The Walker Of Voids
The Walker Of Voids - Chapter 39: Battle Royal [3] - Mosquito Madness [2]

[Void Gaze + Killing Intent + Monarch's Aura]

Unable to move a muscle, the mosquitoes began to fall out of the sky. Their wings no longer worked, so they simply fell.

As they dropped into the waters below them, bubbles rose to the top as they struggled to breathe, yet despite their best efforts, it took about 2 minutes for the life to leave their bodies.

Their bodies simply floated upwards right after, as if life was the only thing weighing them down and forcing them to drown.

Lloyd used these floating corpses to walk across the lake, insects still falling out of the sky while he did so, yet the scene did not seem to affect him in the least.

His eyes remained the same cold violet color, while his sovereign-like demeanor never left him for a second.

To all those who watched the scene occur, they felt as if they were watching an emperor walk amongst the lowest of peasants, yet only the dead ones dared even lay a hair on him.

[Mosquito Madness (2/3) - Kill 100 mosquitoes: 200 Points]



Lloyd continued to watch as the number rose and rose without any stop. He felt like screaming out in excitement, yet he knew he would need to put on a cold persona to be taken seriously. He wanted to intimidate everyone else, not make them think he was a muscle brain with no real intelligence.



Just when Lloyd thought of provoking the mosquito queen in other ways, the sound of water splashing entered his ears before the shrill shriek of the mosquito queen made him scrunch his nose in discomfort.

"You've finally come out?" Lloyd asked, yet instead of waiting for an answer, he immediately activated [Void Gaze] as he locked eyes with the creature before him.

Unlike the other mosquitoes, the mosquito queen's weaponry looked much deadlier than the rest of her children.

It had a long needle-like stinger coming out of its back that looked like it could puncture through almost anything. Its front legs looked like two blades ready to cut through anything at a moment's notice, while its eyes shone red with a ferocity that Lloyd had not seen in many monsters.

"A humanoid mosquito?" Lloyd asked with a slightly dazed and even confused expression. He was almost mesmerized by the crystal-like membrane wings, but he held himself together.

The mosquito woman before him looked beautiful in her own right. Her beastly characteristics and her razor-sharp claws, hands, and feet went nicely with the vicious yet lustful demeanor she put on.

Her pale white skin looked like it had been made out of marble, yet it was still as soft as a baby's bottom to the touch.

Despite [Void Gaze] still being active on her, her soft lips parted, and clarity returned to her eyes. A low yet soft sigh left her mouth, before a voice finally left it, too, entering Lloyd's ears in the form of melodious rings and bells that would have entranced most of those who heard it.

"Human? Why have you chosen to murder my children?" The mosquito queen asked, her voice breaking over what Lloyd could only guess was heartbreak.

"What have they ever done to you?" She asked in an almost pleading voice as if she was begging them to come back... For Lloyd to bring them back to her.

"Since when did monsters have feelings?" Lloyd asked in a sarcastic tone, yet it quickly returned to the stoic, cold one as he asked-

"Since when did monsters know how to speak?"

"Is that all you see me as? A monster? Prey!?" She roared out in rage, yet Lloyd wasn't falling for her fake tears and melodic voice, yet he didn't have to.

Her face seemed to distort into a bloodthirsty grin stretching from ear to ear. Her red eyes seemed to narrow as if Lloyd was the only thing in her vision. Her skin also began to change, turning red, while her claws and stinger seemed to double in size.

They looked sharp enough to cut a wound through time and space itself, yet Lloyd was more than aware that he only thought this way because of the dread-filled aura that seeped out of her like water through a broken dam.

"Shit!" Lloyd cursed and blocked his torso with his arms, forming an X in front of his chest.

He saw it coming. Hell, every hair in his body seemed to stand up as dread filled his consciousness.



As if he was hit by a truck, Lloyd felt himself being catapulted through the water, passing by several mosquito corpses on the way before finally slamming into the lake bed as the air in his lungs forced itself out.

'Oh wait... I don't have lungs...' Lloyd thought to himself with gritted teeth as he tried his best to suppress the pain that would have usually made him scream out.

'Should have kept low-key...' He complained, yet he knew that complaining wouldn't remove the pain radiating through his entire body, as if every bone in his body had shattered or fractured, despite his not having bones.

Yet, instead of crying out in pain, Lloyd's eyes flared in bright violet as he channeled his pain into the only other thing he could feel at that moment.



"To everyone at home... You have just watched the mosquito queen slam Lloyd Elrod into the lake, yet it seems like he is not out just yet as there are no reports of him returning to the ship." A man wearing an ear-mic announced before looking at the woman to his right.

"I believe that was to be expected. We have watched Lloyd kill nearly two thousand mosquitoes without lifting a finger. How can anyone like that be sent out of the battle with a single attack? If he was, I would have to comment on the validity of these challenges. Assuming he is out would also insinuate that the mosquito queen is at least an early first commandment, if not more." The woman explained with a stern voice.


Lloyd's family watched the screen, not a single one of them making a single peep. The tension in the air was so heavy that the casual observer would have worried that the room might accidentally collapse into itself.

"He's fine, right?" Elana finally asked after almost 30 seconds of silence that not even the Glades dared to disturb.

"I'm sure he's fine." Benjamin replied, yet he could not help but lower his voice to a whisper by the end, showing that not even he was certain of the words that came out of his mouth.

Sure, Lloyd was strong. Stronger than most of those pre-first commandments, but that was it. Lloyd might be strong, but fighting someone with an entire commandment above him was another thing on its own.

[Man: Oh? I think I see something in the water. It looks like-]

[Woman: A light? It looks purple. Despite Lloyd wearing sunglasses to hide his eyes, we know for sure that he had bright violet eyes that shone through the sunglasses themselves. Do you think that he is rising from the water-]

Before the woman could finish her sentence, her eyes widened before the man followed right behind her.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that most of those who watched the scene occur held their mouths agape while their eyes seemed to bulge out of their sockets.



Water erupted and reached the clouds. Steam covered the battlefield, while mosquito corpses fell from the sky like raindrops.

The bodies were disfigured, mangled, and almost unrecognizable, yet some of them looked like they had been turned into charcoal. As if they had been burned into nothing but a charred corpse, just to turn into ashes as they dropped from the skies.

"You survived?" The mosquito queen asked with genuine surprise. However, despite her eyes being widened in shock, one could easily see that there were hints of amusement shining deep within her eyes which were further implicated by the taunting smirk plastered onto her face.

Lloyd, on the other hand, simply stood in the sky surrounded by falling corpses and an entire body of water.

He was covered in shadows, yet one could easily see the distinct frown on his face as he looked down upon the mosquito queen. His eyes shone like a pair of violet stars while his aura exploded out of his body in the form of a bubble that made everything in its vicinity a shade of grey.

Seeing this, the mosquito let out her aura, too, allowing it to clash with Lloyds and push it back.


To her surprise, however, despite being the queen of an entire nest of thousands of mosquitoes, she felt her aura only held up for a couple of seconds before she started being pushed back.

"W-What is the meaning of this! I am a queen! A QUEEN!" She roared at the top of her lungs, yet the only thing she seemed to accomplish was to make Lloyd smile. A smile filled with amusement. The same smile she showed him before slamming him to the bottom of the lake.

Without waiting for another second, Lloyd took out his blade and covered it in shadows, and without skipping a beat, Lloyd used [Void Gaze] and shot forward with everything he had.

His sudden speed caused the air to ripple while the water before him separated like the red sea did to Moses.

Any corpse that happened to be in front of him found itself being immediately obliterated, and before the mosquito queen knew it, Lloyd was standing before her, his aura pressing down on her while his [Void Gaze] made her legs feel weak.

Yet, just before her legs buckled, she let out an ear-piercing scream that traveled throughout the entire city and possibly beyond it.

"Calling for backup?" Lloyd chuckled.

"Damn you!" She roared and sliced at Lloyd with all the power she could muster.

Lloyd dodged without much effort, yet the power behind her attack created enough air pressure to send out an arch of wind that shot across the water before shooting upwards and slamming into an abandoned building.



Lloyd didn't even have to look at the mosquito queen to know what she was doing. Without a second of thought, Lloyd caught a stinger that shot his way.

'It broke the skin,' Lloyd thought to himself as he looked at the cut in his palm while a burst of loud maniacal laughter entered his ears.

"You human fool! It might look like a simple cut, but I have poisoned you with one of the most dangerous venoms on this planet. You will lose the ability to see, hear and smell by the end of the first minute. You'll feel your body shutting down my the second, and You'll be dead by the third!" She burst into another fit of laughter

"Oh really?" Lloyd asked without much emotion in his voice. There was nothing. No pain. No despair. Completely null with emotions, and that seemed to scare the living hell out of the mosquito queen.

She immediately began to sweat while her eyes darted around as if she was trying to find a way out of the situation she had found herself.

The moment she saw Lloyd's expression, she instantly knew that her final trump card had failed her, and the only thing she could do now was run away.

And run away, she did... Or at least tried.






The moment Lloyd saw her turn away, he used shadow travel to enter his own shadow before shooting toward her at a velocity far beyond his normal speed.

Despite the fact she was flying, the momentum he had gained from traveling in his shadow alone allowed him to catapult himself far above her before shooting down and slamming his foot into her back and waiting to hear the sound of a crack.

In that instant, her body shot across the city as it slammed itself through several buildings before finally crashing at the bottom of one, just to have it crash upon her, subsequently kicking up a much larger dust cloud than any of the other crashes.

The collapse of one building seemed to create a chain effect, and before Lloyd knew what had happened, he was already watching a large portion of the city turning into dust as they crashed into the ground and killed hundreds of creatures at the same time.

Suddenly, Lloyd appeared before the mosquito queen out of the dust cloud itself. Raising his blade, he was about to go for the strike, but he hesitated.

Was it because she looked human, or was it because she had the intelligence of a human, he didn't know.

"Any last words?" Lloyd asked with a sign of hesitance in his voice.

"Yeah..." She muttered, blood coming out of her mouth and forcing her to cough.

"Go on." Lloyd shrugged, yet his heart beat had begun to speed up while his breath had become ragged. He didn't see killing her as killing a monster. He was it as murder. As if he was killing another of his kind.

Hearing Lloyd's words, she could not help but grin and look him in the eye as if he was the biggest moron in the world.

'Crap.' Lloyd snapped out of it as he wrapped himself in his own shadow and sliced toward the mosquito queen's neck, but it was already far too late.

A circular glow shone through her stomach, and before Lloyd could kill her-


An enormous explosion went off, one that would have evaporated her lake in an instant while incinerating everything and anything around her.

[Mosquito Madness - Kill the mosquito queen: 500 Points]

[1/1 Killed]


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The Walker Of Voids - Chapter 39: Battle Royal [3] - Mosquito Madness [2]
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