The Witch Hunter System
The Witch Hunter System - Chapter 71: Helia's Castle

"Black Crow is right. Entering Redpine City is too dangerous, even if we skip the gate check and sneak over the walls," Silver Horn stated.

"We've had dealings with a number of nobles in the kingdom, but that doesn't mean they welcome us. The moment we risk exposing our relationships with our clients, they wouldn't hesitate to cut us down like mortal enemies."

"Everything related to our work has to be kept in the dark," Silver Horn added.

Silenced filled the area.

Several breaths later, the fourth assassin opened his mouth to speak again.

"Our target's destination is the capital city of the Kingdom of Black Rose, Blackthorn City. There is still a great distance between Redpine City and Blackthorn City. We can take a detour around Redpine City and set up a new ambush ahead of them again."

"Do you understand what you are saying right now, Poison Claw?" Silver Horn said in a low tone.

"Even though our organization's operations are widespread, we do not operate that deep inside of a witch kingdom. There are too many variables and uncertainties. A single mistake could cost the lives of the whole party."

"We've already lost a few members back in the Blackmoon Region."

As soon as Silver Horn mentioned the Blackmoon Region's events, the mood within the assassin party became gloomy at once.

"It's all that crazy bitch's fault for provoking all the Dark Hellhounds in the region. God Knows what her fucking problem was. It's like someone murdered her whole family or something," Poison Claw spat venomously.

As Poison Claw recalled the event, the angrier he became.

"This is why we should kill more witches outside of our missions. These witch kingdoms and their matriarchal society are sickening. I feel disgusted the longer I stay here," the fifth assassin spoke after being silent the entire time.

"If we wantonly kill witches in the witch kingdoms, we won't just lose all our potential dealings in this witch kingdom. The entire witch kingdom won't' stop hunting us down until the organization is uprooted, Blood Knife," Silver Horn glanced at the fifth assassin and said.

"If you can't control your urge to kill witches, then you should have applied for a different branch. There is more freedom to hunt witches outside of the seven witch kingdoms."

"You think I don't want to, Silver Horn? We don't get to choose our branch when we join the organization!" Blood Knife spat gloomily.

"Not when you join, obviously," Silver Horn retorted with a snicker.

"You get one chance to apply for a branch relocation once you raise your organization status to the B rank. Given your current abilities, it shouldn't be difficult for you to take the rank assessment and become a B-rank Witch Hunter."

"After all, you only need to kill five Senior Witches or prove you have the strength of one in order to raise your status to the B rank," Silver Horn stated.

"Huh? Why didn't you say so earlier?" Blood Knife's yellowish-orange eyes glimmered with interest before he said, "Let us finish the mission quickly. I can't wait to return and take the rank assessment."

"Then let us quickly make a decision? Who is in favor of continuing the mission?" Silver Horn queried.

In a short moment, Black Crow and Silver Horn had chosen not to continue the mission.

However, the odds were against them. The assassins voted three-to-two in favor of continuing the mission.

"It seems like we will have to continue the mission," Black Crow said with a sigh.

Shortly after, Black Crow's yellow eyes flickered with a determined look before dishing out his instructions, "We will take a detour through Sunset Forest, west of Redpine City, and use its cover to reach Shadowacre Swamp in the north."

"If our targets want to reach the next city to rest, they will definitely pass through Shadowacre Swamp. That would be the ideal location to ambush them."

"However, we will have to be quick and get there before they do. Otherwise, it will all be for nothing," Black Crow stated.

"Shadowacre Swamp is even more dangerous than Blackmoon Region for those who do not know their way through it. It's the best burial ground for Marquis Delarosa's daughters," Silver Horn mentioned.

"However, there won't be any more chances if we cannot stop them there."

"I must remind everyone that only B-rank Witch Hunters are allowed to operate beyond Redpine Region. I am only willing to take this risk with everyone because we are all Peak C-rank Witch Hunters who are ready to become B-rank Witch Hunters."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't want to go anywhere near Shadowacre City. The Shadow Puppeteer Witch isn't someone we want to be caught by. We'll suffer a fate worse than death if she catches any of us," Silver Horn stated.

Eventually, the assassin finalized their plan and moved out from their hidden locations, heading northward with swift and lightless steps like shadows.

"Be light on your steps and control your breathing," Black Crow advised.

"We don't want to alert the hobgoblins in the mountain caves. Although hobgoblins are only Rank 2 monsters, something we can deal with, they are still troublesome in larger numbers."

"Furthermore, we don't want any more delays."


Back in Redpine City, Vaan followed behind Linetta and Lillias as Yasmin escorted them to Lord Helia's castle.

Along the way, Vaan casually studied the city's well-developed buildings and infrastructures made of clean-cut stones, concrete, and some rarer earth minerals that didn't exist back on Earth.

Whether it was the nine-story magic towers or the single-floor homes, the buildings had a wide range of architectural designs.

Even so, they all seemed to fall under the western styles during the medieval period. The only difference was the prevalence of magic.

Some lower-quality homes offered little protection, while the important buildings like the magic towers had their walls reinforced with multiple defensive spells.

The mana consumption was no joke, but mana wasn't something the world lacked since the opening of the Gehenna Realm.

"We've arrived," Yasmin suddenly stopped before the stone bridge leading to the enormous stone castle surrounded by water ahead.

"From here, someone else will escort all of you to Lord Helia."

The Witch Hunter System - Chapter 71: Helia's Castle
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