My Iyashikei Game
My Iyashikei Game - Chapter 20: Courage in Face of Fear

“Chen Chen has always been a shy boy. He normally won’t approach the other children in the building and prefer to be alone. But from who knows when, he suddenly became more extroverted. At the time, I was quite happy at this change.

I assumed it was because Chen Chen has finally found a friend whom he could play with. However, as time went by, I slowly noticed something was off. Chen Chen would only go out to play after 7 pm and he’d return all dirty and with wounds on his arms and cheeks.

“One time, he stayed out until very late. I got so worried that I asked the building manager’s help to find him. We searched for a long time before we found him inside the neighbourhood’s abandoned water tank. He was curled inside all alone and his body trembled from the cold. We asked him what he was doing and he said he was playing with hide and seek with his friend. When I asked him for the name of his friend, Chen Chen held out for a long time before he was willing to reveal his friend’s name. It was Weep.

“At the time, I was confused. What kind of parents would name their child Weep? But when the building manager heard the name, his expression shifted immediately. He then asked Chen Chen whether this Weep stayed on the 3rd floor. Chen Chen nodded. The building manager then told me something that haunts me until this day. The room with the talismans is not the site of any murder but it is the location for an incident that is much inexplicable and horrible than that.

“When the neighbourhood was first built, there were children going missing every so often. Naturally a search was initiated and they found the missing children’s clothes and toys inside Room 1034 on the 3rd floor. It was then that the rumours of Room 1034 being a child-eating home started to circulate. It was not until everyone worked together to seal up all the windows and doors of Room 1034 that the disappearance stopped. I have no idea how the child by the name of Weep is related to the house, but once the disappearance ceased, so did the appearance of this child. Weep has not been heard of for a long time until Chen Chen mentioned his name again that day.”

The old lady’s wrinkles folded together. “Ever since I forbade Chen Chen from going out with Weep, it was like some spirit had taken over Chen Chen. His temper turned explosive and he kept saying that someone was waiting for him, calling his name. Whenever my heart softened at his pleas, he’d run to the opposite house and mumble to himself by the front door. He’d laugh and cry on his own. In the end, I had no choice but to lock him up inside the bedroom.”

After hearing the old lady’s story, Han Fei’s heart chilled. There were so many scary things inside this building. However, none of them dared to get close to Room 1034 and had to eventually seal the house shut, that went to show how scarily powerful this Weep was.

“After I decided to lock Chen Chen up in his bedroom, his personality worsened. Yesterday, after lunch, the kid sneaked out when I was not paying attention. When I got to the door, I noticed the door opposite was left half open. Someone had removed the talismans and wooden boards.” The old lady sighed. It was clear that she was truly concerned about Chen Chen.

“Chen Chen might have removed the talismans himself but he’s too small to peel back those boards. It should be the work of some other tenants.” Han Fei realized none of the tenants here was normal so he had to consider things from the worst perspective. “Has there been anything serious and out of the place that happened here recently?”

“Not that I know of.” The old woman shook her head, but after giving it some thought, she added, “Wait, now that you mention it, I have not seen the building manager for a long time already. It’s like he too has gone missing.”

“The building manager?” This person kept getting featured in this tale so Han Fei had to ask, “Granny, who is this building manager that you keep mentioning?”

“He’s the tenant who has stayed here the longest. He’s about 60 and is very kind. He shares a good relationship with most of the older tenants. But as they departed one after another, his physical conditions deteriorated. It was as if their departure took a physical toll on him.”

‘Can one’s physical condition not take a toll from staying at this place?’ Han Fei thought back to what Meng Si said and her description of the building manager did match someone in his mind, “Granny, this building manager, does he have a head of white hair and a black mark around his neck…”

“Yes! Where have you seen him?” The granny nodded with shock.

‘It is really him?!’ The clues slowly lined up in Han Fei’s mind. The building manager was the old man who sold Han Fei the gaming helmet! There was more to this old man than he appeared! The cemetery custodian was probably just one of his identities!

Han Fei’s brain worked quickly. He still had too little information. “Granny, do you know where I can normally find the building manager?”

“He stays at Room 1101 on the 10th floor. Do you plan to get the building manager to help find Chen Chen?” Meng Si frowned deeply, “But the corridor is very unsafe. Furthermore, if we leave now, we might run right into Weep.”

Han Fei memorized the number 1101, this was the first important clue he obtained since he entered the game. ‘If I wish to get to Room 1101, I need to go upstairs. But I am now just level 2, the chance of reaching the 10th floor is too low. I better take this slow.’

Taking a glance at Meng Si, Han Fei had an idea. Chen Chen was Meng Si’s most important family. If he could rescue Chen Chen from danger, he would gain absolute trust from Meng Si. Han Fei would never fathom the possibility of forming an ally with an old lady when he started the game but now, he could use every help he could get. Furthermore, Meng Si did technically save his life earlier so this was his way of repaying her.

Han Fei’s plan was to somehow lure Weep into his own home on the 4th floor and have the Frankenstein monster deal with Weep. Suppose the monster was unable to kill Weep, at least it would be strong enough to hold Weep back for some precious time, time that Meng Si and Han Fei needed to enter Room 1034 to look for Chen Chen. Even if Chen Chen was still not found after doing all that, Han Fei should have gained sufficient trust from Meng Si due to the many risks that he had taken on her behalf in search of Chen Chen. By the end of the day, Han Fei would have a neighbour that he could truly call his friend inside this scary hellish apartment!

After much deliberation, Han Fei made the decision. He opted to reach for this rare opportunity. Taking a deep breath, Han Fei told the old woman in a tone that suggested a death-instilled determination, “Granny, I have an idea that might save Chen Chen.”

“What kind of idea?” The old lady asked anxiously.

“I’ll be the bait to lure Weep upstairs. You will use the opening to enter the opposite house. If Chen Chen is really in there, you have to grab him and leave.”

“No! You will be risking your own life! I can’t let you do that!” The old woman rejected it firmly.

“Granny, we have to do something.” Han Fei offered his sincere thoughts. “How about this, we’ll wait here for 3 hours. If 3 hours later, Chen Chen still hasn’t returned and Weep is still guarding outside the door, we’ll follow my plan. I’ll lead him away and you’ll go to the opposite house to find Chen Chen. If Weep leaves within these 3 hours, then we can go upstairs to get other neighbours to help us.”

“But, be it luring Weep away or going to ask other neighbours for help, they are both extremely dangerous. A careless move and you’ll lose your life, aren’t you afraid?” The granny was worried about Han Fei.

“Of course, I am afraid but there is no better solution.” Han Fei said firmly as he worked his icy fingers. “But true courage is only shown when one chooses to do the right thing in face of fear and danger.”

Noting Han Fei’s willingness to go so far for her grandson, Meng Si was truly touched. At that moment, the robotic voice suddenly rang inside Han Fei’s brain, “Notification for Player 0000! Friendliness with Meng Si increases by 10. Forming a peaceful neighbourly relationship is the first step to a perfect life.

“Notification for Player 0000! Grade G Hidden Mission, Search for Chen Chen has been triggered! Will you accept this mission?”

My Iyashikei Game - Chapter 20: Courage in Face of Fear
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