Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System
Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System - Chapter 31: New Function

It is while Max is working on one of the Line Mecha damaged by the Special Forces class that his system decides that he needs an upgrade. Most Alpha Rank Users will get an additional Function at some point in their school lives, since they become available after 50 points, with a second one likely after 100. The biggest question is what they'll get.

[Function Activating]

[New System Function Added: Unit Optimization] The System will assist the User in Maintaining Peak Performance of their Mecha Unit. Touch Required for activation.

Max marvels at the notification for a while, wondering just what exactly the system is going to do for him. But, when he touches the screen to run a system diagnostic on the next Line Mecha, a new interface opens in his mind, like a heads up display.

[42 Faults Found]

[Efficiency Reduced by 37%] Correct Now?

Max decides to see just what the system is doing, when a drop of his blood, then another and a third fall from his fingers onto the screen, quickly soaking in. Within seconds the damaged interior is pristine again, so Max exits the unit to see what still needs done and what the Nanobots that form his system can do themselves.

The wires and hydraulic hoses are mending themselves as he watches, and then a notification pops up in his mind, telling him which armor plates and mechanical components need replacing. Max simply follows the list, swapping damaged components as he goes until everything is done.

[Optimization Complete]

That is an absolutely incredible function. It will only perform the most basic of repairs, reattaching broken wires and mending hoses using the existing material, but the diagnostic ability alone makes it more than worth it. Before he can sign off on this unit he needs to systems test it, so Max straps himself in the cockpit and powers up the unit. The controls respond the instant that he wishes them to, none of the usual lag of outdated programs and decades of patched software. The interior lighting is just right, and when he takes it for the test walk around the Shop, the controls are exactly at his preferred sensitivity.

In short, the unit is perfect, better than the day it first came off the assembly line, and optimized to his own preference. In a higher quality mecha, the difference will be even greater. His Speed and Dexterity might not be amazing, at least not yet, but at this point, it almost doesn't matter, since the system has optimized the unit to his preference and ability.

"Colonel Black, I've got another unit ready for final checks." Max calls, opening the hatch to jump out onto the ground, and the Colonel comes over to double check his work.

To the Colonel, the unit is not quite as perfect, as it's optimized for Max and not him, but the quality of the repairs is immediately evident.

"Excellent work Cadet. Whatever you did to the software is working exactly right." Praise from the head mechanic and Principal of the school is hard to come by, so Max is going to savor this moment for a while, while he starts in on another unit. This one is entirely inoperative, it won't even boot up, but as soon as Max touches it, the System Function activates again.

[Unit Inoperable: Performing Emergency diagnostics]

[Solution: Replace Power Capacitor 7A and cycle power circuits to begin diagnostics]

Max follows the instructions and it's not long before he's got the unit up and running. It wasn't badly damaged, but the blown capacitor in the power relays killed it and cut all power to the mecha. This time Max doesn't optimize it for himself, only repairs the damages and sends it on its way. Finally he has a true advantage from his system, and not just the Alpha Rank privileged playing field that he started life with. That can hardly be counted, since he's not even the only one in his class that can boast about that level of system compatibility.

Max passes a few more days testing out his ability before they're finally cleared to start training on the Corvette Class Mecha. This will be the first real test of his new system function, using it inside a real Mecha on the live fire range. The Academy doesn't have full immersion trainers for the Corvette Class that train your body like they have for the Line Mecha, and once you know the controls, there's not much more to be learned inside a VR simulator. So, General Tennant has booked them three hours a day on the live fire range with Corvette Class Mecha usually reserved for staff members, equipped with Ion rifles to save on ammunition costs.

Both Cadets understand that they'll be repairing any damages they do to these units, so they'll have to treat them well, but that's not going to dampen their enthusiasm. When they strap themselves in and boot up their Mecha, Max takes a moment to check his system stats.

[Compatibility Determined] Rank A

[Primary Attribute] STR 2.5x modifier

[STR] 2+70%

[DEX] 2+24%

[SPD] 2+24%

[Innate Talent] Mind Reading

[Additional Function: Unit Optimization] activated

[Unit Optimized For Use]

Compared to the clunky and basic Line Mecha, the Corvette class machines are a thing of beauty. Standing 5 meters tall, they are a perfect mix of flowing lines and hard edges. Their torso isn't as tall as a Line Mecha and its more human proportions, since the power plant has been relocated behind the pilot instead of below, and the 'head' is removed in favor of more widely distributed sensor systems.

These models have standard humanoid hands and carry an Ion blaster, with flak rifles on either shoulder that the Academy doesn't provide ammunition for during training. While they cannot fly, they can jump huge distances with thruster assistance. Very convenient at the Academy, as they're used by teachers to intervene should a Cadet make a grave error.

Max and Nico line up side by side, in adjacent lanes of the live fire course and General Tennant starts the scenario without warning, causing a hail of fire to come flying for their mecha. The agile Corvette Class unit responds exactly as Max wants it to, throwing him out of sight behind a barricade and then spinning out the other side to shoot at the first of the dummies. The shot is true and the incoming fire slows enough for Max to move to the next point, gaining an angle to take out two more of the turret dummies.

They're designed to look like the Academy Line Mecha, but they're actually just energy absorbing ablative plating and a low powered Ion Rifle. His shots won't really damage them, just trigger their system to inactivate them for the run, but their weapons will certainly leave battle scars on his Mecha that he will have to fix later if they hit him.

Having the ability to see into everyone's memory is coming in handy now that his mecha does exactly what he wants it to. The instructors know this mecha in and out, every bit of what it is theoretically capable of, and with his new system function, Max can push it to the absolute limits.

Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System - Chapter 31: New Function
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