I Will Kill The Author
I Will Kill The Author - Chapter 41: Playing Along [1]

So, a few days have passed by and it is the 18th of March today.

According to the novel, the mock war will start on March 24th and will last for six days.

On March 31st, Nero will challenge Lucas– that's me– to a duel.

That's not my biggest concern, however.

Right now, my focus is on getting strong enough to survive those six days of the mock war.

Why am I so desperate to survive the mock war? For starters, those who survived till the end of the war were given some extra merit points.

And I'll be needing those extra merit points in the future.

Anyway, the progression of the events has been going just fine.

In the last few days, since Nero unleashed his fury on Alberto in the cafeteria, things have begun to get rough.

Even side characters in both classes have started to fight with each other.

The reason for that? Kai Wiseman's influence over both classes.

He has been pulling the strings from the background, and honestly speaking, I'm impressed with the guy.

He not only successfully instigated a significant discord between classes 1-A-1 and 1-C-8, but he did that without revealing himself.

If I hadn't read the novel and known the story, I would've never guessed him to be the suspect.

I mean, for god's sake, I haven't even seen him personally yet.

Anyway, my point is that in 7 days, the mock war will start.

What have I been doing to ready myself for it?


››Weapon Arts:

Thousand Falling Lightning Needle Strike (Lvl. 1) [88%]

6-Movement Lance Style: Blossom Shattering Blast (Lvl. 3) [53%]

››Combat Arts:

Soul Smashing Killer Fist (Lvl. 2) [15%]

››Breathing Technique

Breath Of Vitality

I've trained my bow art and brought its progress up to 88% while I also trained my spear art to 53%.

Being a mid-grade Lvl. 3 weapon art, my spear art is hard to make progress in.

Despite that, however, I can confidently say that I'll manage to make it above 70% by the time 25th March arrives.

By the way, I attempted to use my Edit Pen to upgrade a martial manual to Level 5, but it was unsuccessful. It appears that the information contained within the manual is considered knowledge.

My Edit Pen can only manipulate physical materials and objects, not abstract concepts such as knowledge.

Oh and yes, Instructor Raven has started teaching cadets close combat martial arts.

The technique I received is not anything extraordinary. It's a mid-grade Lvl. 2 combat art that combines physical movement with mana circulation to deliver a powerful punch.

How it works is when the user's fist makes contact with the target, the user sends their mana into the target's body, causing some serious internal damage.

The effectiveness of the technique depends on the user's mana pool and control over it; the more mana and control, the more powerful the punch will be.

Honestly, I don't know why Instructor Raven provided me with this particular technique.

Sure, my mana control is good according to Liz, but my mana core is still on [Iron-2] rank.

I don't have nearly enough mana to use it at its full potential right now. Perhaps he was thinking of the future instead of right now.

…Arghh, who knows what that torture-loving psychopath thinks.

Anyway, right now, I am in a personal training gym.

I've told you all about training gyms, right?

There are two types of training gyms in the academy— public and private.

It's exactly as it sounds. In a public training gym a cadet has to share space and equipment with other cadets.

In a personal training gym, you get all the space and equipment to yourself.

Moreover, personal training is dedicated to helping the user practice a specific weapon.

For example, I was currently at a personal training gym that was made for snipers.

I held my bow tight in my left hand and knocked an arrow on the bowstring. In front of me was a shooting range with ten holographic moving targets.

I drew back the bowstring and started coating my arrow in a thin layer of mana. Locking my aim onto a moving target, I gripped the bow tighter in my hand.


Exhaling a deep breath after I was satisfied, I let go of the string and my arrow shot forward at breakneck speed.

In mid-distance, the mana on my arrow split into six mana darts and created the illusion of multiple arrows branching off from one.




Four arrows pierced the moving target while two of them missed by a hair's breadth.

"Arghh, I still can't produce ten mana arrows," frustrated, I rubbed my eyebrows.

If done correctly, the mana on the arrow should form into ten mana arrows.

What's more, two out of my six arrows missed the target. That means my accuracy still needed some work.

After standing there for a few seconds, I heaved a deep annoyed sigh and packed my bow into my dimensional bracelet.

It's enough for today.

I looked at my smart bracelet to check the time and it showed [8:30 PM].

I started my training at [4:56 PM], which means I had trained for more than 3 hours today which was sufficient.

After that day, when I trained for 10 hours straight, I swore never to overdo it ever again.

My limbs and joints were aching in pain the next day, cursing me for abusing them to their limits.

Even walking to the academy was a struggle for a few days afterward. I felt like my legs would give out whenever I tried to move.

Hence, after packing my stuff, taking a cool shower, and changing clothes, I exited the personal training gym.

As I made my way out, several thoughts crossed my mind.

I think the progress I've made in my archery art should be enough for now.

Starting tomorrow, I should get back to practicing my spear art. I have a reason for doing that. If I want my plan to succeed, I'll need my spear.

Yes, I do have a plan ready.

Hmm? You want to know my plan?

Yeah, I don't think so. Let the mystery and surprise brew up.

Anyway, as soon as I stepped out of the training room, I saw a black-haired girl also coming out from the personal gym next to mine.

Who else could it be but Amelia?

As soon as our eyes met, I raised my hands in defense.

"Now before you take any wrong idea, let me tell you, I didn't follow you here," I said in the calmest tone possible, taking a few steps back ever so often.

In reply, Amelia cocked her head in confusion and looked at me with a frown on her face and said:

"Of course, I know that. This is one of five floors in building 5 which features personal gyms for snipers."


Wow, so she does have that much sense.

Shrugging my shoulders, I uttered my greetings before walking past her.

"Well, good night then."


Amelia nodded her head in reply.

Yup, I can already see the difference in her behavioral pattern. Before, she used to give me only enraged and disgusted looks all the time. But lately, she's been a lot calmer.

"Oh and, if you love your life, do not be late for tomorrow's Unit Test."

As I walked past her, a cold, threatening voice reached my ears.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes and say, "Sure."

It's true that lately she's been a lot calmer. However, it's crystal clear that she still very much hates me.

Honestly speaking, I'm growing more and more tired of her attitude.

But then again, I kind of get why she hates me so much. After all, what Lucas did to her wasn't an action one could forget easily. Past can not be changed.

However, it can be overwritten. I will do something in tomorrow's Unit Test that will overwrite my past if I succeed.

Anyhow, after taking a cab to my apartment complex, I started going over things that were going to happen in the future.

For starters, tomorrow is Unit practice.

It was a joint test between classes 1-A-1 and 1-C-8 in which all Units took part in.

They will be asked to hunt down four specific mana beasts in the 5th District forest.

The first four Units that'll complete the hunt will be claimed as winners.

Yes, this little test will affect the merit points we'll revive at the end of the month.

Frankly, I was not worried in the least about this test.

We have Amelia, Anastasia, and Nero in our unit.

Even if Kent and I just stay back, we'll easily get carried by the three main characters.

So yeah, it should be fine.


Just as I was lost in my thoughts, my destination arrived and the cab stopped.

Exiting the flying car, I headed toward my apartment.


But just as I was about to enter the apartment complex, I saw something interesting.

At the entrance of the building, a blonde girl was talking to a huge, bulky boy.

It was Grace and she was talking to Alberto.

For a few days now, I have been wondering about something recently, at what point did Grace choose Lucas as her scapegoat in the novel?

When did she opt to accuse him as the traitor?

Well, it all makes sense now. I can't help but curl my lips up into a smirk in understanding.

It must've been around this time. Lucas likely spotted her and Alberto together. Grace, to prevent any potential danger from Lucas, chose to frame him as the traitor.

"Ha," a scoff escaped my lips as the final parts of my plan formed in my mind. "Fine, Let's play along."

I Will Kill The Author - Chapter 41: Playing Along [1]
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