Vampire's Slice Of Life
Vampire's Slice Of Life - Chapter 64: Magical Beasts and Plants

Lith woke up feeling refreshed. There was no tiredness from yesterday's training. He was a little surprised by it. He knew that he would recover quickly because of drinking his mother's blood, it happened all the time before but now it was a little different. Not only did he feel refreshed, he even felt that something has improved in his body. Although just a little. He didn't know what it was but there was improvement. He didn't have this feeling before.

Lilith looked at the woken up Lith and knew what he was thinking. She didn't say anything about it and simply smiled and said

"Goodmorning, baby."

"Goodmorning, mom." Lith said and kissed his mother's forehead.

"What are your plans for today?" Lilith asked.

"Same as yesterday. Eat, train and rest." Lith replied plainly.

"Why do you need to make it so boring? You should do something fun in between, you know?" Lilith smiled and said.

"Oh, how about I do you then? *wink*" Lith teased.

"Mama has no problems." Lilith winked back and said.

They both chuckled at their dirty jokes and Lith got up after that. He cast a cleaning spell in his mouth and sat down to have breakfast. He was having eggs, sausages, bacon, bread with butter and a cup of coffee with milk and sugar. These foods were obviously made from good quality ingredients.

They were made from the most premium grade tier 3 beasts. Lith's body could only absorb nutrients upto tier 3 beasts and not more than that. But this in itself was a monstrous thing.

Magical beasts, to represent their strength, people gave them tiers. Just like how people had magical rank from 1 all the way to Supreme, Magical beasts too were classified in the same way. The only difference was that they were called in tiers and not ranks. There were magical beasts from tier 1 all the way upto Supreme tier. The Magical beasts, usually all of them could transform into humanoid form after King rank, some could do it earlier than that like the Purple Night Wolf but mostly all of them could transform at King rank.

The Supreme tier beasts were Ancient beasts. They did exist but they were hidden somewhere in the other dimensions or in certain part of the world.

The Ancient Beasts didn't like to leave their territories and meddle with others and thus they were hidden and don't take part in the worldly affairs of the world. Though the offsprings of these Ancient beasts could be seen from time to time in the main world.

If found by other people of the main world, they would be immediately hunted down or were made as pets. The location of these Supreme tier ancient beasts were unknown to everyone. The exception being, of course, Lilith herself. What can be hidden from the eyes of God?

There were also Magical plants which were classified just like the magical beasts. The plants too gained humanoid form but it was much later than the Magical beasts. The plants first had to gain sentinence which happend at King rank and only at the Emperor would they be able to transform into a humanoid form. And like always, there were Supreme tier magical plants too, but all of them, without exception, are a part of Elven race.

The Elven continent had the most dense Magical Energy suitable for the growth of these magical plants and only here were the first Supreme tier magical plants born. They obviously weren't born out of thin air but evolved over a course of millions of years. These Supreme tier plants have great vitality in them and they have been alive since time immemorial. They were even more ancient than the ancient beasts themselves and the Elves have taken care of them since a very very long time.

It was said that these plants were present before the Elves came into existence but they didn't gain sentinence until a very long time later. When they did gain sentinence and finally their humanoid form, the Elven race was flourishing well. The Supreme ranks of that time took these plants in and had taken care of them since that time.

These plants in return for having being taken care like that, helped the Elven race by providing their fruits, wood, roots, bark and various other things which helped the Elven race strengthen themselves even further and thereby becoming one of the main 8 races. Having a Supreme rank wasn't the only thing to become a main race. Other factors played a role too like the Elven race's Supreme tier plants.

What other factors made the main races as the main were a secret only known to themselves and they were also the trump cards of their race. Only some secrets were known to the other races like how the Elves had Supreme tier plants. This wasn't a secret and was an open fact available to everyone.

There are only three Supreme tier plants as of now in this whole world and the questions such as what happend to others, why more Supreme tier plants aren't found from other continents yet and why there are only three or why didn't the Elves get invaded by other races before for these high level plants was a story for another day.

Food plants such as barley, wheat, millet, corn etc. were called by this name only even if their tier increased. They went from tier 1 all the way upto Saint tier. Tier 1-7 barley, wheat, millet, corn and other everyday edible plants were common in the world. They were planted and farmed and didn't take too long to grow. Tier 7 wheat only needed around 12 years to mature and ready to eat. The other plants also had similar times.

Tier 8 needed double the time of tier 7, tier 9 triple, half Saint tier four times and Saint tier five times the time of tier 7 to mature and be ready to be edible. Though time was a lot, it was of no problem at all. At a high cost, time circles could be cast on the fields and they would be available in almost two to three years for consumption.

Above Saint tier the plants were edible but they had to be consumed without any processing. Processing as in making wheat grains into flour and then into bread, noodles, tortillas, rotis etc. They couldn't be processed like that. Many weren't edible as plants themselves but they were of various uses. Their fruits, sap, bark, flowers, seeds, etc. are of great importance.

As the tier increased, the rarities of the plants too increased. Except for the commonly edible plants like wheat, barely and all, other useful magical plants were very rare to find as the tier increased. As an example, the 'renjius medicula', a tier 3 magical plant that had the purest form of lightning bolts inside it's sap, could only be found in very extreme environments where lightning was very frequent.

It would strengthen one's Lightning elemental affinity and allow one to have a much closer connection with the world in itself thereby allowing to sense Lightning elements in the surroundings and helping in directly absorbing Lightning magical energy. If by any chance, a person was near a Lightning spirit and consumed the sap, the lightning spirit would automatically form a magical contract with the consumer and serve him for many years.

Thus it was of great importance for everyone. It was also very rare to grow in wild and as the plant's tier increased, it's rarity only increased even more so. The highest tier renjius medicula one has ever found and preserved as of now was only tier 9! In any case, even though common edible plants upto Saint tier were available, it doesn't mean that they were easy to find.

Eating tier 3 food while being rank 1 and absorbing it's nutrients for the body's growth was impossible. No one's rank 1 body was capable to achieve that. Even the most elite couldn't do it. One could consume food of higher tier but it wouldn't be absorbed by the body and would only be excreted out as waste. It was as good as throwing the food into trash, if it isn't eaten by the respective person of the respective rank.

But, Lith in himself was a monster and an exception. His body demanded for food a few tiers above his own rank. The reason for Lith's such need of high tier food for growth was naturally due to Lilith. He was the flesh and blood of a Legendary rank and such a constitution was no joke. Thus, his body needed much more nutrients than normal people.

His constitution was only getting more and more stronger by the day as he drank Lilith's blood everyday. It didn't show any effect on him much before as he didn't have his magic core but it had helped strengthen his foundation and it's effect laid dormant and would only been shown after his core awakened. Now that he had started his magical journey, it was only about time he noticed the changes and today the little thing that he felt was just the start.

Even a small vial of blood of a Legendary rank would create wonders for a Supreme rank let alone a mere rank 1 like Lith. He just didn't know about it's usage as of now and Lilith and Lucy didn't explain him because they wanted him to find it out by himself. Why you ask? It's simple really, they just wanted to surprise him and see his reaction. Immortal beings never let go of any form of entertainment.

Why Lith hadn't become overpowered yet even if he had been constantly drinking drops and drop of blood everyday since years was because he was Lilith's flesh and blood himself. He was the child of a Legendary rank creature and even if a small vial may work wonders for a Supreme rank, it wouldn't work the same on Lith whose very existence was made from a Legendary rank.

Lith finished his breakfast and was ready to go to train but then had a second thought. His mother was right. He needed to do something fun everyday to not be bored by the training. Although all these years of training had only made his willpower and himself stronger and he could thus go on and endure the harsh training for months, he had some time before the hardcore training of mother, so why not do something fun or relaxing? He thought.

He looked at his mother who was sitting opposite to him and looking at him and smiled wickedly. Lilith looked at Lith with an amused expression. She sort of had a rough understanding of what he was thinking but she didn't say anything and only smiled and waited for him to say something.

"Let's have a bath together, mom. Let's have a nice, long and relaxing one before the training. It'll be a good form of fun thing to do, you know?" Lith smiled and said.

"Ara, so my baby was really serious before. I thought you were only joking." Lilith said with a fake surprised expression.

"My Lady, a man leaves no chance to get laid." Lith puffed his chest and joked.

"But, you aren't a man. You are just my baby boy." Lilith joined in the joke.

"Is that so? Why don't you come and confirm it with me then, mom." Lith teased.

"Oh, I'd love to. Let's go then." Lilith smiled and said. She held Lith's hand and both went together to the bath.

Vampire's Slice Of Life - Chapter 64: Magical Beasts and Plants
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