Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System
Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System - Chapter 60: The Surrender Pt 2

While Captain Catan brings in his soldiers from Bravo Company to speak with the Intelligence Department officer, the transport helicopter sent by General Tennant has arrived, carrying the General himself.

The interrogation room is completely soundproof, bulletproof and mechanically locks from the outside. Watching the Intelligence Officers sweat as they realize they are trapped is worth every day he has spent on this traitorous hunk of rock called Belmont.

The three prisoners were who they claimed to be, the highest authorities of the Planetary Government, so the Central Command needed a few vital answers out of them before they were taken away. Unfortunately, as senior politicians, they had been immunized against the standard system based interrogation techniques.

[Do you recall that thing from the Sabbath World Massacre?] Nico asks, moving Tarith's Rage beside Stalwart, so Max can use his System Ability to read her mind.

Horrific visions full his mind before they clarify to something more human rights convention friendly. In fact, if they used something non flammable, or didn't light the prisoner on fire at the end, the technique might be called humane.

[I hate you a little for making me see that. But yes, that could work.] Max answers her, sending General Tennant a written instruction list for the enhanced interrogation technique, minus the burning, along with a request to check Nico's mental health after the battle.

The cruel laughter of the General when he sees the technique Max named the water board, after changing the liquid from fuel oil, is enough to make one of the politicians begin crying and confessing before anyone has even touched or spoken to him.

The others don't last much longer and within five minutes Central Command has the security codes for the remaining planetary defenses, including the shield around the capital.

[Intelligence can have them now.] General Tennant instructs Max, who orders infantry Captain Catan to lead them out to recover the prisoners at their earliest convenience.

The look on his face when the lead Intelligence Officer sees General Tennant is pure shock. The General on the other hand seems to have expected him.

"You were supposed to be on some frontier planet dodging Inquisitors looking to have your declared incompetent." The Intelligence Officer stammers.

"You didn't think I would just sit around while you all played power games did you? I'm going to have to ask you to come with me. You can leave the armor and the sidearm here, you won't be needing either of them." General Tennant announces and all the guards raise their weapons.

Before anyone can do anything drastic, the previously silent second Officer makes a quick motion and the Major falls to the ground.

"Stand down. I will be taking over from this point forward." The fully armored Officer declares, and the guards comply without any hesitation.

Max isn't sure what sort of politics are at play, but it seems that the Intelligence Department didn't come here for the traitors, they just happened to arrive at the same time. He hasn't had time to consult Captain Catan on what they asked the infantrymen about, but it might have to do with the facility.

Like infantry getting monetary rewards, Intelligence Department officers earn promotions through job performance, and a haul of classified new technology would be a big accomplishment.

[Isn't life easier when you can just shoot your problems.] The message from Nico pops up as text in his Heads Up Display making Max laugh.

She's not wrong though.

"I will take the Major with me. Central Command has a number of questions about his activities and associations." General Tennant decides, and two soldiers exit the helicopter to relieve him of his armor and weapons before cuffing him and carrying his limp body in to the helicopter.

The second Intelligence Officer, who still hasn't identified himself beyond his security clearance, leads the guards to their transport vehicles and leaves even before the helicopter is ready to lift off.

[Care to watch the fireworks Stalwart? They should begin about two minutes before the official surrender, now that the video of the captured planetary officials has been sent all around the world.] General Tennant asks Max, with a hint of pride in his voice.

There isn't really an option, as mere seconds later, a series of orbital strikes crash down on the remaining rebel targets and the capital city, who discover that their Command Codes are no longer working and that the city's shielding is down.

A second volley hits even more targets, and the sky crackles with lightning from the immense amount of ionized energy that has passed through the atmosphere. Purple and green flickering waves of light fill the sky, the Aurora Borealis on a planetary scale.

It really is a beautiful sight, and Max can't take his eyes away for even a second. The effect was described in the training materials, but none of the scenarios in the VR simulator portrayed it. Now that he has seen it, the lightning storms and the glowing sky of an orbital bombardment are something he will never forget.

The tactic isn't used often, at least not on habitable worlds, for fear of causing too much disruption to their climate and reducing potential crop outputs to below population sustainability. Belmont is being made an example of though, and Max realizes that killing the politicians without question would have been a kindness to the Rebels, even if it did cost his men the merits for having captured them alive.

[This is a Planet Wide Announcement on all Open Frequencies. The Belmont Parliament hereby surrenders themselves to the mercy of the Kepler Military and begs leniency for the people of Belmont. All forces lay down your arms and surrender to the nearest Kepler controlled outpost.]

After the initial announcement, the message begins to replay every 30 seconds on every open frequency.

The rebellion is officially over, but now the tedious part begins. Surrenders must be accepted, rebel forces sorted from civilians, and investigations of all alleged war protocol violations will begin.

The Mecha will mostly leave for that part but for the next few days, they must hold their post, waiting for anyone in the vicinity who might want to surrender.

The first day brings twenty rebel light mecha and one Crusader in, all of which surrender their mecha peacefully. The second day brings one lone soldier, the seriously injured and exhausted pilot of the Corpus.

"Pilot Craig. I see luck was on your side today. welcome back. Please surrender your sidearm and I will escort you to the medical bay." Lieutenant Becki greets the man they left to his fate in the swamp.

"It's good to be alive. I don't suppose you have any food? I had to use my rations to distract the swamp monsters."

Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System - Chapter 60: The Surrender Pt 2
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