I Will Kill The Author
I Will Kill The Author - Chapter 61: Trap

5 minutes earlier,

"Lord Commander, we have secured the parameters. No signs of the enemy."

A leaf green-haired boy with long ears and a face that could only be described as 'pretty' walked up to Nero and reported.

"Good job, William," Nero absentmindedly replied with a lost look on his face.

"Anything bothering you?" asked William.

Nero brushed his fingers back through his hair before responding, "Yes, why haven't they attacked us yet?"

"Maybe they gave up on the shopping district?"

"Impossible. Conquering this area and getting supplies from here is a vital key to winning this mock war."

"What if maybe they have some other strategy in mind?"

"I'm trying to figure out what they could be after. If they haven't attacked us here and now, then when and where will they?"

"I mean–"

Before William and Nero could continue chit-chat, they noticed someone running in their direction.

–"Lord Commander! Lord Commander!"

It was one of the soldiers Nero had placed on the lookout duty.

"What is it, QH3?" inquired Nero.

"We have spotted movement!" the soldier answered, huffing and puffing in between from either anxiety or having to run this much.

"Movement?!" Nero drew his sword from his smart bracelet. "In which direction?!"

"All around us! They have surrounded us!"


Nero couldn't help but widen his eyes at his own stupidity and let out a grunt.

He now comprehends that he had unwittingly fallen into the trap that his adversaries had laid out for him.

"Fuck!" he cursed out loud and kicked the ground but immediately regained his composure. "William, alert others. We're forming a defensive parameter here."

"Given that they have us surrounded, shouldn't we attempt to break through based on standard warfare tactics?" William questioned, summoning his spear.

"We cannot take that risk," Nero rejected sternly. "According to standard warfare tactics, we should only attempt to disrupt the enemy's encirclement before the siege is fully formed. However, at this moment, they have already surrounded and trapped us here. If we attempt to break out, we leave ourselves vulnerable to flank attacks."

"Okay, I get it," William nodded in understanding. "But what about the supplies we came here to obtain? The rations and water – Quinn's squad has already gotten them."

"Tell them to leave it for now and come assist us in the battle. We'll be needing every hand that can fight."

Without uttering a word, William nodded and sent a radio transmission to all the other Lieutenants.

The task force members who were raiding the shops right now also got the message and they started packing up things.

Of course, HQ was also informed.

Even Amelia also instructed them to set up a defensive parameter. After all, there was no other logical decision that could get them out of this grim situation.

The enemy surrounded them. There was no way out. Each possible solution could be countered with the risk of exposing their flank.

In under 5 minutes, around hundred acting soldiers were done setting up a defensive line around one of the many half-destroyed shopping malls.

They were using this shopping mall's building to castle themselves into a cover.

Nero stood tall at the front while his soldiers stood right behind him, ready to support him.

"Quinn, do you have any suggestions?"

In the distance, Nero saw the silhouette of enemy soldiers rapidly advancing in their direction while the ground began to rumble.

As their impending doom approached them, Nero asked Quinn, who was standing just a few steps behind him, for his opinions on the matter.

"Why do you ask me?" Quinn replied, coming to stand beside Nero.

"You've been on the front lines, haven't you?"

"Not with an incompetent leader like you."

Nero inhaled a deep breath. He knew he deserved that for falling into such an obvious trap.

"All hands get ready!" as he saw the horde of enemies getting closer, he yelled.


As if they had practiced beforehand, everyone quickly unsheathed their weapons in unison.

Meanwhile Anastasia stood on the terrace of the shopping mall. She observed the ground below with the archers from class 1-A-1 positioned on various other buildings and high-rise platforms.

She took a deep breath and suddenly barked out an instruction:


At her command, all the archers present there took an arrow from their quivers and knocked it on their bows.


They then drew the bowstring and imbued the arrow with azure magical energy.

"Take aim!"

Everyone took aim at the incoming enemy with sharp, focused eyes. Each archer aiming for at least one class 1-C-8 cadet.

As soon as the enemy acting soldiers stepped into the striking range of arrows, Amelia cried out in determination:


Tak, Tak, Tak—!!!

Swooosh, Swooosh, Swooosh—!!!

And at that moment, several arrows rained down on the cadets of Class 1-C-8.



–"Get a hold of yourself– ARGHHHH!"

The arrows whistled through the air, piercing several troops who were rushing forward before anyone could even react. Only an azure trail was left in their wake.

The scenery was starting to resemble a real battlefield as screams of pain filled the air. Some had lost their eyes, while others had gotten their hands or legs pierced.

Of course, not every arrow found its mark. Some were dodged, blocked, or destroyed before they could hit their intended targets.

"Leave the wounded behind and continue charging forward! Do not stop!" one of the acting soldiers of 1-C-8 yelled at his troops. Most likely, he held the position of General or Lieutenant. "Get close to them so their archers can't fire from above! And someone go take them out!"

Just as he commanded, the acting soldiers behind him quickly resumed their rush and sprinted forward with all their might while letting out fierce battle cries.


"Die, you fuckers!!"

Meanwhile, Nero lifted his sword and pointed at the incoming horde of enemies.

"Charge!" he yelled and at his command, the troops positioned behind him advanced forward with their weapons out for blood.

Cling, Ting, Cling—!!!!

The sound of metal clashing against metal resounded throughout the surrounding area. Sparks flew, and blood was spilled.

The first battle of the Mock War had begun.

I Will Kill The Author - Chapter 61: Trap
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