The Ruined Death Knight
The Ruined Death Knight - Chapter 5: A Cruel Death

Inside the cave were several goblins running around doing all kinds of tasks. Some were making clothes and others were making weapons. In the middle of the cave was a group of 5 goblins that were holding some buckets.

As these goblins waited in the middle of the cave, a massive silhouette suddenly appeared behind them, although this silhouette was only as big as 5,8 feet tall.

This figure had the same skin color as the goblins and a similar face too. He seemed like the adult version of goblins.

"yOu...briNG...WaTeR...Elder...." the adult goblin spoke with a hoarse voice and moved his mouth as he was trying to eat something and talk at the same time.

The response that he received was some kind of screeching from these 5 goblins, only to leave with their buckets shortly after this weird exchange of screaming to each other.


"Ha, I know that they needed to sooner or later leave their cave to gather supplies. Waiting here was after all the right choice".

Seeing the group of 5 goblins I walked back to the lake to ambush them knowing that this group will come there.

When I found the cave I knew that I wasn`t able to go in recklessly and kill every single goblin in there. After all, going in there without a plan would be suicide with their numbers. Even though I am able to handle a group of goblins alone, that is cause I keep them in check all the time. Their daggers do no damage to my body except some scratches, but the goblins with the clubs will just smash me into pieces!

The moment I let them come closer with their clubs it will not be long before I meet Fellow again...

That`s why I decided to wait quietly for a group to go out to resupply and ambush them to reduce their numbers. As long their numbers are down It will be easier to control them and not to forget that I will get stronger after killing some groups.

Me being level 2 is already overwhelming enough for those goblins, but what will happen If it increased by level 3 together with a skill?

There are hopeless!

"Oh, I can already hear them, I better hide..." I crouched down and hidden behind some rather larger rocks and tried to stay in the shadow of the rock as much as possible and did what all Undead are best at...

Play dead!

As the noises became louder, the group of 5 showed up with their buckets and their dagger small daggers on their hips and went directly to the lake and started drinking right off the start. They drank as if their life was depending on it.

After a short while, 1 out of five goblins seemed liked it had enough of drinking to the point that this belly had swollen. It picked itself out of the ground and signaled the others that he was going to take a leak. Seeing that he was being ignored by these fellow goblins he scoffed and went to let nature take place.

Walking a little bit farther away he dropped this pants and released the flood. After releasing it, a form of pleasure came right to this mind as if some massive weight has been taken off this body, while doing this business he took a look at these surroundings so that he can enjoy the view.

But while seeing these surroundings he suddenly froze and the flood that was taking place was also stop as if a massive rock stop the flow. The reason for it was that after looking for quite some time he noticed a skeleton lying down near some rocks. Although it was quite hard to see the skeleton cause it of the darkness he still managed to.

Seeing this the goblin was about to scream but a sudden thought comes to this mind.

Was this skeleton there alive? It didn`t move like the other skeleton and if it did it would already have rushed at him to get a piece out of him...

After calming himself down, he started to have doubts inside his mind. With this pants down he stared at the laying skeleton directly into this eye socket. And he stared intensely at that too!



After a while, the goblin turned around and shook this head only to start to continue this business.

But before he could release the flood again, something came behind him and before he could even finish this business a massive pressure came to this neck and before he knew...there was no head in this body anymore!

The head that was flying in the air came shortly to the ground making some noise, enough to alarm the other 4 goblins.

The goblins turned around to see what this noise was but they were shortly shocked at what they were seeing. Seeing their fellow goblin with these pants down they felt disgusted but what shocked them more was the Skeleton that was behind him!

Seeing this skeleton beheaded their fellow goblins while he was taking a leak...

A cold sweat came behind their backs and shortly fear came!

Seeing the skeleton that killed their friend was running towards them they dropped their buckets and equipped their small daggers in their hands.

But before they could equip their small daggers I was already in range!

I held my sword with both my arms and instead of swinging with just force I pierced the neck of the nearest goblin with my sword until it reached the other end of this neck.

This was the power of the skill [Lower Weapon Mastery Lv.1]! The moment I killed the first goblin it gave me enough XP to be able to purchase the skill!

Although doing that I learned something very important, that is when I get a skill it seems like a bunch of Information is being transmitted directly to my mind which bought me to stagger for a moment.

But other than this downside there was nothing to worry about.

If you were to look at the skill [Lower Weapon Mastery Lv.1] you could say that it didn`t give anything else other than how to use different kinds of weapons. But that was the reason why this skill was so strong!

You could say that knowledge is power!

"And how to use it is the key!"

If it were me before without [Lower Weapon Mastery Lv.1] skill I would just have slashed at those goblins with full force but now with the skill, I managed to accurately aim at the goblin's neck and finish it off with almost no effort!

I twisted my sword and pulled it out of the goblin's neck only for blood to come out of the wound.

Seeing this the 3 remaining goblins started to shake. Withing an instant this skeleton killed 2 of us! There is no way we can win against this thing!

Overwhelmed with fear, the 3 remaining goblins decided to make a run for it.

But it was futile.

Since I was in front of the path to where their nest was, they either had to go past me or run in other directions and abandon their nest.

Seeing that they chose the first option there fate was already decided!

I dashed at the middle goblin out of the three and raised my sword to slash at him with all my strength. Seeing this the goblin tried to change directions but to no avail. My blade hit this small body resulting in sending him flying while spinning and lying shortly to the ground.


[You received 200 Experience points].

The whole process lasted no longer than 2 seconds.

By this amount of time, they managed to make about 2 m distance with their small children's legs.

Nowhere near enough to avoid my grasp.

Comparing with my long legs and my superior agility I shortly managed to catch up with the second goblin and swung my sword towards this waist. Although I didn`t manage to kill it instantly like the first one that didn`t matter since I managed to inflict a wound and push it into the ground.

Ignoring the fallen goblin I kept chase with the last one. Seeing that this Skeleton instantly killed this colleague cold sweat came behind this back. But not for the fact that he slaughtered these fellow goblins with ease.


What scared him the most was this gaze... The skeletons he knew were mindless creatures that always showed their bloodthirst the moment they saw something alive.

But this skeleton was different.

This one was silent, focused and it seemed like it had a... mind!

This whole bloodthirst was focused on this eye socket and this blade which made it a whole another level of scary versus the one usually seen in skeletons. While knowing that it was a matter of timing until the bloodthirsty blade came and strike him down, he turned around to make a last-ditch effort.

But in end, it was a futile attempt.

[You received 200 Experience points].

"With this, I have 400 Experience points left... dammit, It`s still not enough to increase my leve-"

"Kg-Kghh...." *

Hearing the low growl of the goblin that I ignored before I subconsciously grinned. Damm I forgot about you!

"Well, since you are the last one I will make it quick just for you"

Seeing that the skeleton was coming for it it couldn`t help but scream out for help.


The Ruined Death Knight - Chapter 5: A Cruel Death
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