Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System
Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System - Chapter 36: Pecking Order

The Cadets are led to two distinctly different areas of the ship to get their bunk assignments. Max, Nico and a pair from the Special Forces Class are kept aside when the others are shown to a bunk room with racks for fifty soldiers in it. They're free to pick their spots as they wish, tossing their bags into the footlocker that matches their chosen bunk.

The final four are brought to the next hallway, where a series of small private rooms line the walls. It's all very familiar to Nico and Max, since the gravity room was designed to look exactly like this, right down to the furniture.

"Welcome home Cadets. Get comfortable, because the next stop is months away." The Corporal escorting them says with a smile and turns to leave.

"Corporal, what is the current ship's time?" Nico asks before their escort can leave.

"03:00, Cadet."

The Corporal leaves and Max swears under his breath. "3 hours isn't nearly enough time."

The two other Corvette Class Qualified Cadets look confused, so Max explains. "General Tennant begins training promptly at 07:00 every morning. Every Morning. So if you want to eat before lunch, you've got 3 hours to sleep before it's time to get up and get fed."

They passed the mess hall on the way over, it's only a few minutes away, and straight down the main corridor.

Having four Cadets qualified on the Corvette Class Mecha is unusual, the Academies don't usually train the students in anything but the Line Mecha, leaving the official officer's training in the Corvette Class Mecha up to the Universities. But Kepler Terminus had a very good Special Forces Class and two students, Ibanez and Gomez, were given special consideration.

A half dozen of the others are likely to also get the official certification before the end of the year, but they haven't managed it yet. Much of that is just due to System Compatibility. Ibanez and Russo are both Alpha Ranked, with an advantage since birth. The others have had to grind hard to even try to keep up.

"Have you been studying under The General for long then?" Ibanez asks, only vaguely recalling having seen these Cadets before.

"We transferred in this year and began studying under him when he arrived at the academy." Nico smiles up at the much larger Cadet.

Ibanez got hit hard by the effects of puberty, still showing heavy acne on his face even in his senior year. He also grew to nearly the top of the Pilot Uniform sizing options, leaving him in fear that he'd be dropped from the program as unsuitable because of his size. Fortunately at 194cm he just made the cutoff, even if it was a tight fit inside the cockpit of the light and agile Corvette Class Mecha.

Russo got off easier, finalizing his growth at a stocky and hairy 170cm tall. He was near the maximum sizes for waist, but that wasn't fat, he was simply solid muscle.

"Alright Pretty Boy, we're off to bed. Wake me up if I'm going to be late for breakfast. There's nothing I hate worse than missing meals." Ibanez laughs, heading into one of the rooms.

"Likewise, but not as tacky." Russo laughs, waving goodbye and setting an alarm on his watch.

Max decides he's going to have to requisition one of those soon, since he can't rely on the academy systems for the time being. Nico taps her empty wrist and Max nods, then heads for the datascreen to see if he can make the order.

"Already done. It will be here at 06:15, in case you snooze a little past your alarm." The petite pilot laughs before turning in for the night.

Max considers telling the others, who are still joking and laughing next door, that they're in for a long day tomorrow, but decides that they will learn better the hard way. Besides, a nice firm Kepler Navy issue mattress is waiting for him.

The nap might have been short and unfulfilling, but at least it was something, and Max is just about to hit the snooze button on the wall mounted alarm again when a Private from the logistics department arrives with his watch, plus an additional pillow and a fresh boot maintenance kit.

All Max can think is that the General was right, Nico would be a great Commissar. He's the one that can read minds, but somehow she still knows exactly what he needs, before he needs it. She even knew that the standard issue pillow was too flat for him and ordered a spare.

Ibanez and Russo are both awake by 06:30 and the four head over to the dorm to let everyone know breakfast is being served. It actually started an hour and a half ago, but they're all still up, gossiping and joking, so they might as well get some food in them before the General puts them to work.

"Looks like you were right. I hear officer's boots." Russo whispers to Max at precisely six fifty nine in the morning as they're sipping coffee. How he could hear that is beyond Max, most likely one of his System Abilities.

"Officer On Deck." Nico calls from her position nearest to the door as General Tennant walks in, forcing everyone to snap to attention.

"At ease. It's good to see you all so lively and well fed. I had thought the time change might be tougher on you all. Now, the 42nd has a fine collection of combat hardened Sergeants among their ranks who will happily educate you fine young gentlemen in the art of Mecha Piloting. Ibanez, Russo, Max and Nico, you're all with me and Colonel Marino from the 42nd Armored."

Groans fill the air as the Cadets realize they're about to face a full day's training after being too excited to sleep, but the four senior Cadets only smirk at each other.

The two officers aren't leading them to the same training area as the other Cadets though, they're leading the four Cadets into the training area reserved for the 42nd Armored.

"Welcome to day one of Crusader Class Mecha training. We don't have long to get you competent and certified, but you're all Alpha Rank talents, and we expect nothing but success from you." General Tennant declares when they reach the row of unfamiliar training simulators.

Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System - Chapter 36: Pecking Order
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