Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince
Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince - Chapter 5: A First Day?

Alexander already had a list of equipment in his mind, the only problem now is where to get it? Most of which are obtainable from chemical or pharmaceutical plants. He doesn't have a list of companies yet so he went to a room that would serve as his office to look.

In front of him was Christine, leading him to his office room. As she opened the door for him, he was greeted by a large room with a pretty big table at the far back center.

The ceiling, as always, was high and gilded The office walls were decorated with old and priceless paintings and antiques.

So this is the office of the Emperor of all Ruthenia huh? He said to himself, glancing at every nick and cranny of his administrative room.

Alexander strode all the way to his desk, his footsteps echoed across the room.

He sat down in his chair and it was as if he was sitting on a throne.

"I can't still imagine that you'll become the father of all Ruthenia at such a young age, my dear brother." Christina stood by his side.

" too."

No one expected Alexander de Romanoff to become an emperor at such a young age. Many people would see him unqualified for such a post with their opinions backed with facts and stories about him being a playboy and not that good in academics.

But due to the recent despicable event where the Emperor and the Empress were assassinated, Alexander is expected to become the next emperor according to the line of succession.

Normally, it would be the first child of the royal family, but since the first was a woman, and a woman can't become a ruler due to succession laws, Alexander, who is the first male born to the royal family, is the only can take the throne.

So as of right now, Alexander de Romanoff is the de facto emperor of Ruthenia.

Though his work hasn't started yet because of his recovery, he'd expect people from administrative sectors to visit him in a day or two to debrief him on his work.

"Christina, does an Emperor get to have a personal assistant?" Alexander asked, well now he's in the office, he doesn't know where he will get the list of the companies he needed to inquire with.

"Yes, but they'll arrive in the afternoon along with the ministers of our father. I was told to contact them after you recovered."

So the work will start today huh?

Alexander imagined what kind of work does an emperor perform daily? Is it like being a CEO? If that was the case, then it'll be easy for him to adjust.

Setting that aside, Alexander began to look for documents referencing chemical or pharmaceutical plants.

Christina also helped but after thirty minutes, there were not in luck.

"Looks like we're going to have to ask our ministers for this matter, don't you think?" Alexander's eyes flickered to Catarina, sorting and returning a stack of documents to where they originally belonged.

"Yes, I think so too...dear brother. Is it that urgent that you have to take the medicine?"

"Well according to the prognosis of the royal doctor, Ana has years to live. But I want to end her suffering as soon as possible so technically yes, it's kind of urgent."

"Alright, I'll inform you when the ministers arrive, I'll leave you here in your office. If you need anything, you can ask the royal guards just outside that door to call for me."

Christina said as she glided out of his room.

One hour later...

The telephone at Alexander's desk rang. He picked it up and he was greeted by Christina's voice.

"The ministers are already here, is it okay to send them there now dear brother?"

"Yeah, send them in."

Alexander nodded and replaced the telephone back on its cradle.

A minute later a group of ministers and generals walked into the office room and were surprised to see a young boy already sitting in the chair that belongs to the emperor.

Alexander stood up and looked at the ministers and generals walking in.

Exchanging a look with one another, they bowed reverently.

Alexander smiled, bowing his head back.

As they stood up straight, one of the people in the line began speaking.

"If I may...Your Majesty,"

Alexander looked at the man and nodded.

"We, your ministers, wanted to express our condolences regarding your parent's death. We are very much regretful for the loss of both your parents." Alexander nodded again.

"I appreciate that."

"Now, if you will allow me to be the first to introduce myself. I'm the Prime Minister of Ruthenia Empire, Sergei Grigorivich." A man in his mid-40s walked forward and presented himself.

One by one, they stepped forward, introducing themselves to the young emperor.

"I'm Dmitri Kaniv, minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs." A man in his early 40s, wearing the military uniform introduced himself.

"I'm Vladimir Borisov, Minister of Finance." An older man, in his 60s, wearing a grey suit introduced himself.

"Alexei Lavrov, Minister of War, at your service Your Majesty." A man in a military uniform introduced himself. He looked to be in his late 40s.

"I'm Eduard Greig, the Minister of Commerce and Industry." A man in his early 50s stepped forward and introduced himself.

"Your Majesty, we are now one with you. We will do everything in our power to make sure the empire will be safe with you in charge." Sergei said as he concluded introducing themselves.

"Thank you for your cooperation. Now, I believe that my father has unfinished business during his administration and due to my absence, operations within the government halted. Now I'm here, let's get to work. But first, Sir Eduard, will you please come here for a second?"

Alexander beckoned the minister of commerce and industry to come closer.

"As you wish, your majesty." Eduard walked to the center of the room, in front of Alexander.

"As the minister of commerce and industry I assume that you have a list of registered chemical and pharmaceutical plants in your office, am I right?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Alexander sighed in relief. He pulled something out of his breast pocket. It was a piece of paper, he handed it to Eduard who then perused the contents.

"It's a list of chemicals and equipment I need to be delivered by today or tomorrow. I was hoping if you could do that, I'll pay for whatever cost you and your department incurs."

"I understand, Your Majesty. I shall immediately start the paperwork for the purchase of the chemicals and equipment. Do you already have a location in mind for delivery?"

"Yes, I need it here in the palace."

"I understand. If I may ask Your Majesty, what will you do to those chemicals?"

"It's not your concern. Just do as I said." Alexander said firmly.

"Yes, Your Majesty. I'm sorry if I sounded disrespectful." Eduard said apologetically.

"You may now go back with the others," Alexander returned to his seat as Eduard returned to the row of ministers. "Now then, is there an urgent matter that requires my attention?"

It's sooner than he expected. To think that he'll begin working as an Emperor right now felt unreal.

"Your Majesty, if I may be frank we do have concerning that needs to be dealt with."

Alexander flickered his gaze to the man who spoke, it was the Dmitri Kaniv, the minister of Internal Affairs.

"I allow it." granted Alexander.

Dmitri walked forward and handed Alexander a piece of paper. Alexander read through the paper.

"March to the Winter Palace, first of August. We wish our father, the Emperor, to deliver us from the evil oppressors the despotic and irresponsible government, and the capitalist exploiters, crooks, and robbers of Ruthenian people."

Alexander looked up.

"I'm afraid this is a threat to the security of our country, and to the royal family, Your Majesty." Dmitri bowed his head.

"It's the work of an extremist group again." Sergei snorted.

"Shit," Alexander swore quietly.

Looking back, The Ruthenia Empire is not doing well on the home front, workers strike, famine, protest, terrorist bombings, and assassination, left and right. It was all a disaster. All these because the economy is in a failing state, largely due to the late emperor.

"How about the assassination of my father and mother, have you looked into that as well?"

"We're not sure but we have an idea. Right now we have our people on the ground, looking into this matter." Sergei replied.

"Okay, keep me updated."

"I will, Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty, we implore you to evacuate the palace temporarily until the threat is settled?" implored Dmitri.

"Threat?" Alexander looked at the paper in his hand. "You mean the march?"

Dmitri nodded, "We fear that the people might raid the palace and..." Dmitri paused unable to complete his words.

"What is it?" Alexander prodded.

"We fear that they might harm you, and your family, Your Majesty."

"Dmitri?! What are you talking about in front of the Emperor?" Sergei suddenly interjected, startling Dmitri. Then he looked at the Emperor. "Your Majesty, worry not, I've already dispatched troops around the palace to ensure the palace's security."

"I'm sorry, your majesty. I was only thinking what's best for the welfare of the Royal family and the country." Dmitri quickly bowed his head.

"It's okay, Dmitri. Thanks for the concern." Alexander said reassuringly, he glanced at the person behind who haven't talked since their introduction. "Do you two have anything to add?"

They were the minister of war and the minister of finance. Alexei and Vladimir.

"Uhm...your majesty, I've also come here to report something urgent regarding the ongoing war with the Yamato Empire."

Alexander's eyes widened in surprise. "A war?"

In this meeting, Alexander found two major problems, a possible uprising, and a war. So much for his first day.

Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince - Chapter 5: A First Day?
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