Reincarnated as the Demon King's Son
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Son - Chapter 41: Mira Belle

The next day.

The morning sun gave a refreshing soft light, removing the chill and warming his skin. Aldred wore his brown tunic shirt and trouser. His comrades wore their armor and came out of the barrack to train.

As usual, they trained first thing in the morning before hunting for fish just like yesterday. He had fun the day before with Juhel, Mary, and Mareona, catching a lot of fish and splashing water at each other.

Maybe they'd do it again later.

Or not.

"Men, gather around," Bartrem ordered. The soldiers stopped their training and ran to the Knight. Bartrem wore his thick Knight armor. Aldred almost never saw him take it off.

"We have a mission," Bartrem said. "The scouts told us that a small enemy caravan is passing the south side of the Melanian forest. Our mission is to intercept this caravan."

"Pongo pongo pongo?"

"What did he say?" Bartrem asked.

"Is the other platoon going to join us?" Aldred asked.

"How did you even understand that?"

Aldred shrugged.

Bartrem shrugged as well. "No. We are the only platoon that will move in this operation. The plan is simple. We wait in the forest, and when the caravan arrives, we attack it from behind. Do all of you understand?"

"Yes, sir!"

"We will leave immediately," Bartrem said. "Make sure to bring everything you might need."

Aldred checked his water bag on his waist and tapped it a few times to make sure it was filled. He tapped his left waist and it knocked against his first-aid box. He opened it and grabbed a bandage and a small container before putting it back again. The small container had a cream to relieve pain. There were other creams as well, unlike before, the creams were legit because Aldred and Bartrem had tested them before.

"Be careful out there, Aldred," Mary said with a smile. She was sad that she couldn't go and protect Aldred directly.

Aldred nodded. "I will, Mary. Don't worry about me. I will return with the other without a wound." He laughed with confidence.

Pressure Platoon II set off to the south. Aldred waved and said his goodbye to Mary. He did not see Mareona or Juhel on the way. That was normal because they were at the north of the fort.

Aldred approached Bartrem. "Sir, who do you think is the enemy?"

"Montcresia. Who else is our enemy?"

"I mean. Why would a small caravan enter our border?"

"It's probably for espionage missions. They send a lot of spies to our empire over the year. We send ours as well. With both sides knowing and seeing everything, it is hard to attack with full force. Since everyone knew everything, they can fight with the same amount of force as well."

Aldred looked forward. That made a lot of sense. Ceraisian Empire and Montcresia Holy State had been at war since he was a baby, and yet their border didn't even change.

They arrived at the forest, but they went further south and when they saw an expansive grassy plain, they laid low, using the dried leaves as cover.

"Aldred," Bartrem said. "When I told you to attack, throw your fire fist at the enemy. After that, the rest of us will attack."

"Yes, sir," Aldred replied.

Aldred and the rest waited. Looking from above, they'd only see an uneven yet natural pile of leaves, but under it were the soldiers, already pulling out their swords.

Mira Belle rode atop the carriage with a wooden roof that shaded her from the sun. She put her glistening gold Staff of Hope on her lap and untied her blonde hair. Her graceful wavy hair fell down to her back like a golden waterfall. She took a mirror and saw her deep green eyes, petite face, and smooth skin.

She put the mirror down and fixed her black and white clothes.

"Sister Mira," a soldier called bowing his head. He did not dare to look at her, because, unlike other nuns, Sister Mira wore much more revealing clothing. He feared that he'd sinned for feasting his eyes upon her. And maybe this was also a test given by her to their unit. She was a famous rassaphore after all, known for her compassion and strict teaching of the Foido gospel.

"How can I help you, Andrew?" She said with the softest of voice he ever heard in his life. It was very contrasted to his loud and nagging wife at home. If he could listen to her voice every day, that'd be a bliss for him. And the fact that she remember his name confirmed the rumor about her. She treated each individual as of the highest importance, not giving judging eyes before she knew the person more deeply.

In front of a such person, how could he not be pressured to act like a pure obedient boy.

Andrew knelt on both knees and put his forehead on the floor of the carriage. "I apologize sister! I have sinned!"

The carriage was still moving along with other carriages beside it, but there was only Andrew and sister Mira there. That was why he dare to confess his sin to her.

Mira still had a smile on her face. Andrew immediately put his gaze on the floor again. His heart beat nervously. He was afraid. Yet he regretted nothing.

"Tell me. I wouldn't know if you don't tell me yet."

Andrew took a deep breath. "Sister," he started. "I have a wife and two kids at home. I should be a loyal husband, and shan't look at other women, but when I set my gaze upon you, sister, my heart was tempted. I have sinned, sister. Please punish me."

Mira smiled and chuckled. "You have done nothing wrong, Andrew."

She grabbed his chin and looked at him closely. His heart beat again. Butterfly flying in his stomach. Andrew blushed as he looked at her exquisite body.

"Feelings and emotion cannot be controlled." She caressed his cheek. "Hatred, temptation, jealousy, greed, and anger is out of your control, Andrew. They are simply a test given by the gods. It is only when you act upon those emotions have you truly sinned."

She pressed her breast and smiled at him. "Tell me what you feel right now."

"I feel hard and tempted, sister. My mind keeps telling me to pounce and ravaged your clothes," he said with deep honesty, though he felt a tinge of shame doing it.

"There is no shame in honesty," Mira said. "Honesty is bravery. Bravery to face the truth."

She turned around and walked a few steps forward. Andrew could see her plump butt on her tight clothes. He blushed even more. His manhood hardened.

"You told me that you are tempted. But why did you not act upon it?"

"Because it's wrong, sister. Because it is a sin to act upon these emotions."

Mira smiled. "That is true. In life, you will always be tempted by these emotions. They're like demons inside your head and heart, relentlessly beckoning you to join their side, what's worse is that it only takes one step into the abyss, and you will never return."

"How do I strengthen my conviction, sister? Please help me."

"Like everything else, you can train your mind and heart."

"How do I train them, sister?"

"By staring at the abyss." Mira grabbed her clothes and showed her breasts. "Look at me, Andrew."

Andrew trembled. His manhood hardened even more. His face reddened. Her voluptuous body was very tempting. Saliva trickled from his mouth. He wanted it. He wanted to have her.

"Keep looking at me, but don't fall for the temptation. Others might tell you not to listen to the demons, but I want you to listen. Open your ears and listen to them. Now turn those whispers into music. Show them that you are not disturbed. Show them your heart and mind can turn into steel in the face of the enemy and turn soft and weak in the embrace of your family."

Andrew shook his head and closed his eyes.

"Open your eyes, Andrew!" Mira approached.

Andrew trembled even more. "Sister, please, enough."

"No, Andrew. Keep staring. This is your test."

Mira grabbed his head and opened his eyes with her fingers.

Andrew was forced to look at her pink nipples. His mouth salivates even more. "Sister, please."

"You will face an even greater temptation in the future, Andrew. Be brave and face it."

Her pink nipples approached his lips. Andrew's breath became heavy. It took all his willpower to stop himself from moving and grabbed her breast before raping her. But he held it. This was a test. He had to pass it.

After a few minutes, Mira stood up and stepped back. "You've passed, Andrew."

Andrew let out a breath and fell to the floor. His chest still thumping hard and quick.

Mira wore her clothes. "Many people out there still felt by their temptation thinking that it was normal. Say, Andrew. Don't you think the world will be better if everyone knows how to control their emotion?"

Mira continued: "Imagine, Andrew. Your son and daughter walking in the alley at night, but nothing happens. An old lady walking with her valuables, but no one tried to steal them. A beautiful woman in a vulnerable situation, but no one takes advantage of her. Or riches of great value yet no one does corruption. Wouldn't be better if we first think about the consequence of our action before the benefit it can bring to us? I dreamed of that world for so long, Andrew. I dream it every night. And I kept praying and hoping that the world I imagine will come to be. Years passed and that is when I realize that the world will not change by itself."

She turned and looked at him. "I took it upon myself to change the world. All violence in the world must end before my own life."

Suddenly, they heard a crashing sound and a burst of flames.

"At arms! We are under attack!"

Reincarnated as the Demon King's Son - Chapter 41: Mira Belle
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