The two who were unconscious didn't notice.

The man with the torch tried to keep the tentacles away by using the fire from his torch.

When he pushed the torch against the tentacle, the tentacle that had burned was emitting a strange smell that made his nose turn...... smelled like burning garbage.

When they were released, their legs, which were being pulled by the tentacles, fell to the ground.


The first one to open her eyes was Tiana.

Even though she was held captive for a few days, she was still a well-trained former assassin.

She blinked her eyes a few times and quickly raised her upper body.

Her body was always been fed, albeit forcibly, was tired but not weak.

She raised her upper body, looked around, and realized that there was a light shining from the torch...... She was free, though she did not know where she was.

She quickly put her hand inside her skirt, but her equipment, which she always hid there wasn't there.

"Where is this!?"

She clicked her tongue and tried to get up.

But before she could, a tentacle wrapped around her leg.


――What leaked was a feeble, innocent girl-like scream.

Her thoughts were instantly cleared and her body knew what it had to do.

However, her instincts remembered the violation, it was seared into her core, and she cowered in fear at the smell of the slime and the peculiarity of the tentacle.

In an instant, the strength drained from her body and she felt an uncomfortable sensation of tightness and roughness in the depths of her womb, causing Tiana to shudder.


She desperately reached out and grabbed the leg of the man who was standing there holding the torch.

She grabbed the armor and tried to resist the tentacle that was trying to embed her in the wall of mucus again, but it was only for a moment.

Tiana's grip on his leg caused even the man who was holding the torch to fall over and fell hard on his ass.

Tiana's hand slipped and the man's leg was freed.

"No, no! Help me!!"

She reached out desperately for help, but her hand could not find anything to grab on.

The man was stunned and could only watch as Tiana was dragged away, while the other two were hit by a high concentration of paralyzing poison and could not move a muscle.

As though in response to Tiana's desperate scream, another woman, who was freed from the wall of mucus, opened her eyes.

"Nn...... uu..."

Holding her head with her right hand, she raised her upper body.

She, too, looked around, momentarily unaware of what was happening, and realized that it was now night.


"Help!? Stop it!!"

She cowered at the scream that reached her ears and turned her gaze in the direction of the voice.


She let out a scream and backed away, falling on her buttocks.

In Freia's line of sight, she saw that Tiana's right leg was caught and pulled by a tentacle.

Her gray hair swaying, her beautiful face showed fear, and tears streamed down her face as she was desperately reaching out towards Freia.

The tips of her fingers touched the toes of Freia's boots.

Quickly, Freia tried to reach out to Tiana, but before she could, the tentacle already placed her in the wall of mucus.

Her back was placed inside the wall of mucus, her legs were lifted and spread wide from side to side. Her underwear, stained with her love juice and mucus, were already pulled aside, leaving her private parts exposed.


Even though Tiana had been violated by the slime over and over, she was still embarrassed to have her private parts exposed to the public, and her cheeks turned red.

Above all, there was a man here.

The man was just stunned, but as though by instinct, he illuminated the wall of mucus with the light from his torch.

As a result, Tiana's secret pubic area was illuminated and exposed

She was pinned in a position where her legs were in an "M" shape, and she was struggling to break free.

However, the slime was strong, and Tiana's resistance was not enough for her to get away.

"N-no!? He-help m―― Mugghh!?"

As Tiana was screaming loudly, a tentacle entered her mouth.

Her scream turned into a muffling sound, and a new tentacle appeared from the mucus wall.


The tentacle was heading towards Freia.

The tentacle wrapped around her leg just like Tiana's, but Freia quickly kicked the tentacle away from her and backed away desperately, looking up at Tiana.

Fear appeared in her expression, and it turned pale.

Her teeth were clattering. Her entire body trembled, and she could not muster up the courage to resist.

As she trembled while backing away, her hand touched something solid.

When she turned her gaze away from the wall of mucus that covered the entire alleyway, she saw the figure of the soldier who was lying down.

His entire body was convulsing morbidly.

His eyes peeked through the gaps in his helmet were illuminated by the moonlight, they were already powerless.

His breathing was weak, and he didn't even react to Freia's presence.

Looking closely there were countless small clumps of mucus crawling out of the drainage ditch that leads to the sewer.

Freia was familiar with them.

This was the same thing that attacked her in the toilet.

The size was small... It was about the same size as a fist, but they were moving and had a will on their own.

It was a slime.

Countless fist-sized slimes were crawling out of the ditch.


Freia tried to leave the scene without even thinking about helping the soldiers.

But for a moment. While she was looking away―― a new tentacle from the mucus wall wrapped around her right arm.

She was forcibly pulled and fell to the ground.

The ground hit the right side of her head hard, and she almost lost consciousness for a moment.

"Eh, no――, nooo!?"

Then, just like with Tiana earlier, she was pulled in the wall of mucus.

The mucus-soaked sisters' clothes rubbed against the ground, while she was screaming.

Her clothes' fabric must have weakened. As it scraped in the ground, her clothes produced a ripping sound, and by the time she was pulled back to the wall of mucus, Freia's white skin was firmly visible.

From the neck to the hem of the skirt, the sisters' clothes were ripped vertically, it was as though she was abused.

Her black clothes were tattered, exposing her peach-colored underwear and white skin.

Freia's cheeks flushed and she opened her mouth wide to scream as she was, in a way, made to look even more terrible than Tiana.

"No―, mughhh!?"

But before she could scream, a tentacle closed her mouth.

She and Tiana were placed side by side, and Freia's legs were also spread wide open, just like with Tiana.

The thin peach-colored underwear that was wrapping her private parts was showing a bulge from her clitoris and a trace of the line at the base.

Her underwear, which may have shrunk slightly after absorbing the mucus and stuck to her skin, revealed a shade of the fleshy edges and showed a sensual bulge with a glossy sheen.

The tentacles from the wall of mucus that had been holding these two beauties moved.

They were peeled away from the wall of mucus and lowered onto the barrel beside them.



With the sound of cloth ripping, Tiana's maid uniform and Freia's already tattered sister's uniform were cruelly torn apart.

The tentacles that had entered their clothes from their neck rampaged, ripping their clothes from top to bottom.

What appeared was their white skin that shone dimly in the darkness, and underwear that hid the beauty's shameful places.

Tiana was wearing black underwear with a small part that looked like a string.

Freia, on the other hand, was wearing pretty peach-colored underwear that matched the color of her hair.

It was a bizarre sight.

It wasn't even summer, but the back alley was filled with unnatural heat.

Two beautiful women sitting on a barrel were trapped by sticky tentacles that were partially hidden by their torn and ragged clothes.

One of them was no longer wearing any clothes, but the white headband in her hair expressed that she was a maid.

Her breasts, which were small that it didn't even need underwear, were exposed, and her lower body, which had been hidden by a long skirt, was also exposed to the eyes of the soldiers who were lying on the ground.

Her black underwear and torn stockings, which would have come undone by a simple tug on the string, added to the sense of torment, and the fact that her naked body had been seen not only by a monster and females but also men, reminded her of the shame she had long forgotten due to her line of work and brought tears to her eyes.

The other woman with peach-colored hair tied up in a braid also had her thick, nun uniform ripped off, exposing her white naked body.

Unlike the maid, this one had a rich body.

Her breasts, wrapped in peach-colored underwear, sway with the movement of the tentacles, showing off their softness to the fullest.

Her lower body was wrapped with underwear of the same color and a pure white garter belt.

A tentacle moved to her lower body while trembling with fear.

Instantly, it pulled her underwear aside, exposing her private parts.

Every time Freia swung her hips to resist, her thighs and hips, which were covered with garter belt and stockings, shook, and liquid occasionally spilled from her private parts.

It was not a love juice. It was semen that had been poured into her womb by the slime during the day.

Her clitoris had already been peeking from its foreskin, and her overly sensitive clitoris could give Freia pleasure with just from the breeze.

The fleshy pearl, developed by the slime, had grown to the size of a child's pinky finger and was twitching regardless of her will.

In the darkness of the night. In the faint light from the torch, a liquid, which was different from the mucus, made a squeaky sound.

The two people who were the source of the sound were not only caressed by the slime but also exposed to the gazes of the soldiers, leaking muffled gasps along with their breathing through the small gap between their lips and tentacles.


Unlike the sticky sound from the slime, the sound of something falling echoed in the back alleys.

In the darkness, a torch fell on the stone pavement.

The man who was holding the torch, the only soldier who was not paralyzed, looked away from the two beautiful women who were staring at him and looked at his right hand.

The right hand should have been firmly gripping the torch.

It was colored black―― a liquid was clinging to his right hand, which was protected by the iron gauntlet.

The mucus had entered through the gap in his armor and was directly touching the man's skin.

His body's freedom was taken away.

It was only his right hand that was touched, but by the time he realized something, his entire body had lost its freedom.

He fell forward just like the other two soldiers, but still managed to look up and glanced at the two beautiful women.

He couldn't believe that this was reality.

He desperately tried to crawl towards the torch by moving his body.

Then, out of the man's sight. Tiana and Freia's hips twitched lewdly while spreading their legs wide.

When he looked at them, he saw that their breasts had tentacles wrapped around them from the top of their underwear.

Tiana's breasts, which have no bulge at all, were forcibly moved to the center to make a cleavage, and the nipples were rubbed at the same time.

From Freia's moderate bulge, her nipples were restrained as the tentacle pulled it, then released it, and then it pulled again.

Her smooth breasts changed shape each time but tried to return to their original shape when it was released.

He seemed to be enjoying the scene.

"Don't look, don't wook, donh woook!"

"No, no―― nooo, pwease staph..."

Before they knew it, the tentacles that had been covering their mouths were removed.

It may have been judged that it was safe to let the two of them make a voice as they only let out a weak voice without screaming.

Tiana was ashamed. Freia weakly uttered words of refusal.

It must be the difference in their personalities. However, they both shuddered and gasped, their hips convulsing and climaxing together.

Sometimes after the other, sometimes at the same time.

Both of them had tears in their eyes.

They were disheartened. They were scared. They felt dejected for their body, which still responded to the tentacles' caresses while holding a variety of emotions in their heart.

With tears in their eyes, but unable to suppress their voice, they both gasped again and shook their awkwardly opened lower bodies.

It must have been the difference in the amount of time they had been violated.

Tiana squirted vigorously from her pubic area, even though she had only been caressed on her breasts.

The liquid fell onto the ground with a splashing sound.

It was so shameful, so Tiana turned her face down and let out a sob.

"Guh, uuhh"

One of the soldiers who was paralyzed by the poison let out a muffled voice.

Looking closely, a slime was crawling out of the hole in the alley―― a drain for water to flow into the sewers.

It was a small slime, no bigger than a child's fist.

Different in size from the slime that was holding Tiana and Freia, it was as small as a child.

However, it was a dangerous situation where his entire body was paralyzed by the poison and it was difficult to even move a finger, let alone call for help.

He managed to wriggle around and tried to move, but his body only twitched slightly.

The iron armor made a noise, but that was all. The wet sounds from the two women were louder than the dry sound, echoing through the deserted alleyway.

One of the men, the slime crawled over his iron armor and slipped through the gap from his neck.

He felt a sickening sensation that he couldn't describe, but he couldn't move, and his body, completely paralyzed by the poison, couldn't even scream.

When the slime reached the face of the man, it blocked his nose and mouth.

"Go, ngh, ho!?"

Bubbles float inside the slime's mucus body. The man's paralyzed body twitched greatly, but its resistance quickly decreased then disappeared.

His eyes turned white, and his mouth, which was desperately seeking oxygen, remained open in the mucus.

The man's body relaxed as he let out the last remaining oxygen from his lungs.

His nose and mouth were in a state of respiratory distress, and he died from lack of oxygen.


The well-trained soldier of the kingdom let out a trembling scream.

Fear flashed in his eyes as he looked at the dead body of his colleague who had died right beside him.

Perhaps it reacted to the voice, or killing them was its purpose from the start.

Once the first one died, the slime resumed its actions.

It crawled over the corpse, then dropped to the ground, and moved toward the next man.

The man tried to scream louder than before, but his voice was muffled, and his breathing was disturbed.

He stared at the slime that was closing in on him.

He tried to crawl away, just like the man who just died, but he still couldn't move, and he just scraped his armor against the ground, making a dry sound.

It was coming closer.

Black, dark slime.

Dozens were crawling out of the drainage ditch, approaching his dead colleague, and some were coming closer to him.

His vision blurred.

His tears spilled out and leaked out a sobbing sound.

He was crying.

A man. A grown man. A well-trained soldier.

He was crying, sobbing, and trembling as he desperately bit down on his teeth.

"Sta, ph... Pwea, se staph, iiith..."

Freia struggled to speak.

It was the first time she had seen a dead body, but instead of feeling fear, she felt like she wanted the life in front of her to be spared.


"Fuaahh―― nhooo, hyaah... nath, nath the, e!?"

Perhaps taking her words earlier as resistance, the tentacles that had been restraining Freia began to wriggle violently.

Her large breasts were roughly squeezed along with her underwear, and the tentacle that was penetrating her vagina caressed not only the weak points of her vaginal walls but also the entrance of her womb, the deepest part of her vagina.

And that was not all, a tentacle also penetrated the hole of her anus, which was hidden from the eyes of the men.

Tiana had already been developed and penetrated from there, but for Freia, it was the first time she had been violated in that hole.

The overwhelming sensation of a foreign object made her back arched and she reflexively tightened her sphincter.

Even though it was thick and hard, it was still just a mucus. Surprised by her first anal penetration, the strength of her sphincter muscle cut the tentacle that had entered inside.

"Hiii!? nho, whath!? Ith, itsh movhing inshide!?"

Freia shouted in a voice that could be described as both surprise and fear.

The tentacle that remained inside her anus bounced and wriggled inside her, moving back and forth on the intestinal wall. It was a strange and disgusting sensation, as though it was dancing in her intestines.

Freia, who was spreading her legs on the barrel, was so disgusted that she immediately started to squirm even though Tiana and the soldiers were watching.

Her anus, illuminated by the light of the torch, twitched and tried to pull out what was inside.

However, the tentacle inside her did not move toward the exit and remained inside her anus.

For Freia, it was painful.

It was the first time she had felt an object moving in her intestines, and it gradually turned into pain.

It was as though her brain perceived the discomfort as pain.

The sharp pain that she felt was spread from her stomach to her whole body.

Her body was warmed up by the pleasure and sweat was pouring down her forehead.

"Haah, haah―― igghh... kgghh..."

She took a deep breath, then put all her strength into her stomach, and relaxed her anus.

She was desperately pushing it out while making weird sounds, but the only person who heard it was Tiana, who was being violated right next to her.

The beautiful maid also had her mouth and vagina penetrated by tentacles, while her body was convulsing greatly.

Just beyond the gazes of the beautiful women, three soldiers were swallowed by the small slimes and their number was so much that it filled the entire back alley.

Finally, the soldiers trembled greatly and stopped moving.

Freia saw it, but instead of screaming out of fear, she let out a gasp and shook her body.

At the same time, the part of the slime that was inside her anus was pulled out with a vulgar sound.

She let out a sweet gasp from the release and shed new tears.

Tiana, who was used to seeing people die, cried and sobbed at the fact that no one helped them.

"Stop it, already..."

Which of the two beautiful women made that weak sound?

The slime then extended its tentacles to both of their breasts.

The tentacles slowly approaching the swelling, illuminated by the torchlight on the stone pavement, cast an obscene shadow.

Their nipples were erect to their limit.

Tiana's nipples were large in contrast to her small breasts, perhaps as large as the tip of her pinky finger. Her nipples were also puffy, as it gave the impression of being obscene.

Freia's nipples were small relative to the richness of her breasts, but her areolas were large.

"Uu, uuu..."

"Nooo... no..."

While shedding tears, they twist themselves to hide their breasts.

However, with their clothes torn and their underwear pulled up, there was nothing they could do.

At best, Freia's braid could cover one of her nipples.

A total of four tentacles were about to reach their nipples.

They cowered, but there was nothing they could do. It didn't take long for the slowly approaching tentacles to touch their nipples and swallow them whole.

The tentacles wrapped around their nipples and were pulled up.

The tentacles force was not very strong.

On the contrary, it did not make them feel pain, it was just frustrating.

At the same time, the tentacles supporting their bodies also started to move. In particular, the tentacles that were supporting their legs were softly stimulating their groin as though they were tickling it.

Even though they felt disgusted by it, their body reacted more.

Their hips quivered and their bare pubic area repeatedly opened and closed as though it wanted to be penetrated more.

Their nipples were erected more as they became increasingly aroused due to their entire body being played with.

Tiana and Freia bit their lips as they realized that their nipples were becoming more and more assertive.

Their nipples were covered in mucus and moved up and down, left and right. When they thought they were pulled out, they were moved in various directions, and sometimes they were pushed deep into their chest.

Their heart beat faster and their nipples became more sensitive.

No matter how much they disliked it, their body would react when the tentacles played with their breasts so carefully and relentlessly.

"Nn, ahh―― uaahh... haah... haah"

"No... no, stop... stop that..."

It was Freia who reacted strongly to the caress on her breasts.

Tiana was also letting out a gasp, but not as loud as Freia's.

A painful sigh leaked out from Freia's mouth.

Freia could not reject the monster's caress.

Probably because she was treated roughly the first time. Her disgust dissipated due to the gentle caress and she almost surrendered to it.

She was afraid that if she resisted, it would be violent again, so she almost accepted it.

She felt a shiver run down her spine as her nipples were squeezed up and down, her nipples quivering in the mucus.

Because the mucus was transparent, the reaction was as though it was trembling by itself.

When the mucus swelled as it was, it covered the entire breast.

They were rubbed and pulled, making a vibrating sound. Tiana's small breasts changed shape in the mucus, as though they were being squeezed by an invisible hand.

The tentacles wrapped around the base of her breasts, squeezing them together and making them bulge out lewdly.

It was a weak, but gentle stimulation.

The tentacles of the slime moved.

It crawled up their stocking-covered legs, down to their knees and calves, and dexterously untied the laces of their boots.

Without them noticing, as they were concentrating on caress from their breasts, the boots were removed from their feet.

Their feet felt the air. At that point, they finally realized that they were taken off.

The tentacles that had reached their calves wriggled, and moved from their feet, passing through their ankles and heels, the tentacles entwined with their toes

"Kuh, fuu――"

"Nn... ahh..."

It felt like a slug was moving through their entire body. But they were horrified at themselves for not feeling disgusted by it.  

Tight legs, gentle belly, soft chest, bare neck.

They were being licked and sucked by the tentacles, but they no longer felt any disgust towards it.

The tentacles crawled straight up to their necks, and slowly stroked their chins and touched their lips.

It did not force its way into their mouths as it had done in the past.

It gently touched their lips, stroked their chins, and rubbed their cheeks, as though it was kissing its two lovers.

"Fuaah... ahh..."

"Please... stop..."

Tiana let out a passionate moan without even realizing it, and Freia shook her head reluctantly as though it was her first time kissing.

However, neither of them seemed to hate it from the bottom of their heart.

If they didn't resist, it would be gentle.

At the depths of their heart and mind, that thought was already carved inside.

If they didn't resist.

That thought was robbing them of their strength and willpower.

Mucus dripped down toward their chin like a drool as the tentacles rubbed against their lips.

Their saliva leaked out from the small gap between their lips, the sweat and the mucus on their skin mixed together and dripped from their chin in large drops.

"Nn... ahh, haah..."

Tiana was once broken in the sewers, but now she was moaning as she swallowed the liquid that was mixed with her saliva.

A fishy, ​​nauseating liquid... it was supposed to be. It was smelly, it was sticky, and it was a monster's body fluid. Even though she knew that, she still swallowed it.

"――Mmm, Gulp... Gulp..."

She swallowed the liquid of her own volition.

Believing that this would help, she accepted the slime because she didn't want it to be violent.

As she drank the liquid, for some reason she felt fuzzy.

Everything she had been thinking about instantly melted away, and she accepted things as they were now.

The disgust and shame disappeared, and she was able to accept the tentacles that she had never been able to accept before.  

A tentacle entered her mouth, which was opened to accept the tentacle. The tentacle invaded her mouth, and after stroking the inside of her cheek, it entwined itself with her tongue.

"Fuaah―― nn, mmn... nnmh"

Her tongue was pulled and stretched, and when she thought that it was going to lick on the underside, it licked on the upper jaw. Her entire mouth was caressed, and her nose started to breathe hard.

The movements of the tentacle were both violent and slow.

Because Tiana was experienced, she unconsciously understood what the tentacle wanted and made her tongue stretch.

She poked the tentacle with her tongue, licked it, and sucked it vigorously.

Among the maids who served in the royal castle, the cold beautiful face that was secretly popular among the male knights was distorted, but Tiana still caressed the tentacle.

That way, it would not be violent. She would be spared.

She didn't realize that she had somehow convinced herself that she would be spared because it would not be violent.

She was desperately trying to do more than just caressing the tentacle.

"Nghh, nghh... ugooh, ghh"

Deeper, deeper. Tiana choked as she led the tentacle, but she didn't stop caressing it. There was no one to call out to her as she licked up the tentacle in ecstasy.

Without hesitation, she swallowed the liquid that had accumulated in her mouth.

Her throat moved up and down, and she moved her tongue as though to guide the nauseating liquid into her stomach. 

The liquid that Tiana could not swallow spilled from the side of her mouth, down her chin, and onto her chest.

"Hii... hyaah... no, nipples, stop..."

Freia's nipples had been tormented endlessly for a while now, without ravaging her mouth.

She didn't have the knowledge and skills on how to do a blowjob like Tiana, and she was just a virgin earlier, her body was able to accept the pleasure but not yet able to forget its disgust.

She was afraid of the tentacles that had violated her, but she knew that if she resisted, it would be violent towards her, so she could only endure.

As the tentacles played with her breasts, she was hoping that this nightmare would end soon.

Her nipples, which were not as large as Tiana's even though her breasts were rich, did not keep the same shape as the dark, murky mucus, pinched, stretched, folded, and played with it.

Each time, Tiana's thin shoulders quivered slightly, her lower body twitched.

Her boots were removed and her feet were covered with tentacles, and her entire body relaxed as each toe was rubbed as though it was giving a massage.

When her nipples were squeezed, she couldn't hold back her moans and her body shook violently.

Freia's shoulders were moving up and down as she breathe heavily.

The mucus that had been tormenting Freia's breasts was removed. The nipples that had been tormented endlessly, albeit gently, were now free and exposed to the air, and just feeling the cold breeze made them tremble a little.

The liquid of the mucus made them sensitive to the cold wind.


A tentacle appeared in Freia's field of vision, where she had been dazed by the release of the mucus.

Even with the light from the torch, the tentacles were so thin that they could be easily missed in the darkness.

The thin tentacle twists and swayed a few times in front of Freia, as though to show her what it looked like, and then it moved directly to her chest.

It was just a thin tentacle. However, the thin tentacle became even thinner and changed shape.

It was as though several ultra-thin, soft needles were poking out from the tip of the tentacle.

Without realizing it, Freia gulped down the saliva that had accumulated in her mouth. Her heart was beating fast. Sweat poured down her face. Even so, she couldn't tear her eyes away from the thin tentacles and stared at them.

At Freia's line of sight, a tentacle with a sharp tip approached her nipple.

The needle on the tip touched the nipple.


A voice leaked out from the slight pain.

Then, without loosening its force, the thin tentacle pierced the nipple.


A slight pain. But Freia held back her scream, knowing that if she raised her voice she would be violated again.


"Nn!? Nbfuu!"

Freia's body jumped up, and her eyes opened wide.

The mouth she was trying to hold back opened, and before she could scream, it was blocked by a tentacle.

Her eyes widened in shock and she stared at her chest.

The tentacle didn't just poke it. The tentacle was invading. It was coming in.

The thin tentacle that poked her nipple was penetrating deep into her chest without stopping.

(What!? What, what, what!?)

She couldn't understand.

She knew that the vagina was a part of the body that was used for sex, and even the anus was used for that purpose.

But that was not the case right now. It was impossible.

In the first place, the nipple was not a "hole".

"Nbuu, this is bad―― wrong, that's a wrong hooole!!"

With a shiver down her back, Freia cried out in fear.

She could feel the tentacle penetrating deep into her chest.

Freia was terrified. But it wasn't because her nipple was been stabbed.

There was no pain at all, even though the tentacle was penetrating her nipple.

The needle took advantage of its softness to pass through the mammary glands and violate the breast from the inside. She knew this by what she was feeling, but there was no pain.

She was afraid of the fact that there was no pain, even though the needle was being used in a place that wasn't even a proper "hole".

It was the paralyzing poison that had been used to relieve the pain but was diluted because it was too strong that could harm the human body.

That was why she could only feel the tentacle crawling around inside her chest, which confused Freia even more.

Fearlessly, Freia shook her body and tried to pull out the needle. However, there was nothing she could do with her restrained body, and the fear of what might happen to the tentacle that had entered her chest if she flailed, preventing her from moving.

When Freia stopped moving, the thin tentacle became even more active, as though it interpreted it as a sign that she was no longer resisting.

Each time the tentacle entered her chest goes deeper, a creeping, unexplained sensation hit Freia.

It was an itchy, indescribable sensation.

The tentacle was scratching at her mammary glands, stimulating them and causing Freia to let out hot breathing each time.

Even though Freia's mind was still terrified by the invasion, her body obediently responded in the form of pleasure.

What's going on with my body? ...... With her head assaulted by fear and pleasure, Freia asked herself.

It was not normal.

To be violated by a monster, to have her breasts pierced.

However, Freia's body was definitely experiencing pleasure, and her breathing was getting hotter and more intense with each passing moment.

Freia didn't realize it, but her vagina was leaking love juice even though she wasn't being caressed there, and the spasms in her lower body were getting a little more intense.

She could not understand what was happening inside her chest. This action was far beyond Freia's common sense.

The only thing she could understand was that her body felt pleasure from this kind of act.

Freia did not know that this was the effect of the paralyzing poison and a sedative that if ingested into the body, it would reduce the feeling of anxiety.

The ability that it had acquired when it first violated Tiana, succeeded in easing her fear and making the woman's body accept even the irrational sexual act of violating her breasts inside.

"Nnaahh... hyaahhh"

Freia began to move her tongue slowly as she watched and was imitating Tiana next to her.

She didn't know what she was doing anymore.

She didn't even know what she was supposed to do.

However, with the same situation as her...... when she saw the maid who was afraid of the monster earlier serve it as a way of protecting herself from being violent towards her, Freia began to think that she should do the same.

Her chest itched. As she watched the tentacle enter her breasts, she could feel it deep inside.

She felt like she was going crazy.

She felt good but also felt weird.

She opened her lips slightly and was inviting the tentacle into her mouth, hoping that this feeling would end as soon as possible.

She extended her tongue, drooled, and let out a hot breath, then the tentacle invaded her mouth.

She accepted the tentacle and licked it carefully with her tongue. The mucus slipped over Freia's tongue and made its way on her throat.


The smell. A strange smell escaped from her mouth to her nose, and it made her want to throw up.

She managed to swallow it...... the sticky liquid that accumulated in her mouth, mixing with her saliva.

No matter how many times she repeated it, the liquid continued to flow into her mouth. No surprise there. The tentacle was a mass of that sticky liquid.

The liquid that had accumulated inside was beginning to interfere with her breathing. The liquid and the tentacle also made it difficult to move her tongue, and she had to use a lot of force to move it. Even so, she continued to swallow desperately, gagging and trying to hold back her body's urge to vomit.

She could feel the strange smell melting her brain and slowing down her thoughts. At first, the tentacles that were stroking her body only made her feel uncomfortable, but now they made her feel good.  

After drinking the liquid a few times, Freia's mind was beginning to work and understood that this was honey. It was honey with a sweet, drug-like craving that filled her body and mind.

It had a strange odor that made her feel as though she was about to lose consciousness, and it was sticky enough to make it difficult to swallow. But as she drank it, her thoughts slowed down and this hellish reality was just a trivial thing.

Despite her will to resist, her mind calmed down and even her disgust was gradually fading.

She looked at the woman next to her.

Tiana, who at first was crying out just like Freia, was now serving the tentacle with a euphoric expression.

They didn't know, but the slime's mucus had a calming effect on their minds.

The mucus inside their mouth conveniently stimulated their brain.

Freia noticed herself swallowing the mucus with a big sound.

Like Tiana, she squeezed her cheeks, sniffed, and used her tongue to stimulate the tentacle and sucked the liquid.

"Nn, nghh... ktchu, nggh, nhh―― nghh"

Her thoughts slowed down.

The tears she shed out of fear and disgust were gone, and tears of joy flowed down her cheeks. Her cheeks were blushing and the movement of her tongue and the tentacle were projected by her cheeks.

She mixed the saliva and mucus soundly as though she were washing her mouth, sucked the tentacle, and serviced it.  

The feeling of fear disappeared with each swallow.

As they both swallowed the liquid to forget this nightmare, their bodies gave several small spasms as they accepted the slime.

Love juices were flowing from their private parts and dripped to the ground down to their hips, where the slime scooped it up and absorbed it.

The way the tentacles were licking the ground beneath Tiana and Freia was captivatingly lewd.

"Fuu, fuu... fuu"

There was a change in Freia, whose face was disgustingly happy.

While the sensation was still reduced, her convulsions grew louder.

The cause was her breasts.

Her breasts which had been moderately big had swelled a little before she knew it.

It was no optical illusion. Due to the paralyzing poison and the sedatives, she didn't feel it but her breasts were being swollen from the inside by the ultra-thin tentacles that were inserted through her nipples and were ravaging her mammary glands.

Not only that, but the ultra-thin tentacles softly rubbed the flesh inside of her breasts. Freia's breasts, which were as soft as a candy, had been softened more, that they seemed to melt just by touching them.

Her breasts, which had grown moderately, were slowly and gently massaged from the inside and outside.

(Hyaah... this is weird... weird, so weird...)

Inside her head, she knew that this situation was abnormal.

Drinking the monster's fluids and having her breasts violated from the inside and outside. Even she knew that this was illogical――.

"Nnh, he―― heelsh ghood... itsh shcarii, buth heelsh ghood..."

She felt good. Helplessly, Freia shed new tears from the feeling of her approaching climax and intensified her service to the tentacle in her mouth as though to show her gratitude.

The figure of the sister who believed in the Goddess was nowhere to be seen, but rather she was showing lewdness like that of a prostitute.

Freia felt an indescribable sense of fear, but at the same time had an indescribable sense of happiness.

Even though her body was being developed, even though she was being made to look hideous, even though she didn't want to do this, she was beginning to feel like she wanted to drown herself in pleasure forever.

Above all, she didn't have any doubts about it. As she looked at Tiana similarly absorbed in the act of serving the slime.

The only sound in the alleyway was the women's heavy breathing as they feverishly serviced the slime with their tongue.

They were so absorbed in the act that started to just protect themselves from being violated violently and forgotten about it. Their thoughts, their mind, were being defiled and stained over by the pleasure.

"Fuaahhh... aahhh..."

The ultra-thin tentacles that had been ravaging Freia's breasts were now penetrating even deeper.

The fact that of not feeling any pain didn't terrify her anymore.

However, the sensation of the tentacles entering her body, dulled by the paralyzing poison, was not fulfilling, she just twitched on the tingling feeling.

Her soft breasts swayed abundantly, and a sweet numbness rushed to the base of her chest.

From there, the tentacles changed further.

While it was still penetrating the mammary gland, two or three new ultra-thin tentacles entered her nipples.

The mammary glands branched off from the nipple like roots and there exist numerous passageways.

The ultra-thin tentacles invaded each one of them.


Freia screamed without a care in the world. She was genuinely violated in every nook and cranny of her breasts.

"Buuh! Aaahhhh!"

She screamed while a tentacle was in her mouth and let out a large amount of sedative to ease her fear.

Then the tentacle left her mouth.

Freia then extended her tongue and licked off the spilled liquid. She moved her tongue obscenely and licked her lips.

The expression on her face, which had been showing a loving smile at the orphanage, disappeared and showed a vulgar expression that was desperately licking the filthy liquid.

Her vision blurred, her thoughts dulled.

Unable to understand what she was doing, she just sucked on the liquid, desperately trying to forget her anxiety.

It was not addictive.

However, in order to protect her mind, Freia licked the monster's bodily fluids lovingly and carefully.

If she vomited it out, she would be punished again. The horror of the first time she was violated was no longer in her mind.

Forgetting to breathe through her mouth, she licked and sucked the monster's bodily fluids while breathing through her nose.

The back of her throat soared. It was only natural that the monster's bodily fluids would have a negative effect on the human body.

Still, Freia desperately swallowed the liquid, mixing it with her saliva.

"Nghh, ghh... geeh, gnhh――"

"Fuu, fuu―― fuu!?"

Next to Freia, Tiana, who was obediently caressing the tentacle and swallowing the liquid, also underwent a change.

Just like Freia, the tentacles invaded her breasts, nipples, and mammary glands.

A very thin tentacle pierced and invaded her large nipple, which was disproportionate to her flat chest.

Her eyes, which had melted sweetly, regained their will and looked at her breasts with eyes clouded with fear.

The tentacles were penetrating her breasts, which were smaller than those of women her age. The tentacles pierced her breasts and penetrated further.

"Fuu―― fuuaahhh..."

――She would not endure it, she just felt so good.

Her eyes were dizzy. Her mind was dizzy. The painless humiliation melted the maid's face, turning her into a sow instead of a woman.

Her hips moved up and down as though enticing a man, and her obscenely blooming vagina repeatedly opened and closed.

The amount of love juice dripping from her vagina increased, it was scooped up and absorbed by the tentacles.

Her originally large nipples seemed to swell up due to the intrusion of the tentacles, even though they were very thin.

In fact, the nipples had widened, though only slightly.

This was the hole where the mother's milk came out, which was usually not visible to the human eye.

The tentacles were expanding it. Within a short time, Tiana's flat breasts swelled slightly.

Paralyzing poison and sedatives were being discharged inside her chest.

"Ngghhhhhh, fuaah, t-thereee!"

"Hii! hiii!?"

Their mind was burned by the pleasure, and they both screamed and moaned.

The ultra-thin tentacles had completely penetrated almost all of their mammary glands.

Their breasts had become several times more sensitive than before, and their nipples had become organs that would discharge filthy liquid. It was not an organ for raising a child now.

The fear disappeared from their mind, and their eyes were just looking down as they let out a gasp due to the pleasure being given to them.

Their breasts were being squeezed from the inside. The shock that went from their nipples to their brains made their entire bodies convulse.

"Hyaaahhh... ooooo!"

Freia shouted loudly.

She shivered and looked at her breasts to see what had just happened.

The ultra-thin tentacles that had penetrated her breasts began to retreat. The tentacles were going out inside her chest.

The sensation was dull, but she could feel it. She understood what it was.

The tentacles were returning to the hole they entered and were trying to get out of her chest.

It was not like when her anus was violated, the sensation of things coming out of her mammary glands, which weren't even used for sex, was completely unknown, and Freia was letting out a voice due to fear...... and a voice of pleasure that was mixed in with the fear.

Above all, Freia's beautiful face, despite her fear, was clearly relaxed, as though welcoming the pleasure and joy of what the slime would give her.

A different kind of beauty, a bewitching beauty that was adored by the children as a sister, was disappearing.

Tiana's eyes were also strong and sharp. Her gaze, though cold, showed pride and strength. All of that was disappearing.  

The two of them now have mouths stained with mucus. Their eyes were looking down and lost their light. Their skin was flushed red with pleasure. Above all, the lower half of their body was shaking as they sought out the monster.

The obscene beauty, unique to females who had surrendered everything to the monster and had become obedient. It was a lewd female that could lure any male they wanted.

"Fuu... fuaahhh..."

Her voice was long and trailing, like a beast.

The tentacles that were going out violently stimulated each mammary gland, inside their breasts, and finally out of their nipples.

The slight pain due to the release in her numb and dulled breasts caused Freia to turn her head up and expose her throat.

It was not the nipples and breasts that were being violated, but the inside of their breasts was also being violated, and the lower half of their body that was being suspended by the tentacles was trembling greatly.

Their pubic area squirted vigorously, creating a new stain on the ground. The tentacles licked the stain away as though it were a waste, but the liquid flew farther and more vigorously.

It was enough stimulation to let Freia know that her breasts were violated. Freia's mind was so excited and could not cool down due to the pleasure, which made her understand that everywhere in her body, even the inside of her body, was the slime's property.

The torchlight illuminated her lower body as it convulsed repeatedly, her pubic area opened and closed, and even her urethra was trying to discharge a liquid even though there was no more left to spit out.

At the same time as the ultra-thin tentacles were pulled out, Freia's breasts thrust out and her entire body convulsed. Even though she fainted, she was still convulsing greatly, like a fish thrown out on land, jumping and climaxing to the point where she felt her life was in danger.

Seeing Freia like that, Tiana's body also trembled.

Not from fear.

When she thought that she was going to be treated like her, the depths of her womb and chest, where she was still being violated, became hot.

Even though she had not been roughly handled, the numbing sensation made Tiana's lower body tremble.

The remnants of the torn maid's uniform shifted with her spasms, adding to the image of her being an abused maid.

"Ahh... ahh..."


Tiana heard a dry sound.

It was not a sound produced by the slime or themselves.

"There's a strange sound coming over there..."

In the distance, a human voice could be heard.

It was the voices of the patrolmen who heard the moaning that Tiana and Freia were making.

New slime food.

Tiana and the others were, in short, bait to attract prey. They were again placed in the wall of mucus.


The moment she understood that, a very thin tentacle was violently pulled out from Tiana's chest.

Her breasts, which used to be as flat as a board, were now slightly swollen due to the liquid discharged inside her chest. But even so, the difference between her well-proportioned appearance and her immature breasts gave a lewd impression on her body.

Tiana's body was exposed to the eyes of men.

The voice she heard was that of a man.

A man saw her naked body earlier. She was violated by a monster, she was being made to moan by a monster.

When she thought of that, she became aware that the depths of her womb were becoming hot and tingling.

A shiver ran down her spine and Tiana shook her hips again.

It must have built up in the last few moments. She squirted for a long time.

The sound of footsteps was getting louder.

Tiana was aware that her breathing was becoming more erratic.

Inside the Cave of Obscenity - Volume 1 Chapter 21: Maid & Sister 1
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