Holy Necromancer: Rebirth of the Strongest Mage
Holy Necromancer: Rebirth of the Strongest Mage - Chapter 73: Heads

"That guy..." Garrick frowned, watching the young man enter the dorms.

He didn't stop Lelin. He didn't know what it was about that person, but there was a strange feeling inside his heart in Lelin's presence. He didn't understand what that feeling was.

He decided to focus on Lelin's advice. Just as he was about to send people to check the rooms to see who had taken a shower recently, the teachers started arriving.

Almost every teacher from the Class of Light arrived here, including Eliana. Not only the Mages of Light but even the Head Teachers from other Branches also started coming as the news spread like a raging fire.

The Leader of the House of Lightning Qin arrived, landing right beside Eliana. The Leader of House of Earth Rem and Leader of House of Wind Lishen also arrived.

A flaming bird also came flying from the distance. It was only as the flaming bird got close that everyone realized it was the Leader of the House of Flames Yoan, who was surrounded by flames that made him look like a flaming bird.

The flames disappeared as soon as Yoan landed beside Eliana, staring at the body grimly. The temperature had suddenly increased.

A white tiger came running from a distant part of the academy. A middle-aged woman could be seen sitting on top of the White Tiger. The white tiger stopped before the crowd, and the woman got down.

She waved her fingers casually. A formation circle appeared under the White Tiger. The White Tiger soon disappeared along with the Formation Circle.

All the students stepped aside, creating a path for the lady to get to the other Heads of Houses. She was the Xinci, the Head of the House of Summoning.

What happened here was unprecedented, and it concerned the entire academy. A student had been killed when he was in the Dorms. It wasn't as if he was roaming outside when he was killed.

He was killed when he was in his room! The reputation of the Academy was on the line. And there was still a possibility of the other students being in danger.

The Leader of House of Water Rin and the Leader of House of Nature Loy also arrived at the site.

"This isn't good," the Dean of House of Lightning commented.

"We need to find the culprit, and we need to do it as fast as possible. Before the news spreads outside." The Dean of House Of Water sighed. "This news isn't good for our reputation, especially if the killer isn't caught,"

Rem went down on his knees, observing all the wounds on the man's body.

"He has been beaten badly. It's revenge... We need to find who had the motive to kill him. We need his history," he glanced back at Eliana. "We need to see his file."

"Healing spell has been used on his body for quite a long time. I think the wounds we see aren't everything he received," Eliana added.

"Isn't Healing a High Tier Spell of Light?" Xinci inquired. "Only fourth years can use it. I think that narrows it to some extent."

"No, it's a low-tier Healing," Eliana explained. "This spell isn't something we teach at our academy. Someone used a Spell they learned outside. It could be anyone."

"Shall we use it to find who did it?" The man with blazing red hair suggested.

"You mean the Crown of Elisus?" Rem asked, taking a guess as to what Yeon was talking about.

"That's right. No one should be able to lie when wearing the Crown of Elisus. It's the Numen of the Demigod of Honesty," Lord of Flames Yeon suggested. "We will have our culprit within a day. Why even worry then? Just let everyone go through the Crown."

"We can't use it," Lishen voiced his opinion against using it, thinking about the students. "The Crown affects the souls and the talent of the ones it's used on. We would be hurting hundreds of students and playing with their futures. It's too risky."

Just to get one killer, they couldn't hurt hundreds of innocents, especially since there were other ways.

"So what? It's not like they'll die? Moreover, who knows, we might find our guy on the first try itself. We might not even need to use it on anyone else," Yeon stated.

Even though he actually wanted to find the killer using it, he also had some other motives. Since it was evident that the killer was from the House of Light, it was going to be used only on them. And why should he care if Mages of Light became slightly weaker? It was only good for his house, which was trailing behind the House of Light.

"We can't base everything on luck," Eliana refused as well. "The Mages of Light won't go through it. And as far as finding the killer is concerned, he'll be found."

She commanded one of the teachers that worked under her to collect everything she could about Hawrin, especially about his friends and enemies that he might have.

After issuing her first command, she issued another command that all the students were to be called out! They were to report before her in the next half an hour!

Garrick sent the fourth-year students to call out everyone. At the same time, he didn't forget to tell them to observe the students to see if someone had taken a shower recently.

The murder didn't happen a long time ago. If someone took a shower recently, it was definitely going to be visible.

While all the students were being called out, all the Teachers went to Hawrin's room through the balcony.

One after another, they all entered the room.

The Head Teacher of the House of Summoning Xinci snapped her fingers, chanting some barely audible words.

A formation circle appeared before her. A small dog-like creature appeared inside the circle, having blood-red fur. The dog also had two horns on his head.

The demon dog started going through the room, smelling all the scents that were available in the room.

After a few minutes, the Demon Dog returned to Xinci and growled.

"Is that so... Interesting."

It was as if Xinci understood what the dog was saying. She sent the demon dog back.

"Anything?" The Head Teacher of Element of Lightning asked, wondering if she had something that could help them.

"Yeah. Whoever did it was very careful. There is not a trace of his blood. Every Blood droplet that's in the room belongs to the dead. The killer wasn't wounded here. So he managed to get inside and take down the kid who stayed here. That makes me believe that the kid either knew his killer or the killer was just that talented."

"Then again, the killer was really clever. Just our luck that he had to be a Mage of Light." She glanced at Eliana. "You people really have some bizarre spells. If it were someone else, we would've had the killer by now."

"What do you mean?" Lishen grew slightly confused. How would they know the culprit if he had another element?

"There are traces of more spells here," It was Eliana who answered. She could sense the spells that were used here, especially the ones that weren't taught at the academy. She was very perceptive to that.

"The spell to purify the room has been used here."

"That means no scent of the Culprit is left in the room for Xinci's beasts to collect," Rem shook his head. "That spell also wiped any other marks if there were any. That effectively removed all the traces."

"On one end, it seems like an impulse murder, while on the other, it's too clean to be that..."



There was a knock on Gabriel's door, bringing him out of his immersion.

He closed the Spell Book of Light that he had bought in the city of Abaddon. It was the book he snuck inside the academy. Also one that he learned all his spells from.

Instead of keeping the Spell Book under his bed, he carried the spell book with him. He wasn't sure if anyone was going to check his room, but if they did, he didn't want the book to be found.

He tucked the book inside his clothes before walking to the mirror, making sure he looked sleepy. As he saw his reflection in the mirror, a frown graced his face.

Holy Necromancer: Rebirth of the Strongest Mage - Chapter 73: Heads
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